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  1. Alvan

    X4: Evolution

    Good luck and see you at PI when we're begging for farm teams to help us level our new theme team.
  2. Alvan

    X4: Evolution

    [ QUOTE ]
    Scrapper with webnades.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lv 41 power btw

    Nothing else to argue about the post. That's the other side of the coin pretty much. You lose things to gain some others.
  3. Alvan

    X4: Evolution

    [ QUOTE ]
    <ul type="square"> [*]All the serious players will respec their builds and buy appropriate level IOs - At level 50 casual players that have worked for their IOs need not put in all the extra effort and still have a chance of their characters being on par with more enthusiastic players [/list]
    [/ QUOTE ]

    The event is being held on Test - getting the right enhas for the job isn't that hard. I've been thinking I'll copy a lot of spares in case some people in other teams need them. And I think I'm not the only one who'd be willing to do this.

    [ QUOTE ]
    <ul type="square"> [*]There are less powers at level 40 and its not very reflective of the skill on the servers at this moment in time - Closest its too is Warburg and alot of players who play in zones aren't interested in the arena.[/list]
    [/ QUOTE ]

    You have to remember that this is an "official" event. Lots of people who didn't play the normal arena back in the days of S4 participated in it because it was an event. I think quite a lot of people who don't play arena will be participating in this. Also, in favor of this, having to gear your mind to a lv 40 mindset will bring the playing field to a bit more equal level, as the playstyle adjustment has to be made by the "hardcore" as well as the "casuals".
  4. Alvan

    X4: Evolution

    [ QUOTE ]
    If the rules were; everyone had to appear in pink pants and play Ar/devices blasters @level 10 then I for one choose to join. I may be alone,, but my comp my rules.

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    Hell. I'd come to that comp
  5. Alvan

    X4: Evolution

    [ QUOTE ]
    1 level is preferable for the reasons mentioned these suggestions are at this time just that to see if a reasonable compromise can be reached between the 2 disparate opinions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hopefully quite soon. We're tossing around the idea of making a follow-up team for our S4 "Army of Lovers" over at the SG watercooler now, meaning that if we do it, we'll be facing a lv1-50 grind. And what chars we're making sort of depends on the level range the contest will be held... So the sooner this is resolved, the better it would be.
  6. Alvan

    X4: Evolution

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    I may not have been as clear as i'd hoped but if the 2 captains could not agree then a quick 3 round rock paper scissors fight could take place with the victor (2-1 or 3-0) picking the fight level.

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    But lv 40 and lv 50 builds are totally different... at least for me they are... this seems quite a bad idea.
  7. Alvan

    X4: Evolution

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    As you say if they're not hardcore pvpers even at lvl 41 or so they can still take part in the 50 comp and have a laugh.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sure, but especially on villains, there are clear differences between the pvp usability of patron pools, and if I happen to have a more-or-less gimped one on my character for example concept reasons on live servers, I'm stuck with it on the test as well if the competition is held on test. With primaries and secondaries the situation isn't this bad.

    There is a difference between having a laugh and having a laugh and watching your corpse because you have been given the short end of the stick not because your skill but the choises you made for some other situation.
  8. Alvan

    X4: Evolution

    [ QUOTE ]
    If that's that the majority want, then how's that a problem? They wouldn't do this in the house of commons, most votes = win, simple.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If the majority of people who get to vote are all those in favor of one thing, while the actual majority is against it, I see a problem.
  9. Alvan

    X4: Evolution

    [ QUOTE ]
    Would like to see a poll attached to this thread to see what the majority want, it seems the only real way of deciding 40 or 50.

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    I guess the problem with that would be that it's the hardcore pvp:ers are the ones who know for a fact they're going to want to participate. Most of the people I know will probably think it through and make the announcement of participation on the 20th or something. And at that point might be sure whether they want to pvp at 40 or 50.

    So a poll at this point will give a very one-sided view of things. And a poll after the registration is over is a bit pointless, since people have already made their teams.
  10. Alvan

    X4: Evolution

    Speaking for the people who aren't in the two SGs on the servers that PvP regularry, I find the lv 40 limit refreshing. Less powers to think about and all in all and allows more slots to individual powers. Also since not all of us have made our villains with PvP in mind, it could be pain to roll a new character (and level to 50 in about 30 days) just to get the optimal patron pool to them. This way we can just copy our suited characters to test and make a pvp build for them and have fun.

