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  1. AlienOne

    XFIRE sold?

    Strange... It's never done that with me. To each his own, I guess.

  2. AlienOne

    XFIRE sold?

    It appears that a company called "Titan Gaming" was the one that bought XFIRE.


    According to the article I posted in the OP (which is now updated), they received a message from them that states:

    Titan Gaming has purchased Xfire. The terms of the purchase are undisclosed. Titan will be taking on the Xfire name, with a focus towards ongoing innovation in the gaming space. The Xfire services will continue uninterrupted for its users. Xfire redefined how gamers communicate, Titan intends to build upon this tradition and utilize the Xfire platform to help gaming companies better engage and monetize their games.
    It looks like nothing will really change with the program (for now), so that's a good thing. However, it may also mean that XFIRE will have a few more features (like being able to buy games). Purely speculation though...

    Currently, it allows you to browse the internet, control your iTunes, take screenshots (which are automatically uploaded to your profile), talk to your friends while in-game (even if they don't own a single game themselves), broadcast yourself playing any game LIVE, automatically download game updates/patches, join ongoing server matches your friends are playing (if you have the same game), record video, create chat rooms, etc., etc...

    So, logically (at least in my mind), the next step is to be like Steam (or Direct2Drive) and start selling digital versions of games.

  3. AlienOne

    XFIRE sold?

    XFIRE bought out

    Thought this was an interesting piece of news... I've been using XFIRE since they created it years and years ago... It's not only a good way to keep track of the number of hours you've been spending per week/total on any given game, it's a great way to talk to your friends while you're in the game (who might not be playing the same game as you)... I use it with CoH all the time.

    I hope this doesn't mean bad things for the program.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
    I've always thought the ae combo was pronounced as a long-A. For example: gaelic
    Whoever recorded that particular word sounded sexy. >.>

    Originally Posted by Dollymistress View Post
    Play the game with infra-red goggles on and call it Pre-Da-Tor-ia.

    I swear if someone PMs me saying "but it's a virtual world so in infra-red the heat would be evenly-distributed across the screen" I will smack them.

    I always thought that Pry-toriah was the way the Aussies would say it.

    Personally, I pronounce it "prey-TOR-ia," but that's just me.

  5. Extremely well-written guide, Dechs. Great humor as well--made it really fun to read. I like how you broke it down into "phases," which makes things a lot easier to understand, and including the in-depth and intricate binds made even a "MF'ing Warshade" vet like myself want to check my own binds on my tri-form build and see if I'd gotten everything I could get out of it...

    Best quote:
    "Nothing says "I'm The MFing Warshade" like stepping out of the void."


    I'd say you've really made a "definitive" tri-form guide for Warshades here, mainly because it contains all the stuff that people come to the forums to ask about them--not the boring stuff about what each power does, which anyone can read in the power description in-game.

    Nice work.

    Oh, and hey... Thanks for the shout-out for my guide too!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
    Or, if they're a new player who doesn't understand the game well, just quitting.
    The new players who wind up quitting usually aren't the kind that actually liked the game after trying it. Quitting the game because a respec trial was too hard is a bit of a stretch, even if you were going for a hypothetical there--especially since you would have to put in a bit of time playing in order to get up to the level you need to be to participate in the first respec trial...

    Most new players who like a game try to find out everything there is to know about a game... If they fail at a respec trial? The next thing you'd see in broadcast is "Is there any other way to get a respec for your character? I can't seem to pass the respect trial."

    Our playerbase being what it is, he/she would have an answer to their question within 10 seconds.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
    So this whole counter argument that "Oh no, think of the badly specced people who otherwise wouldn't be able to obtain respecs" really does not have a leg to stand on.
    You're exactly right... But, that's EXACTLY the argument Positron gave me when I asked if respecs could be overhauled during LAST year's Comic-Con CoH Panel (2009)...

    I also posed the question during the last Dev online Q&A session, and they said it's "something we can look at"....sort of like Kheldian power customization is "something they can look at." (BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

    ...It's nice to see several more people "jumping on the bandwagon" about one of my fav things to harp on.... Maybe something will get done about it.

