577 -
All male, except for one robot, and one female on test I've made during I16 beta (To test Traps/A). Ended up rolling Traps/Dark with a completely different concept on live.
There's the same bug with Founders Falls too
Is it for both EU and NA servers?
Explaining "game mechanics" in a single post is a bit daunting task... So, here are my random observations instead:
THE MAP IS YOUR FRIEND. Open it (A "Map" menu item under your compass), detach it from the compass (Click this: http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...ent/detach.jpg, then drag to place it somewhere near the edge of your screen.) and never ever close it. There's absolutely no resons to not to keep the map open at all times. The same goes for the team window (a menu over the "chat" option "team").
For the very first character Claws/Regeneration scrapper works very well. Basically, you just can take travel pool and all the "Archetype" (AT) powers as they become available, slot them using a bit of common sense (3xDamage/1xAccuracy/and either recharge or Endurance Reduction into the remaining slots for the attacks 3xEndModification in Quick recovery, and so on) and it'll work. It won't be the greatest scrapper out there, but it would be good enough.
For most other builds you'd need to cram in Stamina from Fitness pool by level 20. (you won't need this for Claws/regen because Regeneration has a similar power Quick Recovery, has just one armor (Integration) that constantly eats Endurance (a "toggle") and Claws attacks don't use much endurance.)
Slotting: You can't slot more than 3 enhancements of the same type in the same power after level 22 (or rather, you can, but they won't work) It's actually more complex than that, but it'll do as a rule of thumb. Look up "Enhancement Diversification" in the wiki.
Train stations/ferries:
Are marked with blue T (or F) on your map. Not every station can get you to every zone.
"Shortcut" buildings with exits to multiple zones: Vanguard depots, Pocket D, Midnighter Club branches and Ouroboros (wiki those to learn how exactly to get access to them.)
Travel powers:
Are the powers you would use the most in the game, choose carefully.
Flight: Pros: easy to use, useful prerequisite powers (Air Superiority is a nice melee attack, Hover adds a bit of defense for ranged types) Cons: VERY SLOW, no matter what you do.
Super Jump: Pros: One useful prerequisite power (Combat Jumping), quite fast and opens up Acrobatics. Cons: None, really.
Super Speed. Pros: useful prerequisite (Hasten), intrinsic stealth, very fast. Cons: no vertical movement (can be mitigated in various ways)
Teleport... Pros: the fastest one. Cons: Prerequisites are very situatiional, impossible to use in PvP, very clunky especially if there's any lag...
No travel pool: Some Kinetics defenders and controllers do that using their AT powers like Siphon Speed and Inertia Reduction instead. Saves you power -picks but is somewhat clunky to use.
After you reach level 5 but before level 10 go to King's Row. You'd be directed to a Detective (If you lose track of where he is, he's marked on your map, click on him to get directions again). Talk to him. He would give you a police scanner that would appear at the top of your "contacts" menu. When you successfully do 3 missions from the police scanner, a detective would ask for your help protecting the bank. (This is a "Safeguard mission," wiki it.)
Now, this is a bit tricky... If you have team, it's important that everybody enters the bank mission SIMULTANEOUSLY. Then you all head to the bank (a $ symbol on the map) as fast as possible, do not fight on the way. Once you have entered the bank (the door is clickable, like mission enterance), defeat everybody inside, no one should escape (they will try) How exactly to do that varies by your own archetype/team setup, experiment.
If you've done everything correctly, you'd get "you have got a temporary power" message and a feather icon would appear in your tray and/our powers window. It'll give you a cool jetpack that can be used for 2 hours of flight. (and a different power if you do it in different level ranges, again, wiki it for full details.) You may exit at this point or try to do some side missions in the main safeguard map.
There's another, faster method of getting the jetpack now, but it isn't as straightforward (or fun, for that matter)
Market Teleporter. For each day a character stays logged out in the market building he/she gets one charge of a power that allows to instantly go to any zone with a market in it. Very handy.
Cheap market tricks to get some inf:
1) don't use inspirations you've got from the tutorial. Sell them on the Consignment house. Only huge inspirations are of any market value, though, so you can only do it once (by the time they'll start to drop normally, a few thousand inf won't be worth it). If you want to maximize the effectiveness there are a few ratherr obvious tricks to get as much as inf 100 000 if you're lucky. (much leess if you aren't but still a few thousands)
2) try to place low bids (5000 or less) on level 50 recipes no one seems to be interested in. They sell much higher to NPCs than they can be bought on the market. This is slow, but you won't need much inf before level 22 so you have the time for a few such bids to fill. If they don't you can cancel them and get the inf back. Be very careful though, no level 50 recipe sells lower than 5000 to NPCs, but recipes of lower levels do, and if you overbid and the bid fills you may end up losing inf. The best recipes to try this are the "common" ones (with the names like "Invention:xxx")
Getting teams, basics (for a non-trial account):
Search is available through the team window (which should be always open, I don't know why it's closed by default)
It's a bit clunky but it works. Now, if you want to join a team, look for people who are already teamed (they're displayed in a dull greenish color) and ask them politely via /tell. Be polite and patient.
