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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
    Now I need to figure out how to make videos...
    Video-Game recorder program (One of the best!)

  2. AlienOne

    Guide to Guides

    Cuppa Jo put instructions in the Kheldian Guide sticky that we should put a link to our guide in the "Guide to Guides" thread in order for our guide to get recognized. So, here's the link:

    "Alien's Complete Guide to Human-Form Warshades"

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zloth View Post
    Low level weapon types might want to see if they can find a Observer boss hunt in the Shard, too. I think you'll be able to get the badge and snag yourself some Rularuu weapons. (Though I never tried it on Test.)

    There will be a TON of farmers screaming and saying they will quit because their boss farms now give one quarter the XP. Might want to practice singing to them. (Yes, you can still use MA for farming, but I don't think it will be as trivial as it is now.)
    I don't think you know farmers that well. Methinks there will be a "TON" of farmers happy to go back to normal content and solo AV arcs themselves with mobs scaled to 8 WITHOUT having to ask for fillers or "having" to invite the "PL MEH!" crowd. Just straight farming, no interruptions...No downtime trying to build teams.

    Yep, I think you're looking at it wrong... HUGE win for farmers.... Big LOSE for "PL'ers."

  4. Hey, I heard that in one of the last issue releases (when they came out with badges for arena events), that Khelds couldn't get badges on Pentad and Swiss Draw matches for some reason.... This was a WHILE ago... So, I figured that by now it'd be fixed.... This doesn't seem to be the case.

    I started a "Swiss Draw" match with my Warshade today, and faced off against a scrapper. I won, and was NOT sent to "round 2." Tried it again...and same deal.

    What gives?

    Is there ever going to be a fix for this, or is this yet something else that Khelds aren't "included" in, along with powerset proliferation, power customization, etc.?

    /Dev Jab


    A friend of mine who was a Peacebringer was participating in the event with me, and he reported the same problem happening to him, so it's not just a Warshade problem... It seems it's both Khelds.
  5. AlienOne

    Orbiting Death.

    Works for me.

  6. Cool, thnx for your help... I'm betting the Character Copy tool will be back up soon though...

  7. I was kinda hoping for this weekend, but it looks like we'll have to wait a little longer before anything happens...

  8. LoL, good... Glad we don't have another "can't make it past 35 so I'm not playing Khelds anymore" person... I have a bunch of friends who are already like that....(haha)

  9. Yeah, this would be handy if it applied to Maxthon users like me... :P

    Soon as I saw "Firefox," I was like, "Dangit!"

  10. Still waitin' on word from LX...

  11. No need to "shudder" at doing it as a tri-former. I think since you're taking one to 50 for the first time, you should think about respec'ing into tri-form to make your "journey" a bit easier... make sure that you're picking up Gravitic Emanation and Stygian Circle, as well as Gravity Well and Sunless Mire for your human form powers, and slot up Dark Nova and Black Dwarf something fierce! I and several others on these forums have some good tri-form builds you can look at if you're interested in knowing how to "effectively" slot up a tri-former...

    Also, your "moment of awe" won't occur until you hit lvl 38 and pick up Eclipse... Look forward to that day.

    Until then, enjoy this SAMPLE VIDEO of a tri-former (not me) owning some CoT SOLO using a combination of Gravitic Emination, Dark Nova, and Stygian Circle.

    CoT, mind you!!! :P

  12. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Yeah, I had 1 pet out at the time on that mob, and had built up "momentum"... Previous mob was around 21 or 22 seconds, and it had a boss in it. Only ran across one +2 con mob during that test, and that one took me 47 seconds. I'm sure I could take that time down significantly though, if I tried harder at it.

    "The One"

    Don't take this stuff as claims that "human is better".... Just trying to clarify capabilities of powers (i.e. Unchain Essence) and clear up some possible misconceptions on what can and can't be done in human form.
  13. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    plus the KB will scatter the mobs to prevent you making the best use of AoE, and might even knock a few over the side.
    I don't believe you have a complete understanding of Unchain Essence. Using it will not KB more than 1 (maybe 2) enemies in the group (if that), unless the entire group cons grey to you. It has a "chance" to KB, just like all the other attacks. It's not like Quasar.

    On top of that, you're fighting Romans. How often do you see them flying back on any attack other than Nova attacks?

    In fact, even using Dark Detonation on them only winds up knocking them down most of the time, not back.

