On the Function of Super Group Bases




This is a thread I decided to start to fulfill a few tasks:

1a. For us to be able to discuss/list possible improvements that could be made to the functionality of bases.

2a. To present it before even those who are not conventionally base editors to find out what they would like that would make them interested in bases. (This is why I didn't put this in the Base Building forum)

Some guidelines (but not hard and fast rules) I would like to lay down for this thread are these:

1b. Please keep it to ideas or discussions on functional matters. Art is a highly objective thing, I'm sure David Nakayama could spend hours arguing with JUST HIMSELF on artwork that would work for bases.

2b. Keep it realistic. Asking for expanded storage bins is realistic, asking to be able to use our bases as maps in Mission architect or turn them into Incarnate trial maps, however, is not. Though those do sound awesome, and it is a vague line.

Next, let's look at some of the issues with bases as they stand now:

1c. No new functional or decorative items added since issue 11 (the aspect pillar).
(Though issue 16 did lower the badge requirements for many SG badges)

2c. Loss of Base Raiding (which isn't a big loss for some, but still was a loss for others)

3c. Loss or bugs in the following crafted base items: Advanced Holodisplay/Mystic Overseer control auxiliaries (no longer craftable), Tesla Cage Defensive item (no longer craftable), and Crystal Ward/Generator Energy curtain Defensive items. (Crafting is bugged as noted in their paragon wiki entries.)
-This does not include the loss of Items of Power

4c. Obsoleted (subjective) functions of...
-Transportation to non-hazard zones (not going to go into other things like Ouro Portal, Pocket D, and Mission Transporter)
-Respawning location (due to shutdown of raiding, there's little reason to ever spawn in the base where you only respawn with 35% HP and 0 end at best)
-Inspiration purchasing/restock (Due to the introduction of nurses and combat medics. Though inspiration storage does allow for limited inspiration restocking after defeat, and the ability to convert inspirations)

5c. Base Editor apparently crashes for Mac users. (THIS IS A VERY BIG PROBLEM!)

These are all the present, functional issues I can think of as of this post.


Now I propose a few of my own suggestions to correct some of the preceding issues listed.

1d. New/expanded functionality of base items will be covered a bit later in this post.

2d. Well I cannot say I was one to mourn the loss of base raiding, I still feel for those who did mourn. Though the issues are understandable since fully custom bases, even with raid pathing, had various nasty tricks that could result in some "builds" if you'll pardon the pun. The best suggestion I can come up with for this is that a super group gets two bases, one fully customizable, another that's a lot more static aside from the choice of which template to pick (possibly greater SGs could get bigger "raiding areas" too) and aesthetics, as well as placement of defensive items? We might even be able to have different styles of raid, such as capture the flag or territory control. (TF2? what's that? Never heard of it.)

3d. Well, the obvious solution to these is fixing the code so these items can be crafted (reliably) again. Obvious, though probably about as easy as the "two base, one raid" suggestion above.

4d. here, we get a bit into what I mentioned with 1d of this part of the list, so without further adieu...

Base Item Functions Upgrades/Updates/Expansions

1e. First of all, let's talk medical:
- Upgrade the reclaimer so that it restores full HP and Endurance on respawn (possibly have a separate ones with the old conditions for the two separate base raid, idea).
- Upgrade things like the Spirit Signal/Robo Surgery to grant you a 10% max HP and 5% max End boost for five minutes.
- Allow the Auto-doc to sell all tier one inspirations like nurses and combat medics in hospitals.
- Upgrade Combat logs/Contemplation charts to sell a Heal Other and Stimulant Temp power (Similar to the Power Pool), possibly even a Resuscitate temp power.

2e. My major suggestion would be to create either a special teleport beacon or a special type of teleporter that can transport you to your instanced mission doors and/or into instances that use the tram as a door.
- Also, allowing for teleporter beacons from either side to be set up.
- Possibly even include teleporter beacons for Praetoria, what makes more sense then striking at that place from your own stronghold only to disappear before Cole can react?

3e. SG member wide buffing: This was an idea I had when I read about the third tier power units used by SG bases. Presently, without raiding (and even in the system I envisioned), they don't do much besides provide power and control to the essential base items like teleporters and such. So much power being wasted... So I had this idea in mind:
- Primary power and control units grant a small, passive buff to every member in the supergroup. Control would buff a character's ToHit and Defense while Power would buff Resistance and Damage.
- The buff's numbers would be based on what tier power or control you had, for example, a basic Power Crystal would only give a +1/1 boost to damage and resistance, whereas the third tier power unit would give +3/3 to Damage and Resistance.
- For balance purposes, this buff would not stack if you had another third tier power unit, and it would not work in PVP or Incarnate trials.
- The ultimate idea is to either encourage people to join large groups, be more active in smaller groups, or recruit more people.

