Alteration to Stalkers




Increase their damage considerably. I'd suggest 1.15 or... dare i suggest? 1.2!

That's it. that's my suggestion. I want to see stalkers out-damage scrappers in most every way.

They lose combat-survivability in their secondary and do less damage than scrappers. Sure they get some nice crits in, but overall they underperform in comparison in most every situation. They generally lack AoE damage, which is the bread and butter of many builds, so give them great single-target damage, instead.

Turn around and give scrappers a +heal for their melee attacks. Similar to the damage per end scaling grant a tiny heal with every attack a scrapper makes with longer animating and higher endurance cost powers granting a slightly larger self heal.

Perhaps somewhere between a 1% and 8% self-heal per attack?

These changes should make scrappers even more survivable and attractive to players compared to Brutes without overshadowing them, and bring stalkers up toward "Equal" compared to the other melee ATs. All of this, however, hinges on my bet that with Going Rogue's launch we'll see further decline in the use of stalkers and, potentially, scrappers.




I don't think Scrappers need more survivability. As to stalkers, they solo well (at least I didn't have too much trouble soloing), but they seem less useful in teams. Increasing the damage modifier might make them more useful in teams, but it would also improve soloing, and that's not strictly necessary.



There's been a lot of stalker-changing threads lately.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
I don't think Scrappers need more survivability. As to stalkers, they solo well (at least I didn't have too much trouble soloing), but they seem less useful in teams. Increasing the damage modifier might make them more useful in teams, but it would also improve soloing, and that's not strictly necessary.
Sooo... How about the damage increase working on teams? Like a +10% per ally increase, sort of the inverse of the Defender inherent?




That's because people are worried about the AT with GR coming out.

Stalkers have been alright because realistically they're only competition was against Brutes.

Now with GR they'll be competing against Tankers and Scrappers.

As it is currently Stalkers just barely deal more damage than a Scrapper and that's only in the ideal situation where they have the full 33% chance to crit.

So they don't noticeably deal more damage than a Scrapper, but obviously are less survivable.

For Stalkers I would suggest 2 things

Increase Stalker Damage Mod to 1.125. This would have them doing the same base damage as a Scrapper, then with Stalker Crit properties and AS factored in Stalkers will clearly do more damage than a Scrapper. This shouldn't effect the attractiveness of a Scrapper though because of the survivability difference.

Second I would like to see Stalker Build up be increased from the 80% damage buff to a 100% damage buff (Same as Blaster's and Scrappers)



Strictly from my point of view, which is admittedly rather limited with stalkers, I only have the one, it's Energy/Regeneration, when I teamed, damage didn't seem to be the problem, and more damage wouldn't necessarily help.

The problem for me was:
1) if I waited for the rest of the group to attack before going in, it was hard to find a target to use the Strike on, and with everyone attacking chaotically, it's hard to know if there would be enough health on the target to make the attack worth it at the end of the animation.
2) if I didn't wait, I went in, picked a target and queued up my attacks, I'd have to time is really well or absorb the assassin's strike. Three recharge IOs in revive does not let me take the alpha strike in every spawn.

It's just that stalkers seem to take more tactics, and on a team, tactics aren't often that useful, they just take extra time. Sure, you could be careful and have fewer close calls, but you don't need to, and it can be fun to run ragged now and then.



More damage on the fast attacks could help in that situation.

if the tier 1-3 attacks animate fast and hit somewhat hard then you'll have plenty of time to eliminate a few enemies while the team plows in.

Generally in a team situation AS largely becomes insignificant because of the restrictions on it's use. Although depending on difficulty the boss(or higher) in a spawn becomes a good choice to use AS on.

Theoretically the Demoralize effect on AS should enable you to survive retaliation from the mob while the rest of the team moves in.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Regardless of anything else in the post, this is just incorrect. Stalker secondary numbers are exactly the same as Scrapper numbers. The only difference is that Stalkers get slightly lower HP.
And lose out on at least one power thanks to "Hide" which grants phenomenal AoE defense and good melee/ranged while hidden.

But the tiny defense bonus of an unstealthed Hide power isn't always equal to whatever power they might be missing out on.




