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  1. As much as I'd prefer an acctual person being behind my nemesis, this idea does have merit. Though there's nothing preventing you from recreating another player's character, and simply reporting back to them whenever there's an encounter for storyline purposes. AI-assisted roleplaying, I guess.

    It would certainly add some interest to the typical PUG. As an added thought, maybe have the nemesis automatically have built up aggro from the player in question, causing them to specifically target them first. I would say a fairly significant amount of aggro, enough that it would take a few taunts to pull them off.

    You could even go as far as setting up their appearance rate via the new difficulty system.

    Rarely - Hardly ever see them, but their strength and rewards are boosted. (EB Level?)
    Moderately - Moderate pacing, normal strength and rewards. (Boss Level?)
    Constantly - Practically every other mission, but weak and with poor rewards. (Lt Level?)
  2. I think in this arguement, "cool" is pretty much the only thing up for debate, given we're discussing something purely cosmetic.

    On that note, it would be cool, but I'm concerned for my latency. Loading screens take long enough as is, and a feature like this may make them take longer.

    Does CoHSplasher cover loading screens? You may at least be able to settle for a screencap to replace it if so.
  3. So very true. Quite frankly, nothing short of a Ballista will make me even bat an eye after 45 levels of this game. It's just like "I've done this song-and-dance a thousand times already *yawn*." No challenge, no fun, no interest. They have ONE LIEUTENANT! One. Ever. Unless theres a low level Lt. which I forgot after facing an endless supply of Nullifiers. Which, as someone already pointed out, don't nullify a damn thing. I considder Spec-Ops to be more dangerous than Nullies, albiet they're still about as dangerous as a whiffle ball bat.

    More superpowered Longbow? Oh hell yeah I am on board that idea. Give me some Lt. Wardens, please. I hate Officers, too...throwing more guns at me isn't going to provide any more challenge, Officers are freakin' pushovers.

    And totally agreed on power-armored Longbow. Hell, the PPD are godly compared to the "special forces" formed specifically to take out superpowered criminals. Why is that? Why are the average cops better armed than special forces? They have normal cops, SWAT, psychics, and mecha. Longbow has rifles. Fail.

    So yes, I am totally in agreement with the gripes about Longbow. Either cut down the massive prsence, or at least make them less boring. Also, while the S/L resist has never effected me as an Elec user, I do agree that it's entirely out of place. Bulletproof spandex?
  4. As "useless" as everyone says it is, I'm still 100% behind Illusion Dominators. It seems just like sets like Traps or Devices, a mixed bag of miscellanious effects which are weaker than more focued sets, but have the strength of variety. Besides, it certainly wouldn't be unusual if they altered or even replaced a power or two to make it better suit it's new home. And on top of that, Illusion is an extremely un-heroic set to begin with, and better suited for a villian in concept. Illusions calls to mind an underhanded, deceptive coward who hides behind tricks and takes advantage of his enemies' confusion, case-in-point being Mysterio.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    The Skulls and Hellions make sense where they are - street gangs which fall out of focus when you're powerful enough to handle bigger things. You still have the Trolls and eventually the Freakshow to serve as super-powered street gangs, though.

    However, there are MANY enemy groups villain-side which are either entirely forgotten or only mentioned in passing.

    The Cap Au Diable Demons
    The Legacy Chain
    The Scrapyarders
    The Dockworkers???
    Yes, the Wailers

    And then there are a lot of enemy groups which get good exposure in City of Heroes, but are only ever sort of... There in City of Villains. Skulls, Hellions, the Lost, to a large extent the Rikti, the Nemesis Army, the Soldiers of Rularuu, there are many. The biggest failing in CoV, as far as I'm concerned, is that it's almost all Longbow, Arachnos and Circle of Thorns, with other, more interesting groups outright forgotten about.
    Until you hit around 40+. At that point, Malta and Carnies take over the roles of Longbow and CoT, respectively, for the most part. Of course, there just is not getting rid of LB...I wish they'd pass off the task of taking my villianous hide down to Wyvern, at least that would be a change.

    The Dockworkers just seemed like Scrapyarders 2.0, with less storyline and no purpose. I didn't even bother. Scrapyarders I'd say are pretty comfortable where they are, they have their own GM and an excellent arc concerning Sea Witch, as well as more content after taking down 200 of them. With some effort and the right direction, you can easily spend most of your tenure in Sharkhead dealing with them. Legacy Chain, while involved in that arc, didn't have a strong enough presence to merit mention...And like every other magic-themed group, loses out to CoT.

    As far as Goldbrickers go...I just want to know what a guy's gotta do to fight Midas. Is it even possible? Given how saturated Cap is with the guys, I'd say they have a plenty strong presence, just no good storyline to back it up, resulting in a legion of foes you don't particularly care about.

    Cap Demons are really just a gameplay mechanic for summoning Deathsurge...Though I would like to delve deeper into the PTS storyline.

    And I hate Wailers. Anything that can drop my resistance like that is not a pleasent encounter :P Even so, the Johnny Sonata story arc wasn't too bad, and pretty much said everything that needed to be said about them.

