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  1. AlienOne

    Orbiting Death.

    Then I am very, very, very glad someone has not changed that value.

    Personally, I think they should keep ALL toggles up, and just supress the effect of ALL toggles (whether offensive or defensive) when you're mezzed. I mean, shields are suppressed, why can't offensive damage "tics" get suppressed?

    I don't "believe" it'd be that hard, if all it takes is "changing a value on a spreadsheet," but then again... It may be much harder than what "changing a value on a spreadsheet" sounds like it'd be.

    I'm not talking from a "I know spreadsheets" point of view here--I'm speaking from a "this would make the most sense" point of view. If the "big feature" is to keep toggles up when mezzed... Then, why not, ummm.... Keep all toggles up when mezzed?

  2. AlienOne

    Orbiting Death.

    I couldn't have said it better.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    The only way I would be ok with build switching without visiting an NPC would be:
    • Set Player Health 1
    • Set Player Max Regeneration 0, duration 60 seconds.
    • Set Player Max Endurance 0, duration 60 seconds.
    • Set all powers state to Initial Recharge.
    • Wipe all Buffs/Debuff on character.
    In other words, we do NOT want players to be able to situationally change power selections.
    I'm totally ok with this, AS LONG AS BASE BUFFS were not affected. Using an entire inventory of salvage for base buffs before a TF, deciding to switch to your other build before you start the TF to be more effective--only to realize all the base buffs had been erased... would be more than a bit maddening.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leese View Post
    That's an option - if you don't mind not having access to your stored inf, your friends list, your veteran rewards, your unlocked HEATS and VEATS, and your super-boosters/GvE bonuses/Power Slide/so on.
    True. Just depends on how badly and how quickly you want to get over to the "NA side."

    If you can deal with the "sacrifice," then you can do it right away. If you can't deal with it, then I guess you're screwed for the time being.

    Just offering that as an option.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
    American censors seem to be very against anything that is 'sexual' but kind of blaise about violence and gore. The American version of Age of Conan had the nipples removed from the semi-naked female demon pet and her backside covered up.

    The Germans are the reverse and kind of blaise about the sexual but very against blood and violence, so the big, really gorey fatality moves your character occasional pulls off (such as the curb stomp head squish) had the blood removed and some were taken out altogether (such as the curb stomp).

    The rest of the world had a completely uncensored version which had a female succubus pet in just booties complete with nipples and the over the top fatalities.
    This also applies to the game "The Witcher"... U.S. versions got censored, whereas the rest of the world got to "see more booty," so to speak...

    Originally Posted by Eisregen_NA View Post
    What language barrier? The one that precludes you and I from communicating you mean? Most Germans I know who play online know enough English to read an intermediate complexity novel. They might not be able to express themselves as easily as they may comprehend, but they'll be more legible than a native speaker who talks in all single letters and numbers.
    Agreed... I lived in Europe for 4 and a half years, and I have several German, Belgian, and French friends who can speak better "Oxford" (correct) English than many of my American friends that completely slaughter their own language with slang...

    As a side note, you can always try or Ebay to purchace a NA version of City of Heroes, and that will give you access to the American servers sooner without waiting for a "server merge."

  6. I would think it'd be nice... Just explain that it's not "charity" in a negative sense (as in they're a bum)... It's "charity" in a positive sense (as in you're a giving sort of person)

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
    Oh and just a quick side-note, I'd like the NPC to not just be something for an 'event' like Halloween....have the NPC do info for all things like this (have info for Valentine's event, Halloween, Winter event, among other things...).
    Agreed. (I teamed with 'ya this morning, by the way...)

    I believe they've had a contact in AP before for the Valentine's event, but if they could have some sort of "Event" contact that would explain events while they are happening, and then switch dialogue to explain or "preview" upcoming events when there isn't an event currently going on, that would be wonderful for newer players.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morbid Star View Post
    Is anything going to be done to rectify this mistake? ...

