69 -
Quote:Depends entirely on the powerset composition, the team chemistry, and the roles people take for themselves to function within the team.One question
In all defender team what is the order of giving fortitude?
The up-front, confident, cautious-but-not-timid, get-in-there debuffer at the fore would usually be priority one. Assuming there is such a player behind a powerset they feel they can do that with on in the all-Defender team. I would expect so, if it's 4 or more people in size. Typically, would tend to be Dark/ Defenders or Rad/, or often a ???/Dark, think I'd say.
Priority two would be Cold/, Sonic/ and FF/ Defenders, I think. They're reinforcing the rest of the team a significant amount, and themselves to a lesser degree. They will appreciate being brought up to equal or similar levels of defense as everyone else.
Third priority targets past that... would probably go for those who spend time actively attacking with their secondary on top of using their primary. TA/A Defenders'd be a prime example, for instance. Basically, gauged by who has the most offensive capacity out of those not covered by my first two priorities...
...And then again, there are so many variables. It's not just gauging powersets, it's gauging the person behind it. That's what can make Empathy engaging to play, as in some sense you need to take note of the manner, behaviour or thought processes that drives peoples actions in the team. The name is quite fitting, thinking about it. You can map a few guidelines, but no two situations or teams are entirely the same, usually, and the best path to pursue in what's placed where varies accordingly. -
Hrm, from experience with my Cold/Arc Defender, they are pretty safe if you use the tools at your disposal.
From low-level, you can empower your team-mates -significantly- with shields and Frostwork, and your only debuffs at that time are Infrigidate and Snow Storm. With the latter being an AoE slow, you can fire it while jumping away from the mob at it's max range, or to behind cover, and mitigate damage simply by not being firable upon while the better-suited of the team make with the punchies.
Arctic Fog at 12 also provides you with defense and stealth, and Leadership: Maneuvers comes recommended for providing defense to yourself as well as stacking even more with the defense you provide to the team. Also a place to slot Steadfast: Res/Def, as the start of alleviating your own lack of defense compared to your cohorts.
Once you have Sleet at 26, can also use it in a safer fashion by making use of the ability to apply Snow Storm while jumping out of line-of-sight, then hitting Sleet from there. This is assuming, however, that no-one on the team's generating aggro that readily. If they are, can afford to be more direct.
At 30, can start building up ranged defense via cheap IO sets. 6 Red Fortunes in Ice and Glacial Shields, along with Maneuvers, comes recommended, and Thunderstrike in Blazing Arrow, getting you +11.25% ranged defense. Can also have Blessing of the Zephyr in your travel power and combat-movement power (If went the CJ+SJ or Hover+Fly) route, leading to either +3.13% or +6.26% more depending on which route you went, on top of CJ or Hover's base +2.5% defense if taken. In any case, through a combination of these can have respectable defense to complement the debuffs allowing you to keep threats at bay.
This does of course beg the question of whether you'd be unwilling to go into IO slotting for one-shot survival characters because of their status as such, or even more willing to because of it. In any case, I don't think any of those IOs are especially expensive if you don't use the KB IO of the Zephyr. Red Fortunes I know to be dirt-cheap, though.
Cold/ is a set that people either love or hate to play, though. It might be apparent I fall in the former. Chief thing is it'll keep you busy, you've got bubble-buffs to keep up, PBAoE blanket-buff(s), AoE debuffs and single-target debuffs to dispense, a long-recharge fulcrum-like -Res/+End/+Recovery power and a moderate-recharge buff in Frostwork. And, post-38 with Cold/Arc, the potential for some real nice AoE damage considering you have the -Res to support it. And, once again, it's firable from behind cover. -
Myself, perhaps being optimistic, but don't think they'll tone down Rad Blast for Blasters outside of perhaps upping Neutron Bolt recharge slightly for tier-1/2 standardisation.
Main reason I want Rad Blast on Blasters, though, is because it'd just feel right on a Blaster, with Blaster modifiers and +Damage. Irradiate looks great along with Electron Haze and Neutron Bomb feels powerful, what with it's creation of a mushroom cloud. It'd be nice to finally have them doing the damage they look like they're doing.
