Bronze Knight

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  1. Bronze Knight

    Ascension auras

    Heads up picture spam.

    Ok here is magnetic. Unlocked it hoping for a less comical version of clunker but its just as bad IMO.

    Here is the Ultimate power emote. Geting my merits worth out of this one.

    But the best part of this emote?

    /petsay_all <em ultimatepower>

  2. If any one cares this is build I now have slotted on live. It's working great so far Endurance usage is surprisingly manageable. However I do have to pace my attacks if everything is running. However I think Ageless will solve that problem once I get it to T3. PFF and FON work well together for geting out of doge and living to tell the tale. Provoke is in there so I don't have to drop body guard just to get my pets to attack in iTrials. The high recharge is damn nice too.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    You heard it here first... I'm the Anti-Aranaville! Or Arcana is the Anti-Steelclaw... or something... hmmm... I'll have to reverify my religious texts and prophecies on the matter.

    As far as "winning" the game... *I* win... every time I play... but no... there is no real way to win the Tournament... although if there were it would probably involve actually having a character reach 50th level.

    I thought that ment that you were Aranaville's praetorian counterpart.

    Or maybe Aranaville is your praetorian counterpart either way I'm sure you have a spread sheet to figure it out.
  4. Organica, Samuel your both right.

    Organica your saying that after making a toon and later on earning an additional costume part you feel that that costume part is a bage of honor. it says "This is what I have experienced, look at me, my costume reflects this it says something about what I have survived."

    Unlockable costume parts are great for this purpose when your story doesn't call for them.

    That is Sams beef with unlocks. Some times you make a cool concept and costume and then you go to select your weapon only to have to use a stand in that looks like krap and pulls you out of the character every time you go to play it. this forces you to wait until level 35 or 45 before you can actually start to really enjoy your character the way you intended to.

    The solution is simple. Allow us to buy vouchers for weapons. One Astral merit for a weapon you've unlocked on a different character.

    For example my mercenaries/traps has unlocked the nemesis assault rifles however my assault rifle/devices blaster has not. so I log into my mercenaries/traps go to Oro pay a single Astral merit and get the voucher So that I can then log into my assault rifle blaster and unlock that weapon and update my steam punk costume for that character.

    Or let's say I don't have a carnival mallett unlocked on any of my characters but I do have the badge for killing illusions so log in the character has that badge Go to Oro and boom one Astral merit for a voucher So that I can make a level one Warmace character login and get the Carnival mallet.

    My point is that if you have the weapon unlocked or the badge that would unlock that weapon you should be able to get a voucher for a single astral merit to unlock that weapon on any other character.
  5. Bronze Knight

    I enjoyed that!

    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    2) Don't touch Antimatter! Oop, better put pets in Passive mode then, with their trigger happy AoEs! Oh, look, bodyguard mode goes off! Two shotted! Yay!

    3) And this is the big one.
    WHY do Praetorian mobs have such high base accuracy? Vickies seem to totally ignore defences, and this is with a softcapped MM with T3 Barrier up. BAM. Eye lasered and dead.
    Praetorians do NOT need such high accuracy. There are ENOUGH things screwing you over in trials as it is, WITHOUT them having an 'I win button'.

    Ran one failed Keys last night on my MM. These were the only two things that really bothered me. The pets level shifts helped tho.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Hey all,

    There are no plans for significant updates to PVP ever.


    - Z

  7. Wohoo flame war!

    *Grabs popcorn.*
  8. And bought.

    Pleasure doing business with ya.
  9. Ok you in game now? I can meet you in PD in 10min
  10. I'll buy it what server you on?

    You can Gleemail HO's right?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelic_EU View Post
    As in I fly behind the pets while using GOTO to keep them going?

    It is noteworthy that I have use this tactic long ago to keep the pets moving WITH me. But the problems are: 1) too fiddly; 2) the MM always move faster than the pets, one way or another the pets will fall behind (but with Group Fly, pets can fly faster than the MM, worth testing it out); 3) on ground level, pets have pathing issues, which another post has pointed that out, which makes it less likely the pets will travel in unison with the MM.


    1. Are you useing a keybind? Namely this set of keybinds?
    2. I was only talking about useing this for group fly. for long distance travile I set my pets to pasive/stay and let them teleport to me.
    3. I suspect the cause for this has something to do with this. The pets can't figure out what navagation system to use after engageing in combat so they use the default. I would try turing off group fly after combat and then retoggle it to "reset" your pets into "fly mode".
  12. If you have the time you should set yourself to follow on a pet and then use the GOTO command on that pet for midair movement to see if you can avoid the stop and go AI wonkyness.
  13. Re-re-posting my big weapon suggestion. Apparently I killed the other thread. (Yes that's me IRL) Also if any one wants to know what that is I'm holding its a Russian breach loaded mortar 1:1 scale.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    To further illustrate - VIP get's 400 pts, 1 Character Transfer per month and sig story arcs included in their sub.

    400 pts = $5.00
    Transfer = $10.00
    Sig Story Arcs = $5.00

    $20.00 per month included as part of your monthly VIP sub.