    I have proof of all my statements on video, if you'd like to see it, so you don't think I'm pulling some random statements out my butt, as some might think.


    I just went on Test Server and timed myself with my human form on a few of the mobs up at the top of the wall in Cimerora....

    My fastest time was 11 seconds.

    And Unchain Essence didn't KB a single foe. in fact, it didn't even knock them down.

    And Quasar isn't even in my build.
  14. AlienOne

    Warshade Newbie

    Originally Posted by Rainbow Avenger View Post
    This isn't just the Kheld forums. People don't write guides anymore. I can remember the day when every second person to hit 50 (being a big deal at the time) celebrated with writing a guide. I did the elec/eng blast guide back in Issue 2 (long deprecated by ED). Go to any AT forum now and you won't find build guides much newer then I11.

    I asked a friend who is a prolific guide writer why he stopped. "Too much board drama" he said. "You make a target of yourself and everyone with a different opinion tries to rip you down."
    Check my sig for an i16 guide on human-form Warshading.

  15. Well, it seems to me that he was not only "spreading the word" on SSK, he was also giving a small advertisement for the Pride channel itself and making people aware it was in existence...

    ...which would be pointless to do in the Pride Channel's MOTD, since... Everyone who's in that channel already that channel already.

  16. AlienOne

    What if?

    Originally Posted by MrPlayskool View Post
    There are things in the game that nobody is willing to endure, like a majority of the TFs.

  17. This was frikkin' GENIOUS. LOVE IT!!! More plz! My fav part(s) is when the AE baby keeps asking "Is that near Atlas Park?" LOL.

  18. Thanks, guys! I'm going to try and add a bit more over time, including a few links to videos demonstrating a few different strategy styles and attack chains, but for the moment this is all I've had time for lately.

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    I agree that makes sense from the point of view of a reformed blapper (Which I think it was aimed at)
    That's exactly who it was aimed at--the first toon I ever rolled was an Elec/Elec Blaster, and I don't think I've ever been *cured* of that "Blapper" mentality... Now you know where I come from...

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    I agree about the shields, but I am curious as to what you consider "well slotted" for Eclipse. What IO sets are you using?
    Two Recharge IOs and 4 Impervium Armor IOs (you can see exactly which ones if you click the guide link in my sig and check out "build number 1" in the 'builds' section). It maxes out both the recharge of the power and the resistance of the power (reducing the number of enemies required to max out your resistance). Not only that, but you also get the 2.5% endurance recovery bonus as well as upping your max endurance.

    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    I tend to use the shields powers as a way to slot 2 Impervium Armor IOs to get the 2.5% recovery or put the status and psionic resists.

    I've used Tactics and Manuevers to work in other IOs also. I tend to only use my human form to mire, eclipse and stygian circle.
    See above for where I use that set.

  20. In my opinion, no. No need for them at all. Those power selections are best used elsewhere, as long as you have Eclipse slotted up correctly.

    Assault and Tactics are a good choice if you're playing a human-former. Not really a good idea if you're playing a tri-former, as re-toggling them all the time will definitely take away from a continuous, rolling attack chain.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    Primarily recharge and damage, with a very modest-to-low side of defense and high ACC (as well as some slight ToHit bonuses). My "human-only WS guide" will most likely be posted by today or tomorrow (I'm workin' on it right now), so you'll be able to get an idea of what I think about when slotting a human-form...

    "The One"
    Guide's up and linked in my sig.

    "The One"
  22. AlienOne

    Kheldian Guides

    My newly "minted" i16 guide for Human-Form Warshades can be found HERE in the guides section.


    "The One"
  23. The "Complete" Guide for Human Form Warshades
    *OUTDATED!* Please see my latest guide HERE for the most up-to-date Human-Form Warshade guide!

    by "Alien"


    Hello, and welcome to my 'Complete Guide for Human-Form Warshades!'

    In this guide, I will attempt to cover a human-form warshade's power choices, strategies, costs, alternate builds, and general "solo vs. teamed-play" mentality.

    To begin, if you are reading this guide as someone who has never created a Kheld before, I have three suggestions:
    A. Check this guide out for the Kheldian back-story. It's pretty cool info!
    B. Check this guide out for *general* advice on rolling a Kheld. Although it's a bit dated (i.e. you are no longer dropped to human form when mezzed, etc.), there is some extremely insightful advice in there, including the suggestion that there is no "one build" for a Kheld, as I will illustrate later.
    C. Try rolling a Tri-Form Kheld first. Leveling from 1 to 50 as a tri-former has proven to be much
    easier. If you still want to be a human-former after that, you can always respec into it.