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
And lose out on at least one power thanks to "Hide" which grants phenomenal AoE defense and good melee/ranged while hidden.

But the tiny defense bonus of an unstealthed Hide power isn't always equal to whatever power they might be missing out on.

See also "Quick recovery."

Sorry, the answer we got on that when Willpower was designed still *greatly irks* me. ("Stalkers will never get a quick recovery power" - despite finding it just as useful.)

That said, stalkers have already been buffed a few ways -
- Missed ASes not breaking hide.
- Hide kicking back in faster.
- Chance for AOE Fear after successful AS
- IIRC, higher crit chance when on a team (or when teammates were near.)

There are (non PVP) issues with stalkers, still - perception/stealth is still greatly binary. Either you can stand right in front of a group and /em dance, or you're seen and attacked from two rooms away (snipers, drones.) No real in between. They're still *seen* as one trick ponies (even if they can scrap, TYVM.) They got a bad rep in PVP that carried over, they've gotten a bad rep for being the "soloist on the team" in PVE (explore the map while the team's fighting, for instance) - but that only changes by changing the players, not the AT, and erasing those biases takes time.



Sadly, I have to admit, with GR around the corner I will never make another Stalker again.

Yes, they can scrap...but not as good as a Scrapper. The one-shot-pow AS is a cute trick, but that's really all it is. Once I've popped the big one, I feel unbelievable useless. Never has AS been a differance-maker on a team, and never have I felt like I was even contributing.

As far as the lack of Quick Recovery, my first character was a /Regen Scrapper. I LOVE Quick Recovery. I will always be pissed that Stalkers miss out on what I personally considder one of the best powers in the whole damn game. Of course, I also always believed that a Brute with /Regen would be game-breakingly powerful, and it would never happen. Then they made /Regen better and gave it to Brutes, but for some silly reason they called it /Willpower.

So, basically, the class that is balanced by it's need to rest frequently no longer needs to rest frequently, thus becoming an ceaseless, angry steamroller of death. Meanwhile, Stalkers get boned. Nice.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

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Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
And lose out on at least one power thanks to "Hide" which grants phenomenal AoE defense and good melee/ranged while hidden.

But the tiny defense bonus of an unstealthed Hide power isn't always equal to whatever power they might be missing out on.

Death Shroud
Lightning Field
Quick Recovery (x2)

Only one of those powers directly affects survivability, and Hide's bonuses partially mitigate its removal.

I do think Stalkers need a little something (preferably something that differentiates their playstyle from Scrappers further), however. I just disagree with your line of reasoning.

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Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
Sadly, I have to admit, with GR around the corner I will never make another Stalker again.

Yes, they can scrap...but not as good as a Scrapper. The one-shot-pow AS is a cute trick, but that's really all it is. Once I've popped the big one, I feel unbelievable useless. Never has AS been a differance-maker on a team, and never have I felt like I was even contributing.
See, I never felt that way even *before* the buffs. I'm doing damage and - team crit buff aside - choosing when and where to crit with Placate. (Not to mention it's helpful to team with a dom and take advantage of their holds.)

My *actual* problem with Stalkers, such as it is, is a lot like one of my problems with VEATs. With a VEAT, I don't feel like I've even started the character 'til 24 and the respec. With stalkers, it's hitting 12 for the Hide-AS-Placate trio. (My other problem is that Stalkers are such incredibly *tight* builds most of the time, even for PVE - it's rather unforgiving.)

Putting Placate into the inherent powers - slottable for recharge - would loosen that up a tiny bit.



I would like to drop in my own proposal to help stalkers here, if that's okay: Rather than boosting damage and or Armor values, I would like to propose the idea of giving them Corr/troller level team buffs, debuffs, and heal values as well Defender/Corr level control durations.
While this would not directly increase their offensive abilities, it would help with mitigation, like say with energy melee the ability to use one attack on each target and leaving them stunned long enough to return to a hide state without placate, as well as possibly help their teamwork.
The working logic of this is that while even if a stalker fails to kill you, their methods (such as poisons or whatever you'd like) will leave a painful, weakening mark against you that will leave you all the more vulnerable to the finishing blow.

