Orbiting Death.





I haven't had nor really seen hair or sight of this powah since mid 2005.

This is how I remember it:

3 fluffy things float around on a circumference. Enemies between you and them didn't get hit but enemies on their flight path did get hit. So effectively I would have to line up fluffies to the enemies for them to get hit and produce good dpe.

The tick of dam although like a tankers in tick rate was nothing like a tankers unbuffed.

The end cost at 0.78eps is staggering. If I am running it and mobs are barely ever on the fluffy flight path then the ticks of damage are doing a lot of nothing for the end cost lowering its actual dps and dpe.

Being fiddly and perhaps a power best left for later I thought I would respec it out and look at it again later...

Four years later, I have never needed or seen a good use for what comes to be known as Orbiting Debt by some but given its popularity, it must do something and that is my question..

What can you use it for?

In teams, if you don't get in and AoE blast quick there will be nothing left, often when I used to double mire I would wonder why I double mired as the moment I had there was nothing left so the whole point in bothering to turn OD would of stumped me too.

Solo I would possibly do a number of things and still not know what I was missing from not having OD. Clearly its not a needed power but still if one wanted it..why?

If anyone EU can show me ingame I would like to see it in action pls.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Just like you I can't see a very good use for it.

The only possible thing I can see it used for is those people who use human form only (Or mostly) and run in trying to stun things with inky aspect, doing that you would get 'some' damage out of it.

At a quick play it can give 12.5dps roughly (Assuming slotted for damage and using Sunless Mire) so would help if going toe to toe with a single tough target and a load of minions, but thats not a Warshade strength.

Also as far as I am aware the fluffies in the amination don't do anything for the damage, it should just tick every 2 seconds for anyone in the radius.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



I kind of "have" to take it in human form, due to my power choice setup, although... I used to slot it way back when I just thought it was a "cool looking power," now I don't invest any slots in it at all, and just put one accuracy IO in it... I could pick the immob, but it'd have the same slotting (just one acc), so I figure it's better to do a tiny bit of damage on the whole mob (since I only do extremely large mobs when I play my human-only build) while you're hackin' away, than just do a tiny bit of damage on a single target.

However, I don't like it at all, not because of the small damage ticks, but because it's my ONLY toggle to drop if I get mezzed (which is quite often, since I'm a Kheld). I wind up having to re-activate it a LOT.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



QR I use it when I intend to stay in human form for a while, as retoggling it after a form switch is a pain (rooting). It's one of only a few WS AoEs with no chance of knockback, so that's nice. It's also great at hitting things you can't see (blinded), or that are stuck in a wall. It can be an aggro magnet, so I don't recommend running it until you have some significant mitigation options (teammates, stygian circle, inky aspect, dwarf form, etc). You can certainly do fine without it though.



The graphics and the flight path of the fluffies have nothing to do with anything. They're purely flavor. The power works like any other PBAoE damage aura. It ticks every 2 seconds and anything in the radius can be hit, subject to tohit check. OD is damage scale 0.17, which is somewhat less than the 0.20 most auras have, but it has a 20 foot radius rather than 8 foot radius of most auras. Like any other aura you need to slot for acc, endred and damage for it to be effective.

If you play in human form on large teams, OD can do a respectable amount of damage. It helps to have a tank to hold the aggro.



Originally Posted by _Uun_ View Post
The graphics and the flight path of the fluffies have nothing to do with anything. They're purely flavor. The power works like any other PBAoE damage aura. It ticks every 2 seconds and anything in the radius can be hit, subject to tohit check. OD is damage scale 0.17, which is somewhat less than the 0.20 most auras have, but it has a 20 foot radius rather than 8 foot radius of most auras. Like any other aura you need to slot for acc, endred and damage for it to be effective.

If you play in human form on large teams, OD can do a respectable amount of damage. It helps to have a tank to hold the aggro.
In playing with it 4 years ago, having to line up the flight path to score a hit was how I remembered it, however it could of been missing "alot" and hitting at the times when I did line it up. Back then there was not a lot of info or as a new gamer I was definitely one of them people who would not test things properly. 20ft Radius Aura at level 4 makes for a "No wonder it got known as Orbiting Debt". Telling me that its not flight path bound has altered my perception of it.

Using the power graphs I think for me to get value for money out of OD mobs would have to survive for 7.5 secs of its use and be a minimum of 2 targets. That doesn't sound bad.

So depending on who I team with that power does have some use.

To everyone. Thanks for all replies so far, I think so far of all uses its possibly the hitting targets you can't see is one thing but that's something other powers can do too no?

