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  1. AkuTenshiiZero

    My AE Wishlist

    Originally Posted by Kidou View Post
    1: Power customization for your critters. This is a HUGE want and something I've been asking for ever sense Power spectrum.
    Not sure why it isn't to begin with. Whole-heartedly agreed.

    2: Do away with Primary/secondary. Let us take whatever we want with whatever sets we want.
    Whatif somebody then decides to make a purely defensive mob? There would have to be an attack somewhere. Restrictions would need to be placed to allow only Attack/Attack or Attack/Defense.

    3: In addition to number 2, add a number of 'Generic' powers. Stuff that a lot of mobs tend to have like the Sub machine gun and pistols of lower leveled gangs.
    I seem to recall some sort of issue concerning balace with this...Not sure what. I sure as hell want it, though. It should be a sort of mob-only Power Pool.

    4: A cutscene generator. Even something as basic as 'Focus on Mob A while he talks to Mob B. Mob A emotes at 2 seconds into the cutscene and mob B emotes 4 seconds in.'
    That alone would require an entire issue. Not to mention how long of a development time. Adding an entire engine to create cutscenes would be a massive undertaking.

    5: Add a 'Spawn at level range...' option for custom groups. So that someone could make a truely balanced villian group for 1 to 50.
    I'm not too experienced with AE, so I'm not sure what this means.

    6: Giving old mobs new powers. Say I want to take a Freakshow Juicer and make him a boss in addition to diffrent powers. Mobs use the same skeleton as a whole, so why not? Exemp from this rule would be the odd robot and anything else that wouldn't look right.
    I would love this. Words cannot describe how much I want to tweak the Hellions for a high-level mission chain. Beef 'em up and throw in some demonic enemies.

    7: Map Generator. A lot of tilesets seem fairly basic and straight forward. Being able to make your own maps would be awesome.
    See above comment on cutscenes. Now multiply by a metric buttload.
  2. Sadly, I have to admit, with GR around the corner I will never make another Stalker again.

    Yes, they can scrap...but not as good as a Scrapper. The one-shot-pow AS is a cute trick, but that's really all it is. Once I've popped the big one, I feel unbelievable useless. Never has AS been a differance-maker on a team, and never have I felt like I was even contributing.

    As far as the lack of Quick Recovery, my first character was a /Regen Scrapper. I LOVE Quick Recovery. I will always be pissed that Stalkers miss out on what I personally considder one of the best powers in the whole damn game. Of course, I also always believed that a Brute with /Regen would be game-breakingly powerful, and it would never happen. Then they made /Regen better and gave it to Brutes, but for some silly reason they called it /Willpower.

    So, basically, the class that is balanced by it's need to rest frequently no longer needs to rest frequently, thus becoming an ceaseless, angry steamroller of death. Meanwhile, Stalkers get boned. Nice.
  3. AkuTenshiiZero

    An idea

    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    You know that you have to make Kinetic Melee hero, right?
    Doo eeeet!

    *sneaks out of the thread*
    I acctually don't like the look of Kinetic Melee (well, what little I've seen). It's more "flowing harmony" and less "fist in yo face".


    Well I'll at least try it out...
  4. AkuTenshiiZero

    An idea

    I'm tempted...I have to admit, I am very tempted...

    Except I've got way too much to do villianside. And I already have heroes starving for attention.

    Blargh, I do not need more alts...Damn you inner Kamen Rider Fanboy!!
  5. I, for one, have been hoping for a more German Shepherd/Jackal-ish head. Y'know, very thin long muzzled canine, preferrably with straight-vertical pointed ears. I've been dying to make a servant of Anubis, but...

    I'd appreciate a rat head too. I've had a rat ninja (Inspired by MtG's Kamigawa block) waiting in the concept bucket for a long time. We have a rat tail, why no rat head?

    Also noting the distinct lack of bird heads. That's a pretty sizable hole in the animal kingdom, what happened?

    Of course, the biggest pie-in-the-sky wish is to have Monsterous w/ Hats. Never gonna happen no doubt, but would be awesome.

