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  1. Brawlnstein

    News from PAX

    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    Arcanaville doesn't have any...

    Originally Posted by Arcanaville
    I don't have any undefended exhaust ports.

    It may seem odd my making jokes about my own exhaust ports, but around these parts its probably better than letting other people do it.
    Aww! Beat me to it!
    Pretty sure having undefended exhaust ports is a requirement for being an Ultimate Power in the Universe. Without it yer nothin' more than a Mary Sue!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brawlnstein View Post
    At this point it's been down for 17 going on 18 hours, any bets as to it taking over 24?
    Never happier to be wrong, store seems to be back up. GJ
  3. At this point it's been down for 17 going on 18 hours, any bets as to it taking over 24?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    It is meant to be that way. That's technically not the Chantry - it's Black Swan's shadow plane. So it's similar to the Shadow Shard, but different. The 'fog' effect is intentional.
    Indeed, and it didn't always look this bad, IMO at least. Somewhere along the way they "fixed" it to look like it does now. YMMV
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
    Looks like those helmets are pretty cheap once i21 is out. If I recall they're 600 or 800 whatevers.
    Isn't that, like, 10 bucks? I suppose it is all relative.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    Wrong you are! I don't take the opposite view...SNIP
    Did you just prove his point?
  7. Brawlnstein

    Villian to Hero

    My small tip is to grab only 1 or 2 Tips then head into the mission(s) getting your 2nd or 3rd Tip inside. That way you generally end up in a rolling set of tip missions without having to stop and street sweep for more tips somewhere along the way.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coolio View Post
    Actually if it's only the drivers that are faulty you can go into windows safemode and then the device manager and just roll back the video driver, keeping the latest catalyst etc. in place, this will then also let you try the older gfx drivers by installing them and it stating there is a newer version of the ccc in place making it only update the video driver.

    If that gfx driver fails, safemode device manager rollback then try the next
    Aye, this is what I do, seems to work fine having newer components but rolling back to 11.3 video driver in my case.
  9. Running a KM/SD Brute that just dinged 35 as the server maintenance hit.

    Quick Strike: This attack is freaking fast and is the closest I've ever come to feeling like my fingers were wearing out in CoH. Was good filler at low levels for building fury and Power Siphon points though.
    Body Blow and Smashing Blow: Practically the same damage and cast time and stun proc, sheesh! Decent enough I guess and synergy with the stuns.
    Repulsing Torrent: Didn't take as I'm told it does KB and I want to keep stuff in AOO.
    Taunt: Yep.
    Burst: Augh, if only it was a tad quicker or more damaging or SOMETHING. It's really your go to attack in a lot of ways as I noticed many attack strings seem to leave foes with a very small amount of life (more than a Brawl but less than a Smashing Blow etc.) and this lets you knock them all down at once efficiently. Why no KB sets allowed?
    Focused Burst: Little more damage than Smashing Blow but with a teeny bit o' range but the darn cast time is... actually not that long but in a set with stuff like Quick Strike it seems long. About as long as Knockout Blow, in a lot of ways similar but not in the DAMAGE category!
    Concentrated Strike: Even LONGER animation and nearly twice the damage of Smashing Blow. Keep expecting this to one shot an LT but it doesn't. Could really use a guaranteed stun on this. The t9 power just seems lacking on a Brute.

    Hmm, maybe not the most useful insights but there they are. The set damage seems frustratingly low. KM just seems mushy. Hitting stuff while a good rage amount, Power Siphon stacks and some AOO you would think does some decent damage but... bleh. Also, I've never struggled so much to find a decent attack chain/pattern while soloing door missions. While there is a certain synergy with KM/PS and rage it also means your damage fluctuates wildly as that synergy aligns and fades.