Inky aspect detects one then you AoE the found target.

(Am used to sets with +per)

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Any PBAoE has a chance to hit targets you can't see (whether due to blindness, or stealth) - that is an AoE centered on you, not a targeted AoE. So for a WS that means both Mires, Eclipse, Inky Aspect, and Orbiting Death. Not sure if enemies suddenly become visible when they are defeated, if so, Unchained Essence would work too...though it is technically a targeted AoE.



Originally Posted by Shannon_EU View Post
3 fluffy things float around on a circumference. Enemies between you and them didn't get hit but enemies on their flight path did get hit.
That's the first time I've heard this and my Warshade hit 50 sometime in I4. OD has the same mechanic as any other PBAoE. Remember - this was Cryptic's overworked, underfunded dev team. They weren't about to sink development time into an original meta-pet AI when they could just re-skin Death Shroud.

OD originally had four koosh balls of doom. The graphic was stealth nerfed for optimisation around a year ago. The asymmetry of having three balls still annoys me.

I use it all the time. At 0.78 eps It's a pricey-ish toggle but so is Hotfeet at 1.04 and Controllers/Doms don't get Stygian Circle to fuel it. The endurance cost of a power shouldn't really be much of an issue to any Warshade over lvl 20.

OD's major problem is that it's available far too early. Level 30 is a good place for it, i.e. right after Inky Aspect. It needs Inky to mitigate the aggro and Stygian to keep it running. At anything below lvl 20 it gets you drained and dead, hence its' bad reputation.

In a nutshell I use OD the same way my Tank uses Icicles. Add Eclipse and it's possible to tank bosses in human form while the minions wander about getting DoTed to death.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



Tanking is holding agro on yourself reguardless of what attacks, debuffs , or lewd gestures are made at the mobs. The ability to slightly annoy and take a buttload of damage isn't tanking. And while your inky and OD will attract alot of attention from mobs the second a blaster pops off a decent attack they will forget you even exist, somebody truely tanking this wouldnt be the case.

Minor quibble but it's not just Kheldian related, so I feel fine in mentioning it.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



I find it can be useful to grab aggro if you plan to herd two or three mobs together on a human form WS.

Its also useful in that it can boost your dps as it is a pbaoe toggle and so doesn't take up a slot in your attack chain. End use is lagely an irrelevance for a WS as long as there are dead mobs about to use SC on.

As long as the team recognise you need to consolidate aggro before firing off high damage aoes and preferably allow you to use your's first tanking isn't that much of an issue. After a mire and one of your two big aoes the blaster isn't going to pull aggro from you without killing the mob - assuming he keeps some range.

Haven't checked lately but it was bugged so it didn't drop when you were mezzed - watching an AV drop to it after mezzing you can be amusing.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Originally Posted by gaias_minions_EU View Post
Haven't checked lately but it was bugged so it didn't drop when you were mezzed - watching an AV drop to it after mezzing you can be amusing.
This was something that was "fixed" recently... As it was explained to me, since it's an "offensive" toggle, and not a "defensive" one, that's why it drops when you are mezzed, and Inky Aspect doesn't. To me, it doesn't make sense to make a power that will dropped when you are mezzed on a toon that is so extremely succeptible to being mezzed. But, par for the course, I suppose...

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
This was something that was "fixed" recently... As it was explained to me, since it's an "offensive" toggle, and not a "defensive" one, that's why it drops when you are mezzed, and Inky Aspect doesn't. To me, it doesn't make sense to make a power that will dropped when you are mezzed on a toon that is so extremely succeptible to being mezzed. But, par for the course, I suppose...

"The One"
Yes I /bugged it at the time which was shortly after the toggle changes came in - all (non shapeshift) toggles are supposed to drop when mezzed, offensive ones should also detoggle. At the time it not only didn't detoggle it continued to deal damage.
Inky should also detoggle - it has an offensive effect - disorient.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



If the Dev really wanted to fully implement the "you don't have to retoggle every time you're mezzed" change they were claiming, the offensive toggles would work the same way as the defensive ones--i.e., they would not de-toggle, but would instead suppress. Orbiting Death would no longer do damage while you're mezzed, and Inky Aspect would no longer stun while you were mezzed.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I have Orbiting Death on my Warshade, 6-slotted with Obliteration, and it actually outputs a "healthy" amount of damage. It's not a total "threat hog" now like it used to be in years past (*cough* Orbiting Debt *cough*) and thus doesn't override a Tanker's taunt aura(s) for aggro control. When soloing, I just leave OD (along with Inky) turned on and pay attention to the LTs and Bosses ... ignoring Minions. By the time I've disposed of a Boss, the Minions are usually dead from OD "scouring" them into the ground for me. Against LTs, any associated Minions are either half-dead when I turn my attention to them, or all dead after disposing of the first Minion.

