Joss Whedon - Vote Prez for Zombie Apocalypse




#Double Pistols and a Wink



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
I've gone 8 years without having to put anyone on ignore, but with a month to go, I've finally decided it needs to be done.
That's a good idea, now we can get back to the funny.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Just be warned, if you have a lovable side friend, who, while is not an important part of your life, is incredibly funny and relatable there is a good chance that they will die in order to push you on to your future dream.

Just forewarning everyone



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
Just be warned, if you have a lovable side friend, who, while is not an important part of your life, is incredibly funny and relatable there is a good chance that they will die in order to push you on to your future dream.

Just forewarning everyone
And if you don't have a friend like that, odds are you're that friend. So be careful.

Thought for the day:

"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment."




Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Please tell me more about how Mitt Romney is detached and yet Obama believes in a fixed pie myth. Then feel free to explain why you think an effective cap on earnings is any different from taxing job creators out of the country. Finally, please tell me how our economy will be sustainable as entitled idealists use social rhetoric to morph us into a welfare state during record high deficits.

Spoiler alert: Keynesian economics is irresponsible and destructive and Ronald Reagan is probably rolling over in his grave right now. I guess he won the Cold War and created the most economic growth in recent history (by decreasing regulations, cutting taxes and shrinking the government I might add) so that people like you could hand the reigns of our country over to the very socialist fallacies Reagan and the rest of our nation fought against and triumphed over.

But it's alright, I get you. Some guy from Star Trek or something made a funny zombie joke on Youtube. Better vote Democrat.
You do realize that since 1961 the Democrats have added 41 million private sector jobs while Relpublicans have added 24 million. Even if you shift a year after presidents took office to count for new policies, it is 38 million Dems, 27 million Reps. That is just private sector, if you count all jobs (government) it is 48 Million dems, 31 million Reps. GDP, Stock Prices and Corporate Earnings have all increased more under Democrats than Republicans.

The S&P has risen 12.1% per year under Dems since 1900 and just 5.4% under Reps. Since 1949 the GDP has grown 4.2 % under Dems and just 2.6 under Reps. Corporate profits? 10.5 under Dems, 8.9 under Reps. From 1983 to 2001 the economy added nearly 44 million jobs..that streak ended in 2001. Gee who took office then? GW! He cut taxes, increased spending and grew the national debt and left with the greatest financial crisis since the great depression.

Since Obama took office stocks have returned to 12.4 % returns annually in line with S&P performance. Under Bush corporate earnings grew 14.2%, under Obama, 51.8 %. For a Socialist Muslim Godless baby killer he seems to do well at making money.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Please tell me more about how Mitt Romney is detached and yet Obama believes in a fixed pie myth. Then feel free to explain why you think an effective cap on earnings is any different from taxing job creators out of the country. Finally, please tell me how our economy will be sustainable as entitled idealists use social rhetoric to morph us into a welfare state during record high deficits.

Spoiler alert: Keynesian economics is irresponsible and destructive and Ronald Reagan is probably rolling over in his grave right now. I guess he won the Cold War and created the most economic growth in recent history (by decreasing regulations, cutting taxes and shrinking the government I might add) so that people like you could hand the reigns of our country over to the very socialist fallacies Reagan and the rest of our nation fought against and triumphed over.

But it's alright, I get you. Some guy from Star Trek or something made a funny zombie joke on Youtube. Better vote Democrat.
You're trolling, right? No one capable of operating the internet can seriously be this ill-informed.



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Pitho View Post
Creativity in general has a liberal bias.
Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
It has to, think how dreadful, lame, and especially boring it would be if it wasn't. I think that's the point.
Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
They've tried. Unfortunately, conservative stereotypes of liberals are often taken seriously by conservatives, not with any comedic value.
Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
Fox actually had a right-wingish comedy news show once.

They ran out of material pretty quickly.
For what it's worth I never said I expected an attempt to do a conservative version of the Daily Show/Colbert would turn out well. I just said nothing's stopping anyone from trying. If conservatives can't step up to the plate and make something like that happen that's their problem, not mine. *shrugs*

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
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--{=====> Virtue ♀



Please don't try to confuse people with facts that can't be refuted. It makes their brains hurt and go wibbley-wobbley. Plus the smoke that comes out of their ears keeps setting off the smoke detectors.

Besides if you'll notice he still hasn't denied that Romney is evil. He just objects to people laughing at him.



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
You're trolling, right? No one capable of operating the internet can seriously be this ill-informed.
If he's not trolling it's either denial or willful ignorance.



Originally Posted by Jaso View Post
You do realize that since 1961 the Democrats have added 41 million private sector jobs while Relpublicans have added 24 million. Even if you shift a year after presidents took office to count for new policies, it is 38 million Dems, 27 million Reps. That is just private sector, if you count all jobs (government) it is 48 Million dems, 31 million Reps.
So what you are really saying is the Democrats added 10 million government jobs while the Republicans only added 4 million.

