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  1. Here's a thought...

    Obviously, comparing our characters to Superman or whoever is nonsense. No way in hell you could slot Super Strength that way. But this does bring up an interesting idea...

    What if you could grow even more powerful, but recieve a massive weakness to compensate? In exchange for a boost to your Super Strength, you take extra damage from (For example) Energy attacks, and have a very low Energy defense/resistance cap. I don't know how the weakness would be selected, but allowing players to choose their weakness might be a bad idea. Random selection would equally lead to angry people, so maybe a re-roll could be earned to randomly select a new one, difficult to prevent too much re-rolling, and easy enough to help people who got stuck with the worst possible option for their style.

    Food for thought.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Mine was eggs and Jalapeno. Looked like he almost threw up after drinking it....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Same here...I expected him to at least cook the eggs o.0

    Jalapeno omelettes are awesome, this guy is just nuts :P Peanut Butter and Fruit went over well with him, though.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I believe the detective you get is based on your origin, I could be wrong though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Doubtful, assuming Detectives and Brokers follow the same system. I've run every Origin except Natural, and my new Science Brute was the first one to get Boris the Russian in Cap Au Diable, despite having already run a Science character through there. My Level Pact partner is also Science, and didn't get Boris. Totally random.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Farming isn't against the rules. Exploiting is.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I really hate those words.

    I could argue the point 'til I'm blue in the face. I could go to great lengths about the AE farms being exploits. I could compare it to other forms of farming, and give my opinion about which are wrong and which are not.

    Instead, I'm going to beat my head against the wall for the next hour and a half, which is far more enjoyable.
  5. 1) Learn to spell and use line breaks.

    2) You play with fire, you get burned. Farming is against the rules, the punishment is justified.

    3) The Devs are aware of bugs, and are doing what they can. These are human beings, and CoX is a complex tangle of programming that has evolved over 5 years.

    4) Ten clams ain't gonna kill ya. If you can't afford it, so what...You don't need boosters full of cosmetic doodads and a moderately useful power.


  6. This thing is glitched up or something...Can't seem to set the colors on certain parts, not sure why. Would be pretty cool if it worked.
  7. A cash-or-merits option I could get behind. Far be it from me to deny NCSoft the opportunity to make more cash...Just don't look at me for it :P
  8. AkuTenshiiZero

    Voice Choice

    [ QUOTE ]
    However, it's very disconcerting to be playing a kid toon and hit the jump button and get this Conan-type grunt. For those of us who RP a lot it really sorta brings you out of the character.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know the feeling on this one. My MM, Dollmaster, is an android in the form of a 10 year old girl. Female voices are a little better than male in this case, but she still doesn't sound like a kid.

    I'd like to see options like pitch, and a number of effects. Metallic echo for robots, growl undertone for beasts, and so forth.

    At the risk of bringing up another game, Phantasy Star Universe had a simple yet awesome voice selector. You could preview the full selection, and I remember one of my favorite voices had several wicked-sounding laughs which my character used whenever they cast a spell. Made for a cool bit of personality, and makes me wish my Corruptor could let out a maniacal laugh every time I use Thunderous Blast >
  9. ^ See Above.

    I would love to pour some merits/tickets into a new costume slot, that would make me exceedingly happy. Applying it to the Boosters is cool, but this feels like something that should be available without any real cash. Doing that may make a number of people unhappy.
  10. AkuTenshiiZero

    Some thoughts

    I argued over this in the Virtue forums, about how St. Martial is almost as good as Cap save for a Midnight Club acess point. If that was there, there would be no excuse for everyone to crowd into Cap like lag-inducing sardines. So definitely signed on more Midnighter access points.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Vahzilok zombies should slump into a horrid liquefying pile, leaving behind only a pool of toxic muck, a lopsided skeleton and a cloud of buzzing flies.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...Excuse me while I go pop in Evil Dead now.

