Real Role Playing




Supergroup for REAL Role Players.

Captain Ohm: "I would like to thank you all for joining me here today. I know we are all like minded heroes"

Clockwork Avenger: "Thanks for the invitation Cap, I'm ready to lend my mechanical powers to the fight."

Gia: "As am I"

Grogog: "Grogog say smash evil."

Gia: "So what's the mission Cap.? Has the Fifth Column been terrorizing someone, Circle of Thorns up to it's tricks?"

Captain Ohm: "Not so fast - today were going to do some role playing."

Grogog: (OCC: I thought I was?)

Captain Ohm: "Ok folks, I want you all to check you're Emails - I've just sent you all your character sheets"

Clockwork Avenger: "What?"

Captain Ohm: "Yes, for my new CoH inspired RPG. It based on a D20 system."
Captain Ohm: "Slightly modified of course since we have dice but not a 20 sided one..."

Captain Ohm: "So some checks will be made with a single Die, others with a coin flip, and if there’s a tie, with a quick game of Rock Paper Scissors."

Captain Ohm: "Have you all had a chance to look at your sheets yet?"

Grogog: "So let me get this straight... I'm sitting here in Arizona, playing a video game where I play a mythical Orc named Grogog who fights crime in Paragon City but right at the moment he's instead sitting outside the Tram station in Kings Row role playing a crime fighter named... 'Major Dental' in Atlas Park?"

Gia: "But these are level one character... if I'm going to play something couldn’t you have made it a level 30."

Captain Ohm: "Grogog, yes you got it. Gia, I specifically asked for ROLE PLAYER... play what you get."

Clockwork Avenger: "Uh - OK... err... Mysteryman X, here... do I see the others?"

Captain Ohm: "Yes, you’re all in Atlas Park next to Ms. Liberty"

Gia: "Well might as well Train up to level 2 then... I talk to Ms. Liberty."

Grogog: "Grog.. Uh, Major Dental starts Flexing."

Clockwork Avenger: "Ok -"

Captain Ohm: "Just a second... Ok, Major Dental - let me roll for the Flexing.."

Captain Ohm rolls a dice

Grogog: "It’s just an Emote!"

Captain Ohm: "Ok, you’re flexing and showing off - Grim Lament is talking with Ms. Liberty, and Mysteryman X is just standing there?"

Clockwork Avenger: "Grim Lament, who’s that?"

Gia: "Oops - that’s me. Hello."

Grogog: "Oh yah... look at those pecks"

Grogog: "Major Dentals got your plan... ::Flex::"

Clockwork Avenger: "This is so stupid... hey, hold on. Mysterman X slaps Major Dental!"

Grogog: "What?"

Captain Ohm: "Ok... We'll skip the initiative roll, it's obvious he wasn’t expecting it... lets me roll for the swing and damage though..."

Gia: "Hero's don’t attack Heroes!"

Captain Ohm rolls dice.
Captain Ohm rolls dice.

Captain Ohm: "Ok Mysterman slaps Major Dental for 6 points of damage... Major Dental mark that on your sheet."

Grogog: "Can he do that?"

Clockwork Avenger: "PvP baby!"

This glimpse into the future brought to you by...

Guardian Server
Gia - Lvl 9 Earth Empath
Grogog - Lvl 8 Regen Scrapper



...... You scare me



I'm actually all for role playing in CoH and am very anti-PvP.

Just having some fun playing CoH and thinking of the some of the pen and paper gaming sessions from way back when - alot of them sounded like the above.



I'm all for RP, and I only like PvP in certain situations, but yea, that little thing up there just spooked me, and had me confused. However, with the way this game is set up, it's kind of hard to have serious RP sessions.



That was Really funny, it brightened my day. LOL

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



(OOC) It depends on how you look at it... If he is mocking roleplayers, its bad

If he is just being a funny man, then it is funny

I love pincel and paper D20 games... I actaully have a weekly group but right bow we are experiencing a low in our player count due to technical difficulties...

As for the "It's hard to have a serious roleplay session" comment, i think you are very very wrong, you just play with the wrong people if you are experiencing that...

this brings me to my next thought.... any one in central florida looking for a pincel and paper campaign want to join a 3.5 game in the Forgotten Realms setting?



(OOC) It depends on how you look at it... If he is mocking roleplayers, its bad

If he is just being a funny man, then it is funny

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Well I could be both mocking and funny.

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this brings me to my next thought.... any one in central florida looking for a pincel and paper campaign want to join a 3.5 game in the Forgotten Realms setting?

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Makes me wish I was in FL then...

I find it hard to scratch up a group for real life gaming. Dang I'm so out of date the last games I played face to face instead of E-Mail had to be either Top Secret/SI, Paranoia, or Traveller.



Paranoia!!!! But citizen, you don't sound happy. Are you happy? All citizens are required to be happy. If your not happy we have ways to make you happy citizen.



I thought it was meant as funny, so I am treating it that way, too. I was almost ready for Grogg to say, "I wanna get drunk!" and keep asking, "Do I find any women, if so I wanna DO them!"

Ahh, Paranoia,.. Top Secret... Traveller.. Tabletop PnP game gems all!..



. I was almost ready for Grogg to say, "I wanna get drunk!" and keep asking, "Do I find any women, if so I wanna DO them!"

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I love that skit and while I didnt use it I was thinking of it.

Too bad the DeadAle Wives website isnt up anymore.



I loved Paranoia! That was such a fun game.

It's soo... green! Where's the ceiling!!??



That was outstanding, man. Well done.




Florida! Dangit, I'm southern not central... <grumbles>

Anyhow, yes, that is very... er... disturbing...

But funny as can be!!! Hahahahaa!




I know I'm pretty lucky. We have a group that plays every Saturday. We generally run from 6 to midnight. We have 4 players in that group and we have 3 current Campaigns. Dragonlance D20, Forgotten Realms D20, and Starwars D20. I also play Sunday with a secondary group in which have Multiple games. A few of them are AD&D 2.5 and we a few based on the Palladum Multiverse. I can say as far as roleplaying I have a very good group. Everyone gets into there characters and most of the game is Player to Player interaction with maybe 1 or 2 combat encounters in a 6 hour game. In some cases we might not even have "Mechanical" combat. With that out of the way I must say I ran into a few people Rping on Pinnacle and palying along is a blast. Just the other day there was an individual doing kata. i commented on it in character and we had a nice in character conversation about exercises and power armor.



Savannah, Ga and Bluffton, SC area here.

We game everyone Saturday depending on schedules. Lets see... list of games. . .

Palladium Fantasy
Call of Chuthulu
Pendragon - only about 5 times a year due to the GM lives out of state.
We also have two games that two of our crew designed that we tryout every so often after edits. So yeah, I'm a geek. So sue me.




Florida! Dangit, I'm southern not central... <grumbles>

Anyhow, yes, that is very... er... disturbing...

But funny as can be!!! Hahahahaa!


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Really, WPB here
Currently playing Online RPGA LF, or Now COH, begining to teach my kids about rpg vs computer, and how they can work together.
Still trying to make a cup of anything appear, So I can finally take a coffee break
How about it guys, it better than reading the newspaper.

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



I have all the paranoia books in nice little plastic bags =) GOOD condition and all..too bad it scares people to play the first time..havne't had any repeat players =\



Hell, if you were close I'd play with you I always wanted to play Paranoia. If I can make it through a weekend of Call of Chuthlu and not be weirded out afterwards, I can take anything.



Paranoid isn't so much creepy...its..insane? That the word I want?

Any game that gives you six "clones" aka Lives and you have a good chance of going through all six in ONE SESSION is pretty insane



Paranoid isn't so much creepy...its..insane? That the word I want?

Any game that gives you six "clones" aka Lives and you have a good chance of going through all six in ONE SESSION is pretty insane

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the first time I played it was 2ED I believe. It had the torubeshooter walkign down the hall whistling while a gorup of security guards were waitign to ambush him. Anyway the first time I played We managed to go through all bu 1 clone in the training mission scenerio. And we did that before we ever got briefed. My guy was named Hshen R Block.

I had fun when they gave us our gear and we got ultra viloet ammo for our rifles by mistake. I painted the clips and used them later to kill Kill the other players. To bad for me my rifle had a secruity chip to prevent higher energy level ammo from beign used.



Ok, so where is this rp supergroup? what server? cause I'm on Liberty, and there's no rp here.



I have all the paranoia books in nice little plastic bags =) GOOD condition and all..too bad it scares people to play the first time..havne't had any repeat players =\

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How can someone not enjoy playing Paranoia?? I mean burning thru your clones is just too much fun! Also enjoyable for non stop laughing while playing is HOL (Human Occupied Landfil). Not as well done as Paranoia, but really funny. You just have to love a game that has the skill 'make sharp things go thru soft things that scream and bleed'.