Orbiting Death.




If you're in human form all or most of the time you may as well put that endurance fountain to good use. Endless endurance isn't much use if it's not being consumed by powers after all. I can see OD being noticeable sideline damage if you don't jump forms a lot.



JusticeZero and Dr English both nailed it. I figure I've got the endurance, I may as well put it to work chewing on the targets I haven't gotten to yet, especially if they're stunned and not objecting. With Mire it'll have defeated the minions by the time I've done with the boss.

My only beef with OD is the rather lengthy rooting activation. It's rather superfluous for a forms-centred playstyle but handy for all-or-mainly human form players. Whether or not it does comparable damage to a single Nova AoE is irrelevant. It's a tool for those who can't or don't want to switch forms. For me it's the latter: The 2 seconds faster I might defeat that spawn is just going to get eaten up in retoggling afterwards.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



8.04 dam every 2 seconds to up to 10 targets.

Backed by capped mire and 3 dam enhs it becomes 8.04*(1+.95+1.125) = 24.723 every 2 seconds against up to 10 targets.

Potentially pushing out 247.23 worth of total damage every 2 seconds: 123.615 DPS to a spawn?

Yea, I'll be taking it when I spec back into human only.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
8.04 dam every 2 seconds to up to 10 targets.

Backed by capped mire and 3 dam enhs it becomes 8.04*(1+.95+1.125) = 24.723 every 2 seconds against up to 10 targets.

Potentially pushing out 247.23 worth of total damage every 2 seconds: 123.615 DPS to a spawn?

Yea, I'll be taking it when I spec back into human only.
Oh my SG mates told me to stay off the Kheldian forums but I never listen...Damn them for being right.

This damage output does look very impressive and I can totaly see how this would help human form only damage but on the other hand "anything" with a capped Mire and hitting the aoe cap will put out some impressive numbers.

I would be very interested in seeing if the numbers remain close to this in actual play as capping my mire remains tough for me and with hopping mobs pbaoe damage auras never seem to reach all the mobs in a group.

In either case, This has caused me to rethink OD. I think for a human only build this would probably be a good power to take as human seems to have alot less reliable consistant aoe damage, less so for form switchers as the form switching will cause you to have to toggle up OD repeatedly to the detriment of your damage output.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Do Inky Aspect and Orbiting Death get in each-others way? I remember being told once, never tried it myself, that when both IA and OD were on, enemies were either stunned by the one or taking damage by the other but not both at the same time... can anyone confirm/deny this?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Do Inky Aspect and Orbiting Death get in each-others way? I remember being told once, never tried it myself, that when both IA and OD were on, enemies were either stunned by the one or taking damage by the other but not both at the same time... can anyone confirm/deny this?
I know that this was bugged once upon a time, OD didn't cause damage on anything that Inky had stunned, and conversely I think Inky didn't supress when you were stunned.

I think it has been fixed but can't confirm sadly.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Having just put OD back into my WS build, I can verify the following:

OD turns off when you get stunned.

OD does damage to foes disoriented by IA.

IA is Not turning off when stunned.

I need to check tonight to find out of IA is being suppressed as other toggles, or if it's just fully bugged and continues to work while stunned.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Having just put OD back into my WS build, I can verify the following:

OD turns off when you get stunned.

OD does damage to foes disoriented by IA.

IA is Not turning off when stunned.

I need to check tonight to find out of IA is being suppressed as other toggles, or if it's just fully bugged and continues to work while stunned.
Ah dangit. That means I have to rework my warshade's human-form build again to fit OD back in.

I guess that's a good problem to have.

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Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
So it's all fixed now?!
Yes, it's fixed. Bill's points are all correct.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



I do wonder if IA stays up and running due to the fact it feeds off of your own HP.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I do wonder if IA stays up and running due to the fact it feeds off of your own HP.
I believe the reason why Inky Aspect stays up, while Orbiting Death does not is due to the Primary/Secondary divide when it comes to mezz effects turning things off or just merely suppressing them. You'll note that all of your secondary toggles (bubbles, inky, etc.) stay on when mezzed ... while all your primary toggles (ie. Orbiting Death) get shut off.

And yes, you can use Inky Aspect and Orbiting Death together to stun and damage.

As far as damage throughput goes ... Orbiting Death is a slow but efficient way to do damage to groups of hostiles (in PBAoE). Yeah, the damage per target is low (unenhanced) ... but once you start dogpiling on the targets in your PBAoE (see: Tanker Auras) the damage output in aggregate climbs pretty high per tick, while not increasing the endurance cost and still leaving you free to attack for yet more damage. Your human form Mire however can dramatically improve that damage throughput (for 30 seconds), and getting Fulcrum Shifted by a Kineticist turns Orbiting Death into a moderately powerful damage aura. I've seen numbers go as high a -45 damage per tick with Fulcrum Shift going in Team-8 conditions with a Tanker. That's nothing to sneeze at when you're doing over 20 DPS "for free" per target(!) (max targets: 10) every 2 seconds. So like a great many PBAoE damage auras, Orbiting Death is a "waste" against a single target ... and remarkably effective against hordes of targets ... saving your team the time and effort of beating down every single last hostile using other means.

And since you're doing this in human form, there's no shifting required in order to use Stygian Circle as your group moves from dogpile to dogpile.

The basic point though is ... if you want Orbiting Death to be "worth it" you've got to invest in it, and use it in the situations and circumstances that "allow" you to leverage it (and Inky Aspect!) to your best advantage (ie. stay beside the Tanker). Also consider that running Orbiting Death/Inky Aspect alongside a Dark/Dark scrapper or tanker running *their* damage and stun auras means that the two of you will be inflicting perma-stun on Bosses ... just by being near them (together) ... and that your combined damage auras will be scouring down absolutely EVERYTHING around you, dramatically improving kill speeds for your group while you (two) move about with relative impunity as your team simply mops up anything that doesn't run away fast enough.

No, Orbiting Death is not the be-all-end-all sort of "only power you'll ever need" on your warshade in human form. But ... it is an important tool in your toolkit, and it is something which you are perfectly capable of leveraging to great effect in the context of team with buffers and debuffers working over anything and everything you come across. Do not dismiss this power out of hand, just because its output/efficiency looks "lousy" against a single target (as do most AoE attacks, btw).

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



The only reason Inky Aspect does not detoggle when you get mezzed is because someone hasn't changed a value in a spreadsheet yet. If it affects enemies in any way, it should shut off when you get mezzed. For example, Rise to the Challenge has a very small tohit debuff and is therefore considered an offensive toggle (and will detoggle when you get mezzed), even though it's defensively the primary survivability tool for a Willpower character.

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"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Then I am very, very, very glad someone has not changed that value.

Personally, I think they should keep ALL toggles up, and just supress the effect of ALL toggles (whether offensive or defensive) when you're mezzed. I mean, shields are suppressed, why can't offensive damage "tics" get suppressed?

I don't "believe" it'd be that hard, if all it takes is "changing a value on a spreadsheet," but then again... It may be much harder than what "changing a value on a spreadsheet" sounds like it'd be.

I'm not talking from a "I know spreadsheets" point of view here--I'm speaking from a "this would make the most sense" point of view. If the "big feature" is to keep toggles up when mezzed... Then, why not, ummm.... Keep all toggles up when mezzed?


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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