    Side note: Now that I think about it, St. Martial is probably the weakest zone for overall content. I find myself running far too many paper missions there due to lack of contacts.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
    To achieve that, you would have to make it to 50 without ever fighting (or at least without ever aggroing)...

    1: Clockwork
    2: Outcasts
    3: Circle of Thorns
    4: Freaks
    5: Cabal
    6: Malta
    7: Rogue Vanguard

    And anything else I may have missed that drains endurance.
    Carnies (PBAoE drain upon death and Mark of Vitation)
    Arachnos (Mu, and god forbid you ever see Scirocco)

    On that note, it never occurred to me to put a KD or Stun proc on Brawl...I'll definitely considder putting the KD on my DB Stalker (It's a boot to the gut, how fitting would that be?).
  7. I am aware of the Coralax EAT, but somehow I doubt that will happen at this rate, as it was quite a long time ago. However, should that ever come to pass, it would no doubt bring with it a huge amount of Coralax-related content.

    Frankly, my biggest hope is to see an underwater zone focused upon the Coralax. The idea of a shimmering city of coral built over a freakin' god just sounds like it would be awesome to see. Not to mention the NPCs would be something we've never seen, such as the Virtea (It that right?) and "pure" Coralax as opposed to the mutated human Hybrids we're familiar with.
  8. So I've been thinking lately (bad idea, I know), what the heck gives with some of our enemy groups? SOme of them have some really weak content. My suggestion is to improve these groups by adding more content in the future, rather than focusing on enemy groups who already have a strong presence, to better flesh them out and add more overall variety through the course of the game. In my opinion, these are the groups (from a Villian perspective) which need improvement.

    They just abruptly drop out of the game after about level 20. As great as the "evil organizations" are, I really miss being able to beat up the common street punk. I'd love to see some higher-level Hellion content.

    See above.

    The Coralax seriously got the short end of the stick for content. After reading the backstory behind them, I'm wondering why these guys don't have a T/SF! The plot is awesome, but all we ever see of them are a couple washed up fishmen being prodded by Arachnos in Cap. Come to think of it, I can't remember a single mission where the Coralax were the main enemy group. (Insert arguement for Coralax-themed underwater zone here)

    They serve no purpose, are annoying, and just plain epicly fail at everything. If these guys acctually became a threat, it would be hilarious. As it stands they could be removed from the game and I probably wouldn't notice they were gone.

    Banished Pantheon
    These guys seem pretty awesome, and I have no idea what their presence is like blueside, but I've only seen them once. I could definitely go for more of them, possible to help deal with the "CoT is Everywhere" issue by increasing their presence while reducing CoT presence in some areas, probably somewhere within the 30-40 range.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
    P.S. The initialism you are looking for is WAI (working as intended).
    Noted, I was definitely thinking "Working As Intended". I'm not sure what part of my brain didn't get the memo when I posted that :P
  10. What I ask is very, very simple.

    Fire Melee > Origional Alternate Fire Sword

    In a nutshell, the ability to change things like Fire Sword or Ice Sword while retaining the origional colors. Because no matter what I do, I can't seem to get the bloody thing to match the origional colors.

    Alternatively, somebody tell me the right color setup to make it look the same. I'm nitpicky like that, and my 8-foot Huge Brute looks very silly with that wussy little scimitar...
  11. First of all, the Lost are acting strangely. This is probably WAI, but I figured I'd post it anyways. I noticed that certain Lts are literally in the walls, and only appear after they aggro. Since the Lost already have some tricks to catch you off guard, I assume this is probably just another way of tricking us. Even so, I figured I'd check for sure. In either case, it's really no problem anyways.

    The second issue really ticked me off. While fighting the Tsoo, a sorcerer from another group, in another room, without even having line of sight, TPed to my target and healed him. This aggroed the rest of the group attatched to that sorcerer, resulting in a double group. In general, it seems sorcerers are becoming far more aggressive with their heals, and the above scenario is an example of how this can really ruin a guy's day. If I'm going to aggro two groups at once, I would hope it would be my own stupid fault for doing it. Besides, they were in completely differant rooms with a solid wall between them. Was it a fluke?
  12. My handle has nothing to do with CoX or any other game. It was acctually based on a nickname my ex-girlfriend gave me when we were going out years ago. We couldn't stand the usualy terms like "honey" or "dear", so we came up with some more origional ones. I called her "Ninja Lady" due to her habit of sneaking up on me, and she called me "Dark Angel" due to my long, dark hair and black wardrobe. Ultimately this evolved into our screen names, after translating them into Japanese..."Kunoichi" and "AkuTenshii". I added the "Zero" later on due to the origional being taken, based on my typical arcade high-score initials, "ZRO", which was in turn inspired by one of my favorite video game characters, Zero from Megaman X.

