Empathy - How to Buff
I clicked on this expecting to disagree with most of the content but it's actually pretty good advice. I see way to many emps who just buff the scrappers or tank, spam heal aura, and think their job is done. Emping gtes a bad rap cause people don't play it with a lot of thought. A good emp adapts to the team and the mobs and is more than a heal bot. Thanks for writing this summary.
Kid Kozmic - lvl 50 Ill/Emp Controller
Agent Chance - lvl 50 Traps/DP Defender
Venatores - lvl 50 Broadsword/Shield Scrapper
Point of Concern: your binds, if copied, will fail, due to the magical curly quotes.
Enemy Resistances - Damage, Mez and Defense
Enemy XP Mods
(Drag my avatar into your mp3 player!)
I clicked on this expecting to disagree with most of the content but it's actually pretty good advice. I see way to many emps who just buff the scrappers or tank, spam heal aura, and think their job is done. Emping gtes a bad rap cause people don't play it with a lot of thought. A good emp adapts to the team and the mobs and is more than a heal bot. Thanks for writing this summary.
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I agree.
I disagree with a couple things in the OP, though. In my opinion, Fortitude should be placed in the following order:
Squids (not Khelds, squids)
On mixed teams, Crabs and Banes are right up there with Blasters; Night Widows and Fortunatas with Scrappers; Corruptors with squids; non /Psi Doms with controllers; post-38 Psi Doms with Blasters; Stalkers with squids; Brutes with Scrappers; MM's almost never, unless I'm just teamed with seven of them.
In other words, I use it to maximise the offensive output on those most able to use it, and maximise the defensive output on those most unable to handle the return fire. Fortitude is a powerful buff, and I agree that it needs to be used with a certain degree of adaptation, because no two situations will be the same.
This is really doom.
Your order of tank squishiness amuses me.
I wholeheartedly back up your point about using AB on another Empath.
I've dual-boxed an Empath duo, and by using AB, Hasten and alternating auras, I played the entire game at around +1000% Recharge and Recovery.
Plus at that recharge you can keep a large team double Fortituded around the clock.
Game-breaking indeed.
Very good advice here.
My first rule of Clear Mind: Always use it proactively on any other person with a power to free someone else - like you - from a mez/hold/stun. If you get held and go down in a bad situation, the whole team could suffer.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
I clicked on this expecting to disagree with most of the content but it's actually pretty good advice. I see way to many emps who just buff the scrappers or tank, spam heal aura, and think their job is done. Emping gtes a bad rap cause people don't play it with a lot of thought. A good emp adapts to the team and the mobs and is more than a heal bot. Thanks for writing this summary.
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree.
I disagree with a couple things in the OP, though. In my opinion, Fortitude should be placed in the following order:
Squids (not Khelds, squids)
On mixed teams, Crabs and Banes are right up there with Blasters; Night Widows and Fortunatas with Scrappers; Corruptors with squids; non /Psi Doms with controllers; post-38 Psi Doms with Blasters; Stalkers with squids; Brutes with Scrappers; MM's almost never, unless I'm just teamed with seven of them.
In other words, I use it to maximise the offensive output on those most able to use it, and maximise the defensive output on those most unable to handle the return fire. Fortitude is a powerful buff, and I agree that it needs to be used with a certain degree of adaptation, because no two situations will be the same.
[/ QUOTE ]
The last sentence in Angry-Citizen's comment is the key here, and I agree with pretty much all of the above.
Just some personal thoughts...
Around Fortitude...
- I drop it on whoever is taking the hardest beating. Usually, that is tanks & scraps (at lower levels) and blasters/squiddy Khelds at higher levels. The damage & defence portion are the most useful to me. I have Tactics for team +Acc and most folks tune their heroes to be able to hit as often as they like anyway, so the to hit portion is less important to me.
Around Mez & Mez protection...