If you want to start a team look for non-teamed players (brighter color) read their comment (mouse over it if it's long) and send them a /tell. (Not doing so and just inviting random player is called a"blind" and is considered extremelly rude by most players, and thus it's counter-productive.) Don't be either too shy or too aggressive. A simple "Hey, are you interested in doing <lvl XX missions> in <zone YY>" works. If the player agrees, invite them. Explain that you're recruiting more at the moment, if you still don't have enough players.
Once the team is assembled in the same zone (or before you started recruiting, it won't work if part of the team isn't in the same zone) open your missions window, highlight the mission you want to do, press the select button. The marker will turn RED, and everyone, not just you, will see it. Go to the mission.
It's that easy, social skills and thick skin may help, though.
There are other methods of getting teams too, chat channels, supergroups, etc.
Basic strategems
0) If in doubt, ask. If in doubt of a player, explain beforehand. Many teamwipes/failed TFs could have been prevented by a simple 10-second chat. If still in doubt, wait and see what everybody else does, and act accordingly.
1) Good tanks go FIRST. And grab as much mobs as they can. Bad tanks don't do anything useful. Then it's debuffers/blasters/scrappers turn.
2) One ounce of buffs is worth a pound of heals, but spamming heals is better than nothing.
3) Follow (F key) your opponents if you're a scrapper. Melee is much easier that way. -
Quote:What's the card's name exactly?weell..i just got like.. a $70 Nvidia graphics card from best buy and installed it. Now, even though i thought the graphics would be way more kickass..the screen turns black instead. I can hear the music, but at the login page, the screen is black.
I did delete the file you were talking about, and i would love to see if it worked. but can't..because of the blackness lol
Did you install the drivers? Preferably the version from Nvidia.com. not ones from the CD?
Do any other games work?
Do DXDiag tests work? -
Well, it's the least impresive of the accloade powers, but it's still useful now and then.
Please, please, plesase, don't do it... Anything, even the present setup, would be better than disabling difficulty options altogether,
Quote:Err... How would you know if they're any good?
Funny, first thing I'd do if I won a few million is hire a financial adviser, an accountant, and an estate attorney. Call me crazy.
Plus, with all due respect to everyone, it's not just lottery winners, heirs, etc. who aren't immune to stupid ideas that seemed good at the time. -
-8 doesn't protect you from the AVs that have lots of KB (Nem, Mary MacComber and whatever custom nasties AE authors thought up) and Rikti Pylons.
Anything else, including non-AV Nem staff and, even, IIRC, Ballistas can't get through it, although I'm not that sure about the latter.
Some higher-level bosses can get through -4 protection, but not really that many. -
I seriously don't understand guys like those.
1) You don't really need all-set slotting in most cases (exceptions are builds that ONLY work with perma-Hasten and nothing less, HEATs and PvP builds)
2) Inf in this game is so easy to get in several different ways that it might as well grow on trees. At least it is now, not sure how I16 would affect it, and assuming you play for at least a few hours daily.
I never farmed, flipped, or played 24/7, but I never really had any problems with getting anything my characters needed, except for some procs in pre-AE BM. Sure, it wasn't always as fast or as cheap as I'd like, but that's part of the fun. -
Power Build Up. PBU+Venge+Aim+nuke pretty much can convert near-wipe into easy win in all but most hopeless fights.
Didn't do that much since I still can't use a computer for long
Did a Reichsman TF for the very first time, and a few other TFs, was greatly disappointed, - my rad/rad defender still NEEDS insps to beat carnie bosses solo, power build up, stacked stuns and all.
Ah, and I've finally beat someone at chess.(NVM it was a toy computer at lowest difficulty, - I'm really bad player, and haven't played much since school. )
Hi, all
/looks around/
Why do I want to cry "DOOOOOMâ„¢!, VB is slow and overloaded with bells and whistles, the design is awful, where's new players board, why everybody has pics in their signatures, doom-hate-doom-nerdrage, etc.." Didn't know I'm such a PHPBB fanboy. And it's still nice to have something that isn't UBB and is cross-region -
One who lives by snarky one-liners dies by snarky one-liners. Err... wait... THIS IS a snarky one-liner. I'm DOOOOMED!(tm)
Anyway, I'm not sure I would be able to play I16... But,if I would...