Slotting-wise, Irradiate'd be awesome with Achilles': Chance for -Res and the PvP PBAoE set's other 20% chance for 20% -Res proc, being DoT. -
And in regards to pairing Fire with other sets, Fire/Mental's probably the PvE powerhouse of Blasters. Adds even more AoE and some single-target, psionic too, and Drain Psyche slotted for regen is going to keep you in good shape, and wiith maxed endurance. It doesn't need slotting for recovery: one hit, unslotted, gives 75% +Recovery. For comparison, unslotted Stamina's around +25%, slotted Stamina around +50%. Also adds a great debuff component against hard targets, as Drain Psyche's also -Regen for 30 seconds.
World of Confusion also seems to serve well (though I admit I haven't used it without a set of 6 Confuse purples in it for some time). When jumping into a mob it frequently has a pseudo-placate effect on all minions, with the nice exception that it doesn't shift attention to your allies. Gets frequent use, too, as Drain Psyche is worth jumping into a mob to fire.
Added bonus: if facing Rikti, and you go to stand by a Guardian that's not fired AM yet while blasting stuff, can often confuse them just as they fire AM and steal it. Stealth IO and Stealth from Concealment help in this, as World of Confusion doesn't aggro or break stealth.
And a small note in regards to ancilliary, the god-mode from Force Mastery, Force of Nature, only has -100% recovery when it crashes unlike Surge of Power. With Drain Psyche up you'll not notice the -recovery and, frequently, won't even toggle-drop from the crash as your endurance was maxed and it's only -100 end, even if you have 105 or more max endurance from accolades/Safeguard temp powers.
Anyhow, forgive me if that was perhaps too much information.
In regards to Fire/Fire, I'd share the opinion in that it overspecialises. I think Flechette was pretty spot-on, so afraid I've not much more to add on that front, other than to once again emphasise the glory of Build Up and Aim. When your main mitigation's sheer damage, those two powers are what'll make it work.
And to perhaps to say: "Why on Earth would anyone pick Blazing Bolt when it's in the same powerset as Blaze?". -
Then I'll watch from the sidelines
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Can't actually observe without making a new character, the Outbreak accessed via Ouroboros is a mission rather than the actual zone.
And in regards to the actual contest, should specify whether levelling to 2 is allowed or would bring disqualification. By completing Coyote's mission but not returning to him, you can fight the Contaminated as -1s rather than even-cons, which is the faster way of getting Isolator. -
I think this is good for all concerned. The farmers can do what they like and their impact on the game will be heavily reduced.
I can't see it having a huge impact on the markets, and if it gets them out of the MA that'll be a good thing!
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I can see it having a large effect on the markets. Bringing the markets back to pre-MA levels of stock is not a bad thing.
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Fatming creates supply and demand for everything in the market. Without farmers there'd be no purples for you to buy ^^ (well, arguably a lot less anyway)
That said, farming isn't bad unless it's abusive. (e.g lvl 1-30 in an hour like psychro was going x))
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It's my understanding that the vast majority of farming takes place in MA, which doesn't award recipe drops. Thus, no purples are produced from MA. As such, prices of purples have been steadily rising I believe.
Though, that is just purples. As far as the rest go, I don't know how much ticket purchases add supply into the market concerning non-purple recipes and salvage. -
Placate(assuming the effects of Hide follow), Clear Mind and Fortitude.
I would not wish myself great innate power, especially that of a destructive nature, or the capacity to dominate other minds, nor would I want immortality or the capability to avert or reverse that which is natural, such as death. I have no need or wish to destroy, or to dominate and manipulate others to a great extent, and I would prefer to remain low-key.
Two things it saddens, or frustrates me, to see in people is lack of confidence and, in the other extreme, obnoxious brashness. Clear Mind and Fortitude might work to overcome those without actual destruction of personality, of the individual, that straight-up mind control would cause. There is still however a huge grey area over whether doing that'd still be wrong; am I just doing the same thing in trying to make other people more like me, just hiding it behind prettier words?
Placate... I would just like to have. Even if it's probably better I didn't, in the sense that it'd give me a means to avoid confrontation I should probably face up to. It could, however, be incredibly useful in the case of literal confrontation, e.g, a mugging. Either in a fully defensive capacity, to walk away, or offensive, to clock them one while they're slightly confused about what they were doing there.