    Enough "feelings" talk though. This thread has some great numerical points about KM on Brutes vs. Scrappers. Additionally, the problems of Shield Charge on Brutes vs. Scrappers are well known (Scrappers do more damage) to many. It just seems that both sets are tailor made to be "worse" on Brutes. It's not that a KM/SD Brute won't be pretty kick *** and clear missions fine, it's that old Inequity Aversion (kinda) going through the back of your head saying, "This would just be better on a Scrapper..."

    On a general level, the pairing has some sound ideas. SD Shield Charge helping with the AoE light KM, especially as many seem to skip Repulsing Torrent making KM even AoE light-er. PS and Rage Bar work similarly enough for simple synergy. Stacking KM res debuff working in concert with all your Rage and AOO damage buffs. Even more AoE attacks in Patron Pools. A lot of this is available to Scrapper too though. :-/

    Edit: One thing that has been bugging me. I've been able to consistently queue an attack after Body Blow that will fire off on a dead target. Now, firing at dead targets has been a lot more prevalent ever since the i3(4?) server changes but I don't think I've ever been able to do it on a melee toon before. Usually a Blaster/Ranged attack where you can get a second attack launched before the first lands is where you see this. Maybe the damage dealing timing on Body Blow could be moved ever so slightly forward in the animation to prevent this.

    Edit2: Another great thread with numbers.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Cryonic is a cone and deals Cold damage. The Radial tract slows and has a chance to hold enemies. Because of the issues people have with cones, it's generally regarded as the least attractive Judgement
    This is very, very true, the part about "people." I know my Ice/Nrg Blaster is extremely happy with the Cryonic Judgement since she is most often at range but my INV/SS tank would be very annoyed if he had to jump out of his nice, tight packs of mobs to fire it off. Otherwise, it seems huge out of the box and the chance to crit at higher tiers goes off frequently, just seems great!

    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    Only take them if they fit in the concept..

    So my Inv/Nrg and my Shield/SS have nothing.
    Hmm, I don't know the characters origins or individual stories but.
    Energy Melee should be easily applied to almost all of them as it's "energy" but I suppose Ionic is the natural choice? You can also re-color stuff to make them match your sets and RP that.

    Shields and Super Strength might SEEM trickier but you can easily claim something like the force of your blows is igniting the air for Pyronic or they shatter the walls of reality temporarily allowing in the nega-verse for Void. You could also RP that a bomb is strapped to your shield and thrown at the enemy or that you ricochet it off the enemies via Ionic, etc.
  11. FALLOW adjective /ˈfalō/ 

    1. (of farmland) Plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a period in order to restore its fertility as part of a crop rotation or to avoid surplus production
      • - incentives for farmers to let the land lie fallow in order to reduce grain surpluses
    2. Inactive
      • - long fallow periods when nothing seems to happen
  12. Thanks! I'll give that another shot but I have actually already tried binding ESC to /unselect. ESC used to be that by default, actually, and I bind it to that on any new character I make.

    Some forum searching has lead me to believe this may not really be fixable without some of the sillier workarounds I've found like literally changing the ESC key at the keyboard/windows level. Anyone else want to give this a shot or at least confirm my suspicions?
  13. This has been bugging me for years and my search fu is weak (seems that ESC isn't a good term to need to search for!)

    ESC, by default does a pair of things. It does /unselect, clearing your target. It also moves you out of your combat stance and puts away any weapon you have drawn like Claws or a Gun, etc.

    Is it at all possible to clear that second functionality from the key? I got rather used to hitting ESC to clear my target then tapping a key twice to target the nearest target and fire a power. On weapon sets this means I will put away my weapon, then draw it again, then fire the attack, generally causing delays and/or rooting animations and looking generally funky and being annoying.

    For the time being I try to remember not to hit ESC more than once on any weapon toons but sometimes lag and responsiveness cause hiccups. Also working on using the ` key for /unselect specifically but 7+ years of habits are hard to break!