1) Power customization, - Nice in theory, and would have its uses (As someone mentioned, no more that puke-green anywhere on MY characters...) but, it also has its abuses... Especially if it would be allowed for MA critters. Seriously, coloring everything pink (or any other silly color) isn't funny. Even for the first time.
2) Proliferations, - well, some combinations seem to be interesting, like A/TA corruptor... Esp after we'd get GR. And Traps defenders...
3) Farming enhancements, err, advanced difficulty settings ruining the market, - tempest in a teapot, in my opinion. plus it has legit uses.
4) No new content, - what everyody said. MA is good and GR is surely immense work, but, please, is it really that difficult to add more than 1 story per issue? (Heroside, - 3 arcs in I13, none in I14, 1 in I15, none in I16, - averages to exactly 1 arc per issue. And Villains got just .5 arcs! )
5) No MA enhancements, - Ok, now with the debugger and selectable powers it's an OK system, but surely, a few maps or text editor improvements would be nice. (Although new difficulty options would be useful for MA designers.)
6) New character creation interface, YES! ME WANTS! NAU! I usually think of a character in the order reverse of that of the standard wizard interface, - Name, then looks/story, and THEN powers. -
nope, not worked.. happened to me 3 times tonight... once on defiant events i believe!
[/ QUOTE ]
If internal QA hadn't even begun testing the fix on the 16th, I doubt it was in yesterday's patch :\ -
I don't think it would have any perceptible effect on the markets. It certainly simplifies farming, but not to the extent that people who didn't and ats which shouldn't would rush to the farm maps as it was with the MA. And yea, no fill requests. Everybody wins.
This wil mostly increase the number of good designed story arcs. As the farmers only need 1 or 2. So it will balance a bit more.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, "made in good faith" isn't really the same thing as "well designed." That said I expect it too, - I don't see how extra slots would have that much use for farmers.
Plus, don't forget, slots can be banned... -
Hmm... Updater is downloading something huge, 252 MB, to be precise. Could it be the support sor SB#3?
Darn, just when I might have to unsub in a month
I'd like stealth missions - like sneaking around on Praetoria, investigating Tyrant and his thugs, and obtaining top secret data about them.
And just to make it extra challenging, the places where the info would be kept would have a special security system that'd suppress all superpowers - so on the misison, you'd only have Brawl and Sprint available - with maybe the option of fining a temp power for a handgun of some sort.
The we could all play at spies, even if we weren't the Spy AT
[/ QUOTE ]
:O GG ftw?
total power suppression with ability to find crappy tempsreminds me of Metal gear solid when you get caught and get your weapons and stuff taken off you and have to sneak around breaking peoples neck xD
Forcing a change of tactics on players is a great idea!
[/ QUOTE ]
Thirded, I always wanted an arc where you have to deal with being depowered. But this kind of thing is difficult to do right, it may end up being yet another annoying gimmick, like jails... -
I have always liked the idea of a mission with booby traped glowies.
Imagine the rush as the team dive for the glowie hoping its a good one, then when you click you get transported to Dark Estoria with all tp's tempary disabled ie no oruborus or pocket d or even base tp.
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Then your team goes all AVGN on this, quits, and never plays the arc again. Random insta-death or worse booby traps YOU HAVE TO ACTIVATE to win aren't fun, especially the second time around. And ones you don't have to are basically pointless. They aren't fair, they don't challenge you (because whether you're hit or not is a pure dumb luck) and they're seriously bad idea.
As for stealth mishes... I actually like the idea, but to make it really work, we'd need a more elaborate stealth system. As it's now you either have the right power and aren't challenged at all, you don't and can't do it at all, or have half-stealth and it's again all about dumb luck. A system more like that of a stealth/tactical shooters, where stealth value is affected by environment would make it much more interesting.
Ok, no one likes someone who just criticizes, so here's my idea: Strategy mish. You aren't allowed to attack anyone directly, but everyone gains temporary controllable pets, based on the AT. (so that ATs that already have pets and buffs don't have unfair advantage.) Map and objectives are such that frontal assault won't work. (even something rather simple like "you should attack A and B simultaneously or it won't work" would be OK.) -
Link's broken
[/ QUOTE ]
should work now. -
I'd only want the one. Superspeed.
Seriously, there's nothing that can't be done without it!
Why the Flash isn't the most powerful hero going is beyond me
[/ QUOTE ]
Wasn't the flashes the only ones Superboy Prime was scared of when he went all super evil and manic??
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We also have this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53OyPYa7SEI Which pretty much sums it up, - They indeed had to invent a speed limit.