And though I mean Fortitude chiefly in the sense of mental fortitude, I would hope physical fortitude is fitted into the deal, too. You would wish for those around you to remain healthy. -
It's +160% or so damage for 9 or so seconds. You can fit a lot of AoE attacks into a 9 second space, and thus, you can wipe out pretty much everything in a spawn in that duration. I would say that's what lends Blasters good survivability, damage mitigation via quick damage-dealing.
90 seconds base recharge ain't too bad, either. Slotted for recharge, down to 45 seconds. Then you can factor in Hasten and recharge set bonuses. It's down to 30 seconds or so with Hasten active without set bonuses, I'd guess. I consider that pretty fast-cycling.
Also *very* good for some cheap and very effective set bonuses. 5x Adjusted Targeting (ToHit/End is skippable) will give you two lots of either +9%/+11% accuracy bonus, +2% damage, and +10% recharge. That set is very cheap, and recharge is a heavy focus in what it enhances. They're a cheap way of getting +10% global recharge, along with global +Damage and +Accuracy, as well as being great powers themselves. -
Aww, really? Used to last time I played /Energy, and just levellin' an Elec/Energy currently. Though, not too great a setback. Still got Power Boost to boost end-drain, and one Boost Range is enough in truth.
Still, were a fun gimmick. -
Hmm, would disagree on WP being among the worst to Frostwork. Those that have extensive enough +MaxHP from set bonuses accolades to get close to the Health cap are the minority. If anything, WP Scrappers/Tankers/Brute are among those that benefit the most from Frostwork.
My Fire/MM Blaster rendered my first character, an Energy/Fire Blaster, pretty much entirely obsolete. Have recently considered rerolling them as Energy/MM, but not sure if I'll ever get around to that.
Cold Domination/Sonic Defender
Cold Domination/Sonic Defender
Sonic Resonance/Sonic Defender
Sonic Resonance/Sonic Defender
Kinetic/Something Defender (/Elec?)
Fire Blast/Mental Blaster
Fire Blast/Mental Blaster
Fiery Melee/Willpower Scrapper (Alternately, Fire/Shield. Figured WP'd benefit most from Frostwork though)
Not entirely sure why you'd fit a Tanker into any team when you've got full choice over it. With diverse and plentiful buffs/debuffs, they become very much redundant, really.
Anyhow, this team'd have extremely high defense and resistances all around, mez protection for all via Clarity, endurance sorted by Kineticist and two Colds, -Res/Def/Regen/Recharge/Recovery in droves, +Damage and plenty of damage dealers, and most likely the capacity to end-drain AVs/GMs to zero and keep them there, though that's possibly redundant with how fast they'd die anyway.
For the hits that do get through to be absorbed by the high resistance Sonic confers, there's Transfusion, a powerful and spammy heal. The -Defense of the team assures it'd hit 19 times out of 20, too. Frostwork also raises MaxHP of whoever it's cast on, by around 1060hp slotted at 50. Of course, for non-Brutes/Scrappers/Tankers/VEATs/EATs, the health cap is hit at around +600hp. In any case, should fortify the Fire/WP Scrapper well, bringing them to health levels of most Tankers and by extension boosting their regen.
In truth, the /Sonic of the Defenders could be dropped for whatever they wish, and -Res would still be immense.
Two /Mentals also means the team has good psionic damage, which can help against certain AV's godmodes. -
Hmm, you do realise you can perma Mind Link on Night Widows pretty easily without too high +Recharge, right?
Can frankenslot Def/Rech IOs into Mind Link itself to reduce it's recharge, or use Hami-Os to the same effect. When maxed out on recharge enhancements, it's recharging in just over 2 minutes without +Recharge from Hasten or sets even factored in, and it's a 90-sec duration buff.
In regards to endurance, Smoke Grenade is an easy way to get +Max End, as the third set bonus of Dampened Spirits is +1.8%End. Second set bonus is +2% damage, fifth is +5% recharge. So not only a great power, can get some great set bonuses on the cheap from it. -
While we have accomplished some of those goals with the initial launch of Mission Architect, some have found ways to abuse the system we put in place. We are not blind to this happening, nor did we not expect it.