Sounds about right.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
So what you are really saying is the Democrats added 10 million government jobs while the Republicans only added 4 million.

Sounds about right.
Let's be fair it can be either good or bad to increase the number of government jobs depending on the type of jobs being created. Reduntant over paid positions that let leeches sit on their fat butts doing little to no actual work is bad no matter which party created the position.



Originally Posted by Jaso View Post
You do realize that since 1961 the Democrats have added 41 million private sector jobs while Relpublicans have added 24 million. Even if you shift a year after presidents took office to count for new policies, it is 38 million Dems, 27 million Reps. That is just private sector, if you count all jobs (government) it is 48 Million dems, 31 million Reps. GDP, Stock Prices and Corporate Earnings have all increased more under Democrats than Republicans.
I know Kennedy is popular but he created the first ever non recession peacetime deficit in the history of the country by increasing the size of the federal budget. Kennedy also forced companies to keep their prices down which is not exactly good for economic freedom.

That being said, he also cut income taxes and the corporate tax across the board. For all the lines he overstepped, he was still a capitalist who believed in markets.

It was pretty much all downhill from there. Lyndon Johnson was a train wreck, depleting our currency and leaving Nixon with an unresolved war and a deficit. Granted Nixon didn't help either- He literally reneged the value of our currency (removing the option to convert the US dollar to gold) and he did it with a democrat designed monetary policy. It didn't do anyone any good either.

Gerald Ford was a Republican, and also a bit of an idiot. He screwed up by doing exactly what Obama is doing, spending on government programs and raising taxes during a deficit. The difference being that he actually decided to get it right eventually and cut taxes and slash spending, only to bail out New York City.

Next up is Jimmy Carter, the worst president in US history, and on the blue team. I'm pretty sure losing to Ronald Reagan in the worst clobbering in US history says enough. Reagan was the first two term president since Nixon, and the first quality president since Eisenhower. I wish you'd included the years of post WWII growth in your figures, instead of starting in an era where all Republican presidents advocated Democratic economic policies up to Ronald Reagan in 81.

Bush Sr. failed to capitalize off of the conditions Reagan left for him because of a Democrat controlled Congress, but he just kept dropping the ball and siding with the blue team from there. He was a disgrace and a pushover. And surprise, after enacting the democrat's budget, another recession. Increased taxes lead to layoffs, more unemployed lead to Keynesian spending, and Republicans hated George HW Bush. He was not reelected for a reason.

Democrats must have secretly loved Bush Sr. at the time, because after a Republican president failed horribly with their economic policies, it was their turn again.

But to be fair, Clinton wasn't really that bad. He cut taxes, cut spending and balanced the budget. Republicans kept him in check on his failed attempt at socializing health care. Honestly, I like Bill Clinton, although there are some things I don't like about him. I consider him to be a good president.

We all know that George Bush Jr. was fiscally retarded, but he was still probably the best leader our country had since Reagan. People love to remember his failed economic policies, which were the opposite of fiscal conservatism- Namely deficit spending. But everyone likes to forget that when our country was attacked by terrorists his approval rating went above 90%, and for good reason. That being said, we can probably all agree that the Iraq war was irresponsible.

Since Obama took office stocks have returned to 12.4 % returns annually in line with S&P performance. Under Bush corporate earnings grew 14.2%, under Obama, 51.8 %. For a Socialist Muslim Godless baby killer he seems to do well at making money.
First of all, I can't stand the Muslim/birth certificate conspiracy theories. I think it's atrocious character assassination. While I don't agree with Obama's economic policies at all and I think he's the worst president since Jimmy Carter, I don't doubt for one second that he believes that he's acting in the best interest of the country, and he's probably a really good person.

That being said, you're pulling some convenient figures here. Let's look where it counts. Multi billion dollar stimulus packages, socializing the housing market, too big to fail banks, doubling Bush Jr's deficit through irresponsible Keynesian spending. It's no wonder our currency rating got downgraded for the first time in history. We almost went into default and had to raise the debt ceiling because of this complete lack of fiscal restraint. And where has all of this really gotten us? Unemployment at or above (Now I think slightly below) 8%, and more public debt than every other administration combined.

And don't forget what things will look like if Obama is reelected. First of all, I invite everyone to look at this to see how much your taxes will increase by if the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire:

And then there's this.



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
Next up is Jimmy Carter, the worst president in US history, and on the blue team.
No, he's not. Worst US president in history would be either Pierce or Buchanan. Neither president did anything to help stop the country on it's march down the road to civil war, and in fact probably made the situation worse. Carter, for all his faults, never caused a radical split in the nation that lead to a long, bloody conflict in which American killed American.