    I've tried /unbind and /bind'ing ESC to other things but it seems to retain the "unready" ability. I also tried some applications to swap the ESC key with another key (f12) and bind f12 to /unselect but this is not very on the fly in windows, requiring a log out and log in to take effect.

    Programs that claim to be able to change a key on the fly seem to work, kind of, in that they switch the key to something else in windows but CoH seems to stubbornly hang on to the functionality. Perhaps through DirectInput or something, I'm not sure how.

    I'm betting dollars to doughnuts, though, that I'll be told ESC "unready" can't be changed. Am I right Player Help forumites?

    Thanks in advance.
  14. 11.3 simply does not crash for me, anything newer will crash eventually. Most frequently on the load screen after that initial pause when the bar speeds up and moves quickly towards full.

    HIS H585FN1GD Radeon HD 5850 (Cypress Pro) 1GB 256-bit GDDR5
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
    AMD Phenom II X6 1055T @2.80ghz
    8GB of Ram
  15. I believe there has long been "override" directories that can be used to replace certain assets, songs and sounds. This has been used in the past by folks with issues with looping sounds or the folks at Vidiot Maps, etc. If one is truly nostalgic enough they could use those to replace the new songs with old.
  16. Why didn't we get emails about the double xp weekend on accounts NOT deactivated?

    I have tons of old emails notifying us about double xp weekends in the past but this time... *sounds of slowly twisting in the wind*
  17. Brawlnstein

    AE Ticket Issue

    Same here, whenever I see this I need to log out and back in to fix it. Usually only see it once in a week and generally after coming out of a mission in which I changed levels somehow, either by dinging up or super sidekick/exemplar, etc.
  18. I'd like to note that this issue also occurs in the Shadow Shard maps given out by Technician Naylor in City of Villains. Missions like "Last Stand on Mole Point Bravo" or "Secure Longbow base in an alternate dimension" especially notable anytime you have to escort a hostage back to that little rock door and into the portal room as you get to slowly enjoy the flashing scenery.

    (The mobs seem to walk extra slow, especially that darn CoT boss you are escorting who says something like, "This is the most incompetent kidnapping ever!" every time you walk more than 10 feet from him! More time to rotate the camera and make things appear and disappear.)
  19. Seems like, when it comes to AV they have nothing special of note as far as PToD and Sleep protection goes...

    After that, I guess you just check the purple patch, looks like .65 like you said...

    So as long as you are layering sleeps with enough magnitude (6 total IIRC) they will sleep for 65% of the normal duration of the sleep. If someone fires up Unstoppable or manages to toggle on Unyielding, etc, you will need to overcome that too but that shouldn't happen unless you miss some casts.
  20. Brawlnstein


    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    Question: do you seriously believe that Back Alley Brawler's animation work has anything to do with coding work and bug fixing for the rest of the game? Do you really think that the power and costume animation guys have access to the source code and power management?
    Yes, both "works" end up in the final game, ie: They have something to do with each other. Actually, I think it's kind of strange to think these "hands" don't know what each other are doing "at all." In my experience all members of a game development team see and interact with each other at least from time to time. I'll admit, this is only my limited personal, first hand, experience over the last 5 years.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
    The guy I quoted compared damage of TB for Devices to TB in Traps. Sets are for different ATs and they all have different damage mods. I was simply stating Time Bomb damage shouldn't be an issue for blasters. I'll also mention Time Bomb in Devices is a Tier 8 power as opposed to being Tier 9 for Traps.

    In short, TB is fine in Devices but leaves Traps wanting something more as a Tier 9 power.
    The point being missed was that different play styles are different and homogeneity is lame, imo. When used for comparable purposes the power provides the ability to play in a different way than the rush-rush-go-go that permeates the game these days yet was still fun in a pile-on-free-for-all of a zombie invasion or whatever they are called. I guess, in other words, consider the power when used by soloing defenders.