- Your heal will break a Sleep. This is useful to remember if you opt to take Clear Mind later in your career. Sleeps tend to be quite debilitating to low level toons (esp Blasters) so keep your eyes open for the animation (or power icon if you have the team trays visible)
- Your secondary may have some form of control. If it's hard control (stun/hold) and there is only one mezzer in the opposition group, then taking the mezzer out is often better than Clear Minding everyone. More often than not, everyone will go for the boss in the group, and enemy mezzers may get overlooked. Options options options...
- Arachnos and -Perception. Very important this one.
- If anyone rezzes with a wakey, one dose of CM will clear their heads and AB will get them ready to rock again very quickly.
Adrenalin Boost...
- Blasters are a panicky lot, and whilst I do slot for EndMod, I hold off for a second after they nuke in case they eat a tray of blues/Consume/<Insert other end regen/recovery power here>. If they do, then I know they can take care of themselves, and I'll consider other candidates. If the team is steamrollering though, more nuking = faster mission clearing, so the blaster gets it anyway.
- That +Recharge element of AB is often overlooked. As Psyonico has mentioned, two Emps ABing each other makes for fun Aura rocking. Don't forget those Doms too on mixed teams as they have no way to increase the recharge of Domination without outside help (and of course, global recharge). Scrappers and Kheldians have long recharging and powerful Tier 9's just like Blasters, so in the post 32/38 game, bear that in mind too.
I'm of the opinion to hold off on firing them until they're needed. I don't see the point of hitting it as soon as it recharges only to have the team hang around and pat their backs as the timer ticks away. I hardly ever call "gather" now, and usually leap on the tank and /emwhistle with a local shout for folks to get close to the tank if they want regen aura, and try and gather controllers/blasters/defenders in a group with recovery aura. Most Tanks and Scraps are self-sufficient end wise and will thank you for more regen, whilst trollers, defenders and blasters always seem to be running low on end, and more regen rarely helps their squishy bodies cope.
Listen to Psyonico. If you don't have it perma, save it until you fire off your auras.
The Geas Of the Kind Ones accolade is a boon too. It has a +100% recharge bonus which really shifts the recharge of your Auras and Hasten. Sure the 1500 second recharge is ridiculous, but Geas will work to reduce that, as will Hasten. It'll be up a lot more than you imagine, and it's one of those accolades that is better used and forgotten about for 20 minutes than forgotten about permanently. The accolade is fairly easy to get just running the Croatoa arcs.
And lastly, buffing as an Empath is hard work. Debuffers are looking at the PvE enemies. After a few months they know exactly what to apply to who (stormers work slightly harder). Bubblers can bubble everyone and then toy with the enemies at their leisure (kins work slightly harder). Empaths get stuck with something much worse than enemy AI - we get stuck with real people... Suicidal tanks, hotheaded blasters, scrapperlock, AoE uncontrollers... The list goes on. If you find a good team that knows what they're doing, you are in buff heaven. If you're on a team of loons, then it gets crazy very quickly but you'll find that using all your primary will come into its own.
Have fun buffing!
I clicked on this expecting to disagree with most of the content but it's actually pretty good advice. I see way to many emps who just buff the scrappers or tank, spam heal aura, and think their job is done. Emping gtes a bad rap cause people don't play it with a lot of thought. A good emp adapts to the team and the mobs and is more than a heal bot. Thanks for writing this summary.
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You don't know me very well
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
I don't agree with this setup because I pug.
With smart people you want to fort the damage dealers.
I play reactively with my auras and fort the person who contributes most to team survivability. If it's a tank and he doesn't need it (I'm probably second), then I fort damage dealers first.
IMHO a defender who needs fort to keep themselves alive is an affront to nature. Either that, or the tank is. Either way, I'll contribute far more to the defender living by hitting mobs with ice slick than I will by keeping fort on him.
I assume to some degree that my end bar can handle other people's lives, and fort is an offensive buff in my storybook, unless the tank is incompetent. If the tank is a scrapper, all the better. Two birds, one stone.