    Also, if the hardcore pvp groups decide to withdraw from the competition because it's at 40, it might encourage more "casual" groups to participate...
  11. You need to remember that the +perception and +stealth affect the distance you're trying to see the other party at. So every increase in +perception helps you to spot the hidden people from further away (until you hit the perception cap). So even if it doesn't give you new targets to see in pvp, it will help you target the old ones from further away.

    (I won't give a better answer as a) I'm at work and can't check my perception notes and b) I don't have a clue about soldiers' and widows' stealths)
  12. Alvan


    [ QUOTE ]
    I distinctly remember charging around down there looking for the tell-tale bubbles and smacking them down... for quite a while. I assumed it was for a badge

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You were doing that in Hollows, for the Coralax badge
  13. Alvan

    RV Super Rumble

    [ QUOTE ]
    I heard you're a cultutal anthropology study all by yourself

    [/ QUOTE ]

  14. Alvan


    [ QUOTE ]
    You can get a badge for them, but aside from that I don't think they are anything other than a cute mob.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Whuh? Which badge?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Logging out that isn't interrupted by alt-tabbing. Plus I like Valk's difficulty selection thingy

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That would be handy, but there is a workaround if you have Herostats. Just run the Herostats in-game information window with the timers "always on top" (it doesn't take much space and is quite handy anyway) - I do that and during the 30sec logout I can click that Herostats window to bring up the toolbar and select something else (such as a browser window) - then while CoH/V runs in the background the countdown timer continues to tick, regardless of what you do.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, I did this with Winamp back when I used it - minimized to the top corner. But an external workaround is always worse than the real thing (also, if you're real quick about clicking the logout and alt-tabbing, it works as well, but as this is quality of life improvements... )
  16. Logging out that isn't interrupted by alt-tabbing. Plus I like Valk's difficulty selection thingy
  17. Alvan

    RV Super Rumble

    I'll be there on the nights I am actually home, might not be that many . Damn social and cultural anthropology courses, I'm going to be so swamped next month
  18. The healing arrow, silly.
  19. No, for the reasons previously mentioned, I wouldn't like to see this happening.

    But what I kind of would like to see, if they got around to making multiple builds available for a single character would be to binding a build into a costume. So that selecting costume #1 would mean you had your build #1 active, and costume #2 would be bound to build #2, etc. Would make costume changing and secret identities work quite niftly

    But as the whole thing is quite improbable, I don't see it coming.
  20. Alvan

    PVP build needed

    I'd probably go with something like this (done in 5 minutes, so not really that well thought-out, but at least a start):

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    |*92=Z%XY6'P6DYE$+D7#TYO/!ZY#_PHD&amp;&amp;H7KK2FT"5`KV&lt;3*0\K=#CL1?XDWCD 1?XX|
    |\1+Q`O$1YB@!@BDL^SK\LW&lt;'@W$;&lt;0MQ$?,&amp;3CT 2HB'$0),8&lt;H(^815&lt;028@7Q$9'\!|
    |-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    In fact, a fire blaster can do the tanker role ion an up to 6 man team with a decent empath supporting him

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is proven with an Elec/Fire, on an 8 man team with dedicated empath. (Sure, might not always survive the alpha, but that's what Vengeance is for.) Having Taunt and a few +res shields on the blaster of course helps. But there is a difference between doing the tanker role and never dying.

    Getting jumped by all the four lv 54 AVs at the same time in the STF is a good example of situations where bad things happen to good people.
  22. Alvan


    [ QUOTE ]
    wat i have been told is wat i moaned a bout &gt;&gt;&gt; NO PERMA&lt; i dont mind if they increase damage ofc, but to take away perma will be crud

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There, there. Sometimes they nerf what you love the most, but it's usually for the greater balance. And as said, it's not just a nerf. Domis get something, but lose something.

    I'd compare this to Defiance 2.0. The idea when they first introduced it sounded quite horrible, but it worked out quite well in the end.

    And losing permadomi isn't really that bad. Domis are pretty much as useful in or out of domination these days anyways.
  23. Alvan


    I think the idea of having +dmg out of domi and +control while in it is sweet

    edit: Also, to emphasize, I do PvP with my dominator. Just zonal, but still, PvP. I think this will be nice buff even to PvP doms. Especially on lower levels where we don't have that high damage capability. Siren's will be doms' :P