RP hangout




Someone once mentioned the idea of pubs or bars for roleplayers to hang out. After loitering around Freedom Plaza and the tram station, frantically clicking on heros, looking for Descriptions (a hint that the person might be a roleplayer), it occured to me that it would be nice to have an un-official spot (on all servers) for roleplayers to gather and perhaps team up or even join a group. Or is there already such a place and I missed the clue.



No such place as of yet... we need to pick a building with a big sign and friendly atmosphere... like... Flander's Chicken!!!

"Hens like Chickens, Geese love Ganders, everyone else, like's Ned Flanders!"



Excellent Idea!

What place? What server(s)? Someone name it and I'll be there, and free chicken for everyone!

Grav's gotta do somethin' with all that cash he's rakin' in takin' down bad guys...



I was actually thinking about this... one of the magic shops perhaps? Nice ambiance right? Maybe each magic shop in each zone? I dunno... thoughts?



Magic shops sound good to me, unless someone has a better idea. We may want to put somewhere more out of the way so as not to bother the non-RPers.




Magic shops sound good to me, unless someone has a better idea. We may want to put somewhere more out of the way so as not to bother the non-RPers.

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I disagree whenever I hear people say this. I do not force people to rp, but at the same time, they cannot force me to not rp. Therefore, we should not need to change any location we deem fitting due to the non-rp crowd. In fact, some may actually be interested.




Good idea, maybe should have it ontop of a building somewhere.

I'd suggest on top of a building in Atlas Park near the Train Station. That way we would be away from the non-RPers yet close to the train station. We should be separated from the non-RPers just because it would be easy for us to find eachother. Atlas Park would be good because a lot of people are there, and low lvls would be able to join in just as long as they can get ontop of the building.



Great idea!

Top of the buildings may or may not work, I know I always groan at the thought of going on rooftops. (but then again, I still don't have fly yet, only hover)

And ... I am going to sound like a newb but ... where are the magic shops?!?



... Therefore, we should not need to change any location we deem fitting due to the non-rp crowd. In fact, some may actually be interested.


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Yeah. I am ambivalent about that. On the one hand you would like to be sure that anyone hanging out in that area is actually a roleplayer and on the other hand, you would like to attract as much new blood as possible.



I like the image of a group of heros hanging out on a rooftop, especially a tall one.

On the other hand that would exclude lower level heros. One possibility might be two areas, one for beginers and one for higher level heros.

Hey, I made a funny High level, low level.... nevermind.



Magic shops are buildings in Paragon that you can enter anytime, that cater to your enhancement needs if you are of magical origin... Steel Canyon has Pandora's Box north of the hospital, and Talos Island has Tabitha's in the north east corner of the main island.

There are also shops for each origin scattered throughout the zones.

The roof idea could work, but you are right in that it would exclude low levels, and I've recently met some of the best role-players "just starting out..."

There's just something about meeting people in the dark recesses of a shop with books and artifacts everywhere... Plus since each one is a brick building then they should be easy to find from above!

However, if we ended up getting a large turn out... the space isn't so good in there, and I'm not worried about disrupting people with role-playing, but getting in there way from entering and approaching a salesman!

So, perhaps a large building in Atlas is out only choice... but WHERE!!??



Magic shops are buildings in Paragon that you can enter anytime, that cater to your enhancement needs if you are of magical origin... Steel Canyon has Pandora's Box north of the hospital, and Talos Island has Tabitha's in the north east corner of the main island.

There are also shops for each origin scattered throughout the zones.

The roof idea could work, but you are right in that it would exclude low levels, and I've recently met some of the best role-players "just starting out..."

There's just something about meeting people in the dark recesses of a shop with books and artifacts everywhere... Plus since each one is a brick building then they should be easy to find from above!

However, if we ended up getting a large turn out... the space isn't so good in there, and I'm not worried about disrupting people with role-playing, but getting in there way from entering and approaching a salesman!

So, perhaps a large building in Atlas is out only choice... but WHERE!!??

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Kool, I really like your Idea, If you don't mind sharing it and even if you do :chuckle: I'm gonna try it on the main server I play on I'll let you know how it goes.

Star_Justice on Liberity
Dr Mythos on Virtue

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



mmm...I love Major Flander's Chicken...that's good eatin'

however, there are a lot of bars and pubs around...for some strange reason they're always closed even thought the sign in the window says open. Oh well, we could always make it a beer garden; the weather's always beautiful in Paragon and we heroes need a break every now and then.

Dwarf Star; Angel-Night, Adoniel, angel of the 12th hour of the night; among the many
Freedom Factor
and now from Warhammer Online, Gorlok, Greenskin shaman



There are parks near the Freedom Courts in Galaxy City and Atlas Park. They are handy, near other players, crime free (nothing like having Hellions pop into the middle of a discussion) and cover some area, allowing for sub-groups.



I chose Guardian to be be server to start in.
I love to roleplay and hope to meet others online.
There seems to be alot of RP'ers in Guardian... but
I can't find them!

If you know a place in the Guardian server where RP'ers
hang out please email me?


thank you!



There are parks near the Freedom Courts in Galaxy City and Atlas Park. They are handy, near other players, crime free (nothing like having Hellions pop into the middle of a discussion) and cover some area, allowing for sub-groups.

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parks sound good to me, should we designate a specific one, I.E. north, east, west, south of freedom corps or city hall?



What time are you doing this? I'm on Freedom Server and I don't fly, hover or teleport. I don't have superleap yet. You need to to state a time and time zone, central, eastern, pacific and location with a ladder to get to the roof. I want to be involved. I work 3rd shift. So I propose morning or evening on Freedom server. Not in King's Row, too many mapserver errors there.



The problem with magic shops is they're difficult to get to for lower levels, unless there are more around low level areas that I don't know about. Also, I have to agree that moving groups of roleplayers into an area where newer players probably wouldn't think to go is maybe not the best idea.




I am suggesting the parks next to Mrs. Liberty and Backstreet Brawler (the level up areas). They are accessible to all. I am not suggesting any particular server or time.

I have hung out there for a little bit a few times but I got lonely and left.



In Kings Row We could hang out at the movie theater in the southwest section of "The Gish"



I'll put in my vote for the magic shops as well.
It's not too hard to imagine them serving latte's there.
My heroes go to coffee shops just like any "normal".

Too bad we can't SIT ON A CHAIR!



I'm all for permanent meeting spots... but I would love them to be designed in game. Like originally stated. Some bars or something like them. They could be called 'Hero's Hang-out' or something like that. It could be open to all (not just those of a magic origin) and could add some real flavor to the game. Maybe even have a few 'contacts' there to lure people to them.



I'll put in my vote for the magic shops as well.

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So how does my security level 2 controller find one of these magic shops?



Good point, most low levels will get one shotted trying to get to most any of the shops. Parks are bad because your preventing spawns and as pointed out building tops make it more difficult for low levels. What you want is someplace that is around traffic but will not impede other players play so might I suggest in front of the Tram stations. Located bit away so as not to block traffic but so players and see and hear the role-playing going on and those that are interested will stop and inquire while others can continue on with their play style unhindered.

PS maybe if the Devs see all these RPers hanging out in front of the Tram stations it might get them to put in the bars a caffe's we want.



I didn't realize that standing near a spawn location prevented the spawn (cool idea though) but I also didn't think anything spawned in the parks right next to the level-up locations.

I think the tram stations have been suggested (or maybe I just thought about suggesting them). My only objection would be that it might be a little noisy. However, like you say, it doesn't have to be right under the station.

PS One possible problem with a official designated spot might be that it would be an easier target for griefers.