Hmm. Just a difference of play style. I've always forted a tank first, and then the damage dealer second. A forted tank is one you never need to worry about again. On a full team, one less player to keep an eye on is a good thing.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
IMHO a defender who needs fort to keep themselves alive is an affront to nature. Either that, or the tank is. Either way, I'll contribute far more to the defender living by hitting mobs with ice slick than I will by keeping fort on him.
[/ QUOTE ]
As a controller, sure - but actually that ice slick is sometimes *not* the best choice. I play with some folks who know their defenders inside and out - the Fort helps in that first moment where they're aggroing everything while turning them into helpless, mewling kittens, dragging them back to the team in a nice big clump with their debuffs (which is a better place to put that slick/earthquake/VGasses.)
Depends on the team, in any case.
I was on a team with an emp that said, "I'm only Forting/CM'n the Blaster and Tank, seeing that they have the highest team priority". After that statement, I politely asked for the star, and kicked the Emp-Tard.
CM Khelds, always.
For some builds, it can be their -one- weak spot.
My warshade thanks you.
Few things I find myself disagreeing on.
First of, because there are not often two empaths in the same group. And while the odds to find one out of two who is a decent empath are fair, odds that one of the two isn't a aura rocker are pretty slim. for one, I won't be wasting any buff over a a-rocker, the fella is useless in the first place.
Fort : Add my vote to the 'let circumstances decide' vote. Whoever takes the most beating/deals the most damage is first, then working the list down.
- Special note re all-tank team : lol!.
AB : I still don't see the point of slotting it beyond 3rch. Basic recovery is 800%, out of experience, a blaster will have to wait 0.something more if you use it on him without end rec.
AB : I still don't see the point of slotting it beyond 3rch. Basic recovery is 800%, out of experience, a blaster will have to wait 0.something more if you use it on him without end rec.
[/ QUOTE ]
Because it's an incredibly powerful regenerative boost too. Like giving your target Instant Healing-type-regenerative-capabilities.
This is really doom.
Forgive me for being dense, but I recently created an Emp/Ice and am trying to plan out a feasible build in Mids. Does Power Build Up benefit +recovery or +regen? It still seems useful for Fortitude and Ice's two holds, but I wasn't sure if it would help with AB or the two RA's.
I looked it up in City of Data, but wasnt sure if it's boost to Endurance or Healing affected recovery/regen.
Thanks for any insights!
Does Power Build Up benefit +recovery or +regen?
[/ QUOTE ]
Alas, no.
This is really doom.
I consider myself a smart player, and just started playing an Empath. The choices are/were a bit daunting and I was starting to figure this out on my own. Thank the gods I ran into this series of posts. 2 cookies to the OP and other wise ones in this thread. Thank you.
it's been my experience as a healer that i CAN just heal and people will love me. i go with what works and my buff targets often change depending on circumstances.
I am an empathy defender. i keep my team alive and fighting so i can get experience, pretty much my guide
(never thought about AB on other emps but it IS an interesting idea)
For fortitude, I now look at who take a lot of damage, and then put the buff on them. The people who take damage can be anybody actually, and depends strongly on the chemistry on the team. I recommend adopting a flexible scheme rather than a strict buff-order rule.
For adrenaline boost, I'm trying to put it on somebody who relies on regen for survivability, for example regen and willpower people. It's pretty effective, I think. I basically can forget about them and let them regen themselves. In the past, I tend to reserve it for blasters after nuke. I found that they can handle the end crash themselves, with blues or whatever. AB does have a nice recharge buff, I generally leave the job to kinetics, they just do it better.
For clear mind, I think you put it pretty nicely. However, I rather take tactics for the perception. In general, I think buffing clear mind is a real labor. The buff expires in 90 sec. If you have a team full of squishies, counting the animation time, you've to buff every minute. I mainly use it reactively. If I'm in good mood, I'll use it more on squishies in certain missions. I think laziness is the real factor here, not because we don't know how to use it.
I tried binds for a while for my empathy defender. It's not bad in particular if you get used to it. With the power tray detachable and customizable now, what I do now is to have a power tray for empathy powers, shape the tray in the way you want, then place it just beside the team window. This way, I can select team mates with mouse and then move the mouse pointer by an inch to click a heal or buff. I found it quick and convenient.
I agree with the OP (except maybe that 6 tank thing). But you also have to keep in mind point of view. He's trying to maximize the over-all TEAM. He's not trying to save any one individual PuG, nor is he trying to create dog incarnate. In fact, he's also assuming competent players, offenderish defenders, and controllers, not holy trinity pure builds.
Fortituding another empath, FF, or Sonic bubbles first, helps eliminate the weak link, equalizing and balancing the entire team. This really is probably the single best thing you can do. A well played FF or Sonic Bubbler can transform an entire team into tanks, but if they die, all those "fake-tanks" will die very shortly there-after.
Controllers are major force multipliers, it only make sense to leverage that asset. Leverage the asset, increase the difficulty, and steamroll even faster. Forget to leverage the asset, and watch the team wipe quickly.
Defender again, leverage your team multipliers. While the individual increments are smaller, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Blaster ... all you gain is a little more damage as the Blaster can Blast Brainlessly. There are, however, less bull in a china shop approaches to increasing TEAM damage.
Scrapper ... If you're into the holy mmo trinity, and you don't have a holy tank, then fortitude on a scrapper is the next most holy thing. Of course, you could fortitude a decent offender for the same results, but that would be unholy.
Tank. If a tank "Needs" fortitude, something might just be wrong. maybe. Not always. However, chances are you want to look at either the tank or the team composition as a whole.
If a tank "Needs" fortitude, something might just be wrong. maybe.
[/ QUOTE ]
Couldn't help someone else mention Invulns being squishy in this thread so I am going to say; scale-able defence (so different levels of survivability within a fight duration) plus no def debuff resistance and ifs its not S/L as well its curtains. Those def debuffs can stack heavy to give lol base defense.
With PuGs I can't determine how people play but only bare in mind myself that I hate healing..I agree with everyone and only one on who I fort because it's based on keeping people standing. I don't rulebook at picking ATs because they vary in powersets and the enemies vary as well, I just know I hate healing.
An alternate way to target and cast. I'm trying this out, and not 100% sure whether or not I will stick with it, but it has worked well so far. Even though my Emp/Psy is 22, and I don't have AB yet, I've added that in here. The theory is, numpad heals other, ctrl+numpad cast clear mind, shift+numpad casts fortitide, and alt+numpad casts AB. So I have my left hand decide what to cast, and my right hand decide who to cast it on (or for heal other, it's just one hand hitting the numpad, which is good when you need to react quickly to a rapidly-dropping health bar).
numpad1 unselect$$teamselect 1$$powexec_name Heal Other
numpad2 unselect$$teamselect 2$$powexec_name Heal Other
numpad3 unselect$$teamselect 3$$powexec_name Heal Other
numpad4 unselect$$teamselect 4$$powexec_name Heal Other
numpad5 unselect$$teamselect 5$$powexec_name Heal Other
numpad6 unselect$$teamselect 6$$powexec_name Heal Other
numpad7 unselect$$teamselect 7$$powexec_name Heal Other
numpad8 unselect$$teamselect 8$$powexec_name Heal Other
CTRL+numpad1 unselect$$teamselect 1$$powexec_name Clear Mind"
CTRL+numpad2 unselect$$teamselect 2$$powexec_name Clear Mind"
CTRL+numpad3 unselect$$teamselect 3$$powexec_name Clear Mind"
CTRL+numpad4 unselect$$teamselect 4$$powexec_name Clear Mind"
CTRL+numpad5 unselect$$teamselect 5$$powexec_name Clear Mind"
CTRL+numpad6 unselect$$teamselect 6$$powexec_name Clear Mind"
CTRL+numpad7 unselect$$teamselect 7$$powexec_name Clear Mind"
CTRL+numpad8 unselect$$teamselect 8$$powexec_name Clear Mind"
LSHIFT+numpad1 unselect$$teamselect 1$$powexec_name Fortitude
LSHIFT+numpad2 unselect$$teamselect 2$$powexec_name Fortitude
LSHIFT+numpad3 unselect$$teamselect 3$$powexec_name Fortitude
LSHIFT+numpad4 unselect$$teamselect 4$$powexec_name Fortitude
LSHIFT+numpad5 unselect$$teamselect 5$$powexec_name Fortitude
LSHIFT+numpad6 unselect$$teamselect 6$$powexec_name Fortitude
LSHIFT+numpad7 unselect$$teamselect 7$$powexec_name Fortitude
LSHIFT+numpad8 unselect$$teamselect 8$$powexec_name Fortitude
ALT+numpad1 unselect$$teamselect 1$$powexec_name Adrenaline Boost
ALT+numpad2 unselect$$teamselect 2$$powexec_name Adrenaline Boost
ALT+numpad3 unselect$$teamselect 3$$powexec_name Adrenaline Boost
ALT+numpad4 unselect$$teamselect 4$$powexec_name Adrenaline Boost
ALT+numpad5 unselect$$teamselect 5$$powexec_name Adrenaline Boost
ALT+numpad6 unselect$$teamselect 6$$powexec_name Adrenaline Boost
ALT+numpad7 unselect$$teamselect 7$$powexec_name Adrenaline Boost
ALT+numpad8 unselect$$teamselect 8$$powexec_name Adrenaline Boost
This is all in a file, which I load using /bind_load_file
Here is my way of casting (mad altaholics tend not to remember binds).
Someone needs help, click name, click the right power icon in the vertical power tray thats going up the left hand side of the names. I love the new interface. Nah I do have binds and use number keys and all but it depends on if I got a drink in one hand.
Empathy - How to Buff
Alright, so the title is a bit condescending, but Ive gotten on quite a few teams lately where the Empath(s) dont know how to, or who to, buff with what powers. So this mini guide is designed to explain the basics and tricks of making the best of the Empathy buffs.
This is, by no means, a comprehensive guide to Empathy, meaning I wont be focusing on any secondaries. There are lots of guides that cover specific combinations, and many of them are good at giving info on Empathy. As I said, this guide will help you improve your Empath skills. Also, this guide does not cover healing, as many of you probably know, Im rather vocal about the anti-healer stuff, if you want to learn how to be a good healer, I suggest you look here.
The Buffs
While not an Empathy buff, I find this power essential to an Empaths success. This will get your 3 final buffs up a lot more. Take it early, use it often.
When to use it
Pre-18, youll be able to use it however you see fit. Fire it off whenever its recharged. 18+ you use it right after you fire off RA (unless you use the 33+ world, you may find it useful to put it on autofire if you are using my* AB strategy (see below)
*not actually my idea
[u]Clear Mind[u]
This is the first buff in the set, it gives protection from Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Stun, Fear, and Confuse, it also grants an increase to perception.
Base slot is enough, I personally slot it with an Endrdx, but Ive talked to people who swear by either a Rechrdx or a Range enhancement in the default slot.
Who to use it on
This is one of the easy buffs of the set. It can be cast on everyone, but usually thats not necessary. Here are the general rules with exceptions.
1. Use preemptively on non tanks/scrappers/brutes/stalkers in situations with lots of mezzers (Carnies, Malta, The Lost, etc.) Exception: the classes listed above should get the power if they are not of a high enough level to have mez protection. *Side note* if the melee character is a high enough level to have mez protection (16 is always a safe cutoff) but they do not have it, and you are feeling malicious, do not CM them. It gets a point across, hopefully, though it may cause a few deaths. Another exception, depending on team make-up, you may not need to cast it preemptively. If you have a controller heavy team, there is probably enough lockdown to render it unnecessary. Teaming with a FF or Sonic defender is another example, if they have their Dispersion field, it will provide enough mez protection in most situations (though you might want to keep it on the FFer in case of the stray sleep)
2. Fighting enemies with only a few mezzes, CM can be used reactively. Exceptions: Again, if you have a bubbler, you may want to keep it on them proactively.
3. Fighting Arachnos. I have a specific section for arachnos, because they can get really nasty, very early and stay pretty nasty throughout the game. Clear Mind should be used fairly proactively for all characters who do not have a way of increasing their own perception. There is nothing more annoying than trying to fight something you cant target. On full teams, this may be more work than its worth. In this case, you may find it best to use the power proactively on key members, controllers and tankers without +perception powers, and use it reactively on others. This can take a bit of practice to get used to.
This power grants a single ally increased defense, damage, and To-Hit for 2 minutes. It has a base recharge of 1 minute.
Pre-IOs, the best slotting you could get was 3 rech/2-3 defense/0-1 to-hit. In this world, you can get very effective slotting using 4 def/rech enhancements. That will save you 2 slots. Use these elsewhere or slot To-hits in them. In the very high level game, 3 Membrane Exposure Enhancements gives you ED capped Recharge, Defense, and To-Hit.
Who to use it on
This buff is probably a bit more tricky than CM, since its not possible to keep this on a team of 8. Because of this, you need to prioritize your targets. Most of my suggestions assume you and your team have SOs slotted.
Heres the priorities. Ive learned these through both playing as and with Emps on many different characters.
1. Fortitude the FF defender/controller. This is almost a no-brainer. The FFer will put the rest of the team in a very good spot defensively, but theyre usually fairly squishy. They will thank you for putting them at the same level of defense as everyone else. Similarly, a Sonic Resonance character is a good one to Fort.
2. If there is no FF defender: which is probably more often than not. Fortitude any other Emp on the team, and, in turn, they should use Fortitude on you. Since Empathy does not have a whole lot of buffs that they can use on themselves, using Fortitude on an emp increases their survivability and their damage. *NOTE* if the other empathy on the team is of the pure healer/support role, do not fort them, the buff will go to waste.
3. Fortitude the controller. After you get the important targets, the controller is your next priority. Their controls will mitigate lots of damage, however, while launching their first control, they can take some alpha strike, the +def is very useful, also, the higher To-Hit helps their AoE controls (which, for the most part, have an accuracy penalty) hit more often.
4. Fortitude the Defender. Your defender brethren will appreciate it more than anything below, for the most part.
4. Fortitude the blaster. There is nothing quite like having a high damage dealer with good defense and higher damage. Enough said.
5. If there is no tank on the team: Fortitude the scrapper. Odds are they are trying to tank, or at least, are taking the alpha, this will mitigate a lot of incoming damage, meaning you wont be focusing on healing them (see link above)
6. Special case: team of all tanks, 1 empath. Obviously I cant cover every team make-up, but this is an interesting situation which I have seen come up. In this situation, who do you fortitude? It depends on their primary, heres the order I would Fortitude them
1. Invul These guys are way too squishy
2. Fire
3. Ice
4. Stone
5. WP
6. DA
I put Stone early not because they need the survivability, but because they could use the damage buff more. Anything 4+ will not really need Fort for its defensive aspects.
[u]Recovery Aura/Regeneration Aura[u]
I put these together because they should, under all circumstances, be fired at the same time. Each power greatly increases their one aspect, endurance recovery or health regeneration. They are PBAoE Powers, meaning they affect you and all allies in range will benefit from it.
Both require 3 recharge. Regen aura could use 3 heals, recovery really doesnt need extra slots. IO tip: Slot Regen Aura 5 Heal/Rech IOs, its slightly more effective than the 3/3 slotting (though not really noticeable) and saves you a slot.
Who to use it on
Yourself! The trick to this power isnt who to use it on, but when to use it. There are conflicting opinions on this, so I will give you both sides and let you decide.
1. Preemptively. This is the strategy I use, because it gets both powers up more often. Just fire off both powers when they recharge (which, other than at level 26, should be more or less simultaneously.) I set up a bind to let my team know that I will be firing off my auras in 5 seconds. This allows most of the team to get the buff. If we are nearing the end of a fight, I will wait and fire them off right before we start the next group.
2. Reactively. This is the other camp of thinking. Basically, you save it for when your team needs it, jump more or less in the middle of the team, and fire it off. This can be useful for longer fights (such as AVs or GMs) but other than that, I really dont see the point of it.
[u]Adrenaline Boost[u]
This power greatly increases a single Allys recharge, recovery, and regeneration, as well as granting them slow resistance.
To make the most of this power, you really need to 6 slot it. Pre-IO, the best slotting was 3rech/1endmod/2heal. The idea of the Endmod is that it will put the recovery over 1000%, meaning your blaster or Defender buddy can overcome the nuke he just used, suffering only a momentary toggle drop. In the IO world, you can do slightly better with 5 slots, 3heal/rech, 2 endmod/rech. This gives you slightly higher regen and recovery and recharge. With that 6th slot, you can either move it or slot an extra heal (since youve got recharge more or less maxed, a plain Heal SO or IO will work just fine.)
Who to use it on
Without assistance (see rule 1, below) this power is not permable on even a single target, so choosing when to use it (and who to use it on) can be rather daunting. As with the previous ST buffs, there is no one easy answer, but heres the best Ive seen.
1. Empath with Hasten and AB. If you are an empathy with hasten and AB and you have another one on your team, talk to them briefly about this game breaking strategy. Set hasten on Autofire, and use AB on each other whenever it is up. Why? Well, both of you will be at the regen and recovery cap as long as you keep these powers going, however, with both of you at 170% global recharge nearly the entire time (hasten still has a small amount of down time) youve got enough recharge that you can stagger firing your RAs and keep RAs up 100% of the time (with a bit of stacking, too.) Yes, this power is that cool.
2. The Blaster/Defender. You cant keep it up 100% of the time on your own (without a serious investment in +recharge) a post 32 blaster (or post 38 defender) is always a good target for AB, I generally use it reactively in these situations, right after they nuke, give them a bit of AB love, they will thank you for it, by nuking more.
3. The Controller. Again, the idea here is to increase the recharge on their AoE controls.
4. The Tank (situationally). The tank is a good target if they do not have slow resists and you are fighting mobs with lots of recharge. If a tank cant attack, it cant hold agro.
5. Save it. If your team consists of none of the above (Ive had it happen) use ABs regeneration as a reactive way to get someone out of a bad situation. However, if your team is not having any problems, you would be better off finding a home for AB (or even rotating it through your team) than just letting it sit in your tray.
Ive seen lots of requests on how to set up binds on the Official Forums, so with that in mind, here is my basic bind set up that I use for all of my buffers.
/bind numpad1 unselect$$teamselect 1
/bind numpad2 unselect$$teamselect 2
/bind numpad3 unselect$$teamselect 3
/bind numpad4 unselect$$teamselect 4
/bind numpad5 unselect$$teamselect 5
/bind numpad6 unselect$$teamselect 6
/bind numpad7 unselect$$teamselect 7
/bind numpad8 unselect$$teamselect 8
That simply allows you to target a specified team member by using the number pad keys.
/bind multiply powexec_name clear mind
/bind subtract powexec_name Fortitude
/bind add powexec_name Adrenaline Boost
/bind numpad0 powexec_name Healing Aura
Again, easy access to all of your buffs is what this is all about.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea