989 -
Like I said, zombie lumberjacks.
*shakes head*
Those guys are vicious. -
FCM and I duo a lot, and have a couple of pretty effective Tank+Something pairs... My two WP/DB tanks spend a lot of time running around with his Fire/En blaster and Spines/Fire scrap. Our KM Tank/DP Blaster pair did pretty well in Praetoria, as did the Traps/DP defender and WP/Mace tank.
The really scary pair are his Shield/Energy tank and my DB/WP scrap, though. Median and Ash are just ludicrous together. They're our go-to pair for taking apart large groups. -
Quote:This. Even a Spiritual Alpha won't help with the Lore pets...The recharge time of the Lore abilities is 15 minutes no matter what kinds of buffs or debuffs you have. This cannot change, even with Spiritual Alpha.
Patron pets are affected by both, and accept Recharge Enhancements.
Parton pets on the other hand? Oh yeah. If you build for ludicrous recharge, you can have them around all the time. (I did that with my favorite Stalker. Her Adept would be a constant companion if his AI wasn't absolutely suicidal. o_0)
As for why you'd do it... Because you can? Because you like having the pet around as a distraction or for a little extra firepower? Because you're one of those RP types and your character's supposed to have a side-kick?
That's why I did it, anyway. XD -
Six stalkers in my crew currently, and not a single /Nin in the lot... I know that's heresy around here, but I really do prefer WP as a secondary for mine.
'Not sure if I'll like Ice or EA or not, but odds are good that I'll at least give them a try at some point. -
I started doing the iTrials with my Sonic/Sonic defender, but stopped after the iXP awards got broken... I'll take them up again to finish opening and filling her slots once that gets fixed... She did fairly well on the trials I ran with her, though I suspect she won't be hugely useful on them until I get a couple of her level shifts in place.
I've already finished doing them with my Trick Arrow/Archery defender. Zhen has T3s across the board now, and was the easiest of my Incarnate defenders to run through them. She survived better than either my Rad/Rad or my Dark/Archery defenders did, and was more useful than my FF/Rad... Never got a VR drop, though. (My Dark and FF didn't, either... Though the Rad got 4. o_0) -
I just need a single (preferably metallic-) horn, unicorn style.
I do.
I have this brute named Star Dasher, see. He's... He's sort-of inspired by a certain ridiculous little flash game. That rainbow path aura? Perfect for him... Likewise the up-coming Fire path for his second, "heavy metal" costume... But he's just not *right* without a sharp, pointy horn. Which we don't have amid our fairly large assortment of other horns.
So...sad, destructive unicorn-brute is sad.
It's rough being hornless. -
Telling newbs who haven't figured out City geography yet that the entrance to the Hollows is in the sewers?
Seriously, though, I want my Dark blaster. Everything else is just cake. -
Quote:What the Baron said...All the time. For RP plot, it never survives contact with other players so is guaranteed to go off course. For fiction, I usually start with a vague idea and then just start typing. Stories frequently write themselves, I find.
I find that any character I know reasonably well will more or less "write themselves", and trying to force the point if you started out with a different idea in mind rarely turns out well. It's better to just go with it and tighten things up afterwards. -
I only do "re-rolls" if I want to switch up the power-sets or AT of a particular character...
If I just want to go through the game with a certain combination again, I tend to make a completely new character to do it with. (Which is how I ended up with two of each of my Dual Bladers-) Somehow deleting the existing one would just seem like a waste of all that time I spent leveling them the first time around.
But... to each their own, right? A lot of people do go for the re-roll thing. -
Quote:Uhm... yeah. I *know* we can't rename them as it stands now, nor give them MM-style commands. I also know that my non-MMs can't rename their Lore pets. You don't need to "prove" anything to me.Patron pets don't use the same interface as MM pets so you won't be able to name them. Non-MM Lore Pets do use the same interface though so you can name them.