    Heck, if they made it more difficult, that'd be cool for people who love a challenge, AND cool for the devs, because people who can't take a good challenge may just wind up BUYING a respec from the online store to not have to put up with the difficulty of a harder respec trial! That, or buy one off WWs/BM...

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Drugfree Boy View Post
    I would love a way to auto-accept the fortune teller buff

    Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
    THIS would be perfect... Those that want it can always have it and those that dont can turn it off.

    Originally Posted by Psara View Post
    I don't find it all that annoying, but an auto accept feature would be nice. I suppose we'd have to have auto decline as well, but really, the -3% tohit is make or break?

    Devs can't please everyone, and having it "only" one way or the other will piss off one side or the other. Some people hate not being able to refuse the buff. Ok, fine. I'm part of the "other side of the equation" just like the OP.

    I hate having yet another dialogue pop up every single time someone wants to buff me. We already have a teleport prompt. PLEASE don't give us yet another one. Can you imagine having a pop-up prompt every time someone wanted to CM you? Or Fort you? Or shield you?

    How about this...can we just add it to the options already?

    Click "enable" if you want to auto accept mystic fortune buffs, and click "disable" if you want to auto refuse the buff.

    And click "prompt" if you like the pop-up.


    Pretty please?

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
    That being said it is dificult finding a presice location on the map. That /loc works but is still hard to use. Something more like this would be nice.

    Using sliders or just typing in the location numbers to create a custom thumbtack location.
    That is an EXCELLENT idea. Please post this in the suggestion section, so the "right" people see it, and it doesn't stay buried in this thread forever....

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
    Thats the point of Searching the fourms.

    Searching the fourms brings up old posts with the information instead of swamping the fourms with repeated stuff
    It does seem weird to encourage using the search feature, and then locking old threads at the same time...

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by alienone View Post
    this is the list of channels i use frequently on freedom:

    Freedom (1,550 users)

    freedom events (just under 1,400 users)

    radiofreedom (almost full)

    radio freedom (266 users)

    freedom badge (full)

    freedom badges (full)

    freedom tf (1,450 users) -- watch for my daily "message of the day"s about pie!

    freedom tfs (full)

    freedom elite



  12. Question is... Is this a completely different install/game configuration than what the *current* test server is? I have the Test Server folder on my computer already, but there is a difference between the Test Server and the "Closed Beta" Test Server. Therefore, does one need to install this new zip file in order to properly access the right server for closed beta testing, or is a current install/updated version of an already installed Test Server folder good enough?

  13. AlienOne


    Welcome, Danny.

  14. Very, very nice system! I like it! There's only one problem that I see...

    I noticed an "HP" in the pic.

    For shame, for shame.

    Nothing can be truly considered "uber" if it has an "HP" branding.


    Seriously though, nice system.

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
    If I can make a serious point though, CoX strikes me as a game where sections of the community are light years apart in their knowledge, partly because the game itself is not very good at explaining itself and thus people have to research it themselves or be lucky to find a helpful player willing to explain. Due to this we have a large section of the playerbase which is ignorant to a lot of the mechanics. (Defence, Resist, Accuarcy, ToHit, Control, IO Set bonuses, etc).

    We also have a smaller section of the community comprised of veterens who know how these mechanics work and how to make the most of them. Yes this happens for most games to varying degrees, but I think because of the unique mechanics of CoX it is more applicable here....

    ....Don't get me wrong, this is a huge reason why I think the game is so great, but it is also a strong reason to be more tolerent of the large section of the community who might not have the knowledge to immediately identify what these sets do. Unfortunately though, many veterens I think don't have time for this, and sometimes it frustrates me too (see previous rants), but if we shut our doors and windows and only team with people from our global channels then we are doing this community a huge disservice. Just my 2 inf.
    Well put! I wholeheartedly agree.

    Now that said, I DO always stay on /hide from /search and /hide from global channels for a few different reasons:

    The first is the same reason as the OP... I don't join PuGs for missions, but I do form PuGs all the time for TFs. Since I play on Freedom, the amount of times I get randomly invited to a team (or a SG if I'm on a new toon that I haven't put in my SG yet) is enough to interrupt my gaming experience more than I'd like--so I hide from search. I'm definitely not opposed to playing with new players, nor am I opposed to taking half an hour out of my day to explain game mechanics to someone who's truly interested.

