Evolving gangs, 2005 to 2010




Okay. I must start with a story. Those groaning in the back, bare with me here.

So. About two weeks ago I thought I was done with CoH. I mean... I wasn't playing it anymore... I17 had come around, new tails, new missions, Ultramode (That I cant use, but beside the point) It was all feeling kinda the same. Click, boosh, done.

I had one villain open up the newspaper and saw Razorbeam's obituary... Dated 2005. I thought 'Jeez... Is CoV really set in a universe where it's still 2005?'

...Then I realized what had me down. Literally. It was all the same, for five years, several months... I'd been playing the same game, While new zones had been added, new storylines had come across, new powers had manifested... It's all the same.

Needless to say, I had a mild panic attack before realizing what was wrong.

In six years... The Hellions have all grumped about trying to steal purses. Arachnos has, while being touted as the forefront of mechanical prowess... Developed nothing. The gangs, besides Rikti... Had never been touched, never been updated.

Dr. Aeon (sorry bud, i love you... But...) has been sitting around with Rikti Interfaces up the yin-yang, doing nothing about integrating Rikti Tech into Arachnos armor. Skyraiders still zip about with outdated, clunky teleporting backpacks. The PPD has, admittedly, incorporated Kheldians into their workforce, but haven't reverse engineered any villain tech into armor... Nor do they have any mystic allies.

What I'm trying to say is... I see that CO has (And I understand the hate towards the 'main competitor, no matter how far behind they are) set up plans to update their premier Arachnos styled group with new powers and costumes just a few months after launch... Arachnos still sits back without Warp Spiders, Stealthy Web Assassins or Huntsmen snipers, stuff they have had ample access to over the past five or so years... Yet seemingly have been too lazy to integrate into their forces.

The Fifth recently re-emerged as an individual group after fighting within the Council... The Council have Ascendant power armors with impressive shields and strength. In five years, the Fifth didn't think to steal some upgrades? Just yank some old robots and costumes out of storage? Isn't their lack of technology what defeated them in the first place? The Fifth have had (Ironically) five years to build new robotic units, integrate galaxy soldiers into their group, steal power armor plans, build new weapons, upgrade their troops and they've just sat back and done nothing but bide their time and say 'She'll be right when we break free'? Are the Council only reeling in shock before another war starts where their technological power crushes the Fifth yet again?

It just doesn't seem right that over six years with geniuses of magical and technological might that no one has thought to try and stop the super heroes or super villain upstarts that keep beating them with something else than what failed before. Are the leaders all... Dense? Or is the CoX universe really locked in 2005?

Just my thoughts on the subject. (I know. I think to much. :P)



I'm sorry, but I disagree with you. In City of Heroes, time passes not with real-world time passage, but with level progression. When you're level 15, Jim Temblor is still just barely coming to grips with his father's fate. When you're level 35, time has past, he's confident in his powers and he's acting as a legitimate hero. That's how time passes. If you zoom back to level 1 on a new character, you zoom back in time back to 2004, back when Vahzilok was still alive, when the Clockwork King hadn't been beaten, when Countess Crey was still a free woman, when the second Rikti invasion hadn't happened yet.

I don't like CHANGE to the game, I like ADDITIONS. Instead of messing with what has been working just fine over the years, I say we add to it. New groups, new missions, new stories, but there's no reason to mess with the old ones. The change of name of the 5th Column to the Council (and that's all it was) was easily the WORST thing to happen to the game's content and lore, bar none. There was NO REASON to outright remove an acting, existing, cool enemy group. You complain about them being the same as the Council now, and with good reason - they're the same god damn group with a different insignia. The change accomplished nothing but pissing a bunch of people off.

I like a time-static world. There's nothing I hate more than old content I enjoyed removed. I could stand to see it tweaked, but only to fix bad writing, NOT to ret-con old stories as suddenly having happened differently. I like a time-static world exactly because nothing in it is ever lost, and so I can relive every moment of it. I like that. Our world is still not COMPLETELY static, as it's level-dynamic, and I feel that's the best stat to hook time to. Level progression is practically the only type of progression that we can control the pace of.

