I17: City of Socialism




In keeping with the current strategy set forth to achieve an equal playing field, Issue 17 will continue to move City of Heroes / Villains into a more even game experience.

Below is a list of prior accomplishments we've completed already towards this goal:

1. "Normalized" PvP attributes to the point where basically all players are exactly the same and the outcome should always be determined by who has more players.

2. "Normalized" experience gains so that no player should receive any large bonuses based on increased difficulty or better play ability.

3. Reduced AE Ticket rewards to the point where it's actually silly to waste your time inside AE.

4. Stealth nerfed the drop rate on all recipe's so that when people actually stop wasting their time in AE, they can waste their time in normal missions, hoping for recipe drops that will never come.

5. Reduced the requirements for all accolades so that everyone can achieve the same attributes without working too hard.

Going forward with Issue 17 we will continue make this a more balanced game by doing the following:

6. Adding a cap to all items on the market so that no item can be listed for greater than 100,000 inf. Every player should have equal access to all recipes.

7. Increasing all set bonus' given by IO's. Reducing the cap for defense, resistance, recharge rate, and damage bonus. Every player should easily reach the new limits.

8. Implementing an xp scaling system. After you defeat an enemy that rewards any xp, you will receive a 5 minute cool down period before you can receive any additional xp. If you kill another mob during that cool down period, your timer will reset to an additional 5 minutes.

9. All Powers will have their damage re-scaled. Tier 1 single target damaging attacks will all deal equal damage no matter what character arch type is being played. The same scale will go into effect for Cone / AOE / Ranged / Melee attacks. The number used for each type of attack will be that of the AT who currently deals the lowest damage.

10. Hours of operation - Players will only be allowed 1 hour of game time per day since we've determined that this is the current average amongst our gaming community. This number is likely to change since we're doing everything in our power to get you to stop playing this game.



Hey, this isn't even a player question

Also, I'm not sure you understand the definition of socialism.

Finally, I think I beat the lock on this one... although the locking has been a bit lax lately.

I might even loose rep with this post. Oh well



Socialism refers to various theories of economic organisation advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterised by equal access to resources for all individuals with an egalitarian method of compensation. It is characterised by unequal distribution of wealth and compensation according to work done. Contrary to popular belief, socialism is not a political system; it is an economic system distinct from capitalism.

Most socialists share the view that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and derives its wealth through exploitation, creates an unequal society, does not provide equal opportunities for everyone to maximise their potentialities and does not utilise technology and resources to their maximum potential nor in the interests of the public.

Therefore my definition of City of Socialism is a game where you are not rewarded for working hard and trying to achieve something "greater" than the standard. Every aspect of this game is going through a transformation into punishing those who work hard and rewarding those who are inept. I can't understand the motivation the devs have in what they are turning this game into, but 90% of my friends I group with are gone. Each night on vent, all anyone talks about is what new game are they trying. Aion, Champions online, and several others is all there is to talk about ...

It just makes me sad that the devs are killing this game. I'm not exagerating when I say I'm lucky if 2 people on my global friends are online, when 2 weeks ago I averaged a minimum of 15 friends on at any given time.



Originally Posted by ThugsRus View Post
Socialism refers to various theories of economic organisation advocating public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of resources, and a society characterised by equal access to resources for all individuals with an egalitarian method of compensation. It is characterised by unequal distribution of wealth and compensation according to work done. Contrary to popular belief, socialism is not a political system; it is an economic system distinct from capitalism.

Most socialists share the view that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and derives its wealth through exploitation, creates an unequal society, does not provide equal opportunities for everyone to maximise their potentialities and does not utilise technology and resources to their maximum potential nor in the interests of the public.
Wow, you FLAT OUT copy pasta'd this from Wikipedia.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



From the OP, I'm not going to comment on most of your list (though I do agree with some of the points), but attacking the I16 badge changes as bad for the game is, in my opinion, a mistake. Accolades will still take extra effort to complete above and beyond the course of normal gameplay (seriously, the only accolade I've ever earned without intending it is Task Force Commander), but the I16 changes made it so that the accolades were less of a grind to obtain. I don't know about you, but having to AFK overnight damage farms for days or weeks just to get the Born in Battle accolade wasn't my idea of fun or balanced, and having to slog through hundreds of grey-conning enemies to find bosses for a badge isn't fun either. I'm glad the accolades were adjusted, especially villainside - before last weekend I'd only partially accoladed one villain, and now I'm well on the route to having all my PvP villains accoladed.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



OP: the game is NOT punishing those who work harder. It's punishing people who put in less effort, but are trying to get more rewards out of it. If you think that is socialism, I don't know what to say.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Yes, I did copy and paste the definition of socialism from Wiki. What better way to make sure everyone was on the same page as for the definition of something?