    It use to be that haveing the Master's badge was a symbol of a difficult hard earned accomplishment. But since this bug, there are thousands of toons that have it (earned the bug'd way). And really lessens the status and cheapens the accomplishment altogether.
    Apply a yellow "I'm Special" title above your head if you got it prior to the "bug?"


    On a serious note, I agree with you... It took me a long, long time to get the MoSTF badge on AlienOne and VestigeOne before i16... But, on the other hand, any sort of "retraction of badges" would be along the lines of threatening to delete characters you "might" have had PL'd through AE--which didn't go over so well with the playerbase, if you remember.

    So, I don't think any sort of badge deletion is in order... If they "accidentally" deleted the badges off my toons that worked for literally years to get it, I would be one extremely pissed individual.

    No, I think the best thing to do would be for you to just know in your heart that you got it the "real" way, and leave it at that. They have a playerbase to try and keep happy, you know...

  9. Ah, thnx for the link... Looks like exactly the same problems I was experiencing... Didn't matter if you won or lost, the system would pick someone "at random."

    Devs, please fix!

  10. AlienOne

    Doom McLean

    I think your parody is better than Weird Al's parody of that song... Nice writin'!

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    Cool, having seen many then can you link me to where someone has said that pls?
    Sure. I've seen several, but since the new "boards changeover," a bunch of them seem to be lost. (the search function is a great tool on these boards, by the way)

    Here's a couple:

    Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
    Khelds, ayup, they could let you customise them. The question is, do they want to? It's the same question as "do we want to customise Patron pools?", with the same concern: the look of these powers is rooted within the lore.

    Originally Posted by Necrotron View Post
    Well sure, if they want to bend the lore a bit to allow for kheld customisation, they can do that.
    Bolded for emphasis.

    Here's two other posts where I stated pretty much the same thing I stated here in this thread:

    Quote 1:
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    And where exactly does it say that all Warshades have to be purple? Why can't it just be "dark?" Limiting them to *dark* colors? Why would they have to be limited to one single color on their home planet? Same for Peacebringers... Why couldn't they have a little variety across the "light" color spectrum? Is your "lore imagination" that small?

    "The One"
    Quote 2:
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    May I point you to the most complete guide for Kheldians lore. I can't seem to find anything in game lore that states that Warshades "must be purple" or Peacebringers "must be white/blue."

    All it says is that Warshades are dark, and Peacebringers are light. Who says they can't be variations of light and variations of dark?

    FYI, I've been told that coloring is not "out of the picture" and "doable" for Khelds when I talked to a certain someone at Comic-Con... I'm just trying to find out where this misconception that Kheldians "must" be a certain specific color according to game lore, as some people in this thread have stated.

    "The One"

    I realize someone could make the argument "Well, they're all the same color in the game, so the Devs obviously intended them to be that way." However, ice powers were blue when designed, and all characters with ice powers had the same colors. All characters with electricity had the same color when designed. All characters with empathy had the same colors. They were all designed by the Devs that way. Yet, they're allowing those characters to change their colors, because there was a cry for it by the player community. So, that argument is a moot point, as the Devs have already shown themselves willing to make adjustments/improve on their game when the players request it.

    I'm requesting color changing for Khelds.
    Here's a post in the same thread affirming where I'm coming from in my points:

    Originally Posted by bjooks View Post
    But how would it bend lore? Admittedly, by this point I'm not remembering what I got from missions and what I read from the wiki (which is pretty dang accurate, usually), but it seems like the lore wouldn't need to be bent. The forms, after all, aren't part of the Kheldian energy beings but are residual memories of previous hosts from other planets. Or am I completely wrong (and if so, is the wiki wrong as well, or am I misreading)?

    I did ask to correct me if I was wrong, so can you let me know where I'm confusing the lore. Much appreciated.

    As you can see, there seems to be some sort of misconception from at least more than one person that these colors are rooted in lore. However, as I've pointed out before, I believe this is just a case of "that's how the Devs originally created them," as they did for every other power in the game: ice, electricity, radiation, etc., etc.

    Do you think that everyone having green radiation is based in lore? No, that's just common perception that "all radiation is green." Is that a good enough excuse to withhold power customization from a playerbase? Evidently not, because we now have power customization for all aforementioned powers.

    I'm sorry, but not liking my "wording" doesn't make me any less right or wrong in the stance I'm taking here.

    Again, you're more than welcome to prove me (or this other guy) wrong by showing where in "lore" or "canon" it says that "Peacebringers have to be white" and Warshades "have to be purple."

  12. I too have heard directly from the Devs (at Comic-Con this year) that they're "looking at it" (referring to Kheldian power customization), but nothing actually definite. I haven't seen any sort of announcement on the topic, nor anything on the forums to say that they "plan to"... Therefore, I can't actually say "yes, the Devs said they would"... Only that they have (and presumably are still) looked into the possibility of it.

  13. Again I say... Where in canon does it say Kheldians are a specific color?


    At best, all it says is PBs are "light" and WSs are "dark." And that is coming from Memphis_Bill's canon "resource."

    Show me somewhere in game where it says "Warshades have to be purple" or "Peacebringers have to be white/lightblue" and I won't make this claim again.

    I tire of people saying that those two specific colors are "canon," when in fact, they are not. It's just how the Devs originally made them. There is no specific storyline or concept art that "explains" that the homeworld the Kheldians came from was not multi-colored. There are "light" colors and there are "dark" colors. Nothing prevents "light blue" from being the ONLY "light" color where Peacebringers come from, and nothing prevents "purple" from being the ONLY "dark" color where Warshades come from in canon.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    Mostly the neg reppers hurt my brain since all too often I have no idea what they are talking about.
    QFT... It's quite entertaining, but it also is quite difficult to go to "that place" in order to figure out just how backwards someone's thought process can be.

    Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
    I understand that anonymous commenting is an amazing new concept, but are threads devoted to these comments really necessary?

    Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
    There wouldn't be 6 threads on the forums if 'necessary' was required.
    6 threads? Damn, I really need to get on the bandwagon here... I've gotten some real doozies in the past--even starting a thread meant to try and keep my rep in the RED, only to find out that my rep points just seem to get higher and higher, no matter HOW many negative reps I seem to get... :/

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    Lets ask the Devs to change "For Fun" to "Srsbzns d00dz!" then

    But to seriously address the issue of Kheldian graphic customization, I definitely agree we need something to clearly indicate we're all unique, especially when in Nova/Dwarf forms.

    I don't really mind having Human-powers appear the way they do because quite frankly, Kheldians are still not so commonly seen as all other AT's are.

    It is however when we're in our forms that things may get confusing, especially if one is in an All Kheldian ITF...

    Completely, wholeheartedly, and totally disagree.

    If the devs are going to allow customization at all on Khelds (and that in and of itself is up for debate), they need to allow it on ALL forms... Allowing it only 2 out of the three forms is just...forgive me, but...retarded.

    "Things might get confusing on an all Kheld iTF" isn't a good enough reason just to do 2 out of three. How often does an average player do an all-Kheld iTF? On top of that, didn't allowing power customization on all the other ATs cause enough confusion? Ever teamed with a guy who decided to make his heals blue and his endurance recovery green? Talk about confusing. But, you know what? I can live with it, as long as he's doing his "job."

    Allowing power customization on nova and dwarf, and NOT allowing it on human is just stupid. On top of that, if you're not colorblind and you're interested in having your hero's costume and power colors "match", and you'd like to make your other two forms a specific color, using any of your powers in human form could automatically clash with the colors you've chosen for your other two forms, depending on the color you've chosen. This is the same reasoning that people requesting power customization in the first place used. So, why do two and exclude the other?

    That actually could be the reasoning why Khelds do NOT have power customization available to them. Once they figure out a way to customize granite armor (because that power completely replaces your other costume--rather than it being an overlay--like dwarf and nova forms do), then we may be on the road to seeing Khelds with power customization.

    Until then, I guess we can only speculate (still). However, NOT giving human form power customization, and allowing everything ELSE power customization (which would make it just about the only "human" in the game to not be allowed power customization by that time), is just an obvious slight, and not something I'd expect to see from the devs.