    Now, why would someone writing a guide on human-form "Warshade-ing" give that last piece of advice? Is a human-former not fun or effective? To the contrary! A human-form Warshade can prove to be one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences for any City of Heroes player with the "cahonas" for it, if done right. I primarily advise first-time Khelds to play tri-form because playing tri-form affords you a better opportunity to see the "all-around" aspect of a Kheldian, and better make a decision on what powers you like, as well as what forms you like or dislike... Who knows? You may find that you like the other forms, while you dislike human form!
    In addition, playing a human-form Warshade takes a lot of patience (sometimes more than a first-time Kheld can muster), hard work, strategy-practice (which obviously changes according to the enemy group you're facing), and INFLUENCE!

    Now, it won't cost billions and billions of influence to build a good, effective human-form Warshade (unless you choose to follow one of my "purple" builds), but it will cost you a pretty penny--in many cases more than building just about any non-purpled tri-form build I've ever seen. This is an important point to consider when making the "leap" to deciding to build a human-form Warshade.

    That said, I have put some "IO Only" and "SO Only" builds together as well, so building a cheap human-only Warshade is doable, but you'd be doing it at the sacrifice of some major global recharge penalties, which is one of the primary "backbones" to human-form play.

    Human-Form Mentality

    The process by which a person decides to build, slot, and set their human-former is what I like to call the "Human-Form Mentality." This also includes the strategy by which they play, which in turn affects their play style. This varies from person to person, but two major points that most human-formers seem to eventually agree on is global recharge and endurance recovery. The reason for this is that enough global recharge allows a human-former to maintain a "perma" (permanent) Eclipse, and a high endurance recovery allows for more utility when encountering a variety of situations, not the least of which is fighting bosses during solo-play when the rest of the "mob" is down and Stygian Circle goes "out of play".
    It is with those two primary "build strategies," along with an "extra side helping of damage" that I put together the list of *possible* human-form Warshade builds in this guide...

    *As a side note, when this guide was planned, I had originally wanted to flesh this section of the guide out further with video demonstrations of various strategies and attack sequences vs. several different enemy groups. Time did not permit this for me, so I left this section a little "bare" for the moment.*

    Mid's Hero Designer Tips & Tricks

    One of the most useful tools that has ever come out of the CoH community (and there have been many!) is "Mid's Hero Designer." This little program is almost a little game in and of itself--it essentially allows you to "perma-respec" your character to your heart's content without the cost of actually using a respec in-game. I rarely roll a new "toon" anymore without first building a *satisfactory* Mid's Build for it. By *satisfactory*, I mean that it "can be effective." I don't mean to imply that the builds I post in this guide are the "best" human-form builds. They are simply *options* for a few different playstyles.

    That said, I will mention here that in order to see any of the builds in this guide, you need to download and install Mid's Hero Designer, located HERE. It's highly recommended that you get the most updated version, as that will allow you to *accurately* view your numbers and stats, as well as pick different/more powers, if the latest issue's release allows for that.

    Once installed, you can click on any of the links in the "Build" section located in this guide, and it will give you the option to "open" or "save" the build to your computer.

    Two quick pointers: First, for first-time Mid's users in reference to this guide, there is the "view totals" button, which will bring up a three-button window that basically gives you a complete run-down of numbers and percentages for your human-former. It is from this list I will post any numbers located in this guide, should you choose to compare. Secondly, "activated" and "deactivated" powers affect your overall numbers. You can "activate" (or toggle on/off) a power by clicking the little black or green circle on the slotted power. Green is "activated/toggled on" and black is "de-activated/toggled off."

    Another "trick" I happen to love using is the "alternate sets" feature. Knowledge of this feature is important when attempting to see all the builds I have posted currently for a human-former. You can use this feature by clicking on "Slots/Enhancements" at the top of the Mid's program, scrolling down and highlighting "Slots," and then clicking on "Flip All to Alternate." Presto! You now have an alternate list of sets for that particular human-form slotting. Any time I refer to the "alternate" or "cheaper" build on my build list, this is how you get to it.


    Here, I won't attempt to "explain" what each power does, as most guides already do that. This guide assumes that you already know how to play a Warshade, and have made the conscious decision (after playing tri-form) to challenge yourself with a human-form build. Therefore, what I will do is share my thoughts on the powers themselves, so you can see my reasoning for picking or not picking them in the builds I post.