    We definitely feel there's plenty of value there, and there's plenty more benefits to talk about for VIP's.
    Here it is people straight from a red name! The game will soon be giving us $20 a month! However Paragon Studios is a sneaky one, by giving us a digital $20 a month we don't actually know whether they are sequentially numbered or random! Don't they have any idea how hard it is to stack digital $20 bills when we don't even know how they are numbered! This travesty is an insult to the many veteran players of this game, the very "VIPs" they claim to be protecting!

    For that matter we don't even get a whole solid $20 digital bill. NO all we get is two fives and a ten! So now we have two different denominations and they still have no numbers on them! We don't know if the fives are sequential and the tens are random or not! Maybe I wanted my tens sequentially numbered and my fives to be random!


    I Urge you my fellow players protest this tragedy with all your might.

    At the very least add an option to Null the Gull to select which currency we would like to be randomly numbered and which we would like to be sequentially numbered!

    *The above post is made in JEST. I'm not being serious here.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post

    That's me singing, by the way. There is no traditional tune for 'Mary Mary Quite Contrary' so I created one based on Vlad's music.

    O on the contrary there is.
  16. The shaky cam in the dirty hospital was excellent!

    Looking forward to the full trailer DR.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JD_Gumby View Post
    Go Cardiac or suffer Endurance problems until the end of time.


    Your toggles are not the source of your end drain its your attacks. The only thing that solved END problems for my Crab was going with Cardiac.

    My bulid.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  18. My opinion on bases is that everything relating in their functions and items to PVP should be removed. after all the developers have no intention of ever Fixing PVP. Therefore the likelihood of base raiding being fixed is zero.

    (Edit to clarify: I do not mean remove things like gun turrets and power generators, Rather I wish to simply remove any restrictions upon their placement and location allowing them to be used as decorative items)

    I will preface this next part with the statement that I have never touched the base editor. Nor for that matter actively participated in any Supergroup for any length of time.

    First thing I would do is remove prestige from the game entirely. it is this outsiders opinion that the only reason prestige exists in this game and is tied to bases was to act as a balancer for PVP. It is no longer necessary, all it is doing now is stifling creativity. I have browsed the Base Picture threads and was amazed at what was possible but felt that it was entirely out of my reach.

    When you remove the need for prestige for the buying and equipping of bases as well as their upkeep they become social environments. I see a base as a sort of private Pocket D, you invite your best friends there and hang out. It would be a nice private environment to role-play in, and would fulfill the need for player housing.

    It's your Batcave, it's your Space Station, it's your Underwater Castle, it's your Interdimensional Zeppelin, it's your sewer lair, it's an abandoned base under Faultline, it's your apartment in the middle of Atlas Park. It's whatever you say it is (by the way add A description Text pop-up for our Base so that when people visit they know where you intended the base to be set or can read some background on your base.)

    I find it highly disappointing that although we have the tools for creating highly immersive and personalized spaces it is locked behind an archaic system that is no longer needed.
  19. Re-posting my big weapon suggestion. (Yes that's me IRL) Also if any one wants to know what that is I'm holding its a Russian breach loaded mortar 1:1 scale.

  20. Looks good I messed around trying to take Numnas out of aid self so you could put the unique in health but I couldn't find any thing better.

    Unless... you put 5 Serendipity in Dispersion Bubble. That brings up your AOE DEF to 34% but you lose the damage and recharge bonus.

    Up to you tho.
  21. If you wanted to you could get rid of photon grenade. I mean I know why you have it in there but the redraw would bother me. Maybe take repair and move 3 slots to repulsion bomb and have 3 recharge IO's in repair. But you do have a lower global recharge so you may want to keep photon.

    Just comes down to what you want in the build.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kinetoa View Post
    I edited to include the data chunk. I am *not* in the habit of not including it, but I was on a different pc at home, and it was unchecked, sorry.

    I am looking at your build to extract the key concepts, and will see what I can slipstream in. I like the concept of 3 attack powers from the APP/PPP.

    The pet purps are easy to get, but those other purple sets are outside my price range right now, so I may do an "orange" version of some of your slotting ideas.

    To be honest there outside of my "normal" price range as well. I am waiting for I20.5 to see how this toon plays with the buffs. IF I think its worth it I'll do it. MM's are something the dev's are being highly reluctant to work on, with, around in terms of end game systems. I don't want to pour a lot of cash into this toon only to see it sit on the selection screen collecting dust.

    The stun purple set is "cheep" Apoc and Rag.... no so much. However the only reason those sets are in there is to balance out the END drain when running ALL the toggles. Endurance issues are killing this toon right now both figuratively and literally. It should be ranged and AOE caped with the bots out.

    The last non purple build I had for this toon was this.... a lot has changed since then tho.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  23. Please post data chunks with your build. Build lists are fine when your not at home but please include the data chunk as well.

    Your build looks fine given your stated goal but I offer you this build. I am planing to slot this some time next week when she hits 50. Still needs a Kismet and more recharge IMO but its a work in progress.

    Of course I don't worry about knockback the way most other people do.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
    First time I was a chainsword was in the game Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.².

    Hows does it feel to be a chain sword? To feel the ripping and gnashing of your enemies flesh as you cut into the marrow of their very bones!

    ....Bumpy ride?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Thank you very much. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside due to your added hospitality.

    You my good sir are welcome.

    I will say again that the only thing necessary to resolve the naming problem is the proper application of creativity.