My Robo/FF Build (Newbie needs help! =) <3 )

Bronze Knight



Hi folks,

Jax the newb here, requesting help on my Robo/FF planned build for 50 now that I'm only 1.3 lvs away. =D First character, yay! But I digress. If I had my time over I would've gone this build from the start (I think), but as it stands I'm planning on making it my second build, then starting to fit it with as many IOs as I can, using my primary build to keep playing for the time being (fully outfitted with 25 IOs - pseudo-SOs as I like to call them). Once it's fully slotted with at least 50 IOs, I'll make it my primary. But I digress...

Essentially, this is the build I have planned out for the time being, and I was just wondering if I could get any feedback on what is good and isn't, including what levels I'm getting stuff at (for when I'm doing Ouro and stuff). I'm a very new player, and while I've been trying to get better and think I'm doing ok, I'm well aware that a lot of stuff could've missed the mark completely!

Finally, I might be playing my MM wrong, but I'm putting huge emphasis on the pets, using them as almost my entire dps, with my actual toon mainly controlling enemies and buffing the bots. If I am missing the mark, someone please help me out!

In any case... (as forewarning, my big problems are with my powers at 22 (Hasten), 44 (Mace Beam Volley), and 49 (no idea, but Vengeance atm), so feel free to skip to those ones ^^)

1 - Battle Drones
1 - Force Bolt
2 - Deflection Shield
4 - Insulation Shield
6 - Equip Robot
8 - Aid Other
10 - Detention Field
12 - Protector Bots
14 - Aid Self
16 - Personal Force Field
18 - Repair
20 - Dispersion Bubble
22 - Hasten (this one may seem a bit off, but I'm quite happy with the increased bot recharge speed, while I don't see a huge benefit to taking flight/tp/sj on this char - super speed works quite well)
24 - Super Speed
26 - Assault Bot
28 - Assault
30 - Tactics
32 - Upgrade Robot
35 - Maneuvers
38 - Force Bubble
41 - Web Envelope (wasn't 100% sure before I took this, but having used it a bit, I looooove it for dealing with flying enemies (pretty much one of the only things in my build that can), and fleeing enemies (force bolt works but I obv need to get them between me and the bots to push them in the right direction ^^))
44 - Mace Beam Volley (now this one I'm definitely not sure on. Haven't found it very useful on my current build. In theory it could be good, but I took it for the knockback which doesn't seem to happen nearly enough. What would be a better choice out of Scorpion Shield/Power Boost? I'm leaning towards Power Boost for FF buffs, but the short duration combined with long cooldown is a bit displeasing. Thoughts?)
47 - Web Cocoon (haven't had the chance to use it in my current build yet as I'm getting it at 49, but seeing how much I loved the envelope and love detention field, I'm thinking it'll definitely earn it's spot)
49 - Ok, this one I need a lot of help with. It's essentially an empty spot right now. I have a few options - the plasma rifle attacks of Robotics, but I don't rate them very highly. There are repulsion field and bomb left in FFs, but Repulsion Field seems pretty useless in PvE compared to Force Bubble, and Repulsion Bomb doesn't do nearly enough from what I've found. I can take Stimulant and Resuscitate from Medicine - Stimulant seems way too situational when my bots resist most statuses, and Resuscitate will ideally not get used often enough to be worth a slot. In speed I have Flurry and Whirlwind - both seemingly worthless. For Leadership I could pick up Vengeance, which I've seen first hand is a fantastic ability. It seems pretty situational though, so I'm not 100% sure, but at the moment it's my choice. I can pick up one of the Mace powers I don't end up getting (doesn't seem worthwhile, the 2 I'm mainly in there for are the web grenades), or I can pick up a starter power from the other trees - Fighting (doesn't seem worthwhile), Flight (the defense buff from hover doesn't seem big enough to give up a power slot, and while Air Superiority is a great power I'd rather just use the Web Grenades than get in melee range with my actual toon), Concealment (without having stealth myself giving my bots invisibility doesn't seem nearly useful enough), Leaping (like hover, the defense from combat jumping doesn't seem useful enough), Presence (no), and Teleportation (recall friend could be useful if my bots are playing up and get stuck, or teleport foe could be another way to stop fleeing/flying foes).

Thanks in advance for any help; I really, really appreciate it!


P.S. As an additional question, I am curious about two pet enhancements: chance to build up, and resist bonus. Which bots would you put these in? Resist bonus seems like it'd be best in battle drones as they're the flimsiest and probably need the most help, but chance to build up seems like it could be great in both battle drones (3x bots for plenty of attacks and plenty of chances to proc), or in the assault bot (much more damaging attacks, making the individual build up procs more deadly). Any thoughts?



I would start by using Mids, the download version not the online one.

Mids is the standard as far as build planning is concerned.

I can also share my Bot/FF build to give you some ideas. keep in mind that this is built to suit my play stile . I have no -KB powers a fact that many will balk at but its all a matter of personal preference.

Another thing to keep in mind is that with Bot/FF you can soft cap your pets. Mids dosen't count the 7.8 somthing defense you get form the protector bots you have to add that manually.

You should be able to find more definitive numbers at Paragon wiki and City of Data.

(Do you know what the soft cap is?)

My build keep in mind there are lots of other ways to make any build depending on what you want to do. weather or not you wnat to use IO's and what you want you toon capable of doing.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



As BK said.. MIDs build would be better for many to look at.

Further I would use the search feature and do a search for Force Field in these forums. I'm positive you will find several thread related to Robot FF MM and builds and other info related. I did the search myself to make sure. Again it just to get you some insight on other builds and ideas.

Finally just in general your build is pretty much what man Force Field masterminds go with. There might be some changes here and there ,but not many. If you take a overall look at masterminds you will start to see that there are some key powers that just about every sane mastermind picks up and slots in a similar fashion to everyone else. You just do not have that much wiggle room as a mastermind, especially as a FF Mastermind. Your gonna take the bubbles and your going to take the 3 pets. Your going to take Tactic and Maneuvers. Many have Aid other and Aid self. There are just not that many powers to choose from as a Robot FF MM.

So in a nutshell your not off the mark. But you need to do a bit more foot work before someone else bothers to take the time to help you out. Especially since the sets are old enough to have the same builds posted over and over again on these forums.

Here is my build to look at in mids.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:



Originally Posted by Jaxson B View Post
P.S. As an additional question, I am curious about two pet enhancements: chance to build up, and resist bonus. Which bots would you put these in? Resist bonus seems like it'd be best in battle drones as they're the flimsiest and probably need the most help, but chance to build up seems like it could be great in both battle drones (3x bots for plenty of attacks and plenty of chances to proc), or in the assault bot (much more damaging attacks, making the individual build up procs more deadly). Any thoughts?
Resist bonus goes wherever you've got the room. It's an aura around your mastermind that applies to any pets within range, so it doesn't matter what power you slot it in.

Chance for Buildup goes best in the Assault Bot. It's got a chance to fire for each target hit, and the Assault Bot throws AoEs around like mad, so it'll fire almost every time if you're facing a large group.