XFIRE sold?




XFIRE bought out

Thought this was an interesting piece of news... I've been using XFIRE since they created it years and years ago... It's not only a good way to keep track of the number of hours you've been spending per week/total on any given game, it's a great way to talk to your friends while you're in the game (who might not be playing the same game as you)... I use it with CoH all the time.

I hope this doesn't mean bad things for the program.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Several gaming news outlets picked up the news that a broadcast IM was sent out to all users at the time that said:

Xfire was bought by new owners today. Most of the team that has built Xfire over the last six years is leaving. We enjoyed working for you for the last 127 releases and wish we could stay to create the next 127. Good bye, good luck, and game on. — The Xfire Team.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I've never really used XFIRE.. I imagine it's similar to Steam, aside from the fact that Steam also lets you purchase games?



It appears that a company called "Titan Gaming" was the one that bought XFIRE.


According to the article I posted in the OP (which is now updated), they received a message from them that states:

Titan Gaming has purchased Xfire. The terms of the purchase are undisclosed. Titan will be taking on the Xfire name, with a focus towards ongoing innovation in the gaming space. The Xfire services will continue uninterrupted for its users. Xfire redefined how gamers communicate, Titan intends to build upon this tradition and utilize the Xfire platform to help gaming companies better engage and monetize their games.
It looks like nothing will really change with the program (for now), so that's a good thing. However, it may also mean that XFIRE will have a few more features (like being able to buy games). Purely speculation though...

Currently, it allows you to browse the internet, control your iTunes, take screenshots (which are automatically uploaded to your profile), talk to your friends while in-game (even if they don't own a single game themselves), broadcast yourself playing any game LIVE, automatically download game updates/patches, join ongoing server matches your friends are playing (if you have the same game), record video, create chat rooms, etc., etc...

So, logically (at least in my mind), the next step is to be like Steam (or Direct2Drive) and start selling digital versions of games.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



The fact that they are dumping the people who have built XFire seems to indicate they care little about the platform, as it stands now. They are pretty much just buying the XFire name and have their own concepts for what they will implement as a platform.

Like one of the comments on the news story, I don't find the statement by Titan about "[utilizing] the Xfire platform to help gaming companies better engage and monetize their games", very promising. "Monetize" could mean just about anything. It could, indeed, mean they will add the ability to purchase games, but could also means something like...ohhhh... i dunno...running ads for Evony in pop ops or banners on your IMs.

I just wish companies that create things like the XFire client would remember the words of Antoine de Saint-Exuper, "Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

Tacking on unnecessary bells and whistles to otherwise stable systems will, more often than not, turn it into an unreliable, buggy, laggy, unstable piece of drek that isn't worth the cost of the drive space it occupies.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Several gaming news outlets picked up the news that a broadcast IM was sent out to all users at the time that said:

Xfire was bought by new owners today. Most of the team that has built Xfire over the last six years is leaving. We enjoyed working for you for the last 127 releases and wish we could stay to create the next 127. Good bye, good luck, and game on. — The Xfire Team.
That's the gist I got from it... they bought it and booted everyone and will now likely do everything in their power to destroy what made it good. what a shame.



According to a friend of mine who just found out that he's unemployed now but was part of the Xfire development team, Xfire has had more than one company court them for a buy out. He's been preparing just in case the the company was sold for a while now, the better part of a year, on the chance that the development team was not asked to stay. What that means for the program is uncertain, but the fact that nearly the entire development team is now being given severance packages it bodes ill for it in my book.



tried it a while back, didn't like it.

hopefully not too many folk got shafted by the new owners.

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My City Was Gone