Bronze Knight

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  1. The steam punk pack gave me a few parts that helped to round out my steampunk toon Valkyrie's Executor

  2. As far as i know its WAI My DP/Traps has gotten a few warnings before. Generally tho if squishys are being called out, its because the tanks and scrapers aren't doing their job.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Anyone who doesn't know what *Motherhood* does to a woman's figure ... even if she is being mindridden by a delusional 80+ year old redhead with a "Mommy Complex" ...
    Well now we know exactly why Calvin Scott wants his wife back...
  4. I think my current favorite name is Victoria Von Heilwig
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
    I would duel you for that title, but you're like the fourth person I've seen to who knows RahXephon exists and doesn't immediately write it off as an Evangelion clone, so I think there's room on this forum for two of us.
    I have no idea how people get from RahXephon to Evanglion. They story's have allmost nothing in common.

    And RahXephon was better. Not to even mention how mutch hotter Haruka is than Asuka.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Simply put, endgame stuff screws MMs big time. I pity those that don't have inate defences like Bots/Traps does, because trying to imagine my guy with just SOs, for example, is a very painful image.


    I'm not planing on taking my Mercs/Traps out on the new trials until the devs at least say something about this.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
    An exhibition of the Most Common Superpower... Also a Cleavage Window. Given the character, she's unlikely to have a Victoria's Secret Compartment, though...

    Wait... What happened? WHERE DID THE LAST FOUR HOURS GO?!?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    And dinosaurs. And robot dinosaurs.

    O. Hell. Yes.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    Is it sad that whenever someone posts this I know exactly what it links to before clicking it, yet I click it every time?

    It means only that you are still sane.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master Zaprobo View Post
    Well, I'd like to see an "Orbital Cannon" Judgement- using a mix of the initial animation for Surveillance and then the targetting reticle for the Warwalker Orbital Lance.

    Would fit for Natural and Tech characters nicely


    I wonder if they could also do a [Hail of Bullets V2 on meth], judgment option.
  11. Bronze Knight


    Will the FX get bigger the higher you go? I got my T1 Void tonight and its not overly impressive in visual or sound department. But its not bad in the DAMAGE department, E.G. the important one.
  12. I have fould supressive fire to be useless Piercing rounds are far better at killing runners than any thing else.

    This is my Cor's build. Just another way of doing things, it may give you some ideas.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
    A (useless) temporary buff ("Carrying an acid grenade") would do that, no?
    But how are we going to find it in the huge list of buffs?
  14. Will Interface work with caltrops, acid mortar, and trip mine?

    I know it works with MM pets but what about pusudo/regular pets?
  15. DAMIT were were in the middle of a Lambda, and what happens the servers go DOWN AGAIN!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Or how about some patch notes?


    It can't be that hard to put them up, in fact they should have been written up and ready last night.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Darkfaith View Post
    I've found that it's easier to get iXP from Lambda, but easier to get threads and merits from BAF. Did 5 runs of BAF yesterday, some successful, some not, and finally unlocked Judgement. Did 2 runs of Lambda today, neither successful, but managed to unlock Interface anyways. I'll probably keep running that until I have Destiny unlocked, then switch over to BAF for drops.

    I did 3 failed runs of lambada and opend my interface slot. and got a total of 12 threads

    I run ONE failed BAF and I got 12 threads.
  18. I don't like it but for a totally different reason. I can understand (even if i don't like it) why we can't be in a mission while on the queue.

    However completing Lambada with a 8 man PUG league is nigh imposable right now. Any more iTrials I do I will start by foruming my own full 2 team league. Which means that the new LFG system is USELESS for the iTrials it was made for...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    And I'd still love to know why exactly defense is so radically challenged but resistance is relatively untouched. It almost sounds like they're trying to balance against IOs through enemy design which I hope isn't the case, because that would be intensely idiotic.

    It is my belief that this is exactly whats happening. As it is now everyone is equally fethed.

    The guy with a few billion into his toon and the guy with SO's are on equal footing in the big fights.

    I have a LONG list of issues with I20 but I'm holding off on that post till I can play through it some more.
  20. Really don't like how the incarnate system is potrayed here. Makes it sound like the player is norhing copared to the established chairtors. Not to mention our getting incarnate power as a mear "side effect" and not something the player is actively seeking. The vid it self is good (but they dident show the flotilla) the writing however, could use some work IMHO.
  21. 1. If backpacks are released in a pay-for booster its all torches and pitchforks. I would rather see it be Steampunk items for Paragon studios sake.

    2. I20 is here and we have no IDF costumes RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!
  22. I would start by using Mids, the download version not the online one.

    Mids is the standard as far as build planning is concerned.

    I can also share my Bot/FF build to give you some ideas. keep in mind that this is built to suit my play stile . I have no -KB powers a fact that many will balk at but its all a matter of personal preference.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that with Bot/FF you can soft cap your pets. Mids dosen't count the 7.8 somthing defense you get form the protector bots you have to add that manually.

    You should be able to find more definitive numbers at Paragon wiki and City of Data.

    (Do you know what the soft cap is?)

    My build keep in mind there are lots of other ways to make any build depending on what you want to do. weather or not you wnat to use IO's and what you want you toon capable of doing.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  23. Bronze Knight

    issue20 tuesday?

    Am now updated as well. Blows my mind considering my ISP and that it's raining here!

    New launcher kicks *** and takes names!