OOC willing to PAY?




Look, the fact is that they are not going to make an official roleplaying server. It's expensive to set up a server, and then train your gm's to toss people for not roleplaying, etc. BUT....

Here is a question I ask. Would you be willing to pay 19.95 instead of 14.95 to have the privlege of being able to make characters on a roleplaying only server. NC can count money, if this thread blows up with people saying yes, I'd bet they'll do it.

Personally, I'd pony up 5 bucks to have a server where I wanted to stop and talk to each and every character, and didn't have to play next to such characters as "pooter" "QUEEF" and "Al_Sharpton"

I vote yes. Anyone else?



Depends on where the people i play with go.

They really make it a RP server for me, not what the company said.

I support your idea though



/sign I hate the thought of paying 5 bucks extra - but if they did a good job of keeping it a RP server i'd pay it!!




1) better be exclusive to those who paid
2) better be enforced harshly



5 Dollars for a better gameplay experience is money well spent.




I'm fine with the way it is now actually... I have fun whenever I'm on. And I meet RPers constantly...

... I don't know, I might pay extra for that, but I don't think the RPers would be enough to maintain and pay GMs to create an RP server... just not feasable, IMHO... the majority of their income comes from just your average "gonna level and play and have fun for an hour or 2" crowd...



5 Dollars for a better gameplay experience is money well spent.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with that. But unfortunately, until they can enforce the rules of rp effectively this is only a dream.



Having just read this, I don't know if I support it or not, but I have one question.


How could anyone possibly enforce a "Role-Play ONLY" rule? What would be the criteria for being banned or warned? How do you stop people from "role playing" a griefer?

I mean, even the idea of role play is subjective. I've known people who immersed themselves completely in their character and truly became it, while others are acting a role, others still are playing an extension of themselves without all the RL drama.

Who gets to define what roleplay is and when someone is not living up to that concept?

I don't know if it matters how many people agree with you. There would have to actually be criteria and enforcement and I just don't see how it's possible.

~FG };^>



I'd be willing to pay, but i don't think it would work. I haven't met a single roleplayer in Paragon yet..



No, I would not. It's a great idea, but so far no one has been able to run a roleplay-enforced server where roleplay was actually enforced. Dark Age of Camelot and Horizons have already tried it, and while the RP on their roleplay servers was better than that on their regular servers it was still less than what I see on Virtue or on the Anarchy Online servers. It'd be nice if they had an official RP server, but I don't have enough faith in the concept to pay extra money for it.



Ahh (thinks for about 2 seconds)

HELL YA! I'd pay 10 more if they did it right- what's one more channel of HBO after all.



Probably, at least for a short time. But, I think it'd be more effective to just set up periodic events on each server to let people gather. The events could be monitored by admins, in buildings, and if a character just came in to stir $#!t, the admin could just move them outside. This way, people could meet, interact, and decide who best fits their style, and you don't have folks dropping the $20 RP server as soon as they meet a group of 10 people who are willing to go back to a regular server and team up there.



heck, i'll even GM for free!!!



Sorry But I don't believe I would pay. It's to hard to enforce, I just hope to find more enough other players who take the game serious enough to male role playing in paragon city both fun and enjoyable.



Well, I would have to really wonder about paying for something that I can find on each of the servers, with a bit of watching and looking. I try to role play where ever my character lands, example I completed a mission, exited and saw a fellow Tank taking a beating I attempted a rescue when I realized he was losing, I wasn't fast enough to actually rescue, My poor choice of tactics, wound us both off in the hospital. It was a rp choice, the guy I tried to help lets just say he was the strong silent type. RP Choice, or not you choose. Look for me on Liberity Server, and depending on your level I might even gift you enhancements.

This is Star_Justice .....signing off... Now wheres that coffee?

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



I've found Roleplaying on Virtue I try and I rp with others =)



Yes, in a heartbeat... IF I could count on RP being enforced.

Sadly, that's the gotcha. You cannot enforce it. Sure you could technically create a place where a majority of RPs could go, but it would still be an 'open server'.
I guess, the point about paying more *could* stop people who really were not into RPing going there, I mean what would be the point of carrying on as normal if you could do it for $5 less a month on one of the other servers.

That said, if they added any more content, had events, special zones, or anything else that WASN'T on the other servers we'd get non-RPers on the RP server just because of the extras.

Bottom line, yes I would pay extra for BOTH my accounts to RP.




Well, it could be nice, but if it got overloaded how would we be able to stop "Al_Sharpton" Or "pooter"?



Part of the enforcement is the 5 bucks extra.

Who's gonna pay 5 bucks extra to grief people only to be banned form that server.