    Shadow Bolt/Ebon Eye:
    The power I pick here depends on the build and play style I'm building for. Some may argue that "this power doesn't matter," but, I like to look at every power as having its own particular *use*. The damage difference between the two powers isn't HUGE, when compared to other powers in the set, so it may boil down to just a style or even visual preference for you. I usually pick Ebon Eye myself, because it does more damage, and with the amount of global recharge I have, it's pretty much an immediate recharge anyway. Plus, I think it looks cooler. However, I've heard from several WSs who pick Shadow Bolt that they've seen Shadow Bolt have a "chance" to knock back (KB). Ebon Eye does not. If this is indeed the case, then I would advise choosing Shadow Bolt for a "solo" build and Ebon Eye for a "teaming" build. You never know when knocking an enemy back may save your life.

    In the end, looking at the "overall" picture of a human-former, the pick of one over the other isn't really going to affect your gameplay, strategy, or slotting one iota, but... There might be a situation while you're exemped down on a TF where you're glad you picked one power over the other.

    You don't have a choice in picking this power--you have to take it. However, this is a good thing, as Negative/Energy is the type of powers that Voids/Quantums/Black&White Dwarfs/Dark&Light Novas/Cysts use. You'll need the protection anyway.

    Gravity Shield:
    In my opinion, this is the one shield you *should* take, regardless of whether or not you have no choice in taking it, which you don't. (haha)

    Gravimetric Snare/Orbiting Death:
    Gravimetric Snare has always proved to be a "throwaway" power for me personally as a human-former, because when faced with the choice of a single-target immobilize you're not going to place any slots in, and a constant AoE toggle on multiple targets (regardless of the severity of the damage), it's a no-brainer, just as the choice to pick Gravimetric Snare over Orbiting Death would be a no-brainer for a tri-former. Although Orbiting Death is great for both solo and team-play, it seems to perform better on team-play, due to the ability to have others grab the mezzers' attention.

    Dark Nova:
    No real need to discuss this power toggle, as it obviates the whole "Human-form" build. Simple advice: If you are making a human-former, you don't pick this power.

    Penumbral Shield/Twilight Shield:
    Now, you would think that as a human-former, I'd be a huge advocate of these shields... Not so. Eclipse basically discards the need for any shield single-handedly. So, at upper-lvl content (lvl 38+, which is where a human-former tends to shine anyway), having these two shields is not much more than a "this looks pretty" power, unless you choose to build your Human Form Warshade without Eclipse. Now, if you are choosing to level up your Warshade as a Human-Only from lvl 1 all the way to lvl 50 without picking Nova or Dwarf form, I would say that these shields would be extremely useful at the earlier levels (1-37), and you should take them. After you grab Eclipse, you could then respec out of them.

    Shadow Blast:
    Shadow Blast, although not an "awesome" damage power, is still an essential part of a human-form's arsenal. It does *respectable* damage setted up, and also acts as a great "foundation" for solid set bonuses (if you're building for that).

    Shadow Cloak:
    Shadow Cloak is good for three particular reasons: One, it provides some "minor" defense and some stealth that will allow you to pull off a successful Eclipse before the enemy even knows you're there. Once you've got Eclipse up, you're golden. Two, Shadow Cloak coupled with Super Speed essentially offers you complete invisibility to almost every enemy in the game (Knives of Artemis will still give you trouble), and therefore you'll become a viable asset on a TF for stealthing missions and tp'ing everyone to the "end boss fight." Three, it's going to be one of the few powers that allow you to slot a LoTG +Recharge for your global recharge. Although Shadow Cloak's defenses may be minor, I still find it to be a pretty useful power.

    Starless Step:
    Although this can be a useful power, it's usually one that I advise tri-formers to take when they can't figure out what other "non-slot" powers to pick. Starless Step isn't going to help you a lot on a human-form Warshade team-wise, considering the "average" speed at rolling through mobs (according to my experience on Freedom). In fact, it won't help you a lot solo post-i16, as spawning a mob for 8 players will *almost* negate using this power. The only situation I could see this as an "extremely" viable power is when teamed with a "traps" blaster who likes to set a lot of bombs before attacking a mob. Then, you could "attempt" to pull the entire mob to the bombs for the blaster by trying to tp the Boss. However, the same thing could be accomplished any number of other ways, including using Provoke, which I've incorporated into a few of the builds.

