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  1. I've actually had several of these experiences myself recently... I started a "Master of Imperious Task Force" run a week or two ago (can't remember the day), and though I had most of the team full with people I already knew and trusted, there was still a "hole" in the team that needed to be filled with 1 or 2 people. So, I broadcasted for someone to join, and a couple responded to my broadcasts.

    However, both lvl 50s that answered my broadcasts seemed to not only have no idea what Cimerora was, they didn't even seem to know what the task force was, how to get to the zone, or that you needed to complete a certain story arc just to get there.

    And... This was for a MASTER run.

    Needless to say, they weren't invited.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
    Most players, especially those seeking a challenge, would like a reward akin to their effort. This is not unreasonable.

    Looks sideways with aggravation at current MA custom critters.

    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Before I-16, I liked running TF/SFs at 5th diff. It was fun. It wasn't a cakewalk. The rewards were good.

    Acemace, you're very wrong in your opinion. Is it unreasonable for me to ask for a salary that is in line with the job I'm doing? Is it unreasonable to accept that to lose 10 pounds I need to eat less and exercise more?

    No, neither of those stances are unreasonable. It's also not unreasonable at all to expect X reward for accomplishing Y task in a game when that standard has already been set within the game.

    I disagree with this change. I find it a sloppy workaround for a problem that should have been dealt with in a more logical way before the new difficulty settings went live.

    Standard difficulty TF/SFs are boring. Expecting someone to increase their difficulty without comparable rewards is idiotic. At least when we do it in Ouroboros we're doing it for a badge.

    Quite frankly, your "correction" of the post comes across as trollish and nothing more.

    And I say this as someone who generally enjoys your posts.
    Also QFT.

    I don't think I could add to it... It was already said too well!

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    1. Fearing a Boss with Invoke Panic + Intimidate can be very satisfying indeed, and can buy you enough time to decimate the enemies supporting the Boss, or lessens the number of attacks the Boss can retaliate with!

    I wouldn't say it's a tool that completely neutralizes mezzers in combat, but it's a tool that helps quite a bit and keeps things still challenging but a bit easier to handle.
    Thanks, you've inspired me to make a build for VestigeOne using Invoke Panic extensively (coupled with Inky Aspect) as an "experimental" playstyle vs. high-mez enemies.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    Actually, it helps quite a bit when you're running with an All Kheldian Team! As things stand though, it does assist me in surviving slightly better against Cysts and their fluffies when my Kheldian teammates are also around me and I taunt the bunch of fluffies so the team can take out the Cysts.

    Yeah, if you've ever done an all-Kheld iTF as LX and I have, you'll notice a major difference between being on a "normal" team and attacking the cysts and being on a "Kheldian" team and attacking the cysts...

    On the other hand... Yeah, you have a point. Just having a benefit like that one that only helps you on a specific mission/situation seems like a bit of a waste.

    Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
    Kheldians, I find, aren't to be taken in large doses.
    Oh, noes.... I've completely and totally overdosed.

    Many times.

  5. AlienOne

    6-Kheldian ITF

    Speaking of which.....



    All Kheld iTF Test Server Event?


  6. AlienOne

    Oh, Snap!

    Check the video out sometime... You'll see at the beginning that I was immediately both stunned and held while trying to get to the sapper ( Yeah, getting stunned (and held by the "Gun-slingers") is a MAJOR pain, and something that normally causes me to avoid Malta at all costs. But... For the purpose of the test....

    Sappers aren't really a heck of a problem for Warshades even if hit, because after a full eclipse, all your shields dropping or having no endurance won't change your resistances a bit. For Peacebringers, it might pose a bit of a problem (unless you're in Light Form).

  7. Oh, no... I can see this having a definite negative impact on how hard it is for me to complete a Positron now...

  8. AlienOne

    Oh, Snap!

    Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
    Only being mezzed for 50% of the duration helps a lot, it means you are less likely to die while mezzed and have more chance to be able to heal once the mez wears off.

    It is about as good as a human only build can hope for I would say, though since the protection doesn't scale well anything over 100% is probably not going to be noticed.

    Like I said, an 80% difference is HUGE for a human-former, especially when fighting mobs like Malta who can seemingly perma-stun you.

    That said, I still proved that I could take down two 8-man Malta mobs at +2 with only 20% resistance...

    ...Now I'm wondering how much easier it'll be with at least 80% resistance...

  9. I have not, sorry...

    I'm wondering because my two "main badgers" happen to be both my PB and my WS. I could care less about badges (except accolades) on any of my other toons, but my PB and my WS are the ones I'm trying to get "all of them" on...

    However, this "situation" is preventing that... Ah, well.

  10. AlienOne

    Oh, Snap!

    84.5% Stun Resist Build

    103.9% Stun Resist Build (DAAAAUUUUUMMM!!!)

    I would NOT recommend that second build for ANYONE, as that has taken away Dark Detonation AND Gravity Well--two absolutely key powers for a human-form warshade... I mainly did that second build just to test and see just how high one could get resistances... Alternatively, You could also snag Assault from Leadership and have your resistances for Taunt and Placate be just as high as stun, sleep, confuse, and fear.

    Now... What I want to know is... If your resistance is over 100%, would that mean you never get stunned?

    Or... Would you get stunned (and get your Orbiting Death toggle dropped), but it be so fast that it would seem nonexistant and you realize later "Oh, my OD dropped... Wonder how that happened..."

    I'm thinking it would probably be the latter since over 100% resistance doesn't equal "protection".... But, it WOULD mean waaaaay less downtime from stuns, which in the end is what I'm concerned about with VestigeOne's human-only build.

    By the way, the key power here is (and I can't believe I didn't think of this before with VestigeOne---I blame Stygian Circle's all-encompassing heal/recovery abilities for that...haha) "Aid Self."

    I've never attempted this as part of a "playstyle" before, but technically, I could hit myself with Aid Self before I went into a stun-heavy mob, and therefore make my fight a heck of a lot easier--basically, I'd be using Aid Self, not for the heal, but for its disorient-resistance properties...

    Hey, if the Devs won't give us human-former players some form of mez protection other than a hulking, slow-*** 3-attack ugly beast, this is the next best thing!



    Couple of peeps just confirmed in-game this evening that 100% resistance isn't "mez protection." 100% resistance is "half mez duration."

    Still..... A hell of a lot more than the 20% or so I had built into Vestige for the past few years... :P
  11. AlienOne

    Oh, Snap!

    I just figured out a build for VestigeOne that puts my regen up to 307% and STUN RESISTANCE up to 84.5%!!!

    Muuhahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! !

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
    All we need is a Positron post, a SexyJay post and the rare (non-existent?) Ghost Widow post and this we'll have a dev royal flush.

    ... sorry BABs.

    Has Ghost Widow ever posted?



    Ah, I see her last post was 2007...
  13. They've done this before.... When they came out with PvP recipes, they announced on (I think) the beta tester in-game channel that they were going to seed the market with them, so if you wanted them for testing, you needed to post a bid (1 influence was ok)...

    So, I know the capability for this exists.... It just might be not what the Devs want to spend any time on.

  14. AlienOne

    Level 50 Snobs

    Originally Posted by SkyRocker View Post
    I've got a few 50's but for me, those character's "lives" ended at 50. I play for the fun of leveling, getting new powers, learning the character. The only time I really log into my 50's is when I need money for one of my alts or something like that.

    A few times I've gotten tells asking me to join lvl 50 missions, I politely decline. Just me I guess.
    Yeah, I tend to be exactly the opposite... The "leveling up" part (especially during endurance-problem phases) is just a grind for me, and then when I hit 50 with a toon, it becomes fun to set out and play... I do way more TFs when I'm a 50 than when I'm low-lvl...

    To each his own!

  15. That's because you're Westley.


  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
    I am wondering if there wasn't a "stealth" change to recipe drop-rates, and here's why: the new eight-man setting.

    Leaving the rates alone would mean that people could be alone in a mission and come out with an ungodly amount of recipes anyways. This of course would be an "exploit."

    So to prevent "exploits," recipe drop rate was greatly reduced - and I seem to be seeing less salvage these days as well, although I may be wrong on that one. What people never seem to remember is that anytime we get a new ability such as this, something else will be "adjusted" in the name of "balance." Therefore be careful what you wish for, you may just end up paying for it in some unexpected way.


  17. Although I'm not a "tanker-type" and don't prefer to roll them, I'd have to say that this is a really well-written guide. I have a WP Brute, so I still found what was written a very interesting read, though it seems more geared towards "tanks" and not "brutes."


    BTW, It must take a LOT for you to give an "A"... I didn't see a single one even for the "recommended"

  18. I was wondering the same thing, and then I thought to myself that maybe she was talking about EBs... Or possibly fighting AVs while teaming becoming easier/more reliable when one starts IO'ing out...

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
    Is it challenging or annoying? Why shouldn't I be able to play a bit more 'gung ho' as a defender who is normally has to play like I'm terrified of anything boss-like with mezzing?

    Ah, the 'you can work around problems in ATs with inspirations.'

    Look how well that worked for scrappers and tanks when they had ridiculous armor toggle costs.

    Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
    Something like this in a very minimal way WOULD make some of the AT's that are not very soloable a lot more capable of soloing.

  20. /agreed.... If I can make it, I'll make it.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorciere View Post
    Exactly my point. If this were interesting content, you'd not be raving about how fast you got PAST it, but what you experienced doing it.
    That would only work for the first 20 toons I put through it. For the next 20+ toons I'd have to put through it, I'd definitely be talking about how fast I got past it.

  22. I just found out that I'll be working on Saturday from 9am to 3pm, so I'm not available this weekend during those times, but other than that, the rest of my weekend's free...

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    This has not been true for me since I-16 hit beta. I solo almost all the time. My drop rates have been abysmal compared to I-15.

  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    I fully expect to loose rep due to this.
    LoLz, what you worried so much about -rep for? I get comments all the time like "GTFO," "n00b," "STFU," and "you are a discrace to the military and your country" all the time, and I'm not worried about it.

    In fact, I get great amusement from such things...

    This is, after all, an online forum.

  25. By the way, using a definition from the dictionary to clarify a meaning is not "plagiarism."

    True, he didn't "quote a source" (as if we all need to have some sort of "note section" in all our, but he also didn't outright claim that "he came up with that definition" either.

    Just FYI.
