Suggestion for Vanguard Merits




On many 35+ characters, particularly on servers where Mothership Raids are common, Vanguard Merits accumulate like snow in a blizzard. Once you've bought all of the Vanguard costume pieces, and whichever temp powers you may or may not have an affinity for, what do you do with the merits that are left in your inventory? Sure, you could just sit on them and do nothing, but you'll continue to earn them no matter what as long as you're fighting Rikti. Why not make them useful in other areas of the game?

My suggestion is this: make it so that you can buy 1 regular merit from the Vanguard base for every 100 Vanguard merits you acquire. 1,000 Vanguard merits would then equal 10 regular merits. It's not enough of a difference to be game-changing, and it makes those more-or-less useless Vanguard merits really mean something, which could lead to more servers hosting more Mothership Raids, which would lead to a greater sense of community.

Thank you.

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Interesting suggestion. I don't have an opinion either way but would like to see more uses for Vanguard Merits.

And as usual, I will put a plug in for Rikti Origin Enhancements (Rikti O's - previous example) as an alternative for excess Vanguard Merits.



I'd certainly not object to this. I've got lots of characters who can generate a metric ton of merits even solo (IIRC my ss/electric brute has around 1500 left after buying EVERYTHING) and I'd love something to use them for which would serve my greater goals. /signed!

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Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Interesting suggestion. I don't have an opinion either way but would like to see more uses for Vanguard Merits.

And as usual, I will put a plug in for Rikti Origin Enhancements (Rikti O's - previous example) as an alternative for excess Vanguard Merits.

I agree with Penny.



Originally Posted by DJKyo View Post
On many 35+ characters, particularly on servers where Mothership Raids are common, Vanguard Merits accumulate like snow in a blizzard. Once you've bought all of the Vanguard costume pieces, and whichever temp powers you may or may not have an affinity for, what do you do with the merits that are left in your inventory? Sure, you could just sit on them and do nothing, but you'll continue to earn them no matter what as long as you're fighting Rikti. Why not make them useful in other areas of the game?
Not that I object to adding more functionality to VG merits, but I think the intention of the temporary powers is to give you something to continually dump merits on after you've bought all of the costume pieces. The Vanguard robot summon is incredibly expensive and quite powerful. If you actually use it, it can be an excellent way to burn your excess merits.

There are any number of ways the devs could make VG merits more useful beyond costume pieces: more temp powers, SOs, recipes, etc. Personally, I'd be happy just getting more temp powers rather than special enhancements: Rikti weapon temp powers (everyone should be allowed to beat someone with a stolen Rikti swordgun...), Vanguard NPC temp powers (why can't they give us a wand or charm with some of those crazy awesome spells in them?), and even some lower cost but weaker summon powers (flag down a Vanguard NPC).



I can't find anything wrong with this other than the idea that you're supposed to be spending the merits on temp powers.



Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
I can't find anything wrong with this other than the idea that you're supposed to be spending the merits on temp powers.
Then how about expanding the list of temp powers we can buy with VG merits.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Then how about expanding the list of temp powers we can buy with VG merits.
Sounds good.



Yes, in favor of more uses for Vanguard Merits.

Really not in favor at all of "buying" regular merits with them. And I'd be willing to bet a lot that neither are the Devs.

Dec out.



Definitely in agreement for more stuff to burn VG Merits on. I like the idea of Rikti-Origin Enhancements just by the sound of it.

Here's a temporary power idea: Vanguard Wand, ranged, knockback, extra damage vs. Rikti. Or something along those lines. It would be nice to take advantage of the Rikti's weakness to magic.

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More stuff to buy with the VG merits works. Though I doubt they'll add anything anytime soon. Seeing as we have a whole new world right around the corner (GR). I would like to see it though, in the future.



I could see us getting more temps. How about a "combat radio" that allows you to summon a Vanguard Wizard? Give it say 3 charges and make it like a lot of others where you can only use it once ever 30 minutes. We are members of Vanguard so why wouldn't we be able to call for backup?

Here's one I bet people would drool to get. We are in a CoOp zone where heroes and Villains work together how about a few temps allowing us to borrow powers? Like:

A Malta Sapper rifle good for say 10 uses

A WarWolfe Whistle like the one available in Striga.. okay maybe one 1-2 uses instead of five but they supposedly are working with us so see suggestion for combat radio.. BACKUP

Not sure Nemesis is willing to share anything but how about a Nemesis sniper rifle.. those things seem to have incredilbe range .. May 10 uses there

A Rikti Drone pet you can summon say 3 times. Okay so we captured some and reprogramed them!

We have a buff against PSI so how about a debuff that negates chance to hit of any PSI attacks. Holds, Immob, confuse, sleep etc Give that say 20 charges

Not particularly interested in the VG to RewardMerit exchange at least not at that rate. Not everyone does Rikti raids for a variety of reasons. I enjoy them but just like the invasions in other zones more than half the time the lag gets so bad I can hardly move and frequently my screen freezes and I crash. The Vanguard merits I have I earned doing missions and I've had some missions where they poured into the salvage tray and others where I completed an entire mission and had 6 more than when I started. Turning a thousand of those over to get 10 Reward Merits would turn me off completely

Rikti Os sound interesting. They have to be REALLY powerful to get most people to desire them over IOs which can offer all those set bonuses.

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Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Here's one I bet people would drool to get. We are in a CoOp zone where heroes and Villains work together how about a few temps allowing us to borrow powers?
The only "villains" cooperating with the heroes are those from the Rogue Isles. Malta, Nemesis, and all of the others are independent and, rather than working with Vanguard, are either directly working against them (Nemesis, as explicitly happens in one of the arcs) or simply attempting to avoid them. It makes almost no sense to get NPC villains weapons from Vanguard. The only possible logical reason would be that you would be getting these weapons from defeated NPCs, though it's not like Vanguard is fighting them in large degrees, so it doesn't make much sense for them to have substantial stockpiles to give to those helping them.



I like the concept as a whole, especially as Penny indicated with having more things to do with vanguard merits, perhaps we could exchange vanguard merits for prestige as well, maybe a one for one...