    As far as any human-former is concerned, this is a "must-have" power, if you want a "perma" eclipse, and I can't see why you wouldn't. Of course, this makes you "have" to pick the "speed" pool, and if you're naturally the "Super Jump" type, this can be a little aggravating. However, I also have a build in this guide with Combat Jumping/Super Jump worked in, so it can be done without "ruining" a human form build (which further illustrates that there can't EVER be "one Warshade build to rule them all").

    Sunless Mire:
    This power is also a must-have for a human-former... If you want to get those mobs down in "short order", you'll need this power. This ups your global damage and ToHit buffs, as well as causing a respectable amount of AoE damage to the enemy at the same time.

    Super Speed:
    I'm a big fan of Super Speed, because it compliments my personal "OMGTHERESAMOBKILLIT--kthatsdoneNEXT!" playstyle. However, if you'd rather take Super Jump, that's cool. I didn't put together a single human-form build without a 2nd travel power, because I think using TP exclusively in missions can be quite a drain on your endurance and can *possibly* mess up your attack chain sequences. On top of that, anytime you're in a cave mission, you're going to get pissed off. Super Speed also compliments Shadow Cloak in that it makes you pretty much invisible, which may be what you need to pull off a successful Eclipse. There is nothing more aggravating to me than being knocked back/down or killed by the alpha strike as I'm trying to pull off an Eclipse or attack chain.

    Gravity Well:
    Gravity Well is basically a high-damage-output auto-kill power for minions. The second you can start getting bodies on the ground, your abilities as a WS to cause mass carnage increases exponentially, so I consider Gravity Well an essential part of any Warshade's (human OR tri-form) "diet" (haha). Gravity well does some AMAZING single-target damage, and so I like to slot it with a damage set, rather than a hold set, although if you chose to slot it with a hold set, Basilik's Gaze gives some great bonuses as well.

    Gravity Well is basically your "oh, crap, I gotta get a dead body on the ground in a hurry to hit stygian circle so I can survive" power. Technically, you could also use Essence Drain before Gravity Well, if you're REALLY in a bind for health...But, you've also got inspirations as well, and Essence Drain doesn't provide you a whole heck of a lot of health... So, I guess it depends on your particular situation. In any case, I'm a big fan of Gravity Well, and I like to slot it.

    Black Dwarf:
    Another power toggle that obviously isn't going to be in a human-former's power picks. No need to discuss it here.

    Stygian Circle:
    Ahhh... Stygian Circle. This power, coupled with Eclipse, is what makes Warshades "awesomesauce." No real need to slot for health in this power, as the inherent heal percentage from it is still twice as high as your endurance recovery percentage, even with Performance Shifter slotted. You really want this power as early as possible in your build. Really.

    Essence Drain:
    Essence drain can be a great "emergency" power to have for a tiny surge of health if you don't have any dead bodies on the ground for stygian circle, and if you're out of inspirations. But, if you're picking it for the heal, you're going to be disappointed when comparing it to the power that is Stygian Circle. I usually only recommend Essence Drain for "I don't like to team--I prefer to solo only" people.

    Gravitic Emanation:
    Although I don't particularly care for this power personally, it can definitely be a HUGE bonus to you while soloing, as the length of time you can keep larger mobs stunned is really good, while you're causing carnage in human form without fear of getting taken down. It's a good opening attack, as long as it doesn't scatter everyone too far apart from eachother for pulling off a "capped" Eclipse. Personally, if I were to use it in an attack sequence, I'd want to run in and pull off my Eclipse FIRST, hit Gravity Well on a minion, hit Sunless Mire, pop Unchain Essence (mass stun), raise a pet if I need to, backpedal and hit Gravitic Emination's cone attack, and run back in to finish everyone off. You won't be able to pull off an unchain essence on every mob, if you're running at the "speedster" pace I usually do, but you should be able to pull it off every other mob, if you've got the global recharge for it. That said, on the 2nd mob, you'd probably only need to open up with a Sunless Mire and/or Gravitic Emination, then fall back into your usual attack chain, depending on your playstyle, or as the situation warrants. I've worked this power in to several of my builds in this guide.