    Anyways, true deaths in CoX are rare and typically memorable, if only for the description. I recall I killed Huntsman Ohanko early in my career, while working for Seer Marino, and I'll never forget that name simply because it was a rare instance of death.

    As far as new animations, I don't see why we can't have a few more. Ever fought Carnies? Thier death animation still makes me twitch, mostly for the scream.
  12. Good idea, and probably quite feasable. Only I wouldn't include Mayhems/Safeguards as savable. Simply because they fall into a very differant, time-sensitive catagory, and that may be a problem if you log back in and find you have only a minute or two to rob the bank.
  13. To be fair, Ninus, I think he meant something that would generate an applicable compliment, directly relating to whatever that person has been doing. Preset phrases, reading the same flags NPCs do, so that your comment will always be correct, since you couldn't really know what they have been doing.

    Still, though...I don't see much point. I would rather see a second newspaper/radio menu showing recent activity. I.E., "Capt. Stormrider rampages through Brickstown!". If I'm in the zone, and have just completed a Brickstown Mayhem, it adds a random chance of that article appearing on the secondary page. Similarly, radio chatter heroside about recent exploits. Not necessary, but would be an interesting little flavor added to the mix.
  14. *Captain Stormrider Seal of Approval*

    MOAR PIRATES! *Cracks open the rum*
  15. AkuTenshiiZero


    You've never listend to Cape Radio have you?

    It's a Virtue-based internet radio station, pretty much exactly what you're looking for, especially since it's made specifically for CoX. I forgot how, but you can run it in Windows Media Player, the instructions are somewhere on they're site.
  16. Y'know, I wrote a post about the amusement I find in the way gays bait people for this sort of thing, but I realized it was pointless, and started writing again...

    Then I wrote a post about how what you do is in clear violation of human anatomy, and thus very abnormal on an incredable scale, but I forgot that science and logic have no place in the world of "Tolerance", and once more began re-wrting the post...

    So here I am, sharing my opinion, which will no doubt be shredded in a hail of counter-posts and scorched in the heat of flaming, dissassebled and rebuilt as another reason for gays to whine, because human beings who hold true to our instinctive need to preserve the species have been branded as bigots for wanting to protect that. I leave you with this to think about:

    Just think, making homosexuality "normal" will open the floodgates. Soon enough people will cry foul over beastiality, pedophilia, and all sorts of "normal" lifestyles.
  17. Acctually, note those were Bronze and Iron...The minion versions. I have rarely encountered a spawn without at least one minion Strongman, usually two.

    The devs really have to either make unisex dialogue, or flag them for gender...And while they're at it, they can do something about those flamboyant purple checkered pants Steel Strongmen tend to wear. Honestly, how can you take these guys remotely serious!?

    Another side note: I came to the realization that the Carnies are nothing more than one giant magic-imbued brothel. Rescue two girls who "dissappeared with a customer"? Find blackmail photos of Carnies with a politician? (Basse Croupiers reaction to the photos is priceless...)
  18. He likes feeling pretty.

    As a side note, this is far from the worst I have seen. The whole faction is bugged like this...at least I hope it's a bug...
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    And while maybe not the grindiest of all time, it is worse than say WoW. (oh noes I said the "W" word)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...Aaaaand there goes your credability. Sorry, I left WoW to play CoX exclusively, because WoW is a nightmare when it comes to grinding. You have to walk through fire to earn the ability to move 30% faster at level 30 (Nevermind epic mounts!), whereas CoX just hands you a travel power at 14, and a faster one at that!

    And what was the first clue that the Devs ar RP-oriented? Maybe the fact that the have their own characters, with full storylines, and a comic series about them?

    RP makes up a small portion of the community, huh? I guess that's why the second most populated server in the game is dubbed the "RP Server". No RPers here, nope.

    Such a crime that the optional, $10 addon packs are RP oriented. Too bad you still get your content, powersets, new gameplay-based stuff for free every issue. Nah, the Devs don't care about content at all.