Personally, I'd be greatly disappointed if old stories were swapped out for new ones all of a sudden. Fix crappy arcs, by no means, but don't mess with the actual stories, please.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I kind of agree with you, it would be nice to update some of the factions with new units and powers, like Hellions and Skulls Lieutenants with dual pistols, and it's always bugged me how despite being an arsonist group, only Hellion bosses have fire powers unless it's a Steel Canyon Fire Alarm event...
Also, Skulls do need some new development too, namely WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY? Are they using literal Dark Magic? Do they all have latent dark abilities and have shot themselves up on just enough superdyne to get by as a science? Are they all mutants? Maybe their dark powers are naturally fueled by their teenage emo angst? Seriously, what the hell?
Also, longbow could stand to follow examples from the PPD, Vanguard, Legacy Chain, hell, even various villain groups, they already (poorly) copied the sky skiffs with their chasers. (damned if the Chasers don't look sweet though, they need alternate paint job models for them though, and sexy men or woman painted on the side and names like "Lady Luck")
And all in all I can think of many others, like the Sky raiders needing a human boss, I actually started a thread a long time ago about updating enemy factions with new powers, never really took off.

But on the note of the Column vs. the Council's Mechmen, the the 5th's Mek Men technically outperform with more powers and about the same resistances. (Mech Men have the melee claw strike, a laser blast, and that's it. Mek Man possess Barrage, Whirling hand, and energy blast they might also have stun)
Also, the Column's significantly more powerful at lower levels where they possess more powerful units and bosses like the Krieger early on, and you rarely do encounter ascendants, and at higher levels, the two groups still seem matched, I'd give the overall victory until the leaders themselves step onto the battlefield field to the Column. (Besides, the robots, the super soldiers, it all makes more sense coming from a group of Nazi soldiers because that's what people would expect from them. But for a somewhat random paramilitary group like the Council? It gets a little narmish.)

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Granted, the level progression does add a semblance of timeline, it doesn't fully explain some of the other actions that happen within the game. For the most stark instance, The Council X Fifth war or the Rikti Warzone revamp. Did these suddenly pop into existance to be crammed into a timeline somewhere?

A level 1 character created after the Fifth have resurfaced suddenly has to shove the Council X Fifth war into an aberrant date in some quantum state, in the past... Yet the present? Future? And the Fifth themselves have not formed themselves a new group until some time in the future, yet they can walk into Steel Canyon and see the Fifth around?

The Rikti revamp was interesting. Old enemies became new with a change of costume and the new (At the time) heavies allowed some new storylines to be implemented with the four riders. A fresh face for an old group is all i'm pointing out. Arachnos surely have to have SOME kind of new armor that makes them slightly better than stormtroopers somewhere?

Granted. I guess the real reason why appearances haven't been revamped would be a split community response between 'This is how it goes' against 'No, this is how it goes.'

Personally I'd just like the timeline question cleared up. If GR comes with new missions that have dates in them (New paper missions dated 2010 for example) do they suddenly step back in time to 2005 after level 20?



Originally Posted by gigas View Post
Are the leaders all... Dense? Or is the CoX universe really locked in 2005?
Pretty much hit the nail on the head with the above statement. CoX development team have never been about updating content in order to keep the game current. It takes time and resources to update existing content, much easier to create new content to distract players from the old. (The posi TF is an exception to this rule and I hope the beginning to many more exceptions to come.)



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Pretty much hit the nail on the head with the above statement. CoX development team have never been about updating content in order to keep the game current. It takes time and resources to update existing content, much easier to create new content to distract players from the old. (The posi TF is an exception to this rule and I hope the beginning to many more exceptions to come.)
I meant guys like Lord Recluse and such. In universe there just... Can't be any sufficient explanation otherwise.

'Villains have killed all your highly trained men in base random number sir' "Post more guards, it wont happen for the sixteenth time in one day."