    Unchain Essence:
    I HIGHLY prefer this power over Quasar for one OVERWHELMING reason: there's no endurance penalty. And, also because the stun is really nice. Oh, and it recharges faster. And it's damage is very respectable. And... Well, you get the picture. A quick comparison to a Warshades "actual" nuke: an Unchain Essence that's 5-slotted with Ragnarok or Positron's Blast does higher damage than Quasar does with just an ACC IO in it. And you don't get an endurance penalty for it. And you can use it every 70 to 90 seconds, depending on your global recharge. That should give you a better picture for how *respectable* Unchain Essence's damage spike is, without any major penalties like Quasar gives.

    Nebulous Form:
    Another power I don't personally have on my human-form Warshade, but it's admittedly another nice "oh Sh**!" power, especially if you've been hit by a "stealth strike," and don't have any dead bodies on the ground or any inspirations.

    Inky Aspect:
    This is an extremely important power for a human-former, which only grows in importance according to how large the mob size he is fighting is. It is *nearly* an "auto-stun" for minions, and coupled with Unchain Essence, will provide a large enough combined stun to stun LTs, and in some cases, stun Bosses for a very short time. The "health risk" for taking this power is a moot point, considering the regeneration percentages I have worked into the builds mentioned in this guide.

    Dark Extraction:
    Your pets! Awesome little purple fluffies, as long as you can keep the aggro off of them (my reasoning for picking Provoke on several of the builds)... They can *nearly* double your damage (depending on how many you can keep up constantly), so definitely don't skip this power!

    Although I don't like the penalty associated with Quasar (it really slows your ability for a continuous, rolling attack chain), I do think it can be quite useful, if the situation warrants. If you're a vet player or have played any blasters, I don't have to list off all the reasons and situations it could be useful.

    Eclipse. Need anything be said? This is the probably one of the single most powerful powers in the game. If you slot it up right, approximately 4 to 5 enemies will give you max resistance in every category. It's "god-mode" in a clicky. Get it and slot it.

    Stygian Return:
    Stygian Return can be an extremely useful power to have, especially if you get in those kinds of situations where you just realized that you got yourself in over your head. Although it requires live bodies to be nearby in order to work, that doesn't seem like much of a drawback, considering the fact that if you just got yourself in over your head, there's going to be a bunch of enemies standing around over your dead body anyway. It also has a fantastic "untouchable" side effect, which allows you to get away if you need to.

    Regarding Power Pools:
    While the "Fitness" pool isn't usually a viable option for tri-formers, it's an extremely important power pick for human-formers. I don't advise any sort of human-former to skip it at all. Hasten and Super Speed already had their own sections, so I won't mention the Speed pool here. Leadership, on teams (in my humble opinion) is absolutely invaluable. If you can afford to toggle it, you can afford the power pick. This is another reason I build for high recovery rates. While tri-formers can't necessarily properly use Leadership, human-formers can...and should.

    This power hasn't made it to any of my power trays for years, not even when I'm at the lower lvls in a sewer run to Kings Row.... If you're a vet, then you've got your staff/wand and the Sands of Mu that dwarf brawl's effectiveness.

    I usually put a run IO in here just for the heck of it, especially when exemped down on the Posi TF--although, I actually slot it in "Prestige Power Slide," because I think that just looks cooler with a WS.

    Good idea to put a recharge in the rest here as well--another Posi-TF-influenced IO placement on my part.

    Dark Sustenance:
    You "slot" this by teaming with people. (haha) If you think your capabilities as a human-former are awesome when soloing, you should check out what you can do when teamed! (Then change your pants)

    Shadow Step/Shadow Recall:
    I'll usually just put ranges in both Shadow Step and Shadow Recall. If you do any TFs or missions in the Shadow Shard, you'll thank me for that IO choice over End Reduc later.


    This is a *moderate* list of eleven builds I think can be effective for a human-form Warshade--with a short explanation of which each contains. Feel free to use them just as a "basis" for your own human-only Warshade build... These builds are merely suggestions--mix and match to your heart's content, depending on how you normally like to play City of Heroes!

    In ALL of these builds, I've enabled the "auto" accolade powers... If you don't already have them on your Warshade, get them! They're a tremendous help!

