229 -
Not loving the Glove/Leg/Boot options...but the rest looks amazing. Along with the auras this pretty much ensures I'll be picking it up.
Meh...Still want the Rune of Warding for a Vet power.
I do believe some of the trial account changes go a little far...especially if they're that interested in getting new customers and the general health of the game.
Personally I don't see why trial accounts can't send out invites or tells (yes I know gold sellers Spam tells but that's what /Ignore is for) Email & Broadcast I wholeheartedly agree with though. And yes...let them get to at least lev 14....travel powers are the reason many of us are still here. -
I want to set up something horrible, stop the war between the Rularuu and the Knives of Artemis; because I think that mission would be pure hell for just about every archtype.
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I would love to get in on that mission!!!
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Agreed, I think half the funs going to be trying to come up with the biggest PITA mission for your team.
I'm thinking of a joint Malta/Carnie one for starters.
Nice one....had me scared [censored] for a minute
Love the sets...about time we saw these options in game. They were leaked around issue 9 or so
While the live roleplayed wedding will be interesting I wonder what they'll do about having someone showing up to ruin it all. You can't seriously expect with 100 attendents that you won't have some jerk(s) messing around and getting a kick out of being disruptive.
I would love to catch the whole thing on video with Fraps so hopefully a demo record won't screw things up. Wonder when the devs will bother to invest some time to fix them. They've been broken for how long now?.... since issue 7 as I recall.
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I'm assuming there'll be a whole lot of invisible GM's about during the event ready to lay the Hammer down should some jackass try to ruin things.
As for the pack...GvE was a better deal IMO (but I get a lot of use form the Justice/Sinister pieces) add a badge though and I'll shell out for it.
/me Notes with Nervousness that the biggies are all named individually... _except_ States.
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He hasn't been on board for a while. It's no biggie.
Sexy Jay, biggie.War Witch, the others, biggies.
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Agreed...I'd also be a lot more concerned if we lost BaB's & Castle. They've been doing a lot to improves the powersets for the last year or so.
Looks awsome, it doesn't specify but does this mean the Crash site is a villian zone as well now? I'm drooling at the thought of taking on Hazard zone size spawns with my MM (that don't consist of PP Elites
I do hope there is a little more meat to this issue though...IO Sets could use a lot of additions as well (buff/debuff powers I'm looking at you) -
I love the whole implementation of a "Loot" system into CoH.
I've been playing for 3 years now...I'm starting to need a new carrot.
But seriously...it seems to be a basic, well implemented crafting system that is wide open to additions with future issues and a lot friendlier to "casual" gamers than other systems I've seen, what's stopping them from adding a few new costume pieces/IO sets with every update? -
When we turn our eyes to the future we see some pretty awesome stuff coming together. New costumes, new temp powers and new inventions. A villain group returns with a dramatic change that will shake the very foundation of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. An old friend returns as an enemy. Enemies will become friends. Issue 10 and beyond is really shaping up nicely!
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First, thanks for the update. I think these State of the Game messages are a great idea.
So, onto the posssibilities:
-A villain group returns = 5th Column Return. Lets say, led by the Reichsman.
-An old friend returns as an enemy = Hero 1 Leads a new Rikti invasion of Paragon and the Rogue Isles
-Enemies become friends = Co-Op Zones dealing with the above. At an extreme, perhaps cross over, but I consider that doubtful
And while all this content sounds very exciting, its when it gets delivered that will be critical. Hopefully future issues will not take as long to devlop, if a hold is put on developing new systems or new graphical gew-gaws.
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I don't see the next couple of issues taking nearly as long as I9 did. This issue probably introduced the most backend changes this game has seen since PvP was introduced. The next couple look to just be story-driven, meaning mostly just a few new tilesets here & there along with a couple new zones (hopes for new powersets as well).
(is GOT/Bugbite/hollis/charon still around somewhere? or are the pics post-mortem?)
[/ QUOTE ] Got, Hollis and Charon are still around, though Hollis is more of a WoW person now as far as I know. Bugs hasn't played CoH forever, not sure if he's in WoWland as well.
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do YOU still play, P? ;P
glad to see the old hats are still around in places though...what about Rottie? he fade into history?
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I haven't heard about or seen Rottie in months...so that's an "I don't know". And Poison still plays.
And amazing work on the poster. -
That is just freakin amazing
So basically all I have to do is put up every TO I get at the AH for 1 inf and hope someone uses the same one for a character trade and I get instant millions?
Anyone else see a problem here or am I misunderstanding this? -
On a side note...did you see the salvage requirments for just one Dual aspect IO? 8+ pieces is a little ecessive IMO...especially if some of those are uncommon/Rare.
I don't like this idea on closed testing.
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Why not? I don't see how it's much different from beta testing.
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Except that Beta testing for this game ended a looonnggg time ago....letting a certain section of the playerbase test a much anticipated issue before others is a little alienating. We don't usually have enough interest in the test server as it is.
But I can accept it if it means inventions will turn out better in the end. -
Autobots! ROLL OUT the stolen televisions!!!
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Times have gotten tough for Optimus...new parts don't come cheap.
Yep...considering that I9 will be considerably larger than I8 I would easily wager a guess at a May-June launch for it...hell, by then they'll have to come up with new Vet rewards to go past the 3 year mark.
I picked the storyline, although if powersets were up there, I would've gone with them.
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Agreed...that really should have been an option.
I'm not really sure that Fire/ needs to be looked at but thanks anyhoo Castle
I see one major problem with a Marvel Super Heroes MMO. I don't see how they could ever balance it. If a game like this one has balance problems imagine a game like that. And how on earth do you account for multiple versions of the same marvel character? A team of four Wolverines? There is only one Wolverine? More than one would just feel lame.
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I would be shocked if they let you play as signature characters, really.
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Agreed, I'm pretty much assuming all the major marvel characters will either be contacts or "Pets" that come along on missions. -
Jack's still here...Positrons just taken up the mantle of lead designer. Jack still runs the entire show I beleive though.