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On the subject of Chinese Whispers, may be worth re-reading the bolded line. -
2) Lower the XP and particularly the Inf from the MA. It's fake fighting, and in that world any hero who boasted 'I've defeated a virtual Lord Recluse' would be laughed out of Pocket D. Why do you get full influence for beating up holograms? Do someone explain that to me. Risk/reward? Rubbish.
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Err, that's an argument from realism, which is generally a hint that you're chasing down a blind alley. In terms of gameplay, they're the same. The risks are in principle the same. All that's necessary is to get the rewards straight.
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Yeah, in practice, LR dropped into an MA mission'll be just as tough as the real thing unless on Heroic, I think. Same risk.
Not sure who made the suggestion, but the suggestion that'd fit most thematically is that for XP, you can only get so many bars worth from MA. It'd reduce powerlevelling, and represents that while virtual training does lead to some self-improvement, it'll only get you so far and you'll need field experience as well. -
Cutified pyramid-scheme's already found it's way into Brutes forum, last I checked.
There's mine, anyhow. All challengers welcome, an' all. -
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA5944B4F135114C7EFF4416969694BCBAB40294F79942 915353C620CA226245|
|410F011353605063A49E934335363776EDCB9D244576EF900 BEA30BE3829D24EA57|
|F03318151FF53C2E45E3D249FAFFF59EFBBFE79C7BA7B7995 B67FC42DC3E2594E05|
|C216759D939C334CB25DB307DABDA7ABE68148CAD4A7436AF 6F5BB9C4ECF69A6626|
|16B7F575D3287A8410F19A3BBB9C2B6E691BEAAC65E5CA053 BBBAC6F16B4E8E1F4E|
|9F2E6A6BA6AE64A5678BE98D74CAD68AB075FFC4B865150CF E97651B3AC200D16B4|
|DC86665A79BDE4A3F14A49D336C2F475BE7853B7F435BDA0D B95F6B3257D5D3DAC9|
|229673339CBD6CC4A1B74370C1F8743C8A7EA164918A48563 8CA1125C29469A50B7|
|07888A6F4A6D951031410698506422E50985EA9E12EA9F319 E137C2F187728DF3E2|
|C71F22AA77394663A5F128EA408A91D70740937B8DD32BB9B B3FB39BB9FF335F2AA|
|46AE15AA803F22DCF00E3C0AB7E9E9A3991F30F4CA44DEB7E 40AD539B144D31E75D|
|4F49E10DD217B947BF240AC41AE6AF848A196778C5D42DB1B C60742AC8B5741F980|
|2C1FB8A460E827689043CE603385625142678810FF2AB0997 A28189605C3BCDF38E|
|F37CE3B4CF0692678F789C77CC4503022B3471ED23E7A1E30 EE31EE137E81A799B3|
|BB9AF729D4F785C1FB95E8FFCC4702695B39ADD2DAC3330C2 FCCB7CB44EDDC663FB|
|739C86D0E729B83DC66159274487B47BD935EB397B1489586 33849109B27FA757CF|
|F6AE453A9E91254686903CCF5820F8606DB7B4771FA544C90 9C2D831C671C609820|
|0ED95F6DE490AA5A618D384F40CE324A1170E61800FC131C0 C733FC176CD8C810E7|
|538692144A332C9819A5CB5115A36CFE047F2AAABC402A870 250605C86C6F9A7D1E|
|9FAE39A55E1110BFF44965CB57B27148ACC1F7AFEEB79E53F C8E3BDE0035D41B988|
|7219E50ACA55946B28D7516EA06451AAAF6BAB8393D8D014C A34CA0CCA5D3479F04|
|E35A0F85102288D284194104A04A5052586F208A5FA1BB35C 0C95|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
Looks like the build I made before checkin' this post was around (entirely) the same in terms of power picks up until 44+ onwards.
Probably will revise it later. Made that build in around 5-10 minutes, so is somewhat rushed.