    BUILDS 1/2 (LINK):

    The first build you see is what's currently running on VestigeOne right now (as of the date of this posting). Obviously, affording five 5-slotted purple sets may be a little out of your budget's reach, so that's why I put together the second build--to show that achieving *similar* results without purples is entirely viable. The purpose for this build (with Provoke) was intended for i16 (8-man mob scaling) solo play. The purpose of Provoke here is to keep the aggro on yourself and off of your pets, so they can continue to output damage unhindered. This has been tested and works. This build is primarily for human-form Warshades who like to solo "scaled" mobs, but are not opposed to teaming up when necessary. This is a very adaptable build.
    Of course, there are a few number differences, which I'll list here:

    Build 1 ("Purpled" Version):
    *An "average" of 10% defense across the board
    *288% Regen
    *132.4% Max HP
    *206% Endurance Recovery
    *2.39/s End Usage with all toggles running
    *112.3% Max Endurance
    *146.3% Global Recharge (with Hasten)
    *13.5% ToHit Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *87% Global Accuracy
    *28% Global Damage Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *Mag 12 Knockback (KB) protection

    Build 2 ("Cheaper" Version):
    *An "average" of 11% defense across the board
    *272% Regen
    *133.5% Max HP
    *190% Endurance Recovery
    *2.36/s End Usage with all toggles running
    *114.5% Max Endurance
    *125% Global Recharge (with Hasten)
    *9% ToHit Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *52% Global Accuracy
    *27% Global Damage Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *Mag 12 Knockback (KB) protection

    BUILDS 3/4 (LINK):

    These builds are very similar to the first two, in that all powers up to Dark Extraction are pretty much the same (with the exception of slotting for Dark Detonation). However, this is the "alternate" form of the first two builds for the human-form Warshades, for those who prefer to team up every time they log on their human-form Warshade. Provoke was traded for Vengeance, and a few slots were moved around to accommodate this change. This is quite possibly the *most* maxed out you can get your human-form Warshade with Global Recharge.

    Build 3 ("Purpled" Version):
    *An "average" of 11% defense across the board
    *277% Regen
    *132.4% Max HP
    *206% Endurance Recovery
    *2.33/s End Usage with all toggles running
    *112.3% Max Endurance
    *153.8% Global Recharge (with Hasten--Highest out of all the builds!)
    *14.2% ToHit Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *96% Global Accuracy (OVERKILL!!! HaHa!)
    *27.5% Global Damage Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *Mag 12 Knockback (KB) protection

    Build 4 ("Cheaper" Version):
    *An "average" of 11% defense across the board
    *262% Regen
    *133.5% Max HP
    *190% Endurance Recovery
    *2.28/s End Usage with all toggles running
    *114.5% Max Endurance
    *132.5% Global Recharge (with Hasten)
    *14.2% ToHit Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *52% Global Accuracy
    *26.5% Global Damage Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *Mag 12 Knockback (KB) protection

    BUILDS 5/6 (LINK):

    These builds assume the human-former doesn't want to take the leadership powers, because he/she would rather conserve their endurance usage. This build also shows what my slotting for Gravitic Emination and Essence Drain would be, if I wanted to work them into my own personal human-form Warshade(s). This is a great build for soloers who like to face both smaller and "scaled" mobs.

    Build 5 ("Purpled" Version):
    *An "average" of 7% defense across the board
    *268% Regen
    *135% Max HP
    *206% Endurance Recovery
    *1.59/s End Usage with all toggles running
    *114.5% Max Endurance
    *140% Global Recharge (with Hasten)
    *0% ToHit Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *87% Global Accuracy
    *12% Global Damage Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *Mag 12 Knockback (KB) protection

    Build 6 ("Cheaper" Version):
    *An "average" of 7% defense across the board
    *252% Regen
    *134.2% Max HP
    *191% Endurance Recovery
    *1.58/s End Usage with all toggles running
    *117.7% Max Endurance
    *116.3% Global Recharge (with Hasten)
    *0% ToHit Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *52% Global Accuracy
    *11% Global Damage Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *Mag 12 Knockback (KB) protection

    BUILDS 7/8 (LINK):

    These builds show what powers I would pick and how I would slot them if I were IO'ing or SO'ing out my human-form Warshade, for the "Solo-Minded IO/SO Purists" out there... You know who you are!

    Build 7 (IO'd Version):
    *5.6% defense for Melee, Ranged, and AoE
    *180% Regen
    *120% Max HP
    *150% Endurance Recovery
    *1.42/s End Usage with all toggles running
    *110% Max Endurance
    *70% Global Recharge (with Hasten)
    *0% ToHit Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *0% Global Accuracy
    *0% Global Damage Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *ZERO Knockback (KB) protection!!!