Now that we can agree on the defintion, let's move forward with a debate with substance by discussing whether changing a game so that everyone's goal should be to reach a 50% quality character.

Yes, I agree some of the requirements for the accolades should have been addressed. Um ... 5+ years later seems a little over due in my opinion. It's only now that this change is put into place? Why on Earth would "now" be the time for this? I can only guess that this is to "throw a bone" to all the people who are furious with all the other changes that have been made.

So many forum posters are so eager to claim "DOOOOOM" any time anyone questions the developers. I think everyone needs to take a look at the numbers. After every issue release there's always a large increase in population. Why is it that the population on every server completely tanked since I16?



I don't see how the new difficulty settings, which allow me to pursue and achieve more rewards, is socialistic. I can't think of anything that has recently been added that strikes me as particularly socialistic. It's possible to kill a game without enforcing any economic morals upon others, so I don't see the logical step here.

Now, the whiners in the market forum, they would certainly applaud.



Yes, I did copy and paste the definition of socialism from Wiki. What better way to make sure everyone was on the same page as for the definition of something?
You were challenged on whether you understood what socialism was, so you plagerized Wiki as if you'd written it yourself. A block of text does not equate to understanding.

Why is it that the population on every server completely tanked since I16?
Your numbers for this are...? Do you mean, the numbers of people standing in Atlas's AE and Cap's AE is down? Is that your metric? I've taken a few random samples of Freedom's Villainside population, and the numbers are up

Also, don't forget that over the last couple months, schools all over the world were starting back up, seriously cutting out a lot of playtime for many of the gamers, which'll cause a decline in activity of EVERY game... and it always happens every year, so don't let that fool you.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Wow, you FLAT OUT copy pasta'd this from Wikipedia.
As if that's got some sort of negative connotations attached to it? You expected him to have his own special definition of socialism, so you could rip it to shreds? But, because he used a definition by which *most* of the general public can agree on, the most you can do is.... Point that out?

You're grabbin' at straws... If you don't like the OP or just plain disagree with him/her that much, and you'd like to get some sort of insult in, you might fare better with a "your mom" jab.

Try that next time. It may yield more satisfying results.

Not that I agree with most (if any) of his/her points... I'd just like to see a little more intelligent debate going on between two people that disagree than:

"This game sux"
"What is your definition of 'this'?"
"Same as the 'this' from the dictionary."
"I say you don't understand it."
"So... What I was saying was..."

*moderator closes thread*


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
As if that's got some sort of negative connotations attached to it? You expected him to have his own special definition of socialism, so you could rip it to shreds? But, because he used a definition by which *most* of the general public can agree on, the most you can do is.... Point that out?
He was challenged on whether he knew what it meant, so he plagiarized wikipedia in an attempt to look like he knew what he was talking about.

He's not saying anything new that hasn't already been said in a dozen other DOOOOOOM threads.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by ThugsRus View Post
Therefore my definition of City of Socialism is a game where you are not rewarded for working hard and trying to achieve something "greater" than the standard. Every aspect of this game is going through a transformation into punishing those who work hard and rewarding those who are inept. I can't understand the motivation the devs have in what they are turning this game into, but 90% of my friends I group with are gone. Each night on vent, all anyone talks about is what new game are they trying. Aion, Champions online, and several others is all there is to talk about ...
I think the main weakness of your arguments are the bases upon false analogies. I can only rebut your argument based upon what I suspect are the issues, since no examples are cited in your OP.

For example, hard work is not equal to exploiting the systems put in place to reward players for risk. Without reciting previous threads, there were certain exploits in the game concerning the Mission Architect, whereas players could easily gain rewards regardless of ability. This debate is already covered in several other threads, so I'll spare a full recap for the sake of brevity.

If one thinks that devs are punishing players for their hard work, that is false. On the other hand, if one thinks the devs are punishing players for abusing the Mission Architect, that is almost certainly true. Changes constantly happen to MA, TFs and other high-reward systems to ensure that they work within the devs' design, and also to fairly reward on risk versus reward.