    Side note: Anthro characters =/= Furry. Some of us grew up on the awesomeness that was 90's cartoon anthro heros.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
    Really? I'm not 100% sure on that.
    I was referring to the armor. Not the backpack with a custom costume.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    For both the people who want more anime options and those who are against it seeing anime as stupid/monogenre, allow me to present you with something...

    This is anime/manga:

    But THIS is what we'll see:

    Face it. The majority of (or at least LOUDEST) anime fans are freaking obsessed with this Cartoon Network garbage, and that accursed game that I am almost ashamed to admit I enjoy. Few appreciate the classics, the un-dubbed, and the non-mainstream.


    Lord Raikou - Is a Pokemon
    Sora Megami - Is, as far as I know, origional
    Sora Yagami - Is a fusion of Kingdom Hearts and Death Note

    Also #2:

    There is a long story behind my name. An ex-girlfriend gave it to me many moons ago. On top of that, nobody else uses it so why change what works?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cable2006 View Post
    I dont know about you but a buttcape on a male doesnt really look very masculine of course unless it is attached to a tuxedo or a trenchcoat. Just picturing a Buttcape on a male Widow doesnt make him look masculine either so that is probably why it is not a choice.
    And Crab armor doesn't look very feminine. I don't see the point. Are we saying that something sort of feminine (I still say it's not) is not allowed for males, yet females can wear the most freaking butch costume in the game? Seriously, have you seen that monstrosity?
  9. I've always found the design of the old cartoon Gargoyles to be pretty good.

    For the most part, the heel is pretty low. Somehow, this seems to make more sense to me in terms of balance. Then again, I'm certainly no expert in the subject. Interestingly, they're shown to be quite fast and move more naturally on all fours, which I think is a very realistic concept.
  10. I wasn't really sure where to post this, but seeins as it's a question...Well, this seemed like a good place.

    It's simple: Is there a legitimate reason why male widows don't get waist capes? Looking at it on a female model, it looks more like coattails than anything strictly feminine. Frankly, there's not much differance between it and a trenchcoat, other than the trenchcoat flaring out more vs. hanging straight.

    So is there a reason other than they just haven't done it?
  11. An Arabian costume set would be cool. My Djinn character would certainly appreciate it. But it's not worthy of a Booster. I think flying carpets would be better suited as part of a larger Power Pool customization.

    And...an Anime pack...


    There are enough generic anime ripoffs running around CoX. Please, for the love of God, stop ruining the genre. Some of us anime fans take it in moderation, but rabid fan-freaks ruin our reputation. If I see another hero/villian with a name taken out of an online Japanese/English dictionary, I swear I'm gonna do something relatively unpleasant.
  12. What makes a marksman deadly? Is it his skill with a gun, or is it the gun?

    If we argue it's his skill, then he would be Natural. If we argue it's the gun, then he would be Tech. But even then, a gun is such a simple device that it's often overlooked, thus bringing us back to Natural.

    In short, the question is: How complex must a device be to qualify as Tech? I think the threshold is pretty high in the universe of CoX. A Crab backpack is the most complex SoA weapon, but in the end what is it besides a really big gun?

    The next point is looking into the term "Origin" itself. Which came first, the training or the gear? The training, of course. Natural.

    And of course, the common arguement, what would happen if you took away all the gadgets? I think they would be perfectly capable of holding their own without them.
  13. Fortunata - Faterazer

    Faterazer can see everyone's destiny but his own. His jealously drove him insane, and so he lives to toy with the future by killing people before their destiny can be fulfilled. Hence, "razing their fate". Also sort of an opposite of "Fateweaver".

    Future Crab Spider - 1st Lt. Kronos or Major Kronos

    Head of an elite unit called the "Titan Unit", Kronos is the guy Arachnos calls in to tackle the big stuff (Basically, a Giant Monster specialist). Members of the Titan Unit are given codenames, hence "Kronos".
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    Is it the scaling resistance which goes up as your Health falls? (although I though it was Foresight which provided that).
    That's what Mid's says, yes. Unless Combat Training: Defensive works the same way, I dunno.

    EDIT: Aha! Mystery solved. Man, that's going to get interesting running both at the same time...
  15. I'm new to the SoA gig, I rolled my first Widow last night. And right off the bat, this power is confusing me...