Cobra Commander continued to shovel out a Cobra trooper a day with all sorts of upgrades and enhancements for years. A.I.M. has developed hundreds of upgrades and items to help their troops (That do absolutely nothing to save them from death) Arachnos seems less... Evil and more like a cheap Empire... Arachnos troopers are just... Stormtroopers that can sometimes hit things with paper bullets and black spider themed armour.

...Actually. That's more of a pro towards playing, laughing at how awfully bad a 'super evil organization that's a threat to world peace' is. Bad cheap, not bad evil.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm sorry, but I disagree with you. In City of Heroes, time passes not with real-world time passage, but with level progression. When you're level 15, Jim Temblor is still just barely coming to grips with his father's fate. When you're level 35, time has past, he's confident in his powers and he's acting as a legitimate hero. That's how time passes. If you zoom back to level 1 on a new character, you zoom back in time back to 2004, back when Vahzilok was still alive, when the Clockwork King hadn't been beaten, when Countess Crey was still a free woman, when the second Rikti invasion hadn't happened yet.

I don't like CHANGE to the game, I like ADDITIONS. Instead of messing with what has been working just fine over the years, I say we add to it. New groups, new missions, new stories, but there's no reason to mess with the old ones. The change of name of the 5th Column to the Council (and that's all it was) was easily the WORST thing to happen to the game's content and lore, bar none. There was NO REASON to outright remove an acting, existing, cool enemy group. You complain about them being the same as the Council now, and with good reason - they're the same god damn group with a different insignia. The change accomplished nothing but pissing a bunch of people off.

I like a time-static world. There's nothing I hate more than old content I enjoyed removed. I could stand to see it tweaked, but only to fix bad writing, NOT to ret-con old stories as suddenly having happened differently. I like a time-static world exactly because nothing in it is ever lost, and so I can relive every moment of it. I like that. Our world is still not COMPLETELY static, as it's level-dynamic, and I feel that's the best stat to hook time to. Level progression is practically the only type of progression that we can control the pace of.

Personally, I'd be greatly disappointed if old stories were swapped out for new ones all of a sudden. Fix crappy arcs, by no means, but don't mess with the actual stories, please.
Gotta disagree on certain points there, such as the arc where you 'Prevent the Second Rikti War'.
....Uh...Stop Check please!

Instead of having Ourobourus as JUST a flashback system, why not make the crystal have all the 'alternate timestreams' e.g. the stuff that got taken out. Calvin Scott TF, the arc mentioned above, stuff like that.

Or, better yet, add them to a City/University 'Archive' System. Just use one of the empty buildings in the University campuses, and add a smaller version of an AE portal, along with some terminals.
Heck, we could even get other, non US based content, like the Paragon Universe WW2 D-Day, Brass Monday, stuff like that.

And, hey, it'd still be new content that people keep clamouring for (myself included now, actaully. Although not as much as I would rather they revamp the rusting dross that there is out there...)

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Gotta disagree on certain points there, such as the arc where you 'Prevent the Second Rikti War'.
....Uh...Stop Check please!

Instead of having Ourobourus as JUST a flashback system, why not make the crystal have all the 'alternate timestreams' e.g. the stuff that got taken out. Calvin Scott TF, the arc mentioned above, stuff like that.

Or, better yet, add them to a City/University 'Archive' System. Just use one of the empty buildings in the University campuses, and add a smaller version of an AE portal, along with some terminals.
Heck, we could even get other, non US based content, like the Paragon Universe WW2 D-Day, Brass Monday, stuff like that.

And, hey, it'd still be new content that people keep clamouring for (myself included now, actaully. Although not as much as I would rather they revamp the rusting dross that there is out there...)
I was going to say this exact thing. Maybe in the past, we couldn't do change properly - I mean, they just went through and replaced "5th Column" with "Council" everywhere it was mentioned. Now, they could do something like this, with actual new content for a new group, and keep the old stuff in Ouroboros or a similar place.