And don't even get me started about how awesome Orbiting Death is when combined with Sunless Mire against Pet-level minions that attack you en masse. Rikti Monkeys are just scythed down around me like wheat at harvest time.

Best results are achieved when partnering with a Tanker who holds aggro.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I really enjoy my fully human WS. I have basically every single toggle that a WS can get: the 3 shields, shadow cloak, inky, and OD. It's really fun and very "tankable." I have like 52% resists and 20% defenses w/o eclipse and as of now I have eclipse on an 8 second down time. But THATS not what this thread is about! It is relevant though. With eclipse I have capped resists, THUS I am great at tanking. I like to run in with OD and inky grabbing a good amount of aggro, then with sunless mire helping out too.... And of course we have 2 fluffy pets killing stuff too! When your level 50 with IOs slotted end is Really not a problem anymore. Most toggles are down to like .10 end/sec. And most of our attacks are really low too. So, if you have made it this far in my rant, here is the only important part: Orbiting Death is a *very* good power with respectable damage.



Originally Posted by Deekz_4 View Post
I really enjoy my fully human WS. I have basically every single toggle that a WS can get: the 3 shields, shadow cloak, inky, and OD. It's really fun and very "tankable." I have like 52% resists and 20% defenses w/o eclipse and as of now I have eclipse on an 8 second down time. But THATS not what this thread is about! It is relevant though. With eclipse I have capped resists, THUS I am great at tanking. I like to run in with OD and inky grabbing a good amount of aggro, then with sunless mire helping out too.... And of course we have 2 fluffy pets killing stuff too! When your level 50 with IOs slotted end is Really not a problem anymore. Most toggles are down to like .10 end/sec. And most of our attacks are really low too. So, if you have made it this far in my rant, here is the only important part: Orbiting Death is a *very* good power with respectable damage.
Sigh.. let me show you how to rant.. stand back.

Great you have every single toggle (I get the same ressists as you without any of them) and it's very fun. Good so far. You are not Tankable because you cannot hold agro since you have no Taunt aura or Taunt, Tanks are not Tanks because they can soak up damage they are tanks because they can hold agro on them no matter what is done to the mobs up to about 15 mobs, you cannot.

Orbiting death is NOT a good damage power and here is why. With ACTUAL NUMBERS (god forbid anyone is forced to prove their theories with you know...actual facts.

Hotfeet) from Blasters unslotted (I use unslotted numbers on both because slotting wont change the ratios) will do 13.9 points of damage every 2 seconds (and provides a substantial slow -70% besides) for an end cost of 1.04/second.

Orbiting Death), your "very good respectable damage" power will do 8.04 damage every 2 seconds (and provides no other effects) for an end cost of .78/second

Blazing Aura) 11.1 damage .78 endurance/second.

Seems close right? Only here is the thing, Hotfeet is taken by fire controllers for the slow not for the "respectable damage and its usually slotted as such or as a IO mule for sets, and blazing aura isn't taken by most fire blasters because staying in melee waiting for the damage to tick off slowley (still faster than OD but slow) while mobs beat on them instead of you know, playing towards the AT and using their ranged (or hell, even their melee) attacks.

Any aoe attacks and I mean any will outperform the damage of OD both in damage and in endurance used. I havent run the math but I suspect a Defender (You know, one of the lowest damage scalers in the game) using only a well slotted aoe attack would outdamage a fully slotted Orbiting Death.

Please stop "Setting the record straight" without having any numbers (or a clue) to support what you are saying. Because here are the facts.

#1 Tri-Form can do anything a mono-form can do and do it well enough only the math (you know the stuff you all seem to want to avoid anyways?) can tell the difference.

#2 In addition Tri-Form or Duo form have access to abilities you simply dont have, they can either out-damage you or out-tank you or both.

#3 Your damage scaler is almost half what squid form is and still below dwarf form and dwarf form can chain their mire adnausium until your sad little attack chain damage is crying in a corner with a complex. And Tri-Forms are still able to do the same exact damage spikes you can (normaly with just as much damage acc and recharge or again so close only the evil maths could tell) with Unchain and Quasar so please keep going with the equality of the builds..

