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  1. Brawlnstein

    The mood on MA

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    I'm sorry if I'm wrong but is this a troll? It kinda sounds like a loaded question that leads to flame wars. Just sayin.

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    ha ha, there is a notify moderator button at the bottom of every post you can use if this is a legit concern.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    Is it possible it was more copyright infringement? after all there's the novel Monstrous Regiment about recruiting er... gender ambiguous soldiers... I do not think it probably violated that either, but maybe between the two issues they figured it came too close to two lines to be given benefit of doubt?

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    Pratchett borrowed his title from a screed by John Knox from 1558, which makes it public domain and fair game for anybody.

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    Was about to post the very same thing. THANK YOU.

    Not to mention it's not like you can't describe things as a "monstrous regiment" just because someone titled a book "monstrous regiment."
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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    Are we supposed to say "I.C. Wut You did THAR?" Throwing your political view around that people shouldn't throw their political views around eh?

    Is it really "throwing" when you can only pretty much find the arc in question by actively searching it out?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    did I say blank sheets? I said signature AVs at lvl 52-54 with Hard mobs.... not fire imps (which were rightfully killed off)

    1500 ticks or less is a waste. It should scale with mission difficulty..... I mean heck my team is taking all the risk, where is the vaulted reward part of the ratio?

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    You avoided the question. Let me state it more directly then. If the MA gave a guaranteed HUGE reward, but had virtually no content... would you quit then, or would you be just as happy?

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    You'd have better luck with a question that wasn't a pile of loaded [censored] like "1 billion tickets each" methinks.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    At work when I wrote that......Word processors are restricted..... (ya the forums aren't)

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    You are in luck!
  6. Brawlnstein

    How to complain

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    1- You get more flies with honey than with vinegar.

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    Unless they are fruit flies, which experiments have shown prefer red wine vinegar to honey.

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    They did indeed prefer it, but did NOT tend to get stuck in it's less viscous and more oily constituency.
    An important difference when trying to CATCH more flies with honey vs. vinegar!
  7. What happened to "bitter" instead of "better?"

    ...and who is b.m.f? Isn't that the sound nightcrawler makes?

    Although I guess my first 50 was a Blaster named "Bad Ms. Frosty" but I don't remember her consenting to this!

    Playing a Blaster to 50 made me SUCH a better player. Prior to that I'd had a Tanker and didn't much care or pay attention to what status effects were or prioritizing anything beyond "the most purple mob I can find." Do it!
  8. Didn't read the whole thread so I hope this hasn't already been gone over but, the "original" version of this post was a DA variant and it was locked/deleted after quite a bit of "lulz."

    Will this thread suffer teh same fate? DUN DUN DUN!

    I had no problem with the DA version of this and really have little problem with this other than it's facts seem a bit out of date. As the first reply, which was made in jest but had a good point said, you can use this to examine possible shortcomings in a powerset you are looking into trying along with other possible good uses of an "anti-guide."

    ...but yes, this is quite an interesting study in... something...
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    its lord recluse on the big screen/PA system that is lagging the zone down

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    I wonder if power set proliferation might one day include a remote control...

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  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    So, was I reading it right that each AT will get one primary and secondary power from its corresponding AT? If so that's awesome!

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    Every AT gains at least 1 powerset -- Masterminds only get a Secondary, no new Primary. Brutes get 2 new Primaries, and 1 secondary. Everyone else gets 1 Primary and 1 Secondary.

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    Speaking as someone that loves the MM AT... couldn't we at least get two new Secondaries, to compensate?

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    I'd also like to see that or, more specifically, I'd like to see this idea keep rolling from issue to issue until we have full diversity to pick any appropriate powerset for any AT.

    Next issue 1 more for each AT, and the issue after that etc. This way they can test and tweak the difficult ones over time.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    What exactly is this a guide to again?

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    Didn't you read it?

    It's actually a pretty neat/different little guide as to how DA compares (unfavorably in the authors opinion) to other power sets.

    Thoughtful readers can use it to make intelligent decisions as to how to "plug holes" in DA that are exposed through these comparisons, etc. You gets what you put into it.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    Third Power available: Goldbricker Jet Pack
    First Level Available: 15
    Location: Cap Au Diablo - Marshall Brass Mission
    Travel Type: Flight
    Duration: 90 Minutes

    This one is slightly more "involved" to get, but everyone can do it and its easy if you know how. Your first job is to finish a mayhem mission in Cap Au Diablo between levels 10->15. When you speak to your broker, choose Dr. Shelly Percey as your contact. Go through her missions, though I'm not certain if you have to do all of them, just some, or none at all. Someone can correct me on that. At level 15, she will introduce you to a new contact, Marshall Brass. Accept his missions, and one of the first ones from him should be to steal the Goldbricker Jet Pack. Upon mission complete you receive the temp power. Like the others, no enhancements.

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    One note on this - make sure you hit Brass up for the mission as soon as you get him at level 15. I waited a bit as I was busy doing some other things, and when I finally got to him I was level 16. The first mission he offered me was "Take another deniable job from Marshal Brass", which is the SECOND mission in the Arc, and the Arc proceeded from there. The FIRST mission, "Take the job against the Gold Brickers from Marshal Brass" (which yields the rocket pack) was NOT ever given to me. Doh...

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    Update: Once I finished the Arc, THEN Brass gave me the first mission in the Arc. Rocket pack acquired.
    Interestingly, it looks like he is giving me the rest of the Arc again...

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    Yep, this exact thing happened to me and I was 17 at the time.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    You realize you just put someone on ignore because they made a completely legit argument concerning this power set, right?