At the very least, any mention of a year in a mission's text ought to be changed. It is clearly 2010 in the game right now; I mean, they've opened the Omega Team time capsule, which was only supposed to happen 7 (6?) years after they didn't return. What gigas said about the weird game timeline vs. level timeline is absolutely correct; a level 20 villain would be in about 2008 by level up time logic - but would be able to fight a Vigilante Ajax, who is only present in 2010.

Of course, we can't go changing too much stuff around, as new players do need to experience the game story line, and not be thrown into a world where various plot points are taken for granted. The stuff that's took place before the game is fairly well-referenced, enough so that we can figure out what happened. Removing old content in favor of new stuff would force the new stuff to reference the old game content in the same way. And since so many higher level contacts build on what you've done at the low levels, that might be too hard to pull off.

What I've heard about GR leads me to believe that the 1-20 content will be changed in CoH/V a little bit as well, so maybe that will involve some story reworking. Who knows? (Just the vibe I get from various info on it, no proof whatsoever).

Anyways, I'm all for a few minor "revamps" a lá the Rikti to villain groups- new costumes, maybe a few new types/powers, and certainly some more stories involving them.



I've always found it a bit ironic that people clamor to have the Calvin Scott TF put back in via Ouroboros. While I'd never say no to adding more content to the game, the Scott TF is in fact an example of those older, unpolished, and largely dull arcs. Literally the only thing special about it was that it was temporary, and it's likely it was designed to be unremarkable due to that.

In general though, I pretty much agree with Sam. The timeline aint perfect, and there are lots of glaring errors that we were told would be fixed but never were ("2nd Rikti Invasion" arc), but hey - it's a comic book MMO. Timeline confusion is par for the course, I'd say.

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Another possibilility is that after playing the same game for 5 years you are just bored. It could be that it doesn't matter what changes are made to the game content, you'd still be bored.



Originally Posted by gigas View Post
I meant guys like Lord Recluse and such. In universe there just... Can't be any sufficient explanation otherwise.

'Villains have killed all your highly trained men in base random number sir' "Post more guards, it wont happen for the sixteenth time in one day."

Cobra Commander continued to shovel out a Cobra trooper a day with all sorts of upgrades and enhancements for years. A.I.M. has developed hundreds of upgrades and items to help their troops (That do absolutely nothing to save them from death) Arachnos seems less... Evil and more like a cheap Empire... Arachnos troopers are just... Stormtroopers that can sometimes hit things with paper bullets and black spider themed armor.

...Actually. That's more of a pro towards playing, laughing at how awfully bad a 'super evil organization that's a threat to world peace' is. Bad cheap, not bad evil.
Well that's fine and dandy, I think new additions and touch ups to old enemy groups should be made, but you can't have them constantly being buffed up beyond the normal leveling progression or else they get too hard for newbies.

I mean I'm sure in a realistic scenario of City of, all heroes and villains would be genetically spliced demi-magical, spec ops, martial artist, magi in techno-magical powered armors that would be capable of out performing the Tzar Bomba in potential damage performance, take hits like Mount Everest, and move at light speeds while being able to turn at a 90 degree angle in over one inch of space.

But that doesn't exactly make for a good game. (And would clutter up the power tray like you wouldn't believe.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I would like to take a deeper look into Paragon City's Gang Lore.

Currently, the lore is set up so that there's this kind of... gang progression, I guess.

The Hellions got stuff from the Warriors, who are connected to the Circle of Thorns somehow.

The Skulls have a connection with the Family and Trolls, who has a connection with... I dunno. Who ever the Family is connected to.

But other than that, we never see the Petrovic Brothers (Who founded the Skulls). They don't even tell us who leads the Hellions, but at least they've got two unique bosses. The Skulls don't have a single one.



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
I would like to take a deeper look into Paragon City's Gang Lore.

Currently, the lore is set up so that there's this kind of... gang progression, I guess.

The Hellions got stuff from the Warriors, who are connected to the Circle of Thorns somehow.

