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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Myrdinn View Post
    R2D2 suddenly makes a whole lot more sense.

    Holy crap, we are so screwed...

    ^ That makes it past the filter, but U'*** Gr'ai doesn't!?
  2. AkuTenshiiZero

    Street Sweeping

    What say I?

    I say it sounds awesome, but I'd like a villainous equivallent.
  3. Wow. I just pointed out something I found odd, and now all this absurdity is being brought to light. This really has gotten out of hand.

    I'm not entirely sure how we can go about getting the attention of someone important, but this really needs to be brought to the Dev's attention. The game is censoring itself needlessly.

    I mean, I can think of a dozen words that can refer to questionable portions of the human anatomy, which are totally harmless in other context and suitable for a child to hear and speak. They should not be censored, or else common conversation becomes a series of bleeps...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Iggy Pop has used that word in a title.
    If i say more i (apparently) would be using feeeelthy language.
    (Also, try posting the name of the Rikti GM here. )
    U'*** Gr'ai...

    WTF!?!? What is this madness?!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
    Personally I think they should just make TFs reward merits based on number of mobs killed, via a similar system as the MA arcs award tickets at the end of each mission.
    I like this idea, as I too am of the "Kill 'Em All" mentality. Speed runs are boring.

    EDIT: Acctually, a system which judges you by multiple categories would be nice. I'm reminded of another game I play often which scores your missions on three categories. Basing it on that system...

    Power: Based on kill count.
    Time: Obvious.
    Technique: How many deaths on your team.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DechsKaison View Post
    And from the extended list, Fart and Turd make the cut!

    I am not going to try testing the final list...That would take all day.
  7. So, understandably, some words should be censored...But this just seems like it's overdoing it.

    Why is I-d-i-o-t censored?

    It was kinda wierd, looking in the Virtue section an seeing "An *****'s Guide to RP" stickied. It's really not that offensive of a word, and as seen above, has non-offensive application. I just find this to be rather odd, and not really necessary.

    Makes me wonder just what else was censored.

    Note 1: "Moron" is apparently less offensive...

    Note 2: Tested this one for kicks. Out of the "George Carlin Seven", six are censored. You can find the one not censored on your own...
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    Let's consider what a farm is outside of MMOs for a second. Farming started when hunters and gathers decided to stand still and plant seeds in a plot of land, cultivate it, and reap the harvest.

    That definition was carried over to MMOs and games in general. When you stop moving around and stay in one place to cultivate your rewards, you are farming. It doesn't matter whether you do that in dev missions, AE, Ouro, arena, or a hazard zone. If you are staying in one place to harvest rewards, you are farming.

    Farming, in and of itself, is not bad. The rise of civilation and societies is based on crop and lifestock farming. In MMOs, the availibilty of many in-game items and rewards are greatly increased by farming and do trickle down into the population beyond the farmers.

    In real life, certain farms are disallowed. Coca leaves and marijuana immediately come to mind. Why are those farms disallowed? Because the derivatives of those plants are an inordinate amount of wealth concentrated into the hands of a few law breakers, which can lead to corruption, and a stuporforic effect on the population that uses the derivative drugs.

    In MMO terms, things like the mito farms and meow farms have the same end results -- an inordinate amount of wealth concentrated into the hands of a few and stupified players that don't know how to do anything but sit on a stoop and watch the world go by.
    My God...That is the most sensible analysis of farming I have ever seen.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
    Trust me. I would rather be judged by a 'merciless NCSoft employee' over a 'holier than thou' player every day of the week.

    The merciless NCSoft employee would have to have a clear, understandable definition of what constitutes farming in order to avoid claims of bias and to prevent inconsistent application of the rules.

    Other players generally just run around practicing cranial-fundament insertion and screaming to hear the echo, with zero consistent understanding of what constitutes a farm.

    Seriously. Bring on these merciless NCSoft employees, because that would force the publishing and deliniation of what exactly a farm is, what a farm isn't, what punishments can be handed out, and exactly when each punishment applies.

    No more of this "Well, we know it when we see it" garbage.
    Quite frankly, I agree. Having an actual team of paid GMs would be ideal. Unfortunately, I don't thik NCSoft is willing to front the cash for them. Not many MMOs do these days, now that I think about it.

    Still, it would bring a definitive end to these arguements. But since that likely won't happen, people will just have to learn to deal with the fact that we have been given that power, and we also have to learn how to be responsible with said power. I realize this is probably even less likely than getting GMs...Kind of a lose-lose situation, eh?
  10. Considdering I got negative reputation for speaking my opinion about AE...Yeah, this system is already pissing me off.

    Then again, I'm morbidly curious, so I haven't disabled it yet. Something tells me I'll be deep in the red if I keep speaking negatively about farms, though.
  11. Farming in this game is differant than most games. The traditional definition of farming is preforming the same taks repeatedly, usually fighting a single enemy type or boss, to obtain a specific reward. IE, "This boss drops a weapon, I want that weapon, therefore I won't stop killing him til I get it."