These are all facts that have been proven over and over and over again, and yet here we are listening to yet another round of "I think but wont touch any numbers to prove it because I'm going on gut feeling, videos, and my Tarot cards" line of crap.

Now that is how you do a rant.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Now that is how you do a rant.
Yes. Yes it is

Obsidian is of course quite correct too.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Sigh.. let me show you how to rant.. stand back.

Great you have every single toggle (I get the same ressists as you without any of them) and it's very fun. Good so far. You are not Tankable because you cannot hold agro since you have no Taunt aura or Taunt, Tanks are not Tanks because they can soak up damage they are tanks because they can hold agro on them no matter what is done to the mobs up to about 15 mobs, you cannot.
You'll find plenty of that debate on the Tanker forums with the Tauntless tank threads. In the end having either Taunt or a taunt aura is not a requirement to holding agro - granted it does make it *MUCH* easier thanks to the 1000X threat modifier for taunt at the time of its casting..

Tanks are not tanks because they can soak damage - wholeheartedly agree.
However them being able to hold agro no matter what is not what makes them a tank either - a tanks job is damage mitigation just the same as a 'trollers is - it does this by ensuring that the vast majority of the agro is directed at it rather than other team members - it is not however necessary to prevent all damage to others - if another member of the team pulls agro off of the tank as long as it is such that the mob is easily dealt with without impacting the other characters primary role that should not be a problem.
As long as he can achieve this then he can claim to be tanking.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Orbiting death is NOT a good damage power and here is why. With ACTUAL NUMBERS (god forbid anyone is forced to prove their theories with you know...actual facts.
where did he say it was a good DAMAGE power? He said it was a good power with respectable damage - its there to gain agro primarily not to kill the mobs. Because its doing some damage - no matter how small it will hold agro from proximity and the range multiplier to threat will mean that even moderate damage attacks from others at range shouldn't pull agro. Its the AOE damage powers that will hold the agro from more damaging attacks.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Hotfeet) from Blasters unslotted (I use unslotted numbers on both because slotting wont change the ratios) will do 13.9 points of damage every 2 seconds (and provides a substantial slow -70% besides) for an end cost of 1.04/second.

Orbiting Death), your "very good respectable damage" power will do 8.04 damage every 2 seconds (and provides no other effects) for an end cost of .78/second

Blazing Aura) 11.1 damage .78 endurance/second.

Seems close right? Only here is the thing, Hotfeet is taken by fire controllers for the slow not for the "respectable damage and its usually slotted as such or as a IO mule for sets, and blazing aura isn't taken by most fire blasters because staying in melee waiting for the damage to tick off slowley (still faster than OD but slow) while mobs beat on them instead of you know, playing towards the AT and using their ranged (or hell, even their melee) attacks.
as you say these are taken for other reasons - just as OD isn't taken for its killing ability - you also seem to have missed half of your sentence.

Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post

Any aoe attacks and I mean any will outperform the damage of OD both in damage and in endurance used. I havent run the math but I suspect a Defender (You know, one of the lowest damage scalers in the game) using only a well slotted aoe attack would outdamage a fully slotted Orbiting Death.

Please stop "Setting the record straight" without having any numbers (or a clue) to support what you are saying. Because here are the facts.

#1 Tri-Form can do anything a mono-form can do and do it well enough only the math (you know the stuff you all seem to want to avoid anyways?) can tell the difference.

#2 In addition Tri-Form or Duo form have access to abilities you simply dont have, they can either out-damage you or out-tank you or both.

#3 Your damage scaler is almost half what squid form is and still below dwarf form and dwarf form can chain their mire adnausium until your sad little attack chain damage is crying in a corner with a complex. And Tri-Forms are still able to do the same exact damage spikes you can (normaly with just as much damage acc and recharge or again so close only the evil maths could tell) with Unchain and Quasar so please keep going with the equality of the builds..

These are all facts that have been proven over and over and over again, and yet here we are listening to yet another round of "I think but wont touch any numbers to prove it because I'm going on gut feeling, videos, and my Tarot cards" line of crap.

Now that is how you do a rant.

And those facts whilst true are also nothing to do with what the post is about.

Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant



Wow, Obsidian attacking yet another person who prefers a different playstyle than he does...

C'mon, man... Give some people a break! If they explicitly state "I really enjoy playing like this," then what's the real *need* to berate that person? I mean, really? Why?

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Wow, Obsidian attacking yet another person who prefers a different playstyle than he does...

C'mon, man... Give some people a break! If they explicitly state "I really enjoy playing like this," then what's the real *need* to berate that person? I mean, really? Why?

