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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Option One:
    Recruit help.

    This is what we did back in the day when an AV popped up in our story arcs- "any 50's want to help me clear an AV mish?"
    People were generally happy to help, as they remain today.
    Yes the situation is a bit different with the changes to sidekicking, but even so a fully kitted 50 should be able to make short work of any lower level EB in the game.
    Are we even playing the same game? Because where I come from, finding a team is an investment of at least a half hour. Nigh impossible if you're a villain. I fail to see where people are getting the notion that this game is still populated enough to snag passersby for a quick mission.

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Option Two:
    As I noted earlier, fill your tray with giant inspirations. I dimly recall in-game advice to the effect that inspirations can help you past difficult situations. It's true! They're great! It's amazing what short work*any* character can make of an elite boss after popping five or six big Reds backed up by a steady stream of big purples, along with break frees as needed for the squishier ATs.
    Well shoot, why not just drop Shivans and Warburgs on it while we're at it. There's a difference between strategy and gorging yourself on purples and reds, which given the calibur of NW content would be consumed like a fat kid sucks down Skittles.

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Option Three:
    Autocomplete Mission.
    The ultimate in frustration avoidance.
    I generally burn them on annoying fedex's to distant zones & ridiculous Hunt mishs, but if you really, really, really hate tough fights, save them for that.
    I shouldn't even have to tell you why this isn't a solution. But apparently I do, so here it is: I want to play the game, not hit a button to not play the game.

    Going back to the root problem: The Notoriety system is borked, we want it fixed. This should not be an unreasonable request. The "Cottage Rule" applies to more than just powers, you can't go and randomly change game mechanics and make the player's difficulty settings invalid. The devs PANCAKEd up, the Notoriety system is broken, it needs to be fixed. The end.
  2. I solo more often that not.

    But that's because I play villains. I don't think there's enough players on redside to form a team.
  3. Meh. Show started going downhill after Discord.
  4. AkuTenshiiZero

    CoX & Cameo's

    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
    ATZ: Well now, Paragon Studios OWNS THE RIGHTS to "Ray Ardent". I don't think the game's creator realized that allowing his IP to be "created" in CoH was legally handing over his copyright to PS.
    I would just like to point out how utterly silly it is to believe the legal acquisition of IP could be done in such a way that any grade-schooler with a copy of CoH could do it.

    If such was the case, Paragon Studios has long since acquired legal ownership of Batman, Iron Man, Captain Kirk, Dr. Robotnik and that chick from the Hunger Games, to name the last five I recall personally seeing.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    So to rephrase your request, you want them to never force you to fight anything tougher than a lieutenant. That'd be just about the only way to ensure that squishies were guaranteed to win the fight without even kiting at all. Maybe they didn't get the memo that the only fun content is that which you can blow away in three attacks?
    The following options are available to be customized at any Notoriety contact:

    I want to change the level I fight
    I want to change the number of heroes to which I'm equivalent
    I want to fight bosses even when solo
    I don't want to fight bosses when soloing
    I would like to fight Arch-villains at their full strength, not as Elite Bosses
    I don't want to fight Arch-villains at their full strength, I'd rather fight them as Elite Bosses
    The important part is highlighted. I hope it's clear enough for you, I couldn't find a "flashing neon lights" option to make it really stand out.

    See, the point of turning bosses on or off is so that you can have or not have bosses. If it doesn't work then there is no option anymore. See, much like PANCAKE everything else the devs forgot about Notoriety settings. So I guess now "Freedom" means "Play it the way we say to". I'm not sure if there are any forced AV fights yet, but I would not be surprised in the least if there were.
  6. I didn't follow the beta. I didn't even know what Hybrid was supposed to be in the first place. The first I knew about the powers was when they went live.

    And I think they're pretty crap.

