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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    Argh, I forgot I had "Mail from global friends only" set on most of my characters. I'm ot sure what that did to the email, did it get returned, or did it just vanish into oblivion?
    It didn't kick back last night, but I was only on for 10 or 15 minutes after I sent the mail.

    I will double check shortly.

    The mail did not return. I'm 99% certain that the inf was not re-deposited onto him, given how much he had on hand logging into him just now.

    It would seem that the influence is just gone. Lesson learned. I guess the "burn influence" part of the goal was achieved, at any rate.

    I just sent a test email, and will re-send the influence once I get a reply from you.
  2. Since I have a lot of disposable inf at present, I figure I'd add fuel to the fire.
  3. Inf will be mailed to you, Silver Gale.

    Is there a period at the end of the global, or are you just ending a sentence?

    Edit: saw your CIT listing without a period. Mailed it to that global... if yours DOES have a period, email me ingame, and I'll send to that one, also.
  4. Save yourself 100 mil!! I'm lowering it to 1.9B.

    I have 2, crafted, at level 10 available.
  5. Kind of what I am debating now.

    My first, and beloved, character, I envisioned being sturdy and smash-happy. So I created a WP/WM Tanker.

    I wanted bigger, smashier weapons.

    Then came Titan Weapons. Perfect for him.

    But I am so attached to him! Part of me doesn't want to re-roll because I don't want the redesign to outshine my first character, my first 50.
  6. I've done a few of these trades, and always from the seller point-of-view. All have been via gleemail, since every time, it seemed we were never online at the same time.

    In one case, (selling for 2.25 bill) the buyer sent 2 bill up front, I sent the IO, they sent the remaining 250. This was their decision, and not an imposition I placed.

    In a few cases, I just took a leap of faith, sent the IO and the buyer sent the inf. I figure if I want to sell more high-value IOs in the future, it would help to have some credibility with those buyers later on. This is also why I make the sale known publicly (either in this forum, in a global channel, etc.) I believe that if I am willing to attach my name to the trade (not that I am very prolific or well-known), that the person can expect a reasonable level of trustworthiness.
  7. I have another level 10 (crafted) for sale.

    Asking 2 billion
  8. Open the launcher, right-click on City of Heroes, and go to "Properties".

    Under "Extra Command Line Parameters", enter the command.
  9. Since someone asked about when people were getting the costume pieces..

    15 packs purchased

    Pack 1:
    Good Luck Imbuement x 1
    Revival x 1
    Enhancement Booster x 5
    Windfall x 2
    Elemental Order Backpack (VR) 1/11
    Pack 2:
    Revival X 1
    Guarded Dual Inspx 1
    XP Booster x 1
    Will of the Controller: End/Rech
    Blaster's Wrath: Dam/Rech (VR)
    Pack 3:
    Enhancement Booster x 2
    Protection Imbuement x 1
    Revival x 1
    Enhancement Unslotter x 3
    Scrapper's Strike Acc/Dam (VR)
    Pack 4:
    Tactical Imbuement x 1
    Restore x 1
    Elemental Order Belt 2/11
    Windfall x 2
    Enhancement Booster x 8
    (No Very Rares)
    Pack 5:
    Invigorating Imbuement x 1
    Revival x 1
    Elemental Order Gloves 3/11
    Elemental Order Helmet 4/11
    Elemental Order Shard Cannon (VR) 5/11
    Pack 6:
    Reward Merits x 25
    Enhancement Unslotter x 1
    Reward Merts x 50
    Elemental Order Pants 6/11
    Defender's Bastion: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (VR)
    Pack 7:
    Enhancement Booster x 2
    Guarded x 1
    Restore x 2
    Windfall x 2
    XP Booster x2
    (No Very Rare)
    Pack 8:
    Guarding Imbuement
    XP Booster x 1
    Elemental Order Boots 7/11
    Reward Merits x 100 (VR)
    Pack 9:
    Enhancement Unslotter x 1
    Revival x 2
    XP Booster x 2
    Reward Merits x 100 (VR)
    PAck 10:
    Elemental Order Sleeves 8/11
    Reward Merits x 25
    Elemental Order Facemask 9/11
    Reward Merits x 50
    XP Booster x 2
    (no Very Rare)
    Pack 11:
    Tactical Imbuement
    Reward Merits x 25
    Elemental Order Chest 10/11
    Revival x 2
    Experienced x 3
    (no Very Rare)
    Pack 12:
    Enhancement Booster x 2
    Prestige Booster x 1
    Enhancement Unslotter x1
    Experienced x 3
    Enhancement Booster x 8
    (no Very Rare)
    Pack 13:
    Invigorating Imbuement
    Insight Imbuement
    Reward Merits x 25
    Enhancement Booster x 8
    Reward Merits x 100 (VR)
    Pack 14:
    Restore x 1
    Protected x1
    Enhancement Unslotter x 2
    Windfall x 2
    Reward Merits x 100 (VR)
    Pack 15:
    Prestige Booster x 1
    Reward Merits x 50
    Experienced x 3
    Kheldian's Grace Acc/Dam/End/Rech (VR)
  10. Heh, I found a bunch of copies at a Zellers a couple years back. I bought six, thinking "sweet! 6 months of game time for $30!" My sister, coincidentally bought a few for me, thinking the same thing.