With all that said, now we have...

Ideas for new Functional Items

1f. New and better teleporter pads.
- They could be unlocked based on the number of teleport beacon badges your SG has accumulated.
- Perhaps they could work in tiers, with the top tier granting access to all zones without the beacons even being set up, as long as your SG had the badge for the zone, it would appear on the list of options.

2f. Expanded storage racks, I wouldn't exactly say double their size, but maybe just boost it from 30 to 50 salvage pieces. Bringing the absolute maximum number of stored salvage in the bases to 900. (Which would also require forgoing vault access, inspiration storage, and enhancement storage.)

3f. Temporary power vending machines, these would be different from the empowerment stations by not requiring salvage/crafting, and the temp powers they'd give out would be more along the lines of attack temp powers we find in mayhem/safeguard side doors, such as the SMG, shotgun, and so on.
-Possibly the standard crafted temp powers could be purchased too.

4f. Terminals to other subsystems in the game such as mission architect and the market.

5f. The ability to receive missions from within the base. Perhaps being able to find one free tip mission per-day, or maybe a free skip straight to a safeguard or mayhem (maybe once per-day too) to get a contact.
-This might work better as an expanded function of the Mission Computer/Oracle.

That's all I can think of for now, I would like to know from non-Super Groupers, base builders, and such if these would be the sort of things that might get you to take a second look at super group bases.
I also encourage everyone to give feed back or submit their own ideas in this thread, or thoughts on the lack of base development/wider appeal.

For me I see it a bit as how it feels like it has a narrow scope of who it affects, combined with the obsoletion of many functions that made Super Group bases very appealing.
I'm presently pushing for updates and upgrades both as a base architect and because the new Incarnate business makes me think that, as an Incarnate, shouldn't my characters' and their allies and friends enjoy a much more impressive place to call home? Imperious is probably the only incarnate in lore who didn't have a kickass lair, and that was just because Romulus took his.

anyway though, this thread is now open for business.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I'd be happy if editing the base on a Mac didn't guarantee a crash. And if the components in the list were visible on a Mac.

Wish list?
Change the entrance inside the base so we have an option to make it a door. Free up real estate in the entrance.
Preset rooms, i.e. "Meeting room 1" "Apartment 5" including furniture with costs listed so I don't have to make everything from scratch.
There is almost no reason to have teleporters any more.
How about AE missions that are only available to SG members with an access portal in the base?
Rent, energy and control limits are just stupid. Does Superman pay rent on the Fortress? If this must be siphoned off, just deduct it from the SG automatically. Better yet, get rid of the idea altogether.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



Apologies in advance if this is off the intended topic, but I think we might also look at how Freedom could impact bases.

Some of the last items that I recall being added for bases were in the vet rewards. As we know Freedom will rework/replace the vet rewards, and I suspect, but do not "know", some of the stuff will be purchasable.

So here's where I'm going with this. If we want more stuff for bases, we should use our Paragon Points at the ingame store to purchase the base stuff that we can. At last we have the chance to show that working on bases is what the players want with the thing that any for-profit business will listen to, our money.

Heck, I'd be happy to get a decorative pinball machine in my bases.

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



Originally Posted by Stealth_Bomber View Post
I'd be happy if editing the base on a Mac didn't guarantee a crash. And if the components in the list were visible on a Mac.
Whoa... That sounds like a pretty damn major issue. I think I'll add that to the OP list. Yikes.

Originally Posted by Stealth_Bomber View Post
Change the entrance inside the base so we have an option to make it a door. Free up real estate in the entrance.
I can agree with this though that tends to fall strongly into aesthetics. There are a number of alternatives that would also be nice to just doors. (I know I would love to have a monorail stop for my base entrance. >.>)

Originally Posted by Stealth_Bomber View Post
Preset rooms, i.e. "Meeting room 1" "Apartment 5" including furniture with costs listed so I don't have to make everything from scratch.
An excellent suggestion. I know for a fact that base building can initially be overwhelming to a new person, preset rooms would be just the thing to help ease them into the world of base editing.

Originally Posted by Stealth_Bomber View Post
How about AE missions that are only available to SG members with an access portal in the base?
So... how does this work specifically? Would it be something you tag onto your AE arc while you make it? It sounds interesting, but I'm not very clear on this.

Originally Posted by Stealth_Bomber View Post
Rent, energy and control limits are just stupid. Does Superman pay rent on the Fortress? If this must be siphoned off, just deduct it from the SG automatically. Better yet, get rid of the idea altogether.
I can agree with this, though I do understand rent itself was supposed to be... something. I just don't know what the Devs had in mind for it.