Another possible suggestion is the make the formal AS provide a massive debuff against its target in all fields (-res, -def, -rech, -regen, -dam, -ToHit, -speed, -jump, -fly speed, -control duration, -heal values, -debuff values, -buff values, etc. etc. Let's just say I mean ALL), this would especially help them on teams for priority target elimination, even if you don't kill them, Reichsman is suddenly too busy reeling from that last hit so his best shot'll just make your squishiest teammate blink unamused.
The idea behind this just being that even if you survive such a powerful strike, you were hit by a carefully aimed and highly wound up attack that'll leave you on your knees if you somehow survived.

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Death Shroud
Lightning Field
Quick Recovery (x2)

Only one of those powers directly affects survivability, and Hide's bonuses partially mitigate its removal.

I do think Stalkers need a little something (preferably something that differentiates their playstyle from Scrappers further), however. I just disagree with your line of reasoning.
Damage can be damage mitigation. Especially when it's AoE Damage.

Lightning Field and Death Shroud hurt entire groups of enemies, lowering their overall hit points for when the (scrapper/tanker/brute) turns to hit them. Meaning they survive less single target attacks and get to throw off less damage.

Both Electric and Dark armors are resistance based sets. A tiny bit of defense on top of not enough resistance can make them squishy.

Lucky lowers your AoE resistances a fair amount, which affects both melee and ranged AoEs, notably when you're not attacking in an attempt to hide and a nearby teammate who shall remain nameless grabs some aggro...

Though you're definitely right on the two sets with Quick Recovery. *nods sagely*

But that doesn't mitigate the other part of their low-survivability: HP.

I didn't feel the need to include it directly in my post since I quoted yours directly and began my sentence with "And" inferring that your entire argument was part of my next statement.

When you combine low HP with the lack of Lucky or an AoE damage aura or even Quick Recovery you get a fighter who can't survive a prolonged melee and can't lower the number of enemies attacking her with any alacrity (after, of course, Assassin Strike removes a Lieutenant or Minion). More incoming damage means a faster death. Very few, if any, AoE attacks hampers this even further (Thanks AS and Placate, for taking my AoE away from me!)




Perhaps just give Stalkers "Containment"?

I know that will have little effect on solo play, but we're trying to boost their appeal to teams, right?



Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Damage can be damage mitigation. Especially when it's AoE Damage.

Lightning Field and Death Shroud hurt entire groups of enemies, lowering their overall hit points for when the (scrapper/tanker/brute) turns to hit them. Meaning they survive less single target attacks and get to throw off less damage.
They also draw aggro. Solo, it cuts down on the actual time in battle, yes...but Stalkers don't need that. In teams, you're just drawing erroneous aggro which will kill you faster. With the removal of the taunt auras, it actually makes the Stalker *more* survivable in teams. Even for Willpower, not needing to stand in a swath of enemies with low HP to recover that HP is a boon.

How that'll play with future prolifs like Inv and what-not, who's to say?

Lucky lowers your AoE resistances a fair amount, which affects both melee and ranged AoEs, notably when you're not attacking in an attempt to hide and a nearby teammate who shall remain nameless grabs some aggro...
AoE resistances? Do you mean the scaling res with HP? Yes, it does. Overall, Stalkers don't get very much from that part of the set. Personally, I wish they'd just scale it up so the Stalker starts seeing that less resistance at 75% HP rather than 50%.

But that doesn't mitigate the other part of their low-survivability: HP.

I didn't feel the need to include it directly in my post since I quoted yours directly and began my sentence with "And" inferring that your entire argument was part of my next statement.

When you combine low HP with the lack of Lucky or an AoE damage aura or even Quick Recovery you get a fighter who can't survive a prolonged melee and can't lower the number of enemies attacking her with any alacrity (after, of course, Assassin Strike removes a Lieutenant or Minion). More incoming damage means a faster death. Very few, if any, AoE attacks hampers this even further (Thanks AS and Placate, for taking my AoE away from me!)

I argue the contrary. It's actually not hard to stay alive in prolonged melee if you're not strapping yourself to it. For non-defense sets, if you're willing to step out of melee a moment, this can help greatly on teams. Solo, you can do whatever you want but for the most part, that's not much issue.

