38 -
sorry i've been busy.
i'm pretty dissapointed by saying this, but whatever direction you feel you want to take the story, i'll go along with it. -
((I wouldn't say we're at loose ends, I kinda like how we're seperate for now. We'll join up eventually, but no need to rush it.))
As the pair drew to the entrance of the tower known as The Library. Draculad opened the door for his guest and with a simple "after you" he ushered her inside then followed suit.
"I'd normally keep this locked, but I doubt that we'd want to keep other humans away, and bugs don't care about opening doors." He said. "Now then, you can head on up to the top of the building where Luke or Larry or whatever his name is, see if he's still alive. I'll join you momentarily to discuss a few things." With that, he turned to his left, opened the door that lead down to the basement, and dissapeared down below.
The space that made up his basement was simply a giant room, lit by long blue ceiling lights. It was empty save for a large computer in it's center, with the only chair in the building placed in front of it. This computer was made over five years ago by his close friend, the brilliant Dr. Stevenson.
Sitting down at the computer, Draculad spoke to it.
"X-S, Turn on please."
"Good Morning Sir." the X-System replied. "How are you feeling today?"
"I am feeling well, thank you. Show me the outdoor view please." Draculad ordered the system. A screen popped up on the monitor that showed what the camera hidden above the door to his home was recording. In the distance, he could see the small red dots of the bugs, crawling around outside.
"It seems the town has a bug infestation, Sir." the X-S noticed.
"Quite." Draculad answered. "They're very dangerous, I don't want them inside the library."
"I shall prevent their entry, Sir." X-S responded. "I shall assume your guests are seeking refuge from these pests."
"Indeed, I'm going upstairs momentarily to discuss a plan of action with them, could you compile a list of options for us please?."
"I'll have it ready for you after your conversation, Sir."
"Thank you X." Draculad sat back in his chair and began to think for a moment. -
"You tell me, I've been asleep." He answered simply, as they landed on the ground with a thud. It was time to get away from the bugs again, he knew that when it came to animals, distance can be a decent deterent for them.
Draculad set the lady down and spoke again. "We'll head back to The Library for now. I've found out enough to create a plan of action. It seems like these creatures have infested most, if not all, of the city, follow me." He finished, then started heading back to his home.
Looking back, he watched the bugs still crawling confused on top of the statue, wondering what had happened to their prey.... -
Unsure of a course of action, Draculad watched the lady scramble up the statue followed by what could only be the cause of the city's problems. They looked like large red termites indeed, and he wasn't adept at fighting many small creatures. Nevertheless, she needed help, and he was able to help.
sheathing his katana for the moment, Draculad took a giant leap, and landed on the back of the globe. There wasn't anything to hold on to, so he struggled to keep his hands flat, and quickly pushed himself up into a somersault. Turning in mid air and landing between the girl and her pursuers. He then took out his sword again.
As the pests drew closer, he took a swipe at them with his blade. Sparks flew as the metal scraped across the stone statue, and he sliced a few of the bugs in half. Agaisnt one person, Draculad would win for sure, agaisnt an army of people...he could still win, but agaisnt an army of bugs? He needed help.
Turning to the girl, he spoke to her. "The better part of Valor..." He said simply, then proceeded to pick her up and leap off the statue. -
Draculad looked at Leon again.
"Very well then. I'd advise you to stay here, you should be protected from...most things." He said. "I'll be back soon after I check out what I'm dealing with. If you'd like to make yourself useful...you can try looking up some information on these critters." Draculad eyed the thousands of old books lining his walls. There was bound to be something about these insects in their ancient texts.
"But if you're going to do that, you'll want to start now." he finished as he headed down the stairs again, his sword still in his hand.
He walked out the door and put his shades on. The sunlight usually started to burn his skin after a while, due to his skin condition. That was perhaps his most obvious characteristic apart from his ears, his skin was almost as white as paper.
Keeping in the shade as much as possible, he began exploring near the statue of Atlas. He had always viewed him as an idol of sorts, and he longed for a chance to save the city all by himself, agaisnt impossible odds. As he drew under the shadow of the stone globe, however, he actually began to worry that his chance may come too soon... -
Leon spoke back to the dark one.
"Stay back! I just came here to keep myself safe. I can't trust you." he hollered at Draculad.
Suddenly, in the middle of the long stretches of silence, a scream echoed about all of Paragon, an ear-piercing scream.
[/ QUOTE ]
The scream pierced Draculad's sensitive ears, forcing him to cover them for a few seconds. After the pain subsided, he drew his katana and spoke to the man again.
"Listen, I can only help you if you allow me to, now start talking!" -
((I'm going to assume you were interrupting Plague's conversation and not mine
Watching the strange man crawl up the steps from the bottom floor, Draculad couldn't help but wonder what he was up to.
Focusing his energy he retraced his fall back up, except he was jumping from one side of the circular staircase to another. He didn't have as spectacular powers as other heroes, but he enjoyed his abilities and was good at what he did.
Reaching the top in no time, he helped the man into a sitting position.
"Easy now." He said. "What happened outside?" -
((I'll give it a go i guess.))
On the edge of Atlas Park stood a tall, ten-story building. An ancient, gothic style tower.
The Library. Inside it were hundreds of thousands of old books and scrolls, the pages of which hadn't been read for decades. Dust reigned supreme in the place, covering all the texts without prejudice. In the center of the building going all the way to the top floor was a great, circular staircase.
Hanging upside down, his legs around a crossbar below a giant bell on the ceiling of the top floor, was Max Black. No one called him that of course. Those that knew he even existed called him Draculad. His eyes were closed, and he was apparently sleeping, as he had been since early in the morning. Now it was nearing midnight.
On the outside of the Library, covering half of the west wall in between the ninth and tenth floors was a giant clock. As it struck Twelve, the giant bell above Draculad began to sound. Max released his legs and began to fall with the sound of the bell. Falling past the staircase, all the way to the bottom floor, turning upwards in time to gracefully land on the floor.
"Here we go." He said to himself, pulling out his personal police scanner.
((It's now midnight to set a starting time...))
if you're going to critique, always say "Nice (excellent, Good, Etc.) piece. I'd work on." in front of it
they may know you're lying, but it'll make you seem less of a jerk -
it's been my experience as a healer that i CAN just heal and people will love me. i go with what works and my buff targets often change depending on circumstances.
I am an empathy defender. i keep my team alive and fighting so i can get experience, pretty much my guide
(never thought about AB on other emps but it IS an interesting idea) -
when you're playing a role, then you're role playing.....
that's all I got to say about that. take from it what you want/can -
((I know you said that technology was gonna be awkward at times (lol get it?), but i'd like to make an android to help you guys out if that's OK))
very nice, gratz on the 50 PB
gonna be lvling up my 20 (or 21 i forget) blaster on Protector.
hoping to form a bunch of perfect 8-hero teams, set to Invinciblefun for all!
@Nythandor i believe -
I may have to go with gray, cuz blue makes the robot legs look goofy
i'll update it
thnx for the replies so far guys
I had no idea enforcer was a chest piece option. it's too far down therehelps a lot
so now I got......
XD Plus! whaddya think?
usually i don't trust how the robtic legs look, but i think it was pulled off pretty well....
also....Black VS Blue for this kinda costume. whaddya think is better? -
Re: the costumes - what Vet rewards and other "extra" costume pieces?
[/ QUOTE ]
still have to pay like 2 or 3 months to even get the wings, not sure if those would help much though, i'd have to check -
exactly o.O my roleplaying ability helps with it immensely however