In addition, citing other MMOs does not discount the fact that other games can and often do make adjustments in order to remedy exploits, normalize gameplay, and so forth. The best example is Champions Online, a game you cited. They in fact made a major adjustment (nerf) on launch day, of all days. If you look at the patch notes for any other MMO on the market, changes, both adverse and beneficial, happen on regular bases. In saying that players will switch to other, greener MMOs on the other side of the fence is, IMHO, a gambler's fallacy (based on perceived (but not actual) odds); or a fallacy based on novelty (newer things are always better).

As for socialism? The game is hardly taxing the marketeers to give the casual players an advantage at the market; nor is it taking away PvP IOs from those who earned them to give casual players a PvP advantage. This is the closest parallel to socialism I can think of within CoX, and it's not what is happening in the game. There's a difference between reading a definition of a word on an online wiki (a wiki nonetheless; not even an online dictionary, which would be a better reference), understanding the definition of that word, and then finally applying that definition towards the subject. IMO, you only accomplished the first step, and used the furor of current political RL events in order to stir the masses, which IMO failed to accomplish your objective.

In short, your thread is poor satire at best, and a gross exaggeration at worst. Despite your recent malaise of the game, I encourage you to understand the problems in your thread in order to post constructively in the future and, hopefully, in the right forum.



one of the tags for this thread is *yawns*. That pretty much sums it up right there. Am I so easily entertained that I don't care what changes are made, so long as I can hang out with my friends? Serious thread is serious



By the way, using a definition from the dictionary to clarify a meaning is not "plagiarism."

True, he didn't "quote a source" (as if we all need to have some sort of "note section" in all our posts...lol), but he also didn't outright claim that "he came up with that definition" either.

Just FYI.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
By the way, using a definition from the dictionary to clarify a meaning is not "plageurism."
Ripping the first two paragraphs of an encyclopedia (not dictionary ) is indeed plagiarism.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
By the way, using a definition from the dictionary to clarify a meaning is not "plagiarism."

True, he didn't "quote a source" (as if we all need to have some sort of "note section" in all our posts...lol), but he also didn't outright claim that "he came up with" that definition either.

Just FYI.

If it were a dictionary, I would agree. Given the invariable nature of online wikis, however (as anyone can modify them, experts or no), they aren't valid resources of citation. I can't use wikis as sources in school due to this reason, but I could cite Merriam Webster's online if I so desire. Perhaps I'm being too exacting for a game forum I fully expect to loose rep due to this.




What's the question here?



Originally Posted by ThugsRus View Post
Each night on vent, all anyone talks about is what new game are they trying. Aion, Champions online, and several others is all there is to talk about ...
Gamers are always talking about and trying out the next new game, often to the point of neglecting or abandoning their old favorites. That's been true for the 30+ years that I've been playing video and/or computer games, and it will likely never change as long as exciting new games continue to be released. Nothing the developers of this or any other game do or don't do is going to change that. That's just the way it is.

I started playing CoX last January at the urging of two friends who just started their own accounts. I'm still having loads of fun and don't intend to stop any time soon, but neither of my two buddies play much anymore. Neither ever a problem with CoX or any of the developer's decisions--they just never stick with the same game for very long because they always gravitate toward something new. Honestly, I think that they are more typical of most gamers than I am. Fortunately there are plenty of other people still playing I can befriend in game, so it's really no problem.

After every issue release there's always a large increase in population. Why is it that the population on every server completely tanked since I16?
Do you have actual numbers? The zones were starting to look a bit empty the past couple of months, but after I16 released, I've observed a lot more players around, even when I log in at odd hours. At least to me it appears that there's been a very noticeable increase in population this last week.



Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post

What's the question here?
I know, right?



Slightly amusing OP, but overall a miss.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
I fully expect to loose rep due to this.
LoLz, what you worried so much about -rep for? I get comments all the time like "GTFO," "n00b," "STFU," and "you are a discrace to the military and your country" all the time, and I'm not worried about it.

In fact, I get great amusement from such things...

This is, after all, an online forum.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



The OP is funny. But maybe not the way he intended.

www.paragonwiki.com is a great source of information for this game.

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Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post

What's the question here?
Does the OP understand socialism.

I'm guessing not really.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Well, I must admit I had heard the argument, "I deserve all that XP, because knowing how to earn it so fast proves I'm more skilled and intelligent, and any attempt to take it away from me is because the devs are trying to make everyone exactly the same", but I hadn't really seen it related to Socialism before.

Proof of the pervasiveness of politics I guess. Now, excuse me while I go pay my credit card bill. I don't want them raise my rate because the check got there on 4pm the day it was due.