
  • Posts

  • Joined

  1. Please use this thread to post details regarding your Supergroup on the Liberty server.

    Include the following information:
    • Supergroup Name: Official Sponsers (Disbanded)
    • Website (if any):None
    • Leader or Recruiting Officers:Kid Valor
    • Preferred Method of contact: easiest way send tell when online, or Forum PM to me or ingame e-mail
    • Guild Description: They are looking for heroes to advertise that where we come in Make money, and earn Reputation, By being the Top Model, or Newest Star. All are welcome fresh talent to Star. our motto: Changes Daily todays Motto When it's this good it has to be 'HERO O's' breakfast of Champions!
  2. Hey I want to see a picture of 'Kid Valor' drinking a Brawler, Cause it a surreal Thang! On a Billboard, what do you say Devs. We can even make it some type of contest.
  3. I actually have a family of 5 all related.
    FBSA gov't agent,
    PCJD CSI Lead,
    Dead PCJD cop, guess he doesn't really count any more as working hehe,
    ER Nurse,
    A wealthy Teenager who is like Captain Amazing from the Mystery Men with sponsors and everything. Some of them can be found Living at the Whitmoore. yet another shameless plug
  4. I liked it nicely done
  5. Nice.
    I was thinking maybe a football player, since he covered the military angle.
    nothing quite as flashy, Quarterback for the team, on a date with his best girl. A mugging occurs she is injured while he tries to take on the mugger. He wakes up in the hospital unsure what had happened. Later he sees a crime being commited, robbery, etc... And he moves into action picking up the nearest thing and flinging it like a football only instead it some type of engery. just another idea.
  6. American Valor: Welcome to the Danger Zone!
    Or Linked to his smite attack
    Red, White, Blue, Your Through!
  7. Though I would chime in,
    Star Justice is a hero, He feels better in a supporting role than a frontline hero,
    Quote: I'm a Scientist first, I can bulid that so not even my brother can break it.

    American Valor: Superheroes Hero, He tried to hard to be able to help anyhero who request it, he can only be in so many places at once. Quote: If Star Justice can build it I can Break it, Hey Bro where that t-port so I will be able to slide around the city Mr Science Dude!

    American Starlett: Hero, Helping my fellow man runs in our Blood, Our parents were Heros and so are we.

    Spec Ops Drake: Paragon City HRT Officer. I'm just a Guy, You need a hero call Hero Corps, You need the Law, call me.

    Kid Valor: Sidekick, Hero in training, I'm gonna be as big as the Statesman some day.

    See you on the streets Heroes
  8. American_Valor

    The True Heroes

    I'm glad you did bump it. I enjoyed it. Your story flowed well, I like the way you played to heroism. Maybe I'll get a chance to meet up with you Tripwire. Thanks for the good story.

    American Valor
    Main Liberty,
    all Servers
  9. ::Alert alert.... Password Requested... Password Accepted ....file encripted....initiating decription...Begin::

    Psychological Profile of Lxnder Flagg, aka American_Valor:

    Lx believes in the ideas & values of being a "true" superhero, in the country, and in the government of the United States. He does not believe in killing to solve problems,
    and feels that only a villain would cause a death of an innocent. He will always come back for anyone
    who is left behind no matter what. He feels he has to be as great a hero as his father was and live up
    to the reputation of being a superhero's hero. His profile is currently active and to be updated regularly.

    Secret ID: FBSA Agent: Lxnder Flagg

    Physical Description: 28 year old male, Height 6' 4", Weight 235 lbs. short Brown hair, green eyes,
    broad shoulders, strong features with a very imposing muscular build, ( 4% Body Fat & 24" biceps ) incredibly handsome with a light tan complexion.

    Known Powers: Lx is a trained athlete who also appears to have defenseability of being
    nearly Invulnerability, for short periods of time. He has developed his fighting skills, and other mental
    abilities as was expected with the G.E.N.I.U.S. Formula.</P>

    Appearance: (Hero ID) Golden Age Hero costume, Royal Blue, field of white stars running along rightside across back down leftside, he has a circle of stars surrounding a lg star on his chest. Flash Resistance Multispectrum Vision Glasses, White Tactical belt with gold buckle, with red folded knee high boots and red elbow length gauntlets.

    Appearance: (Secret ID) Lx appears as a serious looking person in a nice dark suit and "Milspec" Sunglasses who's standing off to the side trying to look as inconspicuous as possible due to his imposing physique, or in jeans and T-shirt when not working.

