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  1. How about adding Loki? ( Just a suggestion).
  2. Wow this so called event looks like an unmitigated crap fest.... they should just put these comics out on rolls of toilet paper, at least then they might have a use.
  3. Oh come on! If I am the one thinking up the ideas, I'll use them myself, that's at least half of the process of writing I think. What are you trying to write? Fiction, articles, poetry, limericks, comic books, novels, textbooks or movie scripts? Try this... open up a book (Dictionary, encyclopedia, Atlas, etc.) Close your eyes and flip to a page at random, pick something from the middle of the page... there you go a topic. Once you get the topic, research it and write about it.
  4. Let's see no one has mentioned, Paste Pot Pete, Armless Tiger Man, Goody Two Shoes, Egg Fu, Big Sir, Batzarro, The Walrus, Typeface, The Hatemonger, Ten-Eyed Man, Rainbow Raider, Hemo-Goblin, Crazy Quilt, uhhmm yeah I'm sure there are a bunch more but these guys stand out as, well... the worst, most useless ones I can think of.
  5. BatFan

    Iconic Costumes

    Good post Chamage. I am in agreement with you.
  6. I agree, getting better writers and ideas for Superman is the way to go. Let's hope that is exactly what happens in the new DC comic books in September.
  7. BatFan

    Bumblebee cake

    Pretty cool, I bet it tasted awesome as well.
  8. Both are quite good and seem to capture the character's personality. These are to be book covers for novels?
  9. It could be another drone, 70Kg is plenty of weight for carrying cameras and sensors.
  10. Hulk eating beans. I would not want to be downwind of him after he eats the beans. Not now, not ever.
  11. I saw it tonight as well and I quite enjoyed it. I liked it more than Thor, the last Iron Man movie, the last Spider-Man move, and a bunch of others. It had plenty of cosmic, superhero and sci fi stuff, along with humor and characters I liked. I don't really care who else hated it or liked it. For me it was worth the money. As a 48 year old comic book nerd ( who still manages to keep his inner child alive somehow... must be the blue pills LOL) It was EXACTLY what I wanted in a Green Lantern Movie.
  12. Another comic book legend, gone, but never forgotten. Gone to that great comic con in the sky.
  13. Cool. I wish I graduated from that school.
  14. Looks like fun to me and I don't mind the animation style. I will give it a watch.
  15. Thanks fellas, and thanks for not giving any spoilers. I plan on seeing it this weekend.
  16. "The uploader of this video has not made it available in your country." Bah!!!
  17. I will still go see it in the theater. I have very little respect for critics, most of them are not even journalists and calling them hacks would be an insult to real crappy writers.
  18. I will be going to see it in the theater, It looks like fun, and I need to support my DC comics heroes.
  19. I love that story Sleestack, being a guitar player myself I find it extremely funny, Thanks. And what google did is extremely cool, I love it.
  20. BatFan

    Sick of Super 8

    You forgot the free crappy comic shoved in the middle of the dc comics that ties in to the movie.
  21. Why are these stories going on still? My guess is to make money. Except maybe the Flashpoint storyline which is the lead in/ tie in/prequel to the reboot of the DC universe.
  22. Incredible art and craftsmanship. I also love the fact that they are guns that shoot music when the trigger is pulled.
  23. How annoying, I posted in this thread and my post seems to be gone... curse you evil interwebs!
  24. I will take a wait and see approach. If my regular DC book that I read start to suck, I will be cancelling my subscriptions at my local comic book shop. I will probably pick up the new JLA number one. I really hope they don't screw up the Legion Of Superheroes or Batman, If they do that I will be quite enraged.