    Secondly, I hide from global channels, because I'm a very active player and participant in 10 different global channels--three of which I have moderator responsibilities in. I prefer people to not know I'm online until the point at which I start participating in a conversation. That way, I can monitor the channels in peace without getting overwhelmed with /tells while trying to solo, do a TF, or do a mission.

    There are a couple of other reasons why I hide, but those are the main ones.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    ... you really want me to go MagMower on this don't you... ... or are you wanting me to drop your gen while I'm on the other side of the cont?

    It's not worth it. If you really think this, you aren't going to listen to anything else anybody tells you.
    I use ATI for professional work (High Definition video editing) and NVidia for gaming... I tried it the other way around, but they simply don't perform the same.

    I know the ATI vs. NVidia argument will last the ages just like Intel vs. AMD and Microsoft vs. Apple and Apples vs. Oranges and Tomay-to vs. Tomaa-to....but, I've gotta say in my own experience over the past 10 years.... He's right. NVidia consistently outperforms in high-end gaming, and ATI seems to handle the professional work better.


    Again, I'm speaking from my own experience. To each his own.

  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Knowmad View Post
    Here's what I did - played a Warshade for 5+ years.

    23 respecs later and I'm a friggin badass.
    Copyright infringement!!!!!

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Maybe an even better spot would be by the Ouroboros entrance. It serves characters 25+ (plenty of time to get their settings as they like them, etc.) and people use the place as a travel hub... so even if they only pop in for a second, you will see a ton of players. Probably far more than you would at any one Trainer.
    Very true.... I was on this evening, and popped in for a few seconds on my way to PI during an STF I was doing, and during those few seconds, I saw about a dozen or so.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
    PPS> From a statistical standpoint Bill, a survey of forumites is very probably
    a skewed sample, primarily because I'd expect them to be (in general) less
    casual players, and generally more aware of game mechanics, nuances, and
    changes than the average CoH/V player (who isn't subjected to the large
    quantities of (quality) game information). Just a Caveat for your analysis.
    And I might add that's a HUGE caveat in my own experience. I've talked to an extremely high number of people (like in the hundreds) just on the Freedom server who all say "I'm not a forum goer" or "I don't pay any attention to the forums at all."

    So, while that may be a decently accurate analysis for forumites, it doesn't necessarily represent the playerbase as a whole. One can't assume that "most players probably visit the forums."

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demon Keeper View Post
    I used merits to buy the LotGs. After that, I spent about three hundred million, maybe a bit more.


    Definitely a good deal for perma-Eclipse!

  21. But why would you want to build it for anything other than DPS?



    Oooook, I'll shut up.

    I've reached my personally-imposed limit on taunts for the month.

    *recedes to the shadows*

  22. Thank you! Good question. My suggestion is to follow letter "C" in my list of suggestions at the beginning of the guide (which is a link to Dechs Kaison's brand new Tri-Form Warshade guide). It will be a much easier and enjoyable experience for you if you level it as a bi/tri-former, figure out how you prefer to play as a bi/tri-former, and then once you think you've mastered it, go deeper into the complex possibilities of Kheldian builds by challenging yourself with a human-only build.

    Human-only builds aren't for the "faint of heart," that's for sure. It's a challenge to play, even for the most skilled players out there.

    I know that was kind of a long answer, but to paraphrase, I'd say human-only is something you'd want to respec into once you've mastered the AT and want to either challenge yourself or try something new and different. Or both.

    I find human-only form play (at least for a Warshade) is most viable from level 38+ (Post-Eclipse)... You *can* get by from 22+, if you're really, really good with kills/timing on Stygian Circle depending on your build, but I wouldn't recommend it for everyone. If you can, that's just bragging rights. XD

    Hope this helped!

  23. Oh, believe me I know. Coming back to college 10 years later is a completely different perspective than going to college straight after high school.

    I feel extremely fortunate that my service in the military is paying for almost all of it, and that I won't be in *that* much debt when I graduate!

  24. Yes.

    /hide from /search


    /hide from global channels

    100% of the time.

    On all my toons.

    Every other option is not on /hide.