357 -
This might help, from the Issue 18 patch notes:
Quote:Brutes - Decreased Brute Damage Cap from 850% to 775%.
- Modified the Brute Fury Formula so that there is a more gradual degradation of Fury Build Up while attacking/being attacked instead of a sharp fall off at 80%. The fall off begins at 30%.
- Reduced Fury Decay Rate from 2 points per second to 0.75 points per second.
- The overall result of these two changes to Fury Generation is that it will be easier to maintain low levels of Fury, while gaining very high levels of Fury will be more difficult.
- Fixed a bug which prevented bonus Fury generation when attacking other players or very difficult targets such as Archvillains. The bonus is a flat 5 points per qualifying target hit by the attack, up to 70% Fury. Note that unlike standard Fury generation, this bonus only applies if the attack hits the target.
Using the power customization option screen during character creation should show you the different animations for each power.
Quote:You mean that, for as long as it's been on beta (months!), you've never logged on there to check it out?thinking of getting it...
what do you think?
is it aoe? pbaoe? pure melle? and ranged? def? -resist what is it like?
Maybe you missed this post that gives a complete run-down of every power and suggested strategy? -
Quote:Unless you bought the complete edition or item pack, you didn't unlock those two costume sets.Seven costume sets were released in conjunction with Going Rogue. All seven sets were originally available by purchasing the Going Rogue Complete Collection or the Complete Collection Item Pack, with the Alpha and Omega sets only being available through that method. The remaining five sets were also available by purchasing the Going Rogue Expansion. All seven sets later became available through the Paragon Market after the release of City of Heroes Freedom. -
Two things: 1) Transactions are recorded on GMT, so it shows as tomorrow already.
2) Click the radio button next to the "VIP Starter Kit" and then continue. That should do it. -
I believe the only other "odd" badge artwork still in the game is Villain stature badge 7, which is used for Skip Tracer and Portal Hopper. The bottom half of the badge should have two dots instead of just one. It's been wrong since City of Villains went live nearly 6½ years ago.
Quote:Yeah, I was reading it completely backwards. Since I wasn't the leader of the league when I ran it, I didn't know if we somehow were being given those powers, or if the heroes we rescued were using them to defeat the Sentinel.The two lists are complementary. The list you gave are the heroes you want to rescue. The list in the hint text are the ones you DON'T want to rescue.
What the hint text is saying here: "defeat the Sentinel with the following three powers acquired from controlled heroes" is that the Sentinel is receiving power from those heroes and you need to leave those heroes captive. The team doesn't get powers by rescuing heroes; the Sentinel is getting power from them being captive.
Thanks for the clarification. -
Quote:Question on this badge: I've gotten a reportedly confirmed report that the list of heroes required for this badge is different than what's above. The list I've been given is Positron/Valkyrie, Manticore/Aurora Borealis, Snapse/Ms. Liberty, and Back Alley Brawler/Mynx. I've only done the trial once so far, so I didn't really notice which heroes we freed to get the badge, but this is basically a completely different list. It also goes against the "three powers" requirement in this version of the hint text. Do we know, for sure, which heroes/powers are required to earn this badge?Section 1: Trial Badges.
Section 1a: Dilemma Diabolique
Sub-badges:- Sentinel Smasher
- Hint text - During Dilemma Diabolique, defeat the Sentinel with the following three powers acquired from controlled heroes: Aura of Decay (from Numina/Swan), Touch of Death (from Luminary/Sister Psyche) and Grasp of Death (from Citadel/Infernal), and then complete the trial
- Completion text - Diabolique thought she had ensured that the Sentinel could be prepared for any situation simply by absorbing the powers of the heroes she had captured. In a display of confidence or hubris, you decided to make a point by giving the Sentinel its best possible chance of defeating your league. Even in this dangerous state, you achieved victory over the Sentinel during Dilemma Diabolique.
- Sentinel Smasher
I got past it by teaming with someone enough to clear some of the map first. I had to enter to talk to the final boss, though, so that got me a little nervous.
It's mission map V_ARACHNOS_45_LAYOUT_03_03P, in case anyone's curious. -
Yes, the mission is on an Arachnos base map. I've tried turning off geometry buffers, reducing to minimum settings, and changing costumes, but nothing's worked. I could understand if I might have had a problem with the Arachnos maps before, but this is a first for me.
I'm having trouble with mapserving in the second mission of Bane Spider Ruben's arc in flashback. Sometimes I can make it around the corner into the first objective room, other times I'm already frozen when I first enter the door. I've had this problem on beta and now also on live, defragged my computer, the whole works.
Has anyone else had this problem, either in flashback or not? Any suggestions? -
Quote:Which is too bad because there's already a Gate Crasher Badge.Section 1a: Dilemma Diabolique
Sub-badges:- Gate Crasher (H) / Gate Crashed (V)
I honestly think the devs used Libby because they thought she was the best character to model the new Pocket D costume items.
The Excel list at Badge-Hunter was taken down recently because it was quite out-of-date and there wasn't an easy way to update it any more.
The closest thing I'm aware of to a straight alphabetical listing is http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Settit...mmand)/listing. You'll have to ignore the extra bits of clutter, but the table is sortable and printable. -
I use IE8 and typing www.cityofheroes.com into the URL bar automatically redirected me to http://na.cityofheroes.com/en/.
/em shrug -
As a further point of reference, don't pick any name on this list: