229 -
Quote:Having just watched the Season (possible series) finale you were closeI'm betting Taylor and company will blow up the destination gate. I'm betting that without the fix point back in time that the two way calculations will no longer work. And they will probably do it after sending a few of the proto-raptor dinos forward to greet the 2nd wave of troops.
So now they're all standed from 2159 and from the looks of it this era has other timelines converging on it (with what they found in the Badlands) also they now have a better armed enemy to worry about with the Mercs, might make for a good 2nd season.
I was really annoyed that there was this apparent awsome battle for the colony and WE NEVER GOT TO SEE A LICK OF IT. I understand budget contraints but jeez...having the gate blow up then wizzing to three days later when the colony was already lost pissed me off a little. -
Also guessing next (and every) Halloween, only time I've ever bought points for an item (just for the Think tank to be honest)
Give them a Faultline/RWZ type of storyline...there is no other reason to go other than street sweeping and that's been dead for years, hell I think it's been four years since I've even stepped foot in Crey's folly.
Rework them with a few good arcs and rewards and it'll be golden -
Cyclops actually blew the hand off of one of them at the end of the X factor: Judgement war arc (with Jeans help using some leftover Phoneix energy).
Kinetics - back in pre-release it fit the character concept I had perfectly, back then mind you I had little understanding of what defenders did on teams and was more geared towards solo play...hence not taking speed boost until lev 20 on my first build (you mean it doesn't affect me? Bah!) but a few respecs later and I was a teaming God
. I remember fondly trying to explain to teams just what the heck the set even did.
Since then I actually have had more fun with different sets but I always get a warm feeling when I look back on Kinetics. -
Cars 2 was Pixars very obvious sellout cash in movie.
This better damn well be their apology for that -
I still want a "looking for more" option for Pick up groups, something that anyone looking for a team can click & join.
With Fuller at the Helm? I'm very conflicted here...it could actually be awsome
Saw the episode....loved it, this new Thundercats is going too well, waiting for them to screw up
and yes, the Berbils were adorable.
About time...was missing it after the first 8 episodes.
I remember his posts quite well.
Rest in peace and my prayers to his family. -
*Goes right to #1 because if it isn't what I think it is there will be hell to pay*
Yep...this list is alright -
Recently back in game (left just before the Incarnate content began) very helpful guide as I was looking to start on the path
Quote:Besides the Capes & Aura's etc The Vanguard pieces set a pretty good precedent for having unlockables available via points.The problem with this request is that it will set a precedent that unlockable costume pieces can be purchased with points and vice-versa, and the we'll have people clamoring for a way to unlock Steampunk pieces (to mention one) through gameplay.
(Let us just ignore that precedent has already been set with purchasable capes and auras.)
Of course, this could easily be fixed by just mentioning in the store what the in-game unlock requirements are. -
Please for the love of all that is holy put the Rularuu weapons as a purchasable item on the market, I will pay whatever you ask....I just really, REALLY would rather avoid spending hours hunting those damned eyeballs for the badge.
Meh....really felt like another "filler" episode with a overused generic Sci-Fi plot (Oh noes..another disease we have to cure in mere hours) Kind of worrisome for only being three episodes in
The Teen drama is just pissing me off but at least is seems to be leading the main Terra Nova story along somewhat with a few mysteries being revealed and more questions raised.
I'm trying to like this show, I really am but if it doesn't get better in the next couple of episodes I'm dropping it. -
My Kin/Energy defender (also my namesake) is played as a Mutant energy asorber and redistributor.
Great bit of info on the various CoH races.
What this really gets me thinking is that CoH really needs some sort of "Cosmic" expansion that explores this universe a bit more. -
The fact alone that they're willing to put GL in the spotlight and give the Corp an entire series means I'll check it out (Huge GL fan).
I'll get used to the animation....kind of a 3D Timmverse. -
Just another welcome to the Game. Recently re-subbed myself after a long hiatus
, glad to be back as well.
Quote:To me, the BatWing doesn't look complete... and I therefore submit that we're only seeing the center section, the rest of it will be added later in CGI.
But that's just a guess.
Not too sure about that, Nolan has shown a general hatred towards CGI and avoids it where possible, it's actually part of what I love about his movies.