    The name just stuck because it's so unusual it's always available. Since then I have always been "AkuTenshiiZero", or just "Zero" for short.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Given how cavalier they are about causing evil and mischief and how much they enjoy the suffering, I would say that is a conscious choice. You can't feign inescapable fate if you delight in fulfilling it to its fullest.
    And I gain a great amount of pleasure from a big greasy burger which I contiously decided to eat. That doesn't change th fact that I'll need to eat it if I'm going to survive. Sure, some cow somewhere died for that burger, but eating it is so natural to a human that it's not evil to enjoy it despite an animal's death.

    It only looks evil from or perspective because we're the cows. But in reality, the Red Caps are only fulfilling their needs and enjoying it, no differant than we would.
  14. To be fair, it doesn't hurt to try asking people for money. The problem is how one goes about doing it.

    When I started my first hero, I was lucky enough to snag 3 out of the four Halloween Salvage items myself, but couldn't get the fourth in time. So I hit the market in search of it, but couldn't afford it. Later that day in Pocket D, the topic came up in conversation with a much-higher-level stranger, and I decided to ask if he could spare a bit to help me out. Sure enough, he did, and even gave me some extra to pay for the tailor.

    The key was being polite, and telling them why. I explianed what I needed the cash for, how much the salvage cost, how much I had, and explained that it wasn't necessary, just something I really wanted. After I finished my business, I returned to thank him again and show the results.

    Now, if somebody did the same and asked me for money for any reason in a similar manner, I would spare what I could to help. It doesn't hurt to ask, but it does hurt to beg. "Give me money" or "Inf plz" comes off poorly, but "Excuse me, any chance you could spare X Inf so I could...?" sounds reasonable. And if someone says no, leave it at that and ask someone else.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    I've been asking for weather effects since Day One of this game. It makes no DAMN sense for Paragon City RHODES ISLAND to have the weather of Miami Florida.
    From someone who was born and raised in RI, there should be NO weather changes in CoH. If there were, it would be raining 94% of the time, stopping in five-minute intervals just to give you hope before crushing it. Then it wouldn't snow all winter, followed by a month-long blizzard in March, and it then one day in mid-August it would go from -15 to 90 degrees in the span of a day.

    RI weather is psychotic.
  16. Well, now that the technology exists to alter the properties of projectiles, I see no reason why this couldn't be accomplished. Of course, some of the changes would probably be pretty subtle and/or hard to see when you think about it, but that's no reason not to (IE, I've never gotten a good look at a grenade before, nor have I bothered trying to).

    Add color-tintable, pure-energy arrows to that list and we've got a deal!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    ah yes, to be fair, the only male newman/neuman(elf like race ) looked quite literally like a clown in pimp shoes, so yeah if you were a magic themed player, female tended to be the default gender.(note to non pso players, you didnt create characters so much as modify from one of the existing 9 template characters, there were 3 forces, who were basicly wizards, a human female, a male newman, and a female newman, newmen had more magic points and a higher stat that influenced magic damage, so were preferable, though wimpy in the health department)
    Everything about FOnewearls. What they don't tell you about there is the bonus damage to Tier-1 spells, making for some of the best single-target damage in the game. FOnewearls were boss hunters...I remember my first fight with the Sil Dragon, and taking it apart in seconds. Once I got my hands on this beauty, my FOnewearl just became unfair.

    Man, those were good times...Lots of good memories of the "Glory Days".
  18. Dunno if this is really on topic, but I'm still holding out for a "Posture" option. something to allow you to make your character always hunched over like a Warwolf.
  19. Come to think of it, all my CoX characters are male. I do have one character, the Dollmaster, who is a female character model, but is by storyline a man controlling an android from a hidden location.

    Though oddly enough, I'm the guy who almost always picks the female characters in stuff like fighting games, though that is typically due to the associated playstyle (I prefer Speed over Power). My most infamous MMO character outside CoX was female, origionally due to the bonuses given for that class/gender combination (Phantasy Star Online, FOnewearl for those familiar). She was later reincarnated in many other games due to how well-known she had become within my circle of friends, though I've yet to add her to my CoX list.

    And for the record, I am male, 24 years old.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dersk View Post
    I take it that this is how someone roleplays a spaz?
    This dude is officially my hero.
  21. AkuTenshiiZero

    Ragdoll button

    If they could somehow fix the...umm...Mishaps caused by Ragdoll, then I could see this becoming unbelievably entertaining. As it stands, however, It's rather not have my head crammed through a solid wall...

    Oh, and please, DO NOT fix the mishaps. Not only are they a completely valid combat tactic, they are also funny as ****.
  22. How about a minimal increase in per-IO power, but have a set list of Set Bonuses associated with them? Just have every single Purple "Generic" IO adhere to this list, so you can mix and match. Obviously, the set bonuses shouldn't be as good as real sets, and by that token "Generic" sets should also be notably more common than the current Purple drops.
  23. Well, I'm pretty much up for any sort of contest, regardless of whether or not I have the skills to compete. So...Yeah, more contests is cool by me. If nothing else, I enjoy seeing the entries.
  24. Sooo...I'll be honest, I just kinda skimmed this thread after reading the OP, but anyways...

    What I gather is that you want a game mechanic to fix ********.

    I hate to break it to you, but we've been trying to do that since the dawn of mankind. Thus far...no success.