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    Plus, when he went and hit "quote" on an ignored post, he also learned that he can see the text rather than "blah blah ignored" thing.
  14. Seems incredibly "from the hip" for a solution to "softloading" or "farming" or whatever the specific "problem" was.

    For me, taking on a 8 man spawn solo is totally do able on a few of my toons. Taking on an 8 man spawn duo or trio is do able on almost every one of my toons. /hubris 1 (IE: the minority)

    For my sister, wife, SG mates and pretty much all in-game friends, taking on a 8 man spawn with 8 people is probably about 1 in 3 chance of a team wipe. (IE: the majority)

    Do they not want a majority of folks to be able to finish some of these god awful "8 people to start" TF? Guess I'll have to slog through the thread and see how they address loss of team members due to attrition and time... but who am I kidding? Just let the "TF farmers" continue to farm the TF drops and I'll continue to "behemoth farm" and buy them. Win/Win!

    Edit: The timing on this, with a community that was ever so slowly turning back to the Dev love of the days of yore was really bad. Nothing like picking someone up just to knock 'em down again I guess?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Now I will grant you that your right the $5 price would perhaps have been a better price point for the pack.

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    Winrar of the thread. $10 for 2 costume pieces and 4 emotes? (I thought thats what I read anyway.)

    Throw in some kinda jump jet or temp power I can use more often than once or twice in my toons life and you can have $10.

    Gotta say I'm impressed at the zOMG~! happy people, vaguely surprising.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    3) A Big Red Ball

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    Do not look directly at Big Red Ball.
    Do not taunt Big Red Ball.
  17. [ QUOTE ]

    Oh and I was trying to figure out what kind of video card a JCB card was.

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  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Spines/Invuln is really surprising since they were a big FoTM awhile back when scrapper Invuln was good and Wolf herding was the name of the game (before wolves got Hurl).

    Most of the PLers from back then have probably quit by now though and have probably never used CGT (as it did not exist at the time).

    There is a logical reason to choose it though (AoE heavy primary with a secondary that gets better as you're surrounded) which makes it a surprise that they're not more popular. It's a big surprise that it beats out Spines/DA.

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    Quoted for truth, Spines/Inv was uber FoTM a long time ago, interesting.
  19. You can't
    Still fun sometimes to make people think they got rezed, heheh.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    All Google engineers are encouraged to spend 20% of their work time (one day per week) on projects that interest them. Some of Google's newer services, such as Gmail, Google News, Orkut, and AdSense originated from these independent endeavors.

    In a talk at Stanford University, Marissa Mayer, Google's vice president of search products and user experience, stated that her analysis showed that half of new product launches originated from 20% time."

    Adsense is one of their major revenue sources.
    Gmail revolutionized webmail.
    Google News is causing seizemic changes in the news industry.

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    Actually - your quotes prove my point exactly. (Remember my point isn't just sucess - but the quality of the tools.) Precisely one of those tools has had major sucess (AdSense), and it's quality is acceptable. (It's so simple it would be hard to be otherwise, though its webmaster UI really needs some tweaking .) Gmail is feature-lite and a distant third in the market. Google News is causing seismic changes? Hardly. Most people aren't even aware it exists. It works decently enough - but there have been multiple accusations of bias leveled against it.

    Now, if you look at the remainder of their launches - you see precisely what I noted in my original post. Most are feature-lite, tend to use 'unique' user interfaces, and get fixed/upgraded at great intervals if at all. Google got lucky with AdSense - they hit the jackpot. With Gmail they got five free tickets. Orkut is a ticket with four of the five numbers needed to win.

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    Pretty gigantic dividends for a tiny corporate investment.

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    Gigantic dividends from precisely *one* product - and a vast 'meh' from most of the world on the rest. (And 10% of an employees salary and overhead is hardly tiny.)

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    Please pick a goal post and stick with it. At what point past "gigantic divendeds +" and all the rest of the points will it be worth it?
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Part of the problem in choosing just two is that I can't decide between "this will be so cool" and "this isn't as cool as the other choice, but it does seem more feasible (and thus may possibly see the light of day)".

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    Absolutely, I kind of overthought my choices and went with Psionic Weapons and Shield Fighting, to match up with Shield Defense, and Growth. I figured you can have a psionic weapon to match energy weapon and we already have Martial Arts and Super Strength to match street fighting etc. etc.
    It just seems that you could "psionic up" 2 handed weapons, hammers, anything...

    Growth would be AWESOME though!!
    Shields VERY comic booky and help a lot of "time travel" heroes etc.
  22. This is great info and some good effort.

    I'd say the only place you lose me is in A8 as I get a case of MEGO. Maybe have a more friendly answer before all the explinations like "Yes their numeric value will decrease but their effectiveness will stay more or less baseline."

    Of course if that too is incorrect I'd say it goes to illustrate my point even more.

    (I also threw a question into the older thread on this before I realized you had recreated it fully here. Will lower level enemies be affected by any of this? IE: -1/-2 level minions?)
  23. Lots of good information in this thread.

    Question: How have blue/green (-1/-2 minions for example) been affected by this change? They are supposed to hit less frequently and do less damage but are they too benefitting from the "defense works better against higher level enemies" change or only players?
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    I personally will wave this flag.....but not in this thread. That's what invalidates the argument. You can't show up at the Ford Chairman's meeting and ask why Fire Tanks are under performing.

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    Wow, I hated this analogy so bad I was prompted to post as much!

    The parallels are so far off. Castle = Chairman?? haha

    I think it would have been better for him to just ignore it than have even put a response but... well, Castle is generally pretty awesome so it can slide.

    I'm also impressed he came back and edited the post to admit there was a bug. Very cool.