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  1. They don't glow. I really don't get what the point is of these parts if they don't glow. I feel like I wasted 400 PP on something that doesn't work. I've tried everything I can think of, there's no applicable aura listed and the parts themselves have no glowing option, I didn't own these parts before I21 so I don't know how/if they worked.

    Needless to say I'm more than a little miffed.
  2. AkuTenshiiZero

    Forum VIP

    My inner peacock is satiated.
  3. AkuTenshiiZero

    Forum VIP

    Why don't I have the snazzy gold name and VIP title? I'm important too

    No, really, I have a VIP status on my account and all the other good stuff that comes with it, except that I can't flaunt it on the forums like a peacock in spring.
  4. I've been trying to get the devs attention on this for awhile. My /Poison Corruptor uses his own blood as a weapon, it's kinda strange for him to have everything else red and his T9 green...
  5. There is no color tintable version of this power. It seems highly unlikely that this is WAI.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I'm not sure if it's a society thing, or a comic book culture thing, or a mixture of both, but the fact is that it is easier to believe that a smaller person can be super strong than it is to believe a larger person can be quick and agile. The examples of beefy guys in comics being graceful fighters are few and far between (Beast comes to mind, but he's not even that big). Comparatively, it's easy to believe that Rogue or Supergirl could punch a semi across town. In the case of the female characters, I guess it could be written off as society's conditioning overriding logic, but that doesn't explain why a large male character simply looks wrong being portrayed as fast and/or agile.
  7. Women can have a real muscle slider when I can have my buttcape, dammit.
  8. I have never had one of my suggestions so unanimously shot down. Thanks people.
  9. Interesting you should ask.

    My Kin/Elec Scrapper is a Praetorian version of my Elec/Storm Corruptor. His Kinetic Melee is explained as hurricane-force winds which he geenrates to amplify his punches. This works especially well when I use Power Syphon, which makes it look like he's created a small tornado around himself. I found that making Kin Melee a soft green gave it a nice windy look.
  10. AkuTenshiiZero

    Venomous Gas

    Is there a reason this can't be recolored? I created a Dark/Poison Corruptor with all his power red to represent blood, but the /Poison tier 9 power Venomous Gas remains it's default green. There's just no option to change it.

    Kinda lame if you ask me :/ What gives?
  11. Not sure if bug.

    If this is WAI it's a pretty bad move, now I can't remove items or they'll never be seen again. Anyone know what's going on?
  12. Missing several pieces of the Omega set, at least on Huge models. Face, Hair, and Detail 2 are gone. Bioluminecense is missing the glow.
  13. Not so much cartoons, but other comics and a few movies.

    My most "inspired" character would be Ectofreak. His name and concept were based off Ectoplasm (Ghostbusters) and Ghostfreak (Ben 10), however his personality was based off the Mask (Jim Carrey's version at least) and Beetlejuice (and Tim Burton's bizzare "macabre comedy" style in general). He's quite the mish-mash of sources.

    I am the proud player of a Kamen Rider. Kamen Rider Mach, his motif is F1 racing. One of these days I want to gather all the Kamen Riders I can find across Virtue and do something epic like an All-Rider Keyes Trial or whatever the biggest most insane trial is when I get to 50.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 8-J View Post
    I think I always overthink these things because I know I can't change them later.
    Well, my Djinn character is Magic, because he is a magical creature. Anything he can do is just natural to Djinni, but I still call him Magic because of the nature of his race. For me it's less a matter of "what is the TRUE origin of his power" and more a matter of "what makes thematic sense". And in the case of a mystical Djinn, Magic is the logical choice.

    In your case, despite being of partly demonic origin your character is a mad scientist. I think that her bloodline is of little concern in comparison to her very Science-themed powers.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Not sure if you're confused, missed it, or if this is just sarcasm...because the first time Anti-Matter shows up, there is the big warning letters screaming "DAMAGING HIM INCREASE DAMAGE FROM THE PULSE" or something very similar. Granted, there are so many other needless warnings that it's very easy to just sort of phase it out, I guess.
    Well, I apparently missed it. Or I just don't recall that particular warning because, as I said, someone warned me beforehand.
  16. I was (sort of) okay with Keyes until the Alpha/Beta crap started. That's the point where I just gave up and went into "spam lighting til it dies" mode. Could you guys get any more unintuitive? Do I need to have a glossary onhand to play endgame content now? I found myself having to stop (a risky enough move already) right-click the debuff, and read the info to find out wha tin blazes it's supposedly doing to me. And y'know what? I still am not 100% certain, and what I think it does was nowhere in the game. A freind told me he thinks he hear somewhere that it deals damage if someone with the opposite debuff is near you.