    They're weaker Destinies. Yeah, they're stronger than any pre-incarnate stuff...But we're over halfway through the Incarnate slots and thus far not much has proven to be impressive. I'm still waiting for the amazing power the devs were talking about, so far we've gotten things that could have been awesome if not for poor balancing. Really, who's going to pick Cryonic or Vorpal over "I nuke the world without aiming" Ion? Has anyone ever used Incandescence? And now this letdown.
  7. AkuTenshiiZero

    CoX & Cameo's

    Not sure if anyone here has heard of a Flash game called Ray Ardent: Science Ninja, but my friend enjoyed the game so much he created Ray Ardent as a Virtue character, and even got the original creator's blessing. Ray remains his main blueside character to this day.

    I thought it was pretty awesome of the creator to actually be cool about it instead of flip out.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by daveyj3 View Post

    I BEG YOU!!!







    all that potential work with the four legged rig would be better spent making four legged robots, dragons, gryphons, dinosaurs, mutated creatures of all sorts. not more dogs and cats. :/ but that's my opinion.
    I swear it's karma for all those years of people begging for a quadrupedal rig. Y'know, the whole ironic punishment thing. The devs are like "You wanted dogs? WE'LL SHOW YOU @&^#ING DOGS!! DOG ALL THE THINGS!!!"

    Or at least, that would be BABs, if he still worked here. Still, dogs were worn out faster than a 4chan post, and I just know there's still more to come.
  9. Was there any word on a car-door shield? I seem to recall hearing/seeing that at some point. I've been considering a car mechanic character and that would be the perfect thing to complete my concept.
  10. AkuTenshiiZero


    A general "Skin" option would be appreciated. Lizards want shirts too.
  11. Animal Pack already catered to the furries. No more.

    *realizes it's Power*

  12. I'd say attempting to compare MMs to other ATs is like comparing apples to oranges. But ii's more like comparing apples to ostriches.

    Absurd damage potential. A MM can lay waste to legions with ease.
    Self-contained team. You have six "people" with you, and a support set to back them up. All together you are basically a fully functional team.
    Little personal risk. Your minions are disposable, when things go badly just order them to their deaths while you escape.

    Not very smart. Your minions have alot of power, but they're pretty bad at using it at the right times. I can't tell you how many times I've raged at my Assault Bot for firing Incendiary Missiles at one, low-HP target.
    AoE. Back when MMs were villain-only, the common joke was that Sharkhead was designed specifically to make our lives hell. Demolitionist fire patches just crush MMs, as does any AoE-heavy enemy.
    When things go bad, they go BAD. It's really hard to regain your footing if you lose all your minions in the midst of a raging battle. It takes quite a lot of time and sometimes as much as a full Endurance bar to get back to full strength, so when things go badly your best bet is to escape as quickly as possible.
  13. Y'know, I made this thread too. Mine was dismissed as rage. Granted, I make no effort to conceal my temper or foul attitude around here. Someone has to tell it like it is and not hold back.

    I play on at least 2x players. I know my limits. But the level of my difficulty is inconsequential, because 2x in NW is much harder that 2x in any pre-GR, non-TF content. EBs are not something that you throw in every three missions. Even Bosses are not designed to be used like PANCAKEing Zerglings. If I want the game to be harder, I'll make that decision. I run 2x because I like to have 5-6-man spawns with 1-2 LTs each, and it's worked out fine for years. Now running on 2x gets me multiple Bosses and EBs at once.

    And I'm not even going to get into the horrifyingly bad power balance these things have. There's a reason why Pre-GR enemies have unique, mob-only powers or heavily nerfed versions of player powers, and that is that we are FRENCH TOASTing overpowered. This game was ALWAYS about throwing larger numbers of weak targets against the player, to make you feel like an unstoppable superhero. In the end, it all balances out and is very enjoyable. But now they've taken all those weaklings and given them some serious teeth. This wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that there are still a ton of them, turning a "one man army" game into a "gang beating" game.

    I've been at this for 6 years now. It's not because I'm an ignorant noob that I hate the direction the difficulty is going in. It's because I know the way the game was before Going Rogue DELICIOUS BELGIAN WAFFLEd over everything, and I really miss the way things were back then.
  14. I still absorb damage with my face as much as possible. I just do it with Brutes instead of Corruptors.