People have such short memories in this country, jeeze.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



So who here actually knows parkour?



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
So who here actually knows parkour?
I don't need it. I'm gifted with a certain moral flexibility that will allow me to survive during any kind of societal collapse.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I don't need it. I'm gifted with a certain moral flexibility that will allow me to survive during any kind of societal collapse.
Son those are the kind of damn fool chances that are going to get us all killed.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be welding a plow onto a Hummer.



Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
I'm not voting for either of them so I found this to be funny.
This. Votes don't count anyway. They put in who they can best control.



That being said, he also cut income taxes and the corporate tax across the board. For all the lines he overstepped, he was still a capitalist who believed in markets.
Top rate under Kennedy was north of 70%. Today it's exactly half that. Grow up.

It was pretty much all downhill from there. Lyndon Johnson was a train wreck
Yeah, who needs Medicare and Medicaid. Grow up.

Next up is Jimmy Carter, the worst president in US history
Really? ... Really? Grow. Up.

I'm pretty sure losing to Ronald Reagan in the worst clobbering in US history says enough.
Says that Democrats can work with people on the other side of the aisle, whereas Republicans just scream and moan. Obama won in 2008 by a margin that was easily as significant as Reagan's, because people like you are intransigent and wouldn't vote for a Democrat if the Republican was freaking Cthulhu.

Not me, btw. If this election were between Obama and Chris Christie, I'd be seriously tempted to vote for Chris Christie.

But to be fair, Clinton wasn't really that bad. He cut taxes, cut spending and balanced the budget. Republicans kept him in check on his failed attempt at socializing health care. Honestly, I like Bill Clinton, although there are some things I don't like about him. I consider him to be a good president.

Well yippiekaya, you like the most conservative Democrat in modern history, who managed to annihilate the American economy by repealing Glass-Steagal, signing NAFTA, and gutting welfare.

We all know that George Bush Jr. was fiscally retarded, but he was still probably the best leader our country had since Reagan.
Grow up.

doubling Bush Jr's deficit
Obama inherited a trillion dollar deficit. Two years from now, it will be about a 600 billion dollar deficit. And that's assuming he doesn't tax the rich.

It's no wonder our currency rating got downgraded for the first time in history. We almost went into default and had to raise the debt ceiling because of this complete lack of fiscal restraint.
The debt ceiling is always being raised. The only reason it was an issue here is because the Tea Party doesn't seem to comprehend math, economics, or reality.

more public debt than every other administration combined.
Most administrations can claim this.

And don't forget what things will look like if Obama is reelected. First of all, I invite everyone to look at this to see how much your taxes will increase by if the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire:
Obama doesn't want the Bush tax cuts to expire. He wants them to expire for your precious "job creators", AKA the super filthy rich. Income inequality is at its highest level since the Great Depression. The reason for that? Reagan's tax cuts, then Bush's tax cuts. We need to raise them back to the Kennedy era at least. 70% top tax rate on the wealthy. Get them paying their fair share, then maybe we can see some decent deficit reduction (yes, I'm aware that alone won't eliminate the deficit, but it's a step in the right direction).



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Stay on target.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I don't need it. I'm gifted with a certain moral flexibility that will allow me to survive during any kind of societal collapse.
That punk is either in love with that guy's daughter or he has a newfound respect for life.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



and I invite you to look at this as far as taxed under Romney or Obama

for the TLDR crowd basically the author realized he would be paying a little more under Obama, but the huge gap between what the uber rich pay in taxes and the author would be removed versus paying a little less under Romney but having the gap between what the uber rich pay and himself widen even more.

the author goes as far as to say it's up to the reader what they think is fair.

Odd that you would call Carter the worst president in us history - He deregulated the airline industry as well as the beer industry (making it legal for people to home brew beer- yes you can thank Jimmay for that!) Brokered peace between Isreal and Egypt, worked to downsize government...all the hallmarks of a conservative.



This whole thread all but the OP is like trying to pick things out in an over crowded bowling ally. Just a bunch of damned noise. Like anyone gives a ratsass about what you are saying. Like I said before. Your votes DO NOT count. They put in who they can best control...Uggg I am wasting my fingers on this...Go at it blind ones.

Get with the op..fUNNY...



Original Post wasn't even funny.

Don't mess with Texas!



Originally Posted by Cherokee View Post
This whole thread all but the OP is like trying to pick things out in an over crowded bowling ally. Just a bunch of damned noise. Like anyone gives a ratsass about what you are saying. Like I said before. Your votes DO NOT count. They put in who they can best control...Uggg I am wasting my fingers on this...Go at it blind ones.

Get with the op..fUNNY...
Right. Silly person, facts are for kids!



This is really doom.