I'll post some screen shots of the Lore Pet on my Arachnos Soldier on Friday just to prove a point. :P
Please don't assume I'm ignorant of the way the game currently works simply because I mentioned wishing it was otherwise. That's annoying. <_< -
Quote:Hey now! ... That's just-... *eyes her own Ninja MM*... Uhm... *and the Stalker collection*... Yeah... *and the human-primary PB*...Just throwing this out there, if you really hate yourself, you'll try a human form Peacebringer and a stalker.
Okay. Maybe you have a point.
(They're all fun, though. Just a little more of a challenge sometimes. XD) -
Quote:Word.NO I hate to bust your bubble but the only AT that can rename their Lore pets, and probably the reason you think otherwise since you have 7 MMS, are Masterminds. Any other AT doesn't get that option. And before the rant starts I too have MMS that now have Lore pets and I was able to rename them but when I tried to do the same with my Crab Spider, my Controllers, my Tanker.. I wasn't allowed to do so.
Its because MMs are coded to be able to rename their minions while other AT, like controllers, can rename or control their's. Personally I think the whole things a little silly... Okay I can buy the MM can control where their pets go and what they do while my controller can't but what does that have to do with giving my Phantom Army or Singularity a name.
I want to be able to name my Patron pets and my non-MM's Lore pets, too. Seems silly that we can't. -
As a mostly-melee player I hate the glue... I really, really do... But then, I hate pretty much anything that slows my movement or keeps me from being able to jump around in a fight like the perpetual-motion CJ-monkey I am.
That said, one-per-group Equalizers have never kept me from doing Mayhems. They're just the Sappers or Galaxies of their faction. The target I stomp the crap out of first. Like Sam said, though, it's when you're outside of Mayhems and start running into spawns with multiples that things go from just "annoying" to "where are those puppies >_<".
Just one example from my play-time yesterday... I was running Roy Coolings' arc solo with my lvl 24 Claws/WP Scrap. I got to the mission where you go in to find the hostage, and a regular group happened to have spawned right on top of Mr. Y, one of the bosses you have to defeat. The group included two Equalizers and a Ghost.
By the end of that fight, poor Summer Moon found himself with a double dose of Glue, he was Flashed *and* the building was on fire. With a short mission timer, just to make the glue situation even more hair-pullingly annoying.
THAT was a bit much.
I don't mind if we keep the Equalizers...
But can we please keep them down to one per spawn? -
Quote:That's adorable, Aku. I love it."The whole Lock, Stock, and Barrel." - Battle Drones
"The whole Kit and Kaboodle." - Protector Bots
"The whole Shabang." - Assault Bot
My own Mastermind hasn't made it to 50 yet, so no Lore pets for her for awhile yet.
I do plan on making her an Incarnate. 'Trouble is, I'm not sure what would match her ninja-guys... None of the current choices really seem to go, theme-wise. (Names, however, wouldn't be much of a problem. Her boys are all named after the characters from a fairly obscure anime & game series... Harukanaru Toki no Naka de. So far she has Inori, Takamichi and Tomomasa, Yorihisa and Yasuaki, and Akuram. There are quite a few more cast members left to pick from, no matter what her pets end up being... The thing has a cast of dozens. XD) -
As long as they also remove the speed suppression on the PvE side while they're at it, I'm all for it.
I don't PvP and have no plans to, but it bugs the ever-living hell out of me to have my own flight speed stuck in "molasses in January"-mode while the Paragon Protector, Witch, Natterling, Eagle or what-ever-the-heck-it-is I'm chasing jets off in the middle of a fight without so much as a second's delay. -
That's the advantage of playing characters that aren't human, I guess. I've always been more concerned about their height in comparison to each other than how they stacked up against the NPCs or civilians.
Somehow most of the crew have ended up being on the average-to-a-little-tall side compared to the goons and non-Huge model Praetorian contacts (Well, except for Eddie. He's not much taller than Rose; the 16 year-old baby of the family.)... but they really do make some of the older Primal models look like shrimp. o_0
I just turned the difficulty up on the regular missions (tips, arcs, papers, scanners, bank jobs/safeguards, Oros and all that) that I've been running with my 50s all along.
