Dimension Door




Since the new explore accolades turned out to only give some Merits and because the Devs have asked for new ideas for future Booster Packs I will post this suggestion again (for the last time, promise).
I am proposing a new zone TP power that will Port you to a previously memorised point. So this ability will have 2 click powers:
Memory Point, which would memorise the target location for the port. It could have conditions like only on a public map, standing on the ground, not the target of any attacks.
Dimension Door, which would do the porting. This one would have the standard teleport conditions ie. standing still, long activation time and appropriate recharge time.

I would find this ability very useful to speed up character development while teaming eg. porting to a trainer or the appropriate store for DO's (I still use them), but you could also use it to port to Crim, RWZ or a pvp door (not the zone of course).
It would be balanced with the standard long recharge time but also the fact that you would need to travel to the point you want initially to set it up.



If they were to do this I think it'd be VASTLY easier to teleport to a list of unlocked locations... Perhaps use a drop down list of badge locations indexed by zone?




On one hand, I like this idea. On the other hand, it's pretty much already covered. I use a combination of Pocket D and Ouro to get around quickly when I really have to, SG Ports when applicable. Two of those three methods require little-to-no effort to get.

Then we have the Market Port, which can take time to get but, as with all day jobs, requires zero effort.

My point is, at this stage in CoX, such a power is kinda redundant.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



It's not about having a new location tp it's more about saving time on locations we have to go to over and over again on the public maps like trains, trainers, stores.



I like the idea, it seems reminiscent of DAOC and WoWs binding stones...