    Origin: American Valor was originally Roger Flagg who along with Miss Justice were test subjects for the original Project Fighting Hero. They were exposed to and given the Flagg Bio-Agent #17
    G.E.N.I.U.S. Formula [ Genetically Energize Neuromuscular Irradiate Ultraviolet Steroids ] which
    transformed all test subjects into very tough and strong individuals. Combat skills, and abilities must
    still be taught but are learned at an incredible rate hence the name genius. However, the Flagg Bio-Agent was considered too dangerous to mass produce. Before a larger batch could be created, the lab was destroyed in a freak military accident. All information was said to be lost along with most of the personnel involved in Project Fighting Hero.

    After the war American Valor and Miss Justice were married, years later they started a family.
    Lxnder Flagg was born on 8th of April and named after his mothers grandfather. He was raised and trained by both parents. Lx was studied by some of the top men in the nation. The conclusion was that he had developed most of his parent's abilities and was equivalent to any professional athlete, like his brothers and sister. His father was training him to become the next American Valor since he was retired. Lx had been in Mexico working for FBSA when the Rikti Invasion started. His parents once agained donned their garb and joined the assult aganist the Rikti. They entered the vortex to help stop the invasion, Those heros who entered never returned. Lx learned about his parents death from the Vice-President after he returned to Washington D.C. Using his resources he joined his Brother Nick now a scientist working in Paragon City in the recreation of the G.E.N.I.U.S. Formula. Nick discovered the missing data was found in their own DNA sequence. He then recreated the formula and the entire family underwent treatment and developed Superpowers. Project Fighting Hero was reborn. Lx told his family, that American Valor would once again protect this country. Donning the name and a improved costume created by Nick, Lx has now dedicated himself to being a natural superhero's hero. He works for Federal Bureau of Superpowered Affairs in special operations in both his id's now.
  10. Supergroup Name: Tribute to Superman
    Leader or Recruiting Officers: Currently American Valor
    Preferred Method of contact: In game Tell, or Request.
    Guild Description: This is a Tribute for Christopher Reeve, one of the many Supermen. He made us believe a man could fly. If you want to pay tribuite to him send a tell when I'm on. This group will be in existance for rest of the month, and the month of November. All heros any Levels are welcome. See you all on the Liberty.

    I'm currently on about 9 pm est. Thanks for the bandwith

    Up up and away!!!
    American Valor
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    .... And I hope mine will not be the only post.

    So far it's me Mystical, Orangutank, SilkSteel, and Eighty-eight. (they don't read these boards like I do )

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You can add to that list:
    Star_Justice aka Nick Flagg, and his Brother
    American Valor aka Lx Flagg
    See you on line people
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    ::Smiling:: "Time to weigh in for Justice!" ::still smiling:: "No really I feel compeled to let them know that the scales of justice has weighed there deeds and they were found wanting." ::ears pick up the crys for help. Smiling at you, he turns and leaps over the wall Shouting::

    OCC: You can hear it live on the Liberity Server!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ::His brother American Valor looks at the reporter smiles:: "He likes to grand stand a lot. Mines simple, as I remind the 5th column at every chance, " Red, White, and Blue, your Through!" Its normally the last thing they hear before waking up in superjail. I guess i should join him.":: Turning, He also leaps over the wall.::

    OOC:: See you all on the Liberity Server.
    • Supergroup Name: Sentinel Of Liberty A top 100 SG
    • Website: none current
    • Leader or Recruiting Officers: American Valor (Founding Father) Sgt Pandora (Co Founder)
    • Method of Contact: ingame, my normal gaming time is 9:30pm - 1am Eastern Standard Time zone, e-mail at
    • Description: My idea for this group is all Heroes are welcome. It is an Avengers type style Super Group. No forced grouping or 'power leveling' involved. Gifting of non needed enhancements to others encouraged weather on the team or not. The same with Salvage, and a willingness to assist all heros who ask.
    • IO's bins. IO's and Salvage are available to all Sentinel level members. There is a recruit time frame, which maybe wavied if known to Founder or another Sentinel member petitions for them.
    • SG Colors: Blue and White
    • SG uniform: Team uniform not required, but do exist if you should want one. Uniform style is Justice Armor. CC Salvage is available to make the extra CC slot just ask.
    • Motto: E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many, One. It doesn't make the Many less valid or the One less important. Heros are made through Deeds, You can always tell heros from villians by their methods.
    • Meetings and Secret ID's: For our Rper's Our base is devided into two parts the Living Quarters and Mission Base, Mission computer with raid porter for SG and friends COP, Access to all zones via base porters, full medical hospital and workshop.

  13. American_Valor

    RP hangout

    [ QUOTE ]
    These ideas are all great, but if there is going to be any initial meet-up, we need a plan. So in my humble way ... I'm going to hang out on the roof of Liberty server's City Hall (Atlas Park) at 10pm, Eastern Time, on Tue, June 1. I'll wait around a bit to see if any other RPers show. If you can't get up there on the roof, send me a tell ... we'll work somethin' out.