    The 7.5% Melee Defense is obvious enough, but what's this "Special Resistance" about? When I first rolled the character, I had something in the neighborhood of 11% Resistance to everything. But after a few levels, it was gone. At first I thought it was dependant on number of teammates, but that proved false.

    So what gives? Why did my Resistance vanish?
  16. I guess I'll be the anime nerd and mention Escaflowne...

  17. Definitely in agreement for more stuff to burn VG Merits on. I like the idea of Rikti-Origin Enhancements just by the sound of it.

    Here's a temporary power idea: Vanguard Wand, ranged, knockback, extra damage vs. Rikti. Or something along those lines. It would be nice to take advantage of the Rikti's weakness to magic.
  18. I can already see the cluster-f*** that would ensue in altering the current texture system. The amount of work would probably be sky high...

    And yet, I want it. I acctually had the same thought the other day. So as a selfish, slave-driving player of CoX...

  19. So, I was toying arouns with MA yesterday and I noticed it's lagging behind in the Character Customization department...

    Primarily, it lacks Power Customization. I honestly do not understand why. It seems almost like somebody just plain forgot to do that.

    The second issue is more complicated. I would love to be able to hand-pick each and every power, from everything. Including things like the standard Pistol or Baseball Bat used by low-level minions. What about Patron powers like Mu lightning or Spirit Sharks? What about NPC-only costumes? What if, for example, I want to create a unique Rikti with special powers not found among normal Rikti?
  20. At the very least, I think we should be able to attack civillians and watch them flee in mortal terror. Then dissapear somewhere out of visual range. Maybe they can cower and cough up a small amount of Infamy before doing so, similar to how civillians give Influence when rescued blueside. Just like civillians in Mayhems, they're 1000% invinclible and mez-resistant, but still register as viable targets.

    Downside: TAB targeting would be hell.

    As for buildings...I say, add it to Mayhems. "Mass Destruction" side-missions, where you have to destroy X number of buildings in predetermined locations. In Safeguards, you would prevent said destruction.

    Badge ideas:

    Homewrecker: Destroy X buildings.
    Damage Control: Save X Buildings.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    Not without using an external program of some sort. I do recall someone creating something to do this long time ago, but no clue where it might be.

    Bah, easy enough, it was right there in the Guide to Guides

    Excellent. I should be able to figure it out with this...
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eek a Mouse View Post
    Only way I can think would be to use an external program to rewrite the bindloadfile. A simple batch file would probably do it. The random function in batch -- in win2000/NT/XP anyway, I'm not sure about Vista/Win7 -- generates a number from 1-32768. Just do *random*/1024 to get a random number from 1-32, then assign a witty statement to each number and write the appropriate bind file.

    Final application is left as an assignment for the reader.
    Ooookay. Little bit over my head. I'm not even sure what a batch file is, much less how to make/use one for this purpose.

    Also, I'm running Windows 7.
  23. AkuTenshiiZero

    Dimension Door

    On one hand, I like this idea. On the other hand, it's pretty much already covered. I use a combination of Pocket D and Ouro to get around quickly when I really have to, SG Ports when applicable. Two of those three methods require little-to-no effort to get.

    Then we have the Market Port, which can take time to get but, as with all day jobs, requires zero effort.

    My point is, at this stage in CoX, such a power is kinda redundant.
  24. Okay, so here's the story...

    One of my characters is supposed to be a chatty wisecracker. Think Deadpool or Spider-man. Point is, I want to set up a keybind to have him spout random wisecracks with a single button, from a set list.

    I know it's possible to set up a cycling bind through /bindloadfile, so I could go through several phrases in a preset order. What I want to do is set up a randomized version, pulling a random phrase from the list each time. So, the question is: Is that possible, and how can I do it?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Instead of having Ourobourus as JUST a flashback system, why not make the crystal have all the 'alternate timestreams' e.g. the stuff that got taken out. Calvin Scott TF, the arc mentioned above, stuff like that.
    I would love to see Ouro arcs of major events past. I was thinking at one point, it would be awesome to go back to the Day of Brass. Of course, you can't alter history so it could be explained that, in the big picture, your actions had a negligable effect on the timeline.

    However, all this goes way against Ouro policy...So maybe an Ouro renegade could set up another time travel hub.