"The One"
He isn't berating the playstyle but the information.

This thread started off as a question about how good Orbiting Death was, then someone came along calling it an awesome damage power, and that had to be disproved.

Then someone said it was used to tank and while yes it might get you aggro it won't let you 'tank' because 12dps isn't going to stop a mob going after anyone causing more damage than that. Much less when you consider Dwarf has an actual taunt power.

Everything Obsidian has said has just been trying to get the 'correct' information out there.

If the post was 'how do you all use Orbiting Death' and nobody came in saying it was an awesome damage power Obsidian would probably have been a lot less vocal.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



If you go back and re-read his post, he said "respectable" damage and not "awesome" damage. I believe there's a bit of a difference there, and besides that, when both you and Obsidian are basing all of your definitions of damage done with a Kheld on Nova form... I guess every other form and playstyle WOULD seem sub-par to you. I don't believe he was comparing OD to nova form, nor saying that it would out-do Nova, nor did he say it would out-tank dwarf. In actuality, he said OD was "respectable", and that it allowed him to "tank," not in a "taunt" sense, but in a "grab aggro" and "withstand the incoming damage" sense.

I believe any tanker in the the tanker section of the forums would say that there is a lot more to tanking than using "taunt." So, while, yes, dwarf form has a taunt, that fact alone has really nothing to do with what he was saying in his post.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
If you go back and re-read his post, he said "respectable" damage and not "awesome" damage. I believe there's a bit of a difference there, and besides that, when both you and Obsidian are basing all of your definitions of damage done with a Kheld on Nova form... I guess every other form and playstyle WOULD seem sub-par to you. I don't believe he was comparing OD to nova form, nor saying that it would out-do Nova, nor did he say it would out-tank dwarf. In actuality, he said OD was "respectable", and that it allowed him to "tank," not in a "taunt" sense, but in a "grab aggro" and "withstand the incoming damage" sense.
I have very distinct memories of a post that doesn't seem to be there anymore using words like awesome and causing loads of damage. Maybe that is in a different thread - I really hope I haven't been dreaming about forum arguements

So maybe the negativity was a bit over the top comparing it to Nova damage, but the numbers still hold true, as a damage aura it is a pretty poor one, and doesn't equal out to even one proper AoE attack.

Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I believe any tanker in the the tanker section of the forums would say that there is a lot more to tanking than using "taunt." So, while, yes, dwarf form has a taunt, that fact alone has really nothing to do with what he was saying in his post.
Oh I know that, I have seen enough brutes with taunt not be able to hold aggro, I was just trying to clarify that tanking is about more than survivability and a damage aura.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I have very distinct memories of a post that doesn't seem to be there anymore using words like awesome and causing loads of damage. Maybe that is in a different thread - I really hope I haven't been dreaming about forum arguements
I'm pretty sure I read something similar to that somewhere (not going to look for it).......but I think it was somebody talking about it ripping underlings (like rikti monkeys) to pieces or something along that line. Which very admittedly, it will do (even though 1 aoe will almost kill them). But anyway, while the power should definitely do more dmg than it does and/or cost less end, it's still not a horrible power. I'd wager that on a big team, orbiting death would probably be at least close to the 2nd highest dmg spell available to a human and by far the cheapest dmg (well dark detonation would be better). Assuming you have 10 mobs around and do 12 dmg a tick, you are doing 120 dmg every 2 seconds for less than 1 endurance point. If you notice, human only has 1 aoe in it so not taking orbiting death would indeed lower the dmg. I'm not saying the power is great, because it's not, but it still absolutely does respectable dmg on big teams.

You'll notice that almost any scrapper w/ an aura will tell you it's one of the best attacks they have. True, their auras do more dmg (and cost less end), but their attacks also do more dmg. So I'd say there's not much difference really in it's effectiveness compare to the other attacks other than the end usage not being as good for what it does......but it's still is better end per dmg than a regular attack.

But let's face it, even if it's not the best dmg aura, it's still is by far the best looking.



I rather like it; it has a big AOE and around the time that the enemies start recovering from my full necro jumping into them with GE and IA, the ones I haven't gotten to yet are chewed and gnawed and easier to finish off.

A no attack "Group-Friendly" Defender is like a "Team Friendly" basketball player who won't dribble, run, or shoot, under any circumstances. "I'm a PASSER."




Costs too much endurance for too little benefit, especially when I'm not spending much time in human form other than using it for the buffs/Unchain/EE. If you're human-only it might be useful but otherwise, not really. Looks cool and that's about it.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."