New Architect Questions
1) No, this is not possible, but it definitely should be.
2) If you right click the text you will be given a number of options to add html to the text, which includes entering things like character name, origin, archetype etc. There is no way to fill in correct pronouns as far as I know, so just don't use gender specific pronouns.
3) Yes, you can, but I think it's generally good practice to only use the ones that you can put in by right-clicking the text as the system appears to get fussy even if you just type the text in without actually choosing what you want to put down.
4) Test it as a different character, I think the best practice is to test it with every archetype, but that can be overkill. Just try testing it with the opposite spectrum archetype to your own at the minimum level you can play the mission at.
5) As far as I know you can save as many missions as you want, so save each of your five missions individually for testing purposes. I haven't actually tried this myself however, I think it would work.
6) Just go to the Architect Insp Vendor in between your missions. If you're talking about actually IN the mission, in that case just fill to your brim with inspirations is the best idea you can get.
7) Report the bug. That's about it. I haven't got this myself, but it definitely just sounds like a bug.
8) Haha, I hope that no "MA Etiquette" forms, as etiquette is such a pointless and restricting thing. Do whatever you want. People make arcs about their supergroups and occsaionally their characters all the time. Include whatever characters that you want, just don't BE arrogant. Don't have your character demonstrated as a super-powered Arch-Villain who saves the day and is soooo much stronger than the player.

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.
I want the player character to summon the enemy boss in the last mission of the small arc. Is there a way to let a boss (or an Arch Villain in this case) appear after the player has interacted with an item? I could make an ambush but an ambush cannot contain a specific enemy, can it?
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First of all create both the glowie and the boss and fill in all the details. Now on the boss, at the top option (iirc) it has the option "this objective appears when . . ", simply open that dropdown box and select your glowie Now when the player clicks the glowie, your boss will spawn.
How do I refer to the player, fill in last name, first name, proper pronouns and such things in my texts?
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In the text field simply write $name
I noticed the editor sometimes replacing line breaks with <br> tags. That looks like HTML to me. Can I use html to format my texts and, if so, to what extend?
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AFAIK you cant, it'll say the form is invalid if you try to do so. (Though you can highlight the text and right click which brings up options such as bold/colour etc)
Are there any guidelines how to figure out easily whether my stuff is too hard or to easy? I tried to give players a fair chance, I added allies to help solo players with really tough enemies, but most of it seems pretty easy for my own character - then again everything's easy for a level 50 with high grade invention sets... I had one Circle of Thorns mage that was a really a pest to fight without "break free"s. It's an "Arch-Mage of Death" and considered a boss, but feels a lot like an elite boss to fight against.
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Custom mobs are indeed much harder than your standard one. This is due to them having the same damage multipliers as us players. The only way to truely find out what powersets are tough/easy is to ask on the forums/look it up or fight your own creations. Just remember to put the difficulty in the description.
Is there a way to jump over missions testing your own story arcs? Currently I try to test the fifth mission, and doing the other four every time to get there is a holding me a little up
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The only way at the moment is to drag the fith mission to the first slot and then drag it back to the end before you publish.
Is there a way to get inspis while you're testing your own stuff? It seems that defeated enemies don't drop anything. But the lack of inspis kinda makes it hard in some situations of the last missions.
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Only way is to buy/trade them, unfortunately they dont drop in test Much wanted feature for test mode though.
Sometimes the text editor "flickers" when I try to edit texts longer than 700 characters or so. It just resizes the input box at a rate of about eight times per second. How can I stop it from doing so?
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This one i dont know sorry
Is it OK to have your give your own prime character an appearance in the adventure or is that considered arrogant?
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If you can make it fit/looks feasable then go for it! Majority of players i'ld guess have done so already.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
I want the player character to summon the enemy boss in the last mission of the small arc. Is there a way to let a boss (or an Arch Villain in this case) appear after the player has interacted with an item? I could make an ambush but an ambush cannot contain a specific enemy, can it?
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First of all create both the glowie and the boss and fill in all the details. Now on the boss, at the top option (iirc) it has the option "this objective appears when . . ", simply open that dropdown box and select your glowie Now when the player clicks the glowie, your boss will spawn.
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Wouldn't that mean that only the mission text is upgraded after the item has been interacted with, but the boss is there before and might be fought against before you interact with the item? And... what would happen if things were completed in the wrong order..?
I want the player character to summon the enemy boss in the last mission of the small arc. Is there a way to let a boss (or an Arch Villain in this case) appear after the player has interacted with an item? I could make an ambush but an ambush cannot contain a specific enemy, can it?
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First of all create both the glowie and the boss and fill in all the details. Now on the boss, at the top option (iirc) it has the option "this objective appears when . . ", simply open that dropdown box and select your glowie Now when the player clicks the glowie, your boss will spawn.
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Wouldn't that mean that only the mission text is upgraded after the item has been interacted with, but the boss is there before and might be fought against before you interact with the item? And... what would happen if things were completed in the wrong order..?
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Nope not at all
Basically by selecting the "when glowie objective is completed", the player HAS to click the glowie before the boss even spawns on the map. Once spawned, then the defeat boss text will appear also
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
However, unlike ambush that boss won't go to the player, player has to find them. Which might be a problem.
As for self-insertions, - nothing wrong with that, but if the arc is all about "Look, how uber I am!" it may put some people off.
Sorry for hi-jacking your thread Marksmaid, but your questions and The Lost handing my [censored] to me again inspired me to head back into the Mission Editor and try and get my almost finished arc down from it's current position at 104%. While attempting to do that I discovered that I could not remove any of the members I originally entered from my custom group. Could anyone help me with this?