Originally Posted by ImpulseKing View Post
Apologies in advance if this is off the intended topic, but I think we might also look at how Freedom could impact bases.

Some of the last items that I recall being added for bases were in the vet rewards. As we know Freedom will rework/replace the vet rewards, and I suspect, but do not "know", some of the stuff will be purchasable.

So here's where I'm going with this. If we want more stuff for bases, we should use our Paragon Points at the ingame store to purchase the base stuff that we can. At last we have the chance to show that working on bases is what the players want with the thing that any for-profit business will listen to, our money.

Heck, I'd be happy to get a decorative pinball machine in my bases.
As long as it's on the subject of bases and super groups, nothing is off topic, my friend.
Now the only problem I can see with your suggestion is, as explained to me by a friend, long ago on the subject of purchased base items through micro transactions is that once one has access to a base item, everyone technically would, at least everyone would, thus there wouldn't be a lot of profit for such a thing.
if it's functional, than once the person who purchased it put it down, everyone probably could use the item.
If it's aesthetic, everyone can admire it, and move it if they have editing permissions.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



My opinion on bases is that everything relating in their functions and items to PVP should be removed. after all the developers have no intention of ever Fixing PVP. Therefore the likelihood of base raiding being fixed is zero.

(Edit to clarify: I do not mean remove things like gun turrets and power generators, Rather I wish to simply remove any restrictions upon their placement and location allowing them to be used as decorative items)

I will preface this next part with the statement that I have never touched the base editor. Nor for that matter actively participated in any Supergroup for any length of time.

First thing I would do is remove prestige from the game entirely. it is this outsiders opinion that the only reason prestige exists in this game and is tied to bases was to act as a balancer for PVP. It is no longer necessary, all it is doing now is stifling creativity. I have browsed the Base Picture threads and was amazed at what was possible but felt that it was entirely out of my reach.

When you remove the need for prestige for the buying and equipping of bases as well as their upkeep they become social environments. I see a base as a sort of private Pocket D, you invite your best friends there and hang out. It would be a nice private environment to role-play in, and would fulfill the need for player housing.

It's your Batcave, it's your Space Station, it's your Underwater Castle, it's your Interdimensional Zeppelin, it's your sewer lair, it's an abandoned base under Faultline, it's your apartment in the middle of Atlas Park. It's whatever you say it is (by the way add A description Text pop-up for our Base so that when people visit they know where you intended the base to be set or can read some background on your base.)

I find it highly disappointing that although we have the tools for creating highly immersive and personalized spaces it is locked behind an archaic system that is no longer needed.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
As long as it's on the subject of bases and super groups, nothing is off topic, my friend.
Now the only problem I can see with your suggestion is, as explained to me by a friend, long ago on the subject of purchased base items through micro transactions is that once one has access to a base item, everyone technically would, at least everyone would, thus there wouldn't be a lot of profit for such a thing.
if it's functional, than once the person who purchased it put it down, everyone probably could use the item.
If it's aesthetic, everyone can admire it, and move it if they have editing permissions.
Absolutely valid concerns. And I agree that left to the natural course of things that bases would fall by the wayside... again. What I'm trying to suggest is that folks have a chance to fight for bases so that it doesn't happen. In other words if you influence enough folks to spend for bases, you can influence the devs to spend their time on them. As a byproduct, base bugs would get more attention too.

How do you do this, you might reasonably ask?
FIND ways. Contests using emphasizing purchasable base items come to mind easily.

If you are willing to fight for bases, I'm saying Freedom is a shot you haven't had before. Take your shot to fight for what you love.

It's not how many times you get knocked down that count. It's how many times you get up.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
This is a thread I decided to start to fulfill a few tasks:

1a. For us to be able to discuss/list possible improvements that could be made to the functionality of bases.

Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
2a. To present it before even those who are not conventionally base editors to find out what they would like that would make them interested in bases. (This is why I didn't put this in the Base Building forum)
Interesting approach.

Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
1b. Please keep it to ideas or discussions on functional matters. Art is a highly objective thing, I'm sure David Nakayama could spend hours arguing with JUST HIMSELF on artwork that would work for bases.
Actually art time, while still a precious commodity, is far less valuable than coding time. If I'm remembering some ustream comments correctly, anything functional (coded) is, at the very least, a year out. Coding time is the scarcest resource at Paragon Studios at the moment.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Actually art time, while still a precious commodity, is far less valuable than coding time. If I'm remembering some ustream comments correctly, anything functional (coded) is, at the very least, a year out. Coding time is the scarcest resource at Paragon Studios at the moment.
I never said it was faster than artwork, just saying it's easier to narrow down.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.