    Build 8 (SO's Version):
    *5.3% defense for Melee, Ranged, and AoE
    *178% Regen
    *120% Max HP
    *149% Endurance Recovery
    *1.48/s End Usage with all toggles running
    *110% Max Endurance
    *70% Global Recharge (with Hasten)
    *0% ToHit Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *0% Global Accuracy
    *0% Global Damage Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *ZERO Knockback (KB) protection!!!

    BUILDS 9/10 (LINK):

    This is IO'd and SO'd versions of the builds above with leadership for "team-minded IO/SO purists" (see? I thought of everyone! j/k)...

    Build 9 (IO'd Version):
    *6% "Average" Defense across the board
    *180% Regen
    *120% Max HP
    *150% Endurance Recovery
    *2.06/s End Usage with all toggles running
    *110% Max Endurance
    *70% Global Recharge (with Hasten)
    *13.5% ToHit Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *0% Global Accuracy
    *13.5% Global Damage Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *ZERO Knockback (KB) protection!!!

    Build 10 (SO'd Version):
    *6% "Average" Defense across the board
    *178% Regen
    *120% Max HP
    *149% Endurance Recovery
    *2.18/s End Usage with all toggles running
    *110% Max Endurance
    *70% Global Recharge (with Hasten)
    *12.6% ToHit Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *0% Global Accuracy
    *13.5% Global Damage Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *ZERO Knockback (KB) protection!!!

    BUILD 11 (LINK):

    This build was something I came up with for someone who sent me a PM asking specific advice on a human-form warshade while dualing with a tank. I think this build is very good and worth mentioning, especially for the high slotting of leadership and the fact that Quasar is added into this build. Minimal Enemy Knockback was also taken into consideration for this build. This is another great all-around teaming build for a human-former.

    Build 11 (Moderate to high influence investment):
    *12% "Average" Defense across the board
    *261% Regen
    *137.4% Max HP
    *190% Endurance Recovery
    *2.04/s End Usage with all toggles running (Combat Jumping instead of SS in this instance)
    *114.5% Max Endurance
    *137.5% Global Recharge (with Hasten)
    *14.2% ToHit Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *52% Global Accuracy
    *29.5% Global Damage Buff (without Sunless Mire)
    *Mag 12 Knockback (KB) protection


    As you can see from any of the "setted" human-only builds, it's going to cost you a good chunk of money to set out a human-form Warshade. There's no sense in posting "average" market costs in a guide, because that not only severely *dates* it, it's also not an accurate representation of the market. Market prices have soared and plummeted so many times that not even the people who claim to "study" the market can predict what will come next--similar to the American stock market during the 2000s.
    What I will say is this: visit the "Market" section of the forums for some good advice from the "experts" on *properly* playing the market (if you don't already know how) before you try "impulse buying" everything in one of those sets. Luck of the Gambler +Global Recharges, Numina +Regen +Recovery, and Miracle +Recovery will always be on the "expensive" side, as well as any "Knockback Protection" IO, due to their popularity. However, I advise you to try taking it out of your Mid's build and see your endurance recovery percentages drop before you decide outright that you're not going to get them. They're quite useful.
    Also, as an alternative to paying excessive prices on the market, try a "regular diet" of Task Forces. You can get exactly what you want via the merit system without paying a *dime* of influence--it's what I do!


    A human-former is a very adaptable and unique build for City of Heroes. The closest I could compare it to would be a scrapper who "happened" to have a frew "controller-type" powers, and had a major damage buff as well. Although you may not be able to do as much damage as a blaster, your surviveability and ability to stand toe-to-toe with extremely difficult enemies (and continue to put out a continuous stream of attacks) will more than make up for the loss of damage output for not choosing "nova" form. A "Blapper" who might be pretty frustrated with the amount of times his Blaster dies would be extremely satisfied with this playstyle.

    As a final note, the most important thing to remember while building and playing your human-form Warshade is to be patient! Building a human-form Warshade that causes teammates to send you tells after a mission complimenting you on how awesome your Kheld is doesn't happen overnight...

    ...It takes practice!

    Have fun!

  24. Do you like to press them a lot?

    .....and, how does that make you feel?

    *quietly nods and jots down a few things on a pad of paper*

    "The One"
  25. I'd love to see a huge event with a huge spawn-able monster floating somewhere in the Shard for people to start up "raids" for, like they do with Hami....

    I think that's a good suggestion, and I still believe the Devs may have something up their sleeve way down the road for additions to the Shard.... We shall see, I guess...

    "The One"