    (I don't really want to get into the "if you are soloing why are you playing a defender / ZOMG STFU DEFENDERS ARE THE BEST SOLOIST RAWR" zealotry and flame wars that erupt on the topic of soloing defenders. I'm just saying soloing on a defender happens.)
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
    My tank hit 47 (woohoo!) a week ago and my recipe inventory is now filling up on level 50 generic recipes. I haven't done anything but Unai's arc missions with a team of 3 all of whom are level 47 or lower. We run either +0 or +1 rep (depending on who's mission we set active).
    Try testing with a good chunk of Oroborous day job running when you can.
    It may also be that you only see this in TF/Flashback at 50, in fact, I think it's almost guaranteed to only be seen when doing level 50 flashbacks in my testing.

    Actually, the 100 percent reproduction seems to simply be, be level 50, get some Chronologist day job saved up, flash back a level 50 mission and complete it. So far I've gotten it 6 out of 6 tries this way.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brawlnstein View Post
    Red side is pretty much ALL like Croatoa, mission doors in the same map 9 times out of 10. Very nice!

    I'm going to go try your tip on the mission complete bonus. I've been unable to get it to change the bonus at all with a variety of settings from -1/0 all the way up to +3/8.
    By the by this did not work. 0/0 and +1/x2 give the same end of mission bonus for Newspapers, TF/SF, Flashbacks and Bank Robberies, all tested personally today Red Side.

    Spyhunt: Does it beat 18 merits in ~30 minutes?
  24. Apologies for double posting, new information though.

    After running a single mission at 0/x6/y/n (enemy level +/-0, equal to 6 teammates, yes i want to fight bosses, no I don't want AVs) I have NOT been able to reproduce the 45 Generic Recipe drop bug regardless of settings.

    According to the notes I've been taking while testing the only thing I hadn't tried was setting bosses to Yes. Possibly toggling this on for one mission then toggling it off has "fixed" the bug. Something has "fixed" it as the reproduction rate of the bug was at around 3-5 level 45 generics per flashback and now I can't get a single one.

    The other "bugs" like level 50 mobs dropping 49s and such are still happening. It seems that all mobs drop their recipes at the lowest possible level for the mission, whatever that is per your difficulty settings and adjusted for the permanent "minus 1" affect happening with TFs and Flashbacks right now. Drops from mission completes do not seem to be affected as I got a 49 Stupefy:Stun/Range recipe in a mission where all other recipe drops were 48 due to -1 difficulty and -1 global TF/FB bug.

    Essentially, the bug has a workaround involving completing a flashback with a setting of at least 0/x6/y/n and possibly as simple as setting bosses to Y with any other settings. I might test this on another toon that I've never fiddled with the boss y/n toggle on before but I'm pretty burnt out on testing this, even with all the good drops.

    Edit: As an update/clarification, I just reproduced the 45 generic bug off a 49 Boss turned LT Fake Nemesis, so it still exists, even when I'm not trying to get it to, heh.

    Edit2: This is a first, I just got a 45 generic as the reward for finishing the mission? Either that or it fell off a 48 EB, hard to tell with the combat text all run together. It came after the defeat of the EB but before the "you have blah blah-ed the mission blah!" so I'm hoping it's just another common repro off a mob kill. I DO have day job: chronologist running though...

    Edit3: Indeed, Chronologist day job makes this bug reproduction rate go through the roof. Why chronologist affects mob drop rate, I dunno...
  25. I've a Blaster with timebomb that has tons o' fun dropping bombs during zombie attacks, easy to get it off with their weird spawn delay and all the buffs/debuffs flying around. It kicks ***! It is definitely slow in missions but I do have fun cranking up the number of mobs and double bombing with a timer and a trip mine.

    I would think the slowness is about on par with normal defender soloing?

    I wouldn't want the power removed from the game altogether, it's a really different play style that is fun for some, even a jaded 60 month vet like me that can't stands no slow mo enjoys using it from time to time. Miladys Knight hit it dead on though, IMO.