If you're not strapped to melee, you're not strapped to aggro. If you're not strapped to aggro, fewer enemies will even be attacking you. When people compare Stalkers to Blappers, that's really what I think they mean. You're not obligated to tank or even clean up every last mob. You're free to slide around the battlefield, targeting things and diverting aggro away from yourself. If used to that extent, as a melee, you're not *that* defensively weak...not if you're using those meatshields like you're suppose to.

Could Stalkers use something? Maybe. I don't think they need *more* damage, though. Would it be nice? I suppose but eventually it's all overkill. You're not ever going to feel offensively superior to a Scrapper or Brute until you're soloing the entire game and/or you nerf either of them with respect to how survivable they are.

A utility buff would be great, though. If Stalker's debuffs/buffs and their controls were superior to their melee counterparts, that is something you can leverage as 'useful to the team' where the others just smash things.

I hope that made sense...



It was mentioned above, but a significant problem for stalkers is the inability of many teams to use any level of tactics. When I'm in a team with stalkers, especially if I'm one of them, my philosophy is to let them move in, start their animations, and then have the others join in immediately before the AS's hit. This balances the aggro more evenly without throwing off the stalkers' ability to take down their targets.

Many stalkers act like martyrs, doing exactly what I advocate above from their end, but without getting the buy-in of the other team members first, and ending up faceplanting from the alpha. They don't always complain about it afterwards, but you can tell they resent the other players for not picking up on their lead. This causes many good stalkers to not want to team with others, for fear of being left out to dry too often.

Other stalkers are a little too concerned about their own safety/debt, and refuse to get anywhere near the alpha, preferring to only pick-off foes and often avoid mixing it up at all. Because they're not there at the beginning, taking down a spotless foe, it's also not obvious how much they're helping the team. This causes many teams to not want any stalkers to team with them, for fear of getting a dud that won't pull their weight.

Unfortunately, again as stated earlier, the only solution for this is to establish a clear set of responsibilities for stalkers in teams, both for the stalker and the team, to ensure that each gets the best from the other. Used properly, stalkers can be devastating in teams, but they're not tanks, scrappers, or brutes, and shouldn't be confused, by anybody, as such.

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Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
Damage can be damage mitigation. Especially when it's AoE Damage.

Lightning Field and Death Shroud hurt entire groups of enemies, lowering their overall hit points for when the (scrapper/tanker/brute) turns to hit them. Meaning they survive less single target attacks and get to throw off less damage.
I'm honestly surprised you didn't bring up Lightning Field's end drain.

Both Electric and Dark armors are resistance based sets. A tiny bit of defense on top of not enough resistance can make them squishy.
Both Elec and Dark are perfectly playable without ever picking up the damage auras. And, as mentioned, due to the aggro-drawing nature of the damage auras, it's a rather tricky comparison to make. (Edit: Directly comparing Stalker and Scrapper defensive levels is trickier still due to Placate.)

When you combine low HP with the lack of Lucky or an AoE damage aura or even Quick Recovery you get a fighter who can't survive a prolonged melee and can't lower the number of enemies attacking her with any alacrity (after, of course, Assassin Strike removes a Lieutenant or Minion). More incoming damage means a faster death. Very few, if any, AoE attacks hampers this even further (Thanks AS and Placate, for taking my AoE away from me!)
Maybe I'm just biased since I've mostly played a Willpower Stalker, but I've never really had this problem.

As for what I'd do with Stalkers specifically... Well, it's far too late to do what I feel the real answer is: Not give Stalkers hastily-recycled Scrapper secondaries and instead give them reinvented ones like Ninjitsu.

So, what I'm left with, since it's the only real common denominator between all Stalkers: Change up Placate. Make it be available more regularly. Would probably have to nerf it in some fashion to keep it balanced (up its end cost, lower its duration, perhaps), but I'd love to see it as a much more active power, allowing Stalkers to dance in and out of aggro willy-nilly.

I'll admit it's a dicey balance situation, but I'd prefer fun tweaks to pre-existing mechanics over iffy new ones.

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