    And for the record, what the hell is a "Dev Trick"?
  20. They are most definitely Hordelings. I don't recall how many differant variations there are...at least 2, maybe three, I seem to recall them showing up in missions around the 20's. They're later replaced by Nerva Spectral Demons, and preceded by Spectral Knights. They aren't around too long, and fairly rare, though they have some crazy Ice-based self-destruct that ruins your face...And yes, the tounge lash (Lashers don't even have arms, the tounge is their main attack).

    Oh, and [censored] the CoT. I've been looking at them from Port Oakes to Grandville, and I am sick and tired of them. 40+ levels of one faction is absurdly annoying.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I do agree that having it do nothing solo is kind of uncool. It would be nice if it worked off of your hp too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I honestly don't think that's too much to ask for. As it stands, you are required to team in order for the AT to have any unique capability. A Defender's HP should effect Vigilance, because frankly if you go down it is a massive blow to the team. Aside from Epics, I can't think of any other AT that can't use it's inherant solo.

    And since I'll likely be soloing more often than not, Vigilance will be quietly ignored. I'm satisfied with the way my chosen sets play, so I'll be satisfied forgettting the inherant exists.
  22. AkuTenshiiZero

    Some /cce Ideas

    I had some ideas for new costume change emotes. Just three for now, share you thoughts or your own ideas.

    CCPsychopath (or CCPsycho)

    Character grips their head and hunches over, shaking. Character then arches back with some sort of flash or explosion, switching to their new costume. A "Jeckyll and Hyde" sort of transformation.

    CCPowerarmor (CCParmor)

    Character taps their wrist (Like Bots/ summmon), then resumes stance. A ring of light appears slightly over their head, then drops down over them leaving a glowing cylindar in it''s path. When the cylindar fades, the new costume is there.

    CCMaskedhero (CCMhero)

    Character strikes a dramatic pose, then thrusts one hand forward. A flash of light reveals the new costume, followed by another dramatic martial arts stance and holds for several seconds (Unless interrupted by attacking/moving/being attacked). For the Power Ranger/Kamen Rider fans. Possibly up to five martial art stance variations for team changes (Synchronization is up to you :P).
  23. The section is called "For Fun". The OP quite clearly stated that this was an unrealistic suggestion, and that it has a snowball's chance in hell of ever happening. But he posted it anyways, "For Fun".

    That being said, I think this is an awesome idea, as a shameless Transformers fanboy. I'm not going to sign or unsign it, because it's not a serious suggestion, but it would be damn cool.
  24. Well, I tried the Sonic/Mental Blaster and...I wasn't even level 3 before I missed the Defender. I was in the red all the time, and the damage wasn't all that fantastic. To top it off, Sonic/Mental just didn't appeal appearance/sound effect-wise. Green death beams are way cooler. Yes, I am dedicated to concept.

    I'll probably re-roll him when Rogue hits as a Corruptor, but for now I'll stick to this version. Decent damage and high survivability is a nice well-rounded style, but Vigilance is just going to irritate the hell out of me...
  25. At least I was right in picking Dark Miasma, it did seem like the most offensive primary of the bunch. My main is a /Storm Corruptor, so I really wanted to avoid doing the same thing again (Despite the fact I absolutely love Storm). I've gotten pretty adept at managing Debuffing as well, more contributing to my choice.

    The big question remains whether or not I'll be able to kick out decent damage, which I guess I can only answer that myself. I will miss Scourge no doubt (And Vigilance just plain sucks...Sorry, no other way to put it). I think I'm going to roll up a Sonic/Mental Blaster, my other choice, and test drive him.

    In all honesty, I was pretty enthusiastic about Radiation Blast because it fits my concept so well (Ghostbusters-style Ectoplasm, character name is "Ectofreak"), but the idea of having poor offense does not fit the concept. Honestly, he'd probably be better suited as a Blapper, given the inherant lunacy of the style. If Blasters had Radiation Blast...Well, I'd be all set.