    I'd say that over the past year, with the Incarnate and Freedom hullabaloo, I've become more cynical. It's the game I've always loved, but it has a bitter taste to it now. Things are...messy. I don't feel the loving attention to detail the Devs used to put into the game. Now it's like "What? New enemy group? Give them that new powerset we just made. Balance? Pffft, it's fine." I feel like I'm not gettin gmy $15 a month's worth of stuff, either. Costumes and powersets used to be part of the subscription, nowadays there's no way to get the same amount of stuff with 400 PP a month.

    So yeah, the way I play the game hasn't changed much. The way I view it has changed immensely.
  15. I've noticed that Paragon Studios has a habit of creating a new system (Power customization in this case), tricking it out, releasing it with fanfare and whatnot, holding it up as the future of online gaming...

    ...And then forgetting it exists a year later. Bases, IO Sets, MA, Power customization, Ouroboros, all things that got a handful of updates and then got lost under the pile of new things to be forgotten. I'm honestly shocked they haven't stopped updating Incarnate content yet.

    Personally, I'd love to see a set of "Throwing" animations, to make it look like you're putting some physical effort into lobbing fireballs at people. But I know better than to hold my breath for an update to old content.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LightBlack View Post
    I agree that there should be simpler ways to do this for players who don't have credit cards, but PayPal is always another option to consider since it can be linked to a bank account instead of a debit/ credit card.
    Assuming that people want to give their bank information to PayPal. Call me paranoid, but I will never give my financial information to a website.

    But again, I bring up the point: CoH is a microtransaction game still clinging to a subscription system. They can keep their VIP/Time Cards all they want, but if they're going to use a points-based microtransaction system then they need to offer the same amenities that other microtransaction games offer, otherwise they're just shooting themselves in the foot.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elf_Sniper View Post
    BTW, DfB and DiB, the two low-level trials you seem to be referring to, are not mandatory. If there is a problem that comes as a result of bring "spoon fed levels", the players do have the option to spit out the spoon.
    I know that. You know that. New players do not know that. Imagine for a moment that you're a brand new player, you've finished the introductory arc where the game basically holds your hand for the first couple levels. Now you're sitting in Atlas thinking "Well now what?"

    That's when you see all the people spamming "DfB, LFM".

    The only logical thing to do is what everyone else is doing. How is a new player supposed to know anything else? For all they know, DfB grinding IS the game.

    Now for someone like me, who does know better, it's a matter of "I've done this song and dance 20 times already across 20 characters. Let's just get the first half of my career over with as quickly as possible." Look, aside from Praetorian badges (Which, apparently, would destroy the Flashback system) everything else can be gotten by backtracking. What the hell makes Mayhems/Safeguards so special? Nothing.

    Also, I'd like to see the Mods jump on some of the other people on this board for once, I'm no more or less of an a-hole as some other people are around here. I'm just less subtle about it.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black_Assassin View Post
    But then that will let you just PL to 50 and then take 10mins to get all the badges....broken no?
    So you're saying normal players shouldn't have a convenient method of getting an accolade because PLers would have it too? What kind of reason is that? I hate to break it to you, but the existence of PLing indicates the system is already broken. Paragon Studios added in two low level trials that basically spoon-feed you levels. If they were that concerned about PLing, I doubt they would keep legitimizing it.

    More likely they just forgot Safeguards/Mayhems and Ouroboros exist, just like Bases and MA.
  19. Remember how you put them at five level intervals, and attached an Exploration badge to each?

    Remember how you made a very nice and useful accolade power for getting all of them?

    Remember how you made it so these missions can be easily outlevelled, forcing you to either live without said accolade or spam lowbie area chat with LFTs, hoping against hope that someone else in this game still does Mayhems/Safeguards?

    Remember when you introduced a system which allowed you to repeat any mission except the above?

    Yeah that.

    Remember that?

    Can you freaking fix it finally!?
  20. AkuTenshiiZero


    Just to clear up why I think the way I do: First of all, I have always held the opinion that balance in CoH is very good. I feel that every set, if isolated, can do what it is meant to do. I feel that pools and IO sets are added to what should already be a fully-functional powerset.

    I am also very new to the idea of a defensive set. I prefer resistance personally, and the creation of a defense-based character is sort of an experiment. I really haven't got much idea what I'm doing, and frankly my opinion on defense is fairly low. I've seen my friend's SR Brute get crushed like paper at crucial moments while running Elude. I'm wary, to say the least, but at the same time I've done virtually everything else in the game. I need something outside my experience to invest some time into, and a defense Tanker is where that train of thought points.

    Finally, I try to find a good balance between concept and execution, but tend to hold concept higher. I want to be an effective tank, but I want it to be my tank. I don't want to get Weave because I just don't like Fighting. I'd rather have Hover/Fly/Afterburner because I just prefer it. You see where I'm going with this? I honestly could stand to slot a bunch of IO sets if I need to, but the point is I just can't do a cookie-cutter build because it is not my nature. And if a cookie cutter build is required for tanking, then...No.

    At this point I'm rambling and the purpose of this thread is lost. I can see that Tankers get higher bases on their defense/resistance stats. That's good enough for me. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to attempt a non-Fighting, flying Tanker, figure out a way to soft-cap it, and tell the conventional methods to suck eggs. Cuz that's how I roll.
  21. As I have said every time this comes up: The fate of my conceptual demonic greaser hangs in the balance. I simply cannot effectively play a demon stuck in 1950's style without access to horns and aviator shades.
  22. Just an FYI: Gamestop does stock NCSoft time cards, which is the only way I'm currently able to maintain my VIP account. To put it bluntly, my credit is not exactly stellar, and I most likely will not be able to have another credit card for several years. So for me there really is no option to buy points.
  23. AkuTenshiiZero


    Originally Posted by Finduilas View Post
    You can get to 43% to defense all positions by taking and slotting the SD defense powers, CJ and Weave, and by slotting a single IO, the Steadfast +Def. After that you have some options; a full-set of Gaussian's in Build up is highly recommended, and will bring you to the soft-cap for all positions. Maneuvers is another option, though it wouldn't be my first choice since it's a high-endurance toggle and it's so easy to soft-cap without it.
    Now, see, here's my personal issue. I consider this a weakness. I've never really tried to make a real tank character, and this is why: It always feels like tanking sets can't get the job done, forcing you to tap into pools. What if I don't like SJ as a travel power? What if I don't want to dedicate three power slots to Weave? I've always been of the opinion that power pools are optional. And who on God's green earth would six-slot Build Up?

    But here's where it starts to cross the line. Soft-capping is, in essence, min-maxing. But in order to be an effective tank, don't you need to be soft-capped? It just feels like there's no room for options or personal preference, you're stuck following a strict build just to do your job.
  24. AkuTenshiiZero


    So, before I commit to this thing, I just want to know...

    Is Shield any good? Because honestly it looks like it relies heavily on set bonuses just to function. It just seems to me like it's weak. I'm looking to take this character to Incarnate level and function as a main tank, is this a feasible goal without spending god-awful amounts of inf to squeeze every tiny drop of positional defense I can get out of set bonuses?

    I'm fairly satisfied with Stone on paper, I'm sure I'll be satisfied with it in game.

    Is there a good reason why I should make a Tanker instead of just another Brute? Because I have two Brutes already, and every time I try to make a Tanker some voice in the back of my mind says "Why tank when you can tank AND damage?" It has always seemed to me like Tankers are inferior to Brutes, just because Brutes have nearly the same defensive ability with vastly superior damage.
  25. I think the yellow robot looks like someone from one of the Quake games. Or was it Unreal. I really don't know, I got out of FPS's after Doom II.

    The blue-ish elf-ish looking chick reminds me of someone from Neopets. I think. I dunno I was into Neopets for like...a few days.

    No ideas on the devil guy, other than he may just be a generic nobody.

    A lot of people are saying the cyborg next to the zombie is Kano. It looks nothing like him, so I doubt it is. I really doubt they would get Bowser, Dr. Eggman, Zangeif, and M.Bison perfect and then cheap out on Kano.

    Speaking of which, I really hope the major cameo characters have a decent speaking role. Even just a few lines each, it'd be a shame to have Dr. Eggman without him complaining about some "blasted hedgehog" taking all the glory.