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  1. Ourboros portal (with exits being real world locations pls. Although just having access to time travel would simplify many things.)
    Singularity (just in case)
    Propel (Just think about it, - some of the stuff it pulls out of other dimensions is rather valuable... )
  2. It doesn't/. But things like Prrototype Element and Access Bypass do... So it stil might be not for IO crafting.
  3. Don't be afreud, those braiins receive extensive counseling and re-education in Cyberia,

    Anyway, looks less like IO set aand more like something akin to err... "mission" salvage, like one for the Lost wand
  4. 3dent

    To Say Goodbye

    Bye, and good luck. Hope your finances will improve.
  5. 3dent

    Issue 16

    [ QUOTE ]
    I hope we can have a personal option to turn off the colourisation effects. I'm used to the colours as they are, and having seem a lot of REALLY VERY UGLY COSTUMES I'd rather like to avoid REALLY UGLY GARISH GLOWING EFFECTS EVERYWHERE. My eyes won't be able to take it.

    Seriously, people can make the ugliest choices, and I really, really hate the idea of the game turning into a combination of Hello Kitty and dried blood.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, there's that too. Plus, it breaks "funny hat principle" even further. (Wizards should ALWAYS wear funny hats, so that they're easily recognizable. Fancier hat=more powerful wizard.) But it's only really importnt in PvP, which isn't that popular anyway... And I personally just _want_ blue radiation.
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    The point is, you have to do something in the game world before you can level up. If you are a villain that something would probably involve repeated trips back to the hospital or a very long swim all the way around the coast of Mercy Island.

    And they point is, only an experienced player would know where to go, and Positron's intention was that a new player would be able to level entirely using MA; not an experienced one who already knew thier way around.

    So to remove the MA buildings from the starter zones would require a fundemental change of policy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /Remembers his very first day in CoH... I didn't know about trains.I wanted to get to Galaxy City from Atlas. Being level 3... Well, mind you I got as far as Independence port, after dozens of faceplants. Then I understood I was doing something wrong.
  7. 3dent

    New map types.

    I suggested it somewhere already, but what I'd really like to see would be a set of maps, like, say Longbow, but with customizable group logo...
  8. Bonuses with the same name? ("no more than 5 recharge bonuses") Bonuses with the same name and value? ("no more than 5 [large] recharge bonuses") Or bonuses from the same set?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    Don't know if it's new, but a friend of mine noticed a 5th column's soldier talking about "Atlantis" in the last mission of ITF.

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    That will be our underwater zone

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    I'm not sure if this bug is new, but I've noticed that certain spawnpoints on certain maps in MA produce mobs that are surrounded by aura of bubbles and they "float up" when defeated instead of falling. It doesn't always happen, and seems to reset itself in a few minutes if you don't attack them though, so I'm not telling which maps.
  10. However, unlike ambush that boss won't go to the player, player has to find them. Which might be a problem.

    As for self-insertions, - nothing wrong with that, but if the arc is all about "Look, how uber I am!" it may put some people off.
  11. Well, /targetcustomnext (edited for typo) helps to an extent, but only if you know how the hostage is named beforehand. (plus, since there are no parametrized binds you can't chat while on these missions, or else you would have to retype the whole thing...)
  12. 3dent


    Thanks eferyone for the advice.

    So, except for psy, which I won't take anyway, nothing seems to be particularily gimped and has a few useful powers... Very good.
  13. 3dent


    Self-destruct can be used like that, but it's in Cyborg pack...
  14. Well, I don't mean they should make elaborate speeches, or even cries as such (won't fit if the "rescue" is actually kidnapping anyway). Just produce some distinct sound effect like glowies (and mobs) do.

    2 Carnifax: Yes, that's too is a problem. So, as I said above, scratch "cries", - just a distinct sound.
  15. /signed I'm big fan of automated LfM systems after seeing them in action. (In ahem, Puzzle Pirates... Teams there are BIG, I mean 7 is a very small team, and 60-80 teams aren't unheard of. Servers aren't exactly chock-full of people either, at least they weren't back when I played a few years ago. Yet organizing a team is a breeze thanks to buletein boards.)
  16. No, really. Why inanimate boxes can do "glowie-hum" but hostages are limited to text bubbles? In MA you can partly work around that by selecting highly visible and audible emotes, - boomboxes, CoT rituals, etc., but it would be really nice if it would be available without that, and if it would be used in canon missions.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    as i haven't seen it mentioned i thought i'd add that all of my captives that were using 'captured (energy field)' had to be set back because the graphics have changed for it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not only that, but it seems that for some characters (e.g. Valkyrie) this (and a few dozen others) emotes simply aren't available now. Had to replace it with much less interesting "Captured (floating struggle)".
  18. 3dent


    What title says, - which epic? I tend to play agressively (being my own tank in solo and often moving forward to AM/heal melee fighters in teams.)

    Elec and Psy both have a mez main powersets don't have (for (eventual) purple set's +rech and+recovery...) but Dark and Power have +end powers as lvl 41 choice... Which might be useful, even with AM hastened Irradiate is an end hog, esp. if you need heals too.

  19. On open maps, yes, it doesn't do anything at all.

    Indoors it works quite reliably as long as you don't ask too much of it. That is, there must be spawn point for either "boss" or "any detail", enough space to actually spawn it, and enough spawn points nearby for ambushes, etc. Also some maps are bugged or have pretty unusual definitions of what "front" and "back" mean (esp. warehouses).
  20. XP Quick Spawn Rikti LOL, 5 minutes of literal laughing out loud. Thanks, Scarlet
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    I think an exploit is receiving an disproportionate reward for the effort you have put in due to a flaw in the game engine.

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    I keep saying this. It wasn't a flaw. They knew it would happen and could have prevented it but chose not to.

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    How do you know what exactly they could and couldn't do? That's what I keep saying. For some reason you keep imagining that well, it was more or less liker Positron personally examined the issue way back in beta, and publically condoned it and then changed his mind.

    What I think happened was that at first it was just lost in gazillion other issues they naturally had in betas (heck, we still have them), when it finally came to their attention they got everyone they could on fixing it ASAP, but fixing it without breaking something else was difficulrt and took time.

    Yes, FOR US the fix looks very simple, but between unique game mechanic of comm officers, need to keep old ones in regular PvE and who-knows-what-else (I suspect that the need for backward compatibility with MA missions that used generic Rikti) it might be much more difficult than it seems to a laymen like us.

    If you mean somer global XP cap, etc... Well, these aren't without they drawbacks, and may be themselves exploitable in some way and/or alter game balance. Not to mention that reliable and bug-free implementation takes time.
  22. 3dent

    New Archetypes

    Well, I once suggested a heroic MM here. It related to a MM a bit like corruptors are compared to defenders.

    Ranged attack (or assault) primary, summon secondary (with buffs instead of attacks) and Rage that affecs pets and team instead of "heroic MM" himself. (but is gained by heroic MM's attacks.)