    Just to clarify, I'm not calling YOU stupid... I'm calling the IDEA of not allowing human-formers power customization while allowing tri-formers customization stupid. That's like saying, "Sure, Khelds are all about flexibility... We like to encourage you to experiment and decide what forms you like to play--But, be forewarned, if you choose to play this certain form, you won't be able to change the colors of your powers like everyone else can."

    *shakes head*
  16. LoLz.

    Would certainly make new forumites curious as to what this section of the forums actually contained....haha!

  17. AlienOne

    Oh, Snap!

    Those are great suggestions! However, after trying one of these builds without SS (on "Worst Warshade Ever"), I found myself pretty frustrated with in-mission travel (especially when doing a cave or office building mish)... I usually only use the teleport for long-distance travel across zones (i.e., the Shadow Shard)...All short distance travel in zones, all mission travel, and any "raid travel," I prefer Super Speed.

    I'd also add that I don't *really* need +12 KB resistance... +8 (or even +4) is good for most situations... However, in the build I currently have on VestigeOne, I'm already "maxxed" at the amount of 2.5% Endurance Recovery bonuses I have (five, including an Impervium set on Eclipse), and therefore, that bonus would be lost if I chose to switch from Steadfast Protection to a second set of Impervium Armor.

    However, that suggestion on dropping a stealth IO in sprint is a great idea, and something I might actually do... I used to have the Celerity set in SS, but I got agitated that when turning off SS, Vestige would stay translucent for a long time. However, having the "option" of extra stealth (stealth proc+SS+Shadow Cloak= awesome!) in a sprint power would be pretty handy for stealthing missions against enemies with extra perception.

    All that said, I'd also like to point out that both of those builds posted were experimental builds to see just how high I could get disorient resists--it's not actually what's on VestigeOne right now.

    This is currently what he's running at the moment.

    Again, thanks for the suggestions!

  18. DarkEther showed up earlier (I missed him), and I showed up later. I think we were the only 2 that showed up.

  19. argh... I meant Pacific....Crap... My bad. :/

    I'll get on as soon as I can

    I guess we have enough "interest" in it, but not enough "participation" or "organization" for anything to follow through.

    It's official: The "All Kheldian Test Server Event" is a phail.

  20. LoLz at scrappers always puttin' down WSs... And this is what happens when it really "gets down to it."

  21. 2pm Pacific would be 4pm Central, and 5pm Eastern.... I believe England would be 6 hours after that (11pm)...

    That help?

  22. AlienOne

    Level 50 Snobs

    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    Some people are interested in TFs and should have builds they can exemp with and some people simply aren't interested in anything they've skipped inclusive of TFs, don't have builds they can exemp with and have no interest in playing a character that is lacking the qualities they've acquired by 50.

    Especially if you don't mix the two types of people there is nothing to do with snobbery.
    Which brings up my question:

    Devs, can I has more builds plz?

  23. Yay, I feel way young at 29....

    You guys need anything? Medamucil? A cane? Trifocals? Viagra?

    I'll be more than happy to "hop to" gettin' 'ya what 'ya need... :P

  24. K, let's go ahead and schedule something.

    How about Sunday afternoon?

    Sunday, September 27th, 2PM Central Standard Time

    Sound good?

    Also, be sure to go ahead and make sure your test server version of the game is properly updated to the latest patch...

  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
    Add me to the list that wants to make sure that the +level difficulty option remains for TFs. I did an ITF last night on the equivalent of 'Unyielding' simply because my team was capable of it. I'd have hated for that team to run at +0/+0.

    Also, taking away the difficulty options for Oro will, frankly, kinda suck.
    Add me to the list as well. Almost all the content I do with my lvl 50s is TFs, since the "entire game" to me is the ability to have fun "maxxing out" my toon once it hits 50 and getting together with my fellow coalition mates (who are doing the same thing) to see if we can rock a TF at higher diff settings.

    Not a good change.

    Like, at all.
