Bioluminescent parts bugged?




They don't glow. I really don't get what the point is of these parts if they don't glow. I feel like I wasted 400 PP on something that doesn't work. I've tried everything I can think of, there's no applicable aura listed and the parts themselves have no glowing option, I didn't own these parts before I21 so I don't know how/if they worked.

Needless to say I'm more than a little miffed.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



It turns out the problem was my settings. I have no idea why something related to my character model is effected by environmental reflections, but that was the issue. My Bioluminescent parts are now properly glowy.

I really wish they would seperate environmental and character reflectiveness, since the environment half does cause some irritating lag.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.