    Anybody interested in teaming, super-group ideas, more permanent meeting spot, or just chatting, come on down!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wish I would have been available, sorry I missed that meeting, how about same time tonight, 5 June 10 pm est.
  14. American_Valor

    RP hangout

    Look for American Valor I mostly play him on liberity these days. Star Justice is currently on the shelf due to seroius injuries. No actual meeting have taken place, but some kool things have been going on with local teamup and Group assist. I just started up a Super Group called the Sentinels Of Liberity. It's my attempt of an avengers type super group. So all are welcome. I'm going to try an online meeting I'll announce a time and see what happens.
  15. American_Valor

    RP hangout

    [ QUOTE ]
    Magic shops are buildings in Paragon that you can enter anytime, that cater to your enhancement needs if you are of magical origin... Steel Canyon has Pandora's Box north of the hospital, and Talos Island has Tabitha's in the north east corner of the main island.

    There are also shops for each origin scattered throughout the zones.

    The roof idea could work, but you are right in that it would exclude low levels, and I've recently met some of the best role-players "just starting out..."

    There's just something about meeting people in the dark recesses of a shop with books and artifacts everywhere... Plus since each one is a brick building then they should be easy to find from above!

    However, if we ended up getting a large turn out... the space isn't so good in there, and I'm not worried about disrupting people with role-playing, but getting in there way from entering and approaching a salesman!

    So, perhaps a large building in Atlas is out only choice... but WHERE!!??

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Kool, I really like your Idea, If you don't mind sharing it and even if you do :chuckle: I'm gonna try it on the main server I play on I'll let you know how it goes.

    Star_Justice on Liberity
    Dr Mythos on Virtue
  16. A I use the profanity filter, B my character is a throwback from the Golden age of Heros, so any stronger swear word than is available in comic code will probally earn your character a dressing down expecially if women and children are present, as heros We are suspose to set the example.
    Just My two cents worth., Oh and because he wouldn't want to make you look any badder he would not do it in public because that wouldn't help.

  17. SwatKats Kool, I agree with you but I got the Lyrics from the Bonnie Tyler website so I wouldn't get it wrong. Doh guess I'll need to tell them to to get that fixed. also I fixed this one for this post.

    Another music choice would be: Hero by Enrique Iglesias

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, Greatest American Hero was a great show.

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Definitely that "Believe it or not, I'm walking on air!" song from that short lived but highly enjoyable TV show, The Greatest American Hero from the early 80's... MOST definitely!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Oh Yea, Thats good,
    But this would be My Awesome, Music:

    Bonnie Tylers, Holding Out for a Hero
    (1st verse only here)
    Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods?
    Where's the street wise Hercules to fight the rising odds?
    Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
    Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what i need

    I Need a Hero....
    And that would be ME (Star_Justice)
    lol ok I guess thats kinda vain considering I'm in COH lol

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Okay, I can't let this go, because it's one of my all-time favorite songs.

    It's not "great white hercules". It's "street-wise hercules". And that would likely be Martin's themesong, as well. Either that, or the theme from the short-lived cartoon series "SwatKats". You'd have to hear the theme to understand.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  18. ::Alert alert.... Password Requested... Password Accepted ....file encripted....initiating decription...Begin::

    Psychological Profile of Nick Flagg, aka Star Justice

    Nick believes in the ideas & values: of being a "true" superhero, in the country, and in the government of the United States. He does not believe in killing to solve problems, and feels that only a villain would cause a death of an innocent. He will always come back for anyone who is left behind no matter what. He feels he has to be as great a hero as his father was and live up to the reputation of being a superhero's hero. His profile is currently active and to be updated regularly.

    Physical Profile of Nick Flagg, aka Star Justice

    Physical Description: 28 year old male, Height 6' 3", Weight 245 lbs, short blonde hair, blue-grey eyes, broad shoulders, strong features with a very imposing muscular build, ( 6% Body Fat & 24" biceps ) incredibly handsome with a bronze-tan complexion.

    Known Powers: Nick has displayed great feats of Strength, and also the defenseability of being nearly Invulnerability, for short periods of time. He has developed his combat skills, and other mental abilities as was expected with the original G.E.N.I.U.S. Formula.

    Appearance: (Hero ID) Golden Age Hero costume, Royal Blue, field of white stars running along rightside across back down leftside, Scales of Justice on his chest. Flash Resistance Multispectrum Vision Glasses, Gold and White Tactical belt with gold buckle, with gold knee high boots and gold elbow length gauntlets.

    Appearance: (Secret ID) Nick appears as a serious looking person in a nice dark suit and "GARGOYLE" Sunglasses with a radio wire in his ear, who's standing off to the side trying to look as inconspicuous as possible due to his imposing physique, or in jeans and T-shirt when not working.

    Origin: Roger Flagg is Nick's father, who also was the Golden Age Hero "American Valor" who along with Miss Justice were test subjects for the original Project Fighting Hero. They were exposed to and given the Flagg Bio-Agent #17 G.E.N.I.U.S. Formula [ Genetically Energize Neuromuscular Irradiate Ultraviolet Steroids ] which transformed all test subjects into very tough and strong individuals. Combat skills, and abilities must still be taught but are learned at an incredible rate hence the name genius. However, the Flagg Bio-Agent was considered too dangerous to mass produce. Before a larger batch could be created, the secret lab was destroyed in a freak military accident. All information was said to have been lost along with most of the Scientific personnel involved in Project Fighting Hero.

    After the war American Valor and Miss Justice were married, years later they started a family. Nicholas Flagg was born on 8th of April and named after his grandfather. He was raised and trained by both parents. Nick was studied by some of the top men in the nation. The conclusion was that he had developed most of his parent's abilities and was equivalent to any professional athlete, like his brothers and sister.
    Nick's first love was science, still his father trained him to become a hero once American Valor retired. Roger Flagg never got the chance, He was killed during the Rikti Invasion while protecting Washington D.C. Mrs Justice died alongside of her husband protecting what she loved as well.

    Once Nick learned about his parents death he devoted all his energies to the recreation of the G.E.N.I.U.S. Formula. He discovered the missing data was found in his own DNA sequence. After his initial exposure to the improved Flagg Bio-Agent#18 G.E.N.I.U.S Formula, He started to develop rapid muscular growth, as well as a slight density increase. Upon administering the full formula he developed Super Strength, and limited Invulnerability, and thus Star Justice was born.

    Nick has now decided to concentrate on being a scientific superhero. He works for the Pargon City Justice Department in special operations in both his hero ID, as well as in his secret ID.

    File close, report generated...encription activated.......
  19. "ahh, the sweet smell of fresh air" ::Taking a deep breath:: "Those sewers reeked, first the cadavers, and now the lost." ::looking about the area, Star_Justice decides to take to the skys:: {Hmm, I wonder if they finally got those upgrades into my lab, I better head home to check it out. I was able to score a major deal on my move from Justice Avenue to my new digs in Liberity Park, near Freedom Plaza. Good thing too Cause Liberity Park appears to be in desperate needs of heros.} :: Raising above the roof tops Star Justice turns his attention homeward moving quickly scanning the area below for signs of trouble.....::

    Names Star_Justice, currently 8th level Science/Tank (Inv/SS, Flight: hover, Leadership: Manuvers)
    Hopefully I'll catch up with you on Liberity, if you see me say Hi.
  20. Well, I would have to really wonder about paying for something that I can find on each of the servers, with a bit of watching and looking. I try to role play where ever my character lands, example I completed a mission, exited and saw a fellow Tank taking a beating I attempted a rescue when I realized he was losing, I wasn't fast enough to actually rescue, My poor choice of tactics, wound us both off in the hospital. It was a rp choice, the guy I tried to help lets just say he was the strong silent type. RP Choice, or not you choose. Look for me on Liberity Server, and depending on your level I might even gift you enhancements.

    This is Star_Justice .....signing off... Now wheres that coffee?
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    Florida! Dangit, I'm southern not central... <grumbles>

    Anyhow, yes, that is very... er... disturbing...

    But funny as can be!!! Hahahahaa!


    [/ QUOTE ]
    Really, WPB here
    Currently playing Online RPGA LF, or Now COH, begining to teach my kids about rpg vs computer, and how they can work together.
    Still trying to make a cup of anything appear, So I can finally take a coffee break
    How about it guys, it better than reading the newspaper.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Definitely that "Believe it or not, I'm walking on air!" song from that short lived but highly enjoyable TV show, The Greatest American Hero from the early 80's... MOST definitely!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Oh Yea, Thats good,
    But this would be My Awesome, Music:

    Bonnie Tylers, Holding Out for a Hero
    (1st verse only here)
    Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods?
    Where's the great white Hercules to fight the rising odds?
    Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?
    Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what i need

    I Need a Hero....
    And that would be ME (Star_Justice)
    lol ok I guess thats kinda vain considering I'm in COH lol
  23. That was Really funny, it brightened my day. LOL
  24. Sitting in his new Apt, Dr Mythos watches the ad on his small B/W 13 inch that the previous tenet. Wow he thinks thats different, and their looking to Hire. Looking over his Magical equiptment, The city needs heros, and an alert system will work wonders, I hope they don't mind a mystical upstart assisting. Now Lets see if I can order one of those, It can't hurt to be able to call for back up. Copying the number on the screen....

    OOC: Dr Mythos, 2nd level Mystical Defender
    On Virtue Server