The Skulls have a connection with the Family and Trolls, who has a connection with... I dunno. Who ever the Family is connected to.

But other than that, we never see the Petrovic Brothers (Who founded the Skulls). They don't even tell us who leads the Hellions, but at least they've got two unique bosses. The Skulls don't have a single one.
Actually... You do fight the Petrovic brothers, they're generic bone daddies in the Bone Fire arc. I know, I was disappointed too.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Basically, yeah, evolving gangs. You're going up the food chain from dumb street punks to the organized criminal syndicates they're working for.

The Skulls are a lowbie dumb nihilist gang that sells Dyne to the Trolls for the Family. Pretty straightforward.

The Hellions steal magic items because the Tsoo gave them magic idols that makes them dumb and sell the magic weapons to the Warriors (who are a dumb street gang themselves, but higher level because...they are). The Tsoo are getting their Rage drug out on the streets, too...but I don't think that's ever much addressed besides for being a lethal combo when the Trolls mix it with their addiction to Dyne. Or the Freakshow might use it in addition to their drug of choice (Excelsior?), I forget. It's been years since I've run a lot of the archaic CoH story arcs.

I don't remember either side dealing much with the Circle. Because the CoT would just stick them with one of their crystal thorns and swap the original soul out with a trapped CoT mage (as is done in a CoV arc).



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm sorry, but I disagree with you. In City of Heroes, time passes not with real-world time passage, but with level progression. When you're level 15, Jim Temblor is still just barely coming to grips with his father's fate. When you're level 35, time has past, he's confident in his powers and he's acting as a legitimate hero. That's how time passes. If you zoom back to level 1 on a new character, you zoom back in time back to 2004, back when Vahzilok was still alive, when the Clockwork King hadn't been beaten, when Countess Crey was still a free woman, when the second Rikti invasion hadn't happened yet.
So when my wife is on her newly created level 1 character she is in 2004 Atlas talking to my current day level 50 character? Interesting concept, we don't even need some silly mailbox for us to communicate.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



Originally Posted by Oya View Post
So when my wife is on her newly created level 1 character she is in 2004 Atlas talking to my current day level 50 character? Interesting concept, we don't even need some silly mailbox for us to communicate.
I doubt that's what Sam meant at all.
But it might be what the older devs did.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



gigas has a fixation:

...Then I realized what had me down. Literally. It was all the same, for five years, several months... I'd been playing the same game, While new zones had been added, new storylines had come across, new powers had manifested... It's all the same.
Time's funny in comics. **handwaves and goes to make a sammich**

Dec out.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
I've always found it a bit ironic that people clamor to have the Calvin Scott TF put back in via Ouroboros. While I'd never say no to adding more content to the game, the Scott TF is in fact an example of those older, unpolished, and largely dull arcs. Literally the only thing special about it was that it was temporary, and it's likely it was designed to be unremarkable due to that.

In general though, I pretty much agree with Sam. The timeline aint perfect, and there are lots of glaring errors that we were told would be fixed but never were ("2nd Rikti Invasion" arc), but hey - it's a comic book MMO. Timeline confusion is par for the course, I'd say.
Perfect time to give it the Posi treatment then?

People (Sweeping generalisation, not aimed at anyone) seem incapable of grasping that Updated content is new content, by dint of it being polished, changed and having all the shoddy bits cut off. It wont play like the old junk anymore.

As for the gangs, more variation would be great. Hellions and Skulls always puzzle the heck out of me; the Deaths Heads and Fallen are meant to be partly into the death/fire magic zone...and yet all they get is machine guns and shotguns. Its...a little lame? Really? They dont even LOOK any different from the Boss models. I know you outlevel them kinda fast, but people tend to level really fast in part because the lower levels are just that; dull.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Oya View Post
So when my wife is on her newly created level 1 character she is in 2004 Atlas talking to my current day level 50 character? Interesting concept, we don't even need some silly mailbox for us to communicate.
Look at how arcs are handled. Every character is a world unto itslef, with the only storyline that matters concerning this one specific character. Other characters exist, but they are doing "something else." No matter what you do, you are still playing one character's story with the others tagging along, and the one whose story it is just happens to be the mission owner.