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.
Sorry for hi-jacking your thread Marksmaid, but your questions and The Lost handing my [censored] to me again inspired me to head back into the Mission Editor and try and get my almost finished arc down from it's current position at 104%. While attempting to do that I discovered that I could not remove any of the members I originally entered from my custom group. Could anyone help me with this?
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Are any of them currently in use in another arc/mission of yours? If the problem continues i'ld just do the quick/easy solution of copying the ones you want to another group with the same name.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Some of your questions are answered in the MA: Help Snippets, Tips & Tricks thread.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
Well thanks for the help. I completely missed that you can format text by right clicking into the fields.
Sorry for hi-jacking your thread Marksmaid, but your questions and The Lost handing my [censored] to me again inspired me to head back into the Mission Editor and try and get my almost finished arc down from it's current position at 104%. While attempting to do that I discovered that I could not remove any of the members I originally entered from my custom group. Could anyone help me with this?
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Are any of them currently in use in another arc/mission of yours? If the problem continues i'ld just do the quick/easy solution of copying the ones you want to another group with the same name.
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They're in an arc in three of my missions, but having the same group in three missions in the same arc shouldn't cause any problems editing them would just be ridiculous :P

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.
That depends... One question: Suppose you have a character "Killa" that appears in several, already published arcs of yours. Would that change the instances of "Killa" in the already published arcs?
On the subject of random queries, how do i change text colour for mission descriptions?
Highlight and right-click the text - you'll get a dropdown with colour selection as one of the options*. It's all in HTML so if you know the relevant code, you can do it that way, too.
*IIRC you can only change colours in certain bits, e.g. the mission sendoff text.
Cancelled in Three - MA ID #34608. Please play and comment! Top 10 placing in Projectionist's MA contest!
Hi, I'm on my first attempts with Mission Architect and I got a few questions:
<ul type="square">[*]I want the player character to summon the enemy boss in the last mission of the small arc. Is there a way to let a boss (or an Arch Villain in this case) appear after the player has interacted with an item? I could make an ambush but an ambush cannot contain a specific enemy, can it?[*]How do I refer to the player, fill in last name, first name, proper pronouns and such things in my texts?[*]I noticed the editor sometimes replacing line breaks with <br> tags. That looks like HTML to me. Can I use html to format my texts and, if so, to what extend?[*]Are there any guidelines how to figure out easily whether my stuff is too hard or to easy? I tried to give players a fair chance, I added allies to help solo players with really tough enemies, but most of it seems pretty easy for my own character - then again everything's easy for a level 50 with high grade invention sets... I had one Circle of Thorns mage that was a really a pest to fight without "break free"s. It's an "Arch-Mage of Death" and considered a boss, but feels a lot like an elite boss to fight against.[*]Is there a way to jump over missions testing your own story arcs? Currently I try to test the fifth mission, and doing the other four every time to get there is a holding me a little up.[*]Is there a way to get inspis while you're testing your own stuff? It seems that defeated enemies don't drop anything. But the lack of inspis kinda makes it hard in some situations of the last missions.[*]Sometimes the text editor "flickers" when I try to edit texts longer than 700 characters or so. It just resizes the input box at a rate of about eight times per second. How can I stop it from doing so?[*]Is it OK to have your give your own prime character an appearance in the adventure or is that considered arrogant?[/list]