Traps/Dual Pistols - Build advice and general advice request!

Bronze Knight



So, here's a Traps/DP build I worked on! The overall goal is to throw down the primary traps, jump back, and do a few rotations of either Piercing Rounds > Executioner's Shot > Empty Clips (Damage isn't the concern here, it's simply debuffing!) versus a single target, or Piercing Rounds/Hail of Bullets > Bullet Rain > Empty Clips for AoEing. Something along those lines.

Recharge was the primary focus, along with a natural soft cap. There /are/ a lot of Forced Feedback procs to take note of, and I know they have diminishing returns, but recharge is amazing for Traps! But if people think damage procs are more impacting, do tell!

Endurance is a minor concern, but a tray of blues exists for a reason. Purple sets exist to take note of, but they're not terribly important and I'd like to find out how overly effective this pairing is, and if I enjoy it, before I start going "All Out".

As an additional note, I do feel 'bad' about not having Triage Beacon. Dual Wield isn't really used in either of my rotations, and I could see myself dropping it for Triage Beacon. The beacon isn't a terribly /good/ ability, but I'd at least me using it.

Anywho, feedback on the power sets, on the build, and such are much appreciated~!

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Note: Second build with Osmiridium's advice.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Just a few things of the top of my head.

You seem to prioritize recovery, which is fine, but you have exceeded the rule of 5 on 2 of the 2.5% recovery bonuses. You also take Mu for charged armor, but skip Power Sink and Conserve Power. One or both of those powers would go MUCH father than the recovery bonuses anyway for end management.

You probably are a bit overkill on the Force Feedback +Recharge IOs (though I like getting a couple in myself). Might consider swapping the one in Empty Clips for another Achilles' Heel proc instead.

Consider trying to work in the Devastation proc into Acid Mortar as it takes ranged damage sets. Combined with the Lockdown proc Poison Trap which you have in there already you will see lots of randomly held mobs.

If you do the above, Suppresive Fire is a bit wasted. Traps already has significant mitigation in it's debuffs alone. Adding in the nice hold procs in the pulsing AoE powers and you may not need it much (a possible good spot to work in your triage beacon too).



I am exceeding the 2.5%, I agree. However, the overlaying problem is I didn't /care/ about the recovery so much as the much more valuable recharge bonus. There's nothing I can do about it, and breaking the Rule of 5 for the sake of Recharge is worthwhile. But, I do see where I can fix that issue, so thanks for bringing it to my attention again.

Charged Armor is simply too good to drop. A huge amount of resistance to three of the most common damage types in the game, especially in Incarnate Content, is /far/ too good to skip. Which is why it took it's priority.

Conserve Power... I flatly do not like. It's a lackluster power overall. The recharge is ludicrous for what it does.

Power Sink I /can/ agree with. I can get it down to about 31 seconds, which is pretty lovely. If I don't go from 100-0 within 31 seconds, I think it may be worth considering over Suppressive Fire, anyway.

I might take a Heel Proc in Empty Clips, as suggested. It's simply there to get 'ensured' procs, but having the proc in Bullet Rain may be enough. As well, since it doesn't stack, and Acid Mortar is slotted with it, it's something to note.

As for Acid Mortar and the Hold Proc, well. That's an interesting idea. I'd need to double check Acid Mortar's AoE radius to see if it's overall /worth/ it, but I might do that.

Overall, thanks for the advice.



Oh yeah, I didn't mean to imply that you should drop Charged Armor for the other powers, just that it would be easier to work them in since you already took the pool to begin with. Layering a nice resistance shield on a set that can get to the soft cap for defense is always a good idea if you can swing it.



I've been leveling a DP/Traps corr. and overall, I really like your build. I too love the idea of soft-capping Defense and then adding in a hefty dose of Resistances.

The Hold proc in Acid Mortar is wonderful.

The Lockdown proc in Poison Gas Trap is also all sorts of fun-ness.

I want to put in a good word for Supressive Fire though. I tend to get a lot of runners and it gets pretty annoying to lay your traps only to have the mobs go, "eek, run away!" I tend to use Supressive Fire on one before he can leave. It's not looking like this will go into my final build because there's too many toggles that I would probably get more use out of but I think I will really miss it.