It's one thing to be able to steamroll a mission at +2/xWhatever with your spiffy Barrier and Judgement and such... Running at +4/xMore, though? Unless you started with one of those over-engineered, over-equipped uber-toon nightmares who was soloing GMs and going at max difficulty even before incarnation, it'll be a bit more of a challenge.
If you *did* start with one of those guys... Go for TF/SF/soloed-AV speed records? Go hunt down and solo one of every single GM in the game? Become a badge-collector? Try out some of the "challenge missions" in AE?
There are all sorts of things to do with high-powered characters when you think about it... -
Having done them all now , Scir's is the best one I think, story-wise. There are EBs and Mu everywhere, as has already been mentioned, and if you end up being fond of the guy at all (Like my Stalker did-
) it can be a little sad, but it's still a good run.
I've always seen my stalkers as hunters and scouts more than assassins. Accurate, careful, clever, quiet... always aware, always looking for the most efficient way to get the job done.
My tanks and defenders are protectors and guardians; the kind of people who'll always stand between the threat and the world and say "If you want to hurt this, you've got to get through me. Bring it."
My scraps and blasters are the ferocious ones. They hit fast, they hit hard and then they move on. They're a little like forces of nature. You don't stop them. You just get out of the way.
My one and only Mastermind is a bit of a shepherd and a bit of a mother bear. She's another one of those protective types but it's directed towards her ninja, not the world at large. -
Poor Sefu.
That would be the mission that made my tank wibble...
I was soloing Pally through those arcs, and like a lot of people, he ended up being very fond of Sefu. There was a bit of a twinge when the mission came up that required us to defeat him... It's not something Palrah would have wanted to do, even if Longbow WAS trying to arrest him. You just don't beat the snot out of your friends in his opinion. (My tank, it should probably be noted, is a bit of an innocent. He's about as good-natured and kind-hearted a soul as you're likely to find in Paragon City. The guy's a total boy-scout) But the mission was what the mission was. He finished it, and felt like complete heel afterwards. I doubt he would ever have finished apologizing to his friend for what he'd done if the rest of the story had gone differently.
After the arcs were over, I ended up taking him out to the Shard, sitting him on a rock and leaving him there for a couple of days.
As for Aaron Walker... One of my Praetorian characters actually has a bit of a tribute to him. Rose, my little sixteen year-old DP blaster, thought Aaron was a pretty cool guy. She liked that smart-***, geek-boy thing he did. At the end of that last arc, the ambush would have eaten her alive if it hadn't been for his robots... He saved her butt.
When Rose hit 50 and became an Incarnate, I sat down to think about what I wanted as Lore pets for her. The answer seemed obvious. If she was going to call something out of the mists to defend her, it had to be something that she already knew she could count on... Something like those reprogramed clockworks. So, she always calls a Dismantler.
She named him Aaron. -
Quote:Like Blue said, let her escape next time... then read your souvenir text. I think you'll like that ending a little better.I think the big one that always makes me feel like a jerk by the end is Westin Phipps' Freakshow arc with Francine Primm. It would be a really sweet and sort of inner-city comedic tale if it wasn't for your villain busting in, slaughtering all the Freakshow who are just there to learn, and then kidnapping a helpless teacher who just wanted to do good. And to what end do you capture her? So she can be tortured until she's a broken shell of a woman and an example. That was the one time my villain really felt like a monster (though a lot of credit for just how depraved it all really is goes to Phipps' planning)
Not that Phipps isn't another one whose head is someday going to end up on a plate. >_> -
I've already got costumes and named place-holders for both my planned Oh-So-Dark Blaster and my Time Defender.
I know what I want to do for the Titan Weapons set, too... But I think I'm going to try to build that one as my single "token character" on the new server. Someone on Liberty already has the name I wanted to give him. -
Gorgeous, as always... and I really do love the whole sound of 'The Kind One'. It suits him well. ^_^
*Does the Dark Blaster Happy Dance*
*... Which looks a lot like the Snoopy Dance.*
*... Just with more fuzzy black stuff.*
*... And a skull.*