229 -
It's concept art for the Arachnos Crab Spiders.
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Tell me they made it into game looking like that...sooooo Badass.
This is probably one of the cleanest, gosh-durn nicest forums I've ever come across.
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That just seems kinda sad to me. These are by far the rudest, most flame-filled boards I've been to.
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Take a trip over to the WoW boards..you'll run crying for Humanity in mere seconds. They turn flaming into an Olympic sport
On a side note I miss Vegatator..his Doom posts were at least interesting.
18/21 - though I think the representation for the Flash is just wrong and I still have no idea who Commander Courage and Nova are.
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I think I know Nova. Though I believe it was "Kid Nova", a younger version in a comic called "The New Warriors". I think I was the only person that liked that comic.
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Nah...I had the first 25 issues or so back in the day, though Night Thrasher was the lamest hero evah!.
Acually it's been mentioned in the gamespy article Here That the upgrades will come to CoH eventually, but will be exclusive to CoV for the first while.
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Saw that..been wanting to beat them up for a while, don't know why..just an "Urge" :P
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Synapse is a tool.
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Maybe he hasn't patched yet & is still affected by the SS Acc nerf.
Know if you are affiliated with the HomeWorld Guru?
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Hmmm, not that I know of, But I'm only really familar with the CoH portion of the site (not an Admin).
Guru... guru... guru... play any other online games other than CoH? I know there is a Gaming Clan called Guru but they are more RTS oriented.
Oh, and would someone mirror that Video... it'll be longer than I thought before I am home.
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Not I, the name of the main site is Guru actually (WoWGuru, COHguru etc..) Most of us are in various SG's throughout the game. -
Hmmm, just saw the newsletter myself, from the looks of it they're the CoV version of the Freedom Phalnax (I don't mean their alt selves..just a generic supervillian group
)...though I would love if those were some of the costume options...especially the Scorpion armour
Having seen what a lack of communication can do to a playerbase (WoW anyone) I have much <3 for Cuppa and the devs here
Happy 1 year COH
The fact that I keep coming back here is a testament to your greatness, still the best Dev team I have seen as well.
Is it possible to expand any more on the Epic power pools? Specifically the Defender-based ones? I'm absolutely drooling at the prospect of reliable Mezz-protection & decent self defense
I'll say just two things.
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*Shakes Fist* oh you just enjoy this a little too much don't you.
Actually, Expansion 3 has two Epic Archetypes AND many, many Epic Power Pools.
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Holy Sh*t what?
Though I'm assuming the 2nd one is the *Nictus* with the first being the Peacebringers. -
Noticed that too...probably has something to do with the fact Blue steel was a late addition who was added in Beta for people who wanted a trainer in KR, he wasn't part of the original design
I really don't think this will happen...can't find the damn posts anymore but they've stated many times that if you are already paying your $15/mon for CoH you won't have to for CoV. However, CoV will also be a stand-alone game that you can play W/O owning CoH. You will have to pay $15/mon for CoV if this is the case.
Damn, sorry I missed it (the GF does demand SOME of my RL time :P). Can't wait until the Halloween event, though I really, really hope it lasts until 12 am on Oct 31st (working until 10pm).
Oh sweet...
The only way to make this better would be to have Sky Skiffs "grouped" with Wing Raiders patrolling the actual sky of TV...
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I second that! (Not all Sky Skiffs need to be in the air, but it'd be nice if there were some that were)
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Consider that Thirded -
* Prior to Update 2, I completed the Numina Task Force. I have been assigned all of the other Task Force Badges (having completed all of them) but still lack Numina's.
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Were you part of the team when Jurrasik was defeated? Did you recieve a reward when Jurrasik was defeated?
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I, too, did the Numina task force shortly before Issue 2 went live, and I do not have the badge for it. Until now, I'd assumed that was because the TF had been changed. I was present for the entire task force, and (I believe) I got an award when Jurassik fell. I certainly was keeping space open in my enh. tray, as I wasn't sure he wasn't the end.
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Actually did the Numina TF today and recieved no Badge for it. Stayed with the group right until the end of the mission when it disbanded, recieved my enhancment but noone in the group got a badge (except the one for defeating Jurasik).
Should aslo note that I haven't gotten my Manticore TF badge that was completed a few weeks ago either. Other than that I have all my TF badges.
On a side note I had managed to go 36 levels without ever seeing Kraken...found him twice today (and Adamastor yesterday). Already had my badge after the first time so I ported in some lower level folks in PP to take care of him. Man is he uuuggglyyy
Didn't have time to read through the whole thread so I hope these haven't been mentioned:
- The guys in the red & white tights standing near Ms. Liberty are Hero corps trainers. They will buy your unneeded enhancments early on (felt like a dork when it took me till lev 11 to realize this)
- From lev 20 on the best place to sell your enhancments is Talos Island due to the proximity of all the stores..this remains the case all the way to lev 50
- Early on when your still short on INf. Always sell DO's & SO's at they're orgin specific store, they will always give more Inf. for them (this is also the case for training enhancments.)
- The only Zone with both Tram lines running is Steel Canyon.
- There is nowhere to sell enhancments in Kings Row or Brickstown (unless your orgin-specific contact is there)