Triage Beacon is another one I'm just partial to. It brings out the Healer (tm) in me and I feel better when it's out even though I don't think it's every swayed the tide of battle by being out. But I sure do like to see that glowing triangle of comfort. And nothing brings a team of squishies closer together than that pulsating triangle.

I haven't tried the Achilles in Empty Clips. I do put one in Acid Mortar although I have seen some builds where they 6 slot Shield Breaker instead for the Defense bonus.

Traps is a lot of fun to experiment with in regard to procs. Add in Pistols and you can get all sorts of combos.

I hear that Oppressive Gloom in Dark Mastery works well with Trapsters. That might help me to skip Suppressive Fire...

What do you think of Piercing Rounds? It seems to make everyone's build but to me, it takes forever to fire off.



I can see Blasters or Corruptors not using Piercing Rounds... but for Defenders have it at -20% Resistance. We're not here for damage, we're here for debuffs and buffs.

The 2.5oddsecond cast time is a non-factor due to the fact that using it effectively increases your team's, or Leagues, damage significantly. THAT is why I am taking Piercing Rounds.

As for Suppressive Fire's uses, yes, that is true... but between Caltrops, Poison Trap, Seeker Drones, and such things... and the fact I will never have to solo, it's not a /big/ deal. But it's something to note, thanks.



To get Piercing Rounds to give you the -Res debuff, you can't use any of your special ammo, correct? Corruptors still get it at a -15% debuff which isn't too shabby.

Also, I can't seem to get it to hit "up to three enemies" very often. The mobs don't seem to be nice enough to line up for me. I try to like it (mostly because everyone else seems to) but I just have a hard time using it is all.

If you exclusively team, yeah, I wouldn't use Supressive Fire very much either. Sorry, I didn't realize that the build was solely for teams.



I've got better toons built for soloing. While this Defender /could/ solo, I wouldn't have bosses on anyway for that. Bosses are inefficient.

And yeah, I don't view Piercing Rounds as an AoE. It's a single target that just so happens to be able to AoE.



I have fould supressive fire to be useless Piercing rounds are far better at killing runners than any thing else.

This is my Cor's build. Just another way of doing things, it may give you some ideas.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Interesting, but not being considered. Due to the fact that Corruptors have Fire Blast, I can't see myself using any other set. Fire Blast is just way too overpowered.

Additionally, I also don't like the build too much. The recharge levels aren't high enough for how I personally play Traps, but it's a "To Each His/Her Own" statement.



Originally Posted by Graile View Post
To get Piercing Rounds to give you the -Res debuff, you can't use any of your special ammo, correct? Corruptors still get it at a -15% debuff which isn't too shabby.

Also, I can't seem to get it to hit "up to three enemies" very often. The mobs don't seem to be nice enough to line up for me. I try to like it (mostly because everyone else seems to) but I just have a hard time using it is all.
Right, piercing round's debuff comes when you're using standard ammo. You actually shouldn't worry too much about hitting too many things with it. If you're using fire ammo, piercing rounds is one of your three best single target attacks, so hitting more than one thing is a nice bonus. And if you're focusing on -res on an AV, then your personal damage contribution isn't as important, so that's not an issue.



I don't have any experience with Piercing Rounds as it isn't in my plan for a few reasons.

1 - I don't want to switch ammo just for the -RES debuff, but that's just me.
2 - I work in 3 Achilles Heel procs, 2 of them in AoE powers and the other in Pistols, which is MUCH faster to activate and recharge than Piercing Rounds.
3 - I simply don't have enough slots left to do anything with it even if I wanted to take it.
4 - I don't go for all out recharge, but that's also back to a personal playstyle. My ST attack chain of Pistols->DW->Pistols->Exec. Shot is good enough with my recharge levels.
5 - If you are looking at getting more debuff action, just switch to Cryo or Chemical Ammo on teams and lay into em. But see my first reason about not wanting to toggle ammo for Piercing Rounds.