    Too many times during Keyes I had to stop because I was too confused to do anything. If someone hadn't warned me not to hit Antimatter, I would have unloaded on him. And y'know what? The game would not have told me the harm I was doing! Complexity can be fun, a challenge is a challenge, but this is just stupid. How about a freakin' warning? Oh, that's right, the warning would take up half the screen with text. And if this is what I have to look forward to for the rest of the endgame content, then I'm done. I've doe Keye's once, and I doubt I will ever do it again. There is just too much crap flying around and not enough time to explain all the subtle nuances that are killing you.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    What we really need is a turn off option for the stupid no sense FX for fly, superjump, and all travel powers, so we can play with the new trail auras and get better looking and more diverse results.
    Or, alternatively, allow us to use said trails as power customization options. That way I can finally ride my lightning storm cloud ONLY while flying.

    EDIT: Although, now that the tech exists for it, I see no reason why the Superspeed firey trails have to remain at your feet when stationary. It can't be that hard to apply the "only while moving" code to the existing Superspeed FX.
  18. All I want is to throw a Buick at someone. Is that so much to ask?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Don't need Swinging cuz it looks stupid when there's nothing to swing from
    Ah, Spider-Man TAS...Those were differant times...
  20. There was The VR Kid, my ill-fated BS/SD Scrapper. A young hero who had the entirety of a virtual reality hack-and-slash RPG accidentally downloaded into his brain, granting him years worth of compiled combat data with the unfortunate side-effect of making his grip on reality...loose. Much 4th Wall humor was to ensue, but I never got into the sword-and-board combo.

    One who I plan to revive once /Poison is available for Corruptors was Blood Plague, a man who's mutation turned his blood into a potent virus. The applications of said virus are vast, but before he learned to harness it it ate the skin right off of him. The pain drove him insane, leaving him "elightened" and seeking to "share the wonders of pain with the world". Origionally he was a Zombie/Pain MM, to represent the infected people he controlled. Later he was remade as a /Posion, but still tehe Zombies were too magical-looking to fit the concept. I think I'm going to make him a Dark/Poison Corruptor and of course color all his powers blood red.

    One who has sat in my character list for entirely too long is Captain Copyright, who may-or-may-not be the last son of a dead alien race, and may-or-may-not have an allergic reaction to green rocks. His blue and red spandex outfit is completely origional, as it has a large C on the chest. Who were you thinking of?

    Then there was a character I never got to making because I could never find a suitable name. A teenage girl who was born with incredable magic potential, who could command the power of hellfire and call forth demons. Unfortunately, she never recieved training to harness this power, and the vile whispers of the demons became too much for her to bear. Her mind snapped, and now she and her "friends" are a threat to everyone, especially herself. She was to be a Demon/Thermal MM, I wanted something with "Hex" in the name and never found anything that got the right feel to it. If I could have made ti just "Hex" I would have been happy, but names liek that are impossible to get nowadays.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    • Godmoding.
    • Characters that think they're part of the lore (Lord Recluse's son, the love child of Statesman and Ms. Liberty (ew), The Crey Doctor who worked on Synapse, etc.)
    • Generic Barskank Catgirls (obligatory catgirl joke complete).
    • A need to argue.
    • A bad attitude.
    • Netspeak.
    • Wangst.
    • Emo garbage.
    Counter-arguing because I can.
    • I always find it hard to tell where the line is drawn here. I like to RP some of my characters as being literally indestructable, in the spirit of comic books. They usually have a weakness that can be exploited to halt or contain them, but not kill them.
    • With the massive number of NPCs and loose ends thrown about, is it really so wrong to make a connection or two? For example, one of my characters is a personal rival to Rosethorn, a generic hero who has zero story and just happened to show up frequently and make thematic sense with my Plant-based villian.
    • The litterbox is that way ->
    • But what about villians?
    • Villians can't RP?
    • T3H FR33KS W1LL PWNZ0R Y00!
    • Let's face it, what else are teenagers good for...
    • Kinda redundant, didn't we just cover this?

    I mean, I get what you're saying, but sometimes things lke this are okay in moderation. Or at least I think so. Some of my characters have traits that some people might find unacceptable, the idea is to limit oneself.

    Just rambling.
  22. Erm...I don't recall what numbers they are, but both male and female face options include a Supernatural face with whited out eyes. Granted, the female one looks overly psychotic, but it functions. Apply mask as desired. Kind of a crappy pic to show the mask, but it's all I have onhand. It looks very Robin-ish.

  23. I'lll be honest: Give the new CoT robes instead of tights, and I can deal with the Shoulderpads of Doom. What kills it for me is definitely the leotards. The last thing I see before I get spirited away by the mediporters is definitely not a wizards bulging...Wand.
  24. What the heck were those BAMFs? They looked like updated Shivans, and I had heard that Shivans were to play a role in the new Galaxy City...But then I keep hearing they're the Praetorian Devouring Earth...

    ...TBH I was more excited thinking they were Shivans. I kinda miss the days when everything wasn't about Praetoria :/
  25. If they make an anchor weapon, I will finally get around to making my aquatic-themed character. Of course, I already have a space pirate so I need to avoid piracy...Could make it a ninja for irony's sake.