    I wound up using one on my account, one on my wife's, a couple for to create SG-invite-accounts, and gave a few codes away.

    I can't say for certain that you'd still be able to apply it, now with Freedom, but I'd imagine you could. I found an Architect Edition at Best Buy for $10, and applied that, but I just cannot recall if it was before or after Freedom's launch.

    Edit: It was a few weeks before Freedom launched
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Robotech_Master View Post
    Over the last few weeks, I made my first marketeering billion by noticing that I could get and build L50 Oblit quad recipes for about 63 mil and sell them crafted for 90 to 100 mil.
    Save yourself a few million. For the last few weeks, I've been buying them crafted at more-or-less your price point, and selling them in the same range you are.

    Three weeks ago, I was buying them at 60-65, and selling them at 110. I've not sold any above 100 mil in two weeks, though.
  12. I have another level 50, if anyone is interested. Asking 2 billion again!

    Edit - 02/01/12: Sold!
  13. Bramphousian


    Looks decent enough.. I'll probably check it out
  14. The ability to turn $100 into $1,000,000,000 in a few days, by standing in front of a dude in a green jacket.
  15. Once meant to spend 750,000/ea on a stack of 10 rare salvage... wound up typing in 75 million.

    I am so careful now, but it still happens occasionally.
  16. I proudly accept that award!

    Yep, there was a total of four of the Oblit quads
  17. I quickly claimed some to ensure room. I wasn't paying attention to what the actual recipes were. I'm only able to sort of check in here and there at the moment, but I got your tell, so I am excited to find out what they are!

    Edit: Thank you for this, by the way!
  18. Ha! Didn't expect to actually get it with 751m.

    I had a cutoff as well, but just couldn't resist a single million increment, figuring others (Mike Robe included) might do the same.

    I will forgo the 1 inf email, and send the influence in its entirety.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    For some reason, I always miss that 2nd n when I say or read that name. Half-mistakenly said/spelled it Numia even though I've heard it said correctly before.
    It's okay. I don't understand why, but I always mispronounce "Synapse", though only in the context of the character. I pronounce it and read it correctly, if I were to see/say "chemical synapse". For some reason, my brain doesn't reconcile that it's the same word.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    According to ViDoc #3 it's already in-game as Void Judgement.
    Huh. The most interesting thing I got out of that link, is that I have been pronouncing "Numina" incorrectly. I always assumed it was "New-Mee-Nah"
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    Not a bad scenario, though remember Superman died too, we've likely not seen the last of ol' metal plate head.

    Still, he was a Tank, if only a lame-o one at that.
    Heh, Banana McJammyPants also paid tribute to our fallen fellow tank
  22. The level 10 has sold.

    Edit: 01/28/12 The level 50 has sold.