6660 -
If all 48 slots are used, then log into one of your characters and /getglobalname <charactername> ... or ... /friend <charactername>. If either one works, it's in use. If it doesn't work, either it's on the restricted list or it's not in use.
Got one for my main account and my two secondary accounts and for my fiance's account. How exciting! This is a perfect pre-PAX present.
(alliteration amour!)
Becky the Tarantula Mistress is my favorite NPC in the entire game.
Note you don't get debriefings from the splat text, but it's better than nothing.
Quote:Nnnnoooo.... unless this happened sometime in the first year and a half of the game, by the time I got here (I6) that was definitely not the case. You got rewards based on your security/threat level, not your combat level.Thing was in those days those low levels were actually getting XP like they were 49 levels and INF and everthing else..
However, you could be -5 to the team leader, with enemies up to +3 to the team leader, so potentially getting rewards based on enemies +8 to your level. This is what the bridges were: level 46 characters sidekicking lowbies so that they were 45.
(This used to be 'within 5 levels of the team average' so you could be even lower with deliberate manipulation of the teaming mechanic. This was changed to 'within 5 levels of the team leader'. Then super sidekicking came in, so everyone on the team was sidekicked to the mission holder and bridging became moot.) -
Nothing planned, though there has been random talking about updating various stuff around the game.
No, although recent content has started to have the mid-mission contacts say stuff in NPC chat channel with responses. (Note this doesn't apply to the actual contacts, just the people that show up inside a mission that you talk to (only applies to the most recent content, in the last year or two - they pretty much didn't exist before then))
Because the game as a whole has updated its 'timeline' so that Praetoria events are happening 'now'. The old content is still trying to follow a 'level progression timeline' that doesn't apply anymore. Newer content supersedes the older stuff.
The introduction to Praetoria begins now with First Ward; Primal characters are invited to help out there when they are level 20.
The Sutter TF takes place sort of out of order with the grand scheme of things (repelling the Praetorian assault that happens just before/alongside the first couple iTrials; it gave midlevel characters something to do with the storyline when it was first introduced). -
You're VIP; you're probably utilizing IOs and/or Incarnates.
It's impossible to perma Light Form on SOs-only without outside help. Even six slotting LF with +3 SOs doesn't get anywhere close (~50s downtime: 90s duration with ~140s recharge). You can't get perma-Hasten on an SOs-only PB either without outside help, so that doesn't work either. -
It does affect the enemy: it drains 40-60% (depending on AT) of the enemy's max endurance. It doesn't have a recovery debuff, but draining that much endurance every 10-20s (depending on recharge) is ridiculously awesome.
General Discussion or Roleplaying tend to get better response to 'help me name my character' threads.
NCsoft as a whole isn't going to be at PAX this year, which is totally weirding me out on multiple levels (Wildstar isn't out yet, you should be pushing this game hard, it looks super fun).
And this is after last year, where they had their own panel room. What. -
Cancel your sub with the paypal option (you will continue to have sub time until your current sub runs out, so don't worry about that).
Restart your sub with the credit card option.
There will be no actual VIP time downtime since you're doing it BEFORE your current sub runs out. -
Quote:If you mean 'every single spawn', then sure, Trip Mine is a niche power only useful in certain scenarios. Most people don't lay down a giant field of Trip Mines, they put down one or two and often another one or two mid-combat (toe-bombing).Ignoring the fact that it's a niche power only useful in certain scenarios,
Just because you don't see the use in the power doesn't mean it doesn't have a use. Trip Mine is one of the biggest reason people take Devices/Traps (along with it being a 'natural' style set). -
SS/fire brute with enemies tailored to fire damage (to get REALLY tailored this requires AE on the PLer account, otherwise get a demon farm map).
The only thing that Freezing Rain and OSA have in common is that the initial power is a pseudopet summons. After that, things take a drastic turn.
No, the answer is, "Castle spent umpteen bazillion hours fixing and refixing and fixing the previous fix and fixing again" - and (New Powers Guy -- Synapse?) probably inherited Castle's shame and sadness.
Oil Slick Arrow is totally wacky. -
Eeerrrrr, it does in the case of City of Heroes. If you wanted to play the game for longer than a trial period before Freedom, you needed to pay a monthly charge. Thus City cannot be included in a line that says it's been "several years" since City hasn't required a monthly charge. It hasn't even been a "single year" since City hasn't required a monthly charge, let alone "several years".