    CoX is differant, because there is no "X drops Y". Almost anything can drop almost everything. So the task is modified, farming becomes killing as many enemies as possible in a short amount of time to get the reward.

    Is this wrong? Not really, it's a fundamental part of gaming which everyone does, to one extent or another.

    The problem lies not with farming as a whole, but with powerlevelling. Farming for XP is differant, and unhealty to the game balance. We've all seen the "AE Babies", and they speak for themselves.

    The other problem is AE. It was not designed for making farms, and doing so is basically spitting in the face of the people who went through programming Hell to design it. It's like making a new toy for a child, and then watching the child gleefully smash it to pieces. They might think it's fun, they might say "You didn't say not to", but your hard work was just ruined.
  12. 1) Exploits are aganst the rules.

    2) Copyright infringement is against the rules.

    3) AE was not designed for farming. Positron was pretty clear on this. While the rules are blurry, the fact is it's viewed negatively. In short: Don't expect sympathy from any of us.

    If you break the rules, you face the music. We, the community, have been charged with the task of being the eyes and ears of the Devs. They cannot monitor everything, so they rely on the whole of the playerbase to do that for them. If you have a problem with that, maybe you should request that they introduce paid Game Masters? Then you can really feel the hammer fall as you're judged by merciless NCSoft employees.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by biomechanic View Post
    Baator the Devourer. Kitten souls are very small, and rather unfilling. On the other hand, cats are self centered and can be jerks, two traits he admires. Also, they keep the number of mice down in the temple. Welcome to the cult! I shall name you Razorclaw Devourer of VERMIN! Go forth and FEAST! FEAST! I command you! FEAST on the vermin of this world! FEEEEEEAST!!!!!
    That is awesome.
  14. AkuTenshiiZero

    Sticky Icon

    Definitely, the lack of an icon kinda irritated me.

    Side note: I was fond of the way unread threads were highlighted in the old board...The bold text just isn't quite cutting it for me. Maybe I'm just lazy/dumb, but I'd love to have that back.
  15. Y'know, I always wondered why they don't just give Hostage NPCs a massive Perception bonus...Wouldn't that allow them to follow stealthed characters without any problem?

    Though, I dont know how they work nowadays. It's been awhile since I've played stealth on a rescue mission.

    Odd afterthought: Civilians always had trouble, but any combat NPCs never did. They could always see me.
  16. Capt. Stormrider

    (4th Costume was replaced by Vanguard Armor)
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scientist_16 View Post
    Point three, I'm not quite sure what this 'Kitten-o-meter' is supposed to be measuring. Apparently, it's our response to seeing a kitten, since Lord Abyssmo, violator of planets, probably isn't petty enough to kill a random kitten on the street. He's still evil, but on a galactic scale, not really kitten-measure-able.
    Why? To waste time, and come up with amusing reactions. This really isn't an accurate guage by any stretch of the imagination. It's just for fun.

    Although, this has reinforced my opinion that too many villains would be evil just to be evil, with little to no motivation. That's the trick. Eating the kitten = Need to work on your motivation. Unless you're just a carnivorous mutant or something.
  18. Sounds reasonable. I'd imagine this could keep quite a few people occupied for awhile.
  19. I'm with Samuel Tow on this one. I'm all for alternate animations, but nobody's going anywhere near my 1k Cuts.
  20. Or they could just eliminate the boxes.

    They sell CoX cards with just a little extra plastic attatched to hang it on a hook. That's really all you need. Why they sell them in cases too is beyond me, it's a waste of their money to use such an unnecessarily large case.
  21. I was pleased to snag Dr. December for my new Ice/Ice Blaster.

    And of course, my flagship Elec/Storm Corruptor, Capt. Stormrider. A lightning-slinging space pirate with a name inspired by Iced Earth
  22. The other day my friend and I were discussing how our Villains would react to encountering a kitten, in order to judge our "evilness". This lead to much entertainment, and the creation of the Kitten-o-Meter.

    So, fellow evildoers, what would you do if approached by a kitten?


    Capt. Stormrider: Stormrider would first check the kitten's collar, to determine if it contains any precious gems or is otherwise of value. If so, he would swipe the collar and add it to his collection of booty back home. On second thought, he'd swipe the kitten too, collar or not. Hey, he may be a selfish pirate, but who doesn't want a kitten?
  23. AkuTenshiiZero


    I was wondering WTF happened. Here I am, just standing in Steel Canyon, when the world abruptly ends for no apparent reason.

    Spontanious Apocalypse?

    As a side note, I don't remember the last 2XP weekend being this bad...And there were far more people then, too.
  24. I can certainly sympathize with this. It would make for a good QoL feature.