Mids' doesn't have the changes to AR yet, or at least my version doesn't, but I think Sniper Rifle's animation time outside of interrupt is 0.66 seconds now? That'd mean it has in effect a 2.06 animation time when slotted like how I've planned it, which is good for a snipe.
Definitely a welcome change. Was buffed from one of the slowest snipe powers available to the fastest by quite a way. Had over a second cut off of it. Though Ignite was nerfed somewhat from it's recharge being raised, shortening Buckshot, Sniper Rifle, Flame-thrower and Full Auto's animations significantly more than makes up in my eyes. -
Possible I might be able to, what kind of times and days are you intending to run it?
Anyhow, redside I have a 42 Ice/Kin Corruptor, 50 Night Widow/Fortunata and 20 Arachnos Soldier. Would prefer not to use the latter, though, as'd bypass more content than I'd like as well as not having got into it's more effective stages yet. -
PFF is useful in a pinch, and good for herding. Can also ghost through Rikti without problems with it on, in spite of Drones, and it's another place to slot an LotG: +Recharge.
Regarding the Hold in Charged Armour, it's a 2 second animation which I regard rather lengthy, so only worth it if you have a hold already to stack it with.
And there is a large difference between Force of Nature and Surge of Power. The former's crash is -100% recovery. The latter's is -10000%. -
does cloaking device really need four slots
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IMO, yes.
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Yeah, I'd say it can be worth it. It's suppressed +Defense is +2.5%, base. -
Before the Moment of Glory change, an EM/Regen Stalker hitting it then attacking me with Energy Transfer. You can work out the rest.
The defense really isn't that good, with Ranged just at soft-cap, and melee and AoE very low at around 28% suppressed. Tough without Weave, when either TT: Assault, Wolf Spider Armour or CT: Offensive could easily be replaced with Weave, also strikes me as somewhat odd, as Weave would give you far more than Tough would. Especially as SoA work on Defender/Tanker modifiers for most things, so Weave is base 5% defense.
Would also switch out 6 Adjusted Targetings in Build Up for 6 Gaussians, and have 5 Adjusted Targeting (excluding recharge) in TT:Leadership, or just 5 Adjusted Targeting (lose the Tohit/End) in Build Up to free up an extra slot.
Wolf Spider Armor could probably be ditched, as with high defense mag 4 mez prot's enough really. It definitely does not need 4 slots.
I think a FF: Chance for +Recharge in Crowd Control'd also pay off. Scirocco's set bonuses don't add an exceptional amount, so I think I'd advise frankenslotting that one. 4x Cleaving Blow, 1x Multi-Strike: Dam/End/Rech, 1x Force Feedback: +Recharge. Or something like that.
Overall strikes as somewhat inefficient with slotting, and doesn't seem to particularly excel in +Recharge or boosting positional defenses to good levels. Cutting out Wolf Spider Armour along with CT: Offensive would also allow for the inclusion of Hasten and Weave, which would probably serve you in far greater stead.
And while it may be a budget build, a Steadfast: Res/Def IO would still be a sound investment, and more than definitely worth whatever it costs. Probably about 15-20 million. Worth it for the extra +3% def to all, though, I feel.
Edit: just noticed you'd got 2 KB protection IOs planned. You'd be far better off getting a Steadfast: Res/Def instead of the second KB IO for roughly the same price. 1 KB IO will cover PvE knockback, and whatever'd bypass one would usually bypass two as well. Thus, the Res/Def would probably enhance your knockback protection more than a second knockback protection IO. -
An alternative use is if someone's in trouble with a boss bearing down on them, and they don't have the means to withstand it, fire Telekinesis --> Dominate. TK fires near instantly at 0.4 seconds, so that gets you an instant boss-hold in about a second. Can simply turn it off once the second Dominate's fired.
Telekinesis can be useful for pinning parts of a group against a wall to take up to 5 out of the fight while you cycle single-target mezzes at those not pinned, or for pushing a group back into a debuff field like Freezing Rain or Rad or Dark's anchor. Just best to be wary of turning it off before it pushes the anchors away in those cases. -
The humming is part of the hymns from the old catgirl temple that's deep under City Hall.
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Please excuse me. I need to cleanse this infestation with fire.
There may be collateral damage.