If you want to challenge this, then you're going to have to explain how every character I've made has been the one to take out Dr. Vahzilok. And, yeah, I make a point of fighting him. It's a cool mission. And there really is no way to avoid this, because there is not enough content to give everyone an experience that isn't duplicated. So each character, when viewed through his eyes, is what matters. The other characters' actions don't affect him. And all the better for it.

So when your wife makes a new character in Atlas Park, she very much is back in 2004, trying to sort out who the Hellions are and what makes the Clockwork tick. Even if you bring your level 50 hero to meet her, his story does not affect hers. You are present in her timeline, but you do not define it. Inversely, she is present in your timeline, but she does not define what is "common knowledge" at that point. Each character is separate in fiction. Far as I'm concerned, that's the best way to handle it. That way, all of us (or at least those who are not pedantic about it) can pretend that their specific current hero is THE hero of the story, and the others are supporting cast. It's an illusion, obviously, but then so is 3D space on a 2D screen and yet we don't seem to have a problem with it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'd be against Rewriting lower level content.

I'd be fine with updating the character models to accommodate the new Ultra Mode capabilities of the engine.




Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
I'd be against Rewriting lower level content.

I'd be fine with updating the character models to accommodate the new Ultra Mode capabilities of the engine.

I agree up to a point. I believe low-level content needs a "re-write" in the sense of technical upgrades. Mission structure, mission objectives, mission locations, briefing quality (both in terms of narrative and proofreading) are all badly lacking and in need of some TLC. I don't believe low-level content needs a "re-write" in the sense of changing or updating the storyline. The actual stories are great as they are, and I'd be really sad to see them go. The stories are good. They're just delivered poorly.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I agree up to a point. I believe low-level content needs a "re-write" in the sense of technical upgrades. Mission structure, mission objectives, mission locations, briefing quality (both in terms of narrative and proofreading) are all badly lacking and in need of some TLC. I don't believe low-level content needs a "re-write" in the sense of changing or updating the storyline. The actual stories are great as they are, and I'd be really sad to see them go. The stories are good. They're just delivered poorly.
I do agree with this ^

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I agree up to a point. I believe low-level content needs a "re-write" in the sense of technical upgrades. Mission structure, mission objectives, mission locations, briefing quality (both in terms of narrative and proofreading) are all badly lacking and in need of some TLC. I don't believe low-level content needs a "re-write" in the sense of changing or updating the storyline. The actual stories are great as they are, and I'd be really sad to see them go. The stories are good. They're just delivered poorly.
That's true. And your earlier point about each character being THE characters is also true... but years should still be updated in things like the newspaper missions. As the OP said, it's weird to find an obit for someone who died five years ago in today's paper.

I'm also not sure how to deal with the odd concept of doing, say, the RWZ arcs, which take place during/after the second Rikti invasion, and then doing a higher level Rikti arc, which happens to take place before the second invasion. The only good way to deal with that is suspend your disbelief and use Decorum's hand wave strategy (which I'm perfectly content with doing, since experiencing the story is more important to me than making sure it fits really well together, but others might have issues with it).



I'm torn between Gigas and Samuel Tow. I agree that the game has become too stagnant and therefore, boring. But I also don't want to see things changed too radically because there is a certain comfort in the old canon.

What I think we need more of is new enemies and most of all NEW MAPS and NEW SKINS. It would be great to add an NPC to each group every so often. Encountering Succubi in COT mobs and Meat Doctors with Freakshow added spice to fighting against those groups.

But even with all new bad guys with all new powers, it will always seem like the same old grind if I do it in tech_lab_01, abandoned_warehouse_02 or blue_cave_03. I'm sure that Praetoria will give us new maps, but we need upgrades in the existing content as well. A supermarket, a mall, a hotel, a high school or college campus or anything else would all be very welcome additions.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad