The Soloing Warshade? Human only or a combo build?




Hey everyone. Trying to get 1 of every archtype here to 50 and I'd love to get a Warshade to 50. However. I'm having major problems. Level 30 so far and mostly soloing due to the time of day I play, and how anti-social I am.

Now I figured a Human Only Warshade would be better solo, but at level 30 I'm basicly getting my *** kicked. So I need some advice? Should I go tri form? *shudders* Dual squid/human or lobster/human? Or am I just doing something majorly wrong. In comparison to all the other archtype and combinations I've played, Warshades seem WAY too weak. But everyone tells me that I'm just not doing it right. So here I am, asking how to do it right in a way that's enjoyable to me.

So speak up. If you need my build let me know and I'll throw it in here. I figured by level 30 I'm be kicking *** and taking names and that's not the case. So, I want to change that.

Thanks in advance.......... Protonic Flux

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)



No need to "shudder" at doing it as a tri-former. I think since you're taking one to 50 for the first time, you should think about respec'ing into tri-form to make your "journey" a bit easier... make sure that you're picking up Gravitic Emanation and Stygian Circle, as well as Gravity Well and Sunless Mire for your human form powers, and slot up Dark Nova and Black Dwarf something fierce! I and several others on these forums have some good tri-form builds you can look at if you're interested in knowing how to "effectively" slot up a tri-former...

Also, your "moment of awe" won't occur until you hit lvl 38 and pick up Eclipse... Look forward to that day.

Until then, enjoy this SAMPLE VIDEO of a tri-former (not me) owning some CoT SOLO using a combination of Gravitic Emination, Dark Nova, and Stygian Circle.

CoT, mind you!!! :P


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Your pet at 32 will also make the journey substantially less painful.

The nice thing about Dwarf form is that you can shape shift if mezzed, making Dwarf a get-out-jail-free button - a Break Free that never expires.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



I've always figured a soloist Human-only Warshade would be quite feasible, post Lv38, that is. Before getting your pet(s) and Eclipse, there's a lot of strain for a Human-only Warshade to deal with. I'm not saying it's impossible, but rather that going with a TriFormShade™ is usually much easier if you have to solo it. That's been my experience at least.

That said though, after taking a TriFormShade™ to Lv50, I simply can't stomach parting with the forms and going Human-only. Sure, I can do that on the 2nd build, but I just find the forms a lot more interesting to play with.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Great advice from AlienOne, well worth listening to.

Start off using Shadow Cloak in human form and get into position, open up with Gravatic Emination and stun everything, run in and Sunless Mire, swap to Nova and blast away. With a well slotted Gravatic Emination you can have the mobs stunned for ~20s and solo you won't have bosses anyway so that is no problem.

Gravity Well can be used to take out anything particularly dangerous quickly because it is absolutely devastating when well slotted.

The rest of the slots can go into Nova and Dwarf to make sure you can cause lots of damage (Nova) and take lots while still putting out respectable damage (Dwarf) depending on the situation.

There are a few other ways to do it, but I find this the easiest, and against solo size groups Gravatic Emination is awesome and makes life so much easier.

Edit: There is nothing wrong with using a human only build for soloing, the initial opener with Gravatic Emination will be the same, but the attacks will be a bit weaker than Nova. And Nova does have the great bonus of being able to fly, which is an absolute lifesaver at times.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Good Lord! Well, I just respec'd and took my tri form Warshade against a group of +1 Warriors.

And she was @#!$ing devistating!! I know I wouldnt have made it thru the missions with a human only Warshade.

So, I'm a believer. Thanks everyone who posted on here and pointed me in the general direction. It's good to know that after 5+ years I dont know nearly everything about this game.

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)



LoL, good... Glad we don't have another "can't make it past 35 so I'm not playing Khelds anymore" person... I have a bunch of friends who are already like that....(haha)


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I'm at 25 with a Warshade that's focusing on Dwarf form with Human form as a buff mule. Doing pretty damn well. Not at all like the the poor ******* that was my PB (RIP Phantom Edge, your struggle is at an end).

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
I'm at 25 with a Warshade that's focusing on Dwarf form with Human form as a buff mule. Doing pretty damn well. Not at all like the the poor ******* that was my PB (RIP Phantom Edge, your struggle is at an end).
If your PB was also trying to focus on Dwarf form I can see why you prefer your Warshade, their human form powers help the forms a lot more than with a PB.

But if you are planning on staying in Dwarf a lot then I would advice looking for some movement speed increases when you slot it up, they really help (Or bring a kin like I do!)

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Best piece of advice I can give for a soloist Warshade, whichever combination you're playing, is always hit the big fish with your heavy attacks and when using Drain(s) do it with the small fries. Once you're done with the heavy hitters (EB's, Bosses and Lt's) turn on the AoE's and clean up the aisles.

Just because you can obliterate those minions first doesn't mean you should because doing so may leave you alone with a tough nut to crack (EB, or even some Bosses depending on your build and the enemy's powers).

Always, fight smart.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by Protonic_Flux View Post
Good Lord! Well, I just respec'd and took my tri form Warshade against a group of +1 Warriors.

And she was @#!$ing devistating!! I know I wouldnt have made it thru the missions with a human only Warshade.

So, I'm a believer. Thanks everyone who posted on here and pointed me in the general direction. It's good to know that after 5+ years I dont know nearly everything about this game.
Glad to hear this, PF. I know you were struggling with it.

I might build tri-form on to the secondary build later, but right now, I'm enjoying my human only WS more and more as I slip IOs into the build.

There's something very gratifying about running through a mission with 2 fluffies buffed by tactics while I'm holding aggro with InkyAspect/Orbiting Death and sitting at the dam-res cap of 85% and seeing my health/end back to full after (and often during) every fight.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
There's something very gratifying about running through a mission with 2 fluffies buffed by tactics while I'm holding aggro with InkyAspect/Orbiting Death and sitting at the dam-res cap of 85% and seeing my health/end back to full after (and often during) every fight.
That does sound satisfying, but I also like the ability to sit there in Dark Nova and blast together with my fluffies. It's an odd thing, but oh-so-much-fun, especially when I'm using the game environment against the enemies (i.e. get a bunch of mobs to repeatedly climb and jump off a lamp-post or bus-stop, focusing only on you while you and the fluffies open fire)

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
If your PB was also trying to focus on Dwarf form I can see why you prefer your Warshade, their human form powers help the forms a lot more than with a PB.

But if you are planning on staying in Dwarf a lot then I would advice looking for some movement speed increases when you slot it up, they really help (Or bring a kin like I do!)
Nah, I kept flitting around different builds with my PB. The problem was that the Human form was doing jack **** when I focused on one of the forms and Human-only felt incredibly weak (not to mention the headache inducing status effects). Contrasting this is my Dwarf Warshade who feels like a Scranker and is helped tremendously by 1 slotted Human form powers. The difference in performance is insane. It's also been far easier to level up as a Warshade.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
Nah, I kept flitting around different builds with my PB. The problem was that the Human form was doing jack **** when I focused on one of the forms and Human-only felt incredibly weak (not to mention the headache inducing status effects). Contrasting this is my Dwarf Warshade who feels like a Scranker and is helped tremendously by 1 slotted Human form powers. The difference in performance is insane. It's also been far easier to level up as a Warshade.
Well, human to human form I would say the Peacebringer is MUCH eacher to fight as human only. What I'll prolly end up doing is getting my Warshade up to 50 then using the second build to go human only and then I can compare the 2 styles on the Warshade.

Peacebringer I would definitely say human only build is very possible to solo your way thru the game. At least I've done it so far from 1 to 32.

'If Champions Online is what "CoH was supposed to be", I'm glad that I have what I have rather than "what it was supposed to be".' - The Alt oholic
"I solo'd Hamidon...but I also totally cheated." - Back Alley Brawler
"It is still early. Someone is going to get stabbed tonight I can feel it." - Ishmael (said in Jello Shooters chat)



Originally Posted by Protonic_Flux View Post
Good Lord! Well, I just respec'd and took my tri form Warshade against a group of +1 Warriors.

And she was @#!$ing devistating!! I know I wouldnt have made it thru the missions with a human only Warshade.

So, I'm a believer. Thanks everyone who posted on here and pointed me in the general direction. It's good to know that after 5+ years I dont know nearly everything about this game.

If you haven't already, start slotting your tri-form for +recharge bonuses. Tri-form 'shades benefit from recharge more than any other AT I've played (with the possible exception of ill/rads). More pets, more controls, more aoe's, more uptime on mires and most importanly, Eclipse. Decimations, Crushing Impacts, Posi Blasts, LoTG globals, Expedient Reinforcements, Oblits, and purplespurplespurples are your friends!

Eclipse, how I love thee... CoH racing to 50 is like trying to race to the end of your vacation. -Arcanaville

Debt barely slows down levelling these days. It's just a little bar that measures how much Awesome you've generated recently. (If you're not getting debt, you're just not trying to generate Awesome hard enough.) -Kelenar