DCUO Adding Player Housing





CO's hideouts are really rudimentary. Now don't get me wrong. The second I saw I could have a moonbase, I was all over it like stink on a turd.

But the base-editing ***** in me is left kinda limp over it. As it were...

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



"Players will be able to find a spot in the real world where the entrance to their lair will be. Want a sewer lair? Great! Head out into the city and find a manhole cover to call your very own."


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Data mining from this game is obvious.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Data mining from this game is obvious.
For personal bases? Well, to be fair, personal housing is one of those things that seems to crop up as a request in several MMO's over the years...

Sure, CoX shares the same genre space as DCUO, but player housing is something that crosses the genres.

Now if it brought in super sidekicking... then you can tell that they are aiming for the CoX player.

Player housing, not so much. Champions Online already has it



I have a feeling they are tiny and lame like Champions bases, could be wrong....



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
I have a feeling they are tiny and lame like Champions bases, could be wrong....
Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
"Players will be able to find a spot in the real world where the entrance to their lair will be. Want a sewer lair? Great! Head out into the city and find a manhole cover to call your very own."

From the article it looks like DCUO's lairs will be mostly hardwired spaces, with just a few details that can be customized. On the upside it looks like they will have (as Captain-Electric mentioned) a feature I always dreamed CoH SG bases could have - the ability to "assign/attach" your lair's entrance to any door in the game world you want. That way your lair could physically be in a single spot of your choosing, just like a real place in the real world. It's also funny that they are going to allow 1v1 PVP in lairs. I guess since CoH could never figure out how to have full SG vs SG raids being able to fight 1v1 is better than nothing.

I must admit having lairs in DCUO does make me a tiny bit more interested in that game. Unfortunately I think there's still enough to dislike about it that'll still keep me from playing it. *shrugs*

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
From the article it looks like DCUO's lairs will be mostly hardwired spaces, with just a few details that can be customized. On the upside it looks like they will have (as Captain-Electric mentioned) a feature I always dreamed CoH SG bases could have - the ability to "assign/attach" your lair's entrance to any door in the game world you want. That way your lair could physically be in a single spot of your choosing, just like a real place in the real world. It's also funny that they are going to allow 1v1 PVP in lairs. I guess since CoH could never figure out how to have full SG vs SG raids being able to fight 1v1 is better than nothing.

I must admit having lairs in DCUO does make me a tiny bit more interested in that game. Unfortunately I think there's still enough to dislike about it that'll still keep me from playing it. *shrugs*
It better show on my map or I'll never find the doorway.

There is an article out that mentions there will also be league bases. I read it a while ago (like 2 hours so yes my short term memory is horrible) and didn't care much so I don't recall the details.

Still, no matter how much they improve DCUO it will never replace City of Heroes for me. No game will that is currently out.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I guess since CoH could never figure out how to have full SG vs SG raids being able to fight 1v1 is better than nothing.
CoH had base raiding... but they killed it just as pointlessly as NCsoft killed the franchise.



The whole IoP/Base raid concept was interesting but I can see why they gave up on it.

First lets go back to Issue 6 when all of this started.

Way back then bases were not cheap in terms of Prestige. SG sizes were limited to half of what they are now. Prestige generation totally wiped out Influence received when you got to Level 35. This was before IOs and the auction house. We had to replace our enhancements every 5 levels at an ever increasing cost.

Then base plots that allowed you to build an IoP Vault cost significantly more in upkeep than basic plots. You not only had to provide power and control, and a lot if you weaponized your base, but also back-up power items as well. More Prestige please.

Then, assuming you got an IoP (we'll leave the buggy/late trial aside) you then can have a raid. A raid where an opposing SG of villains can come (or heroes to a villain base) and destroy items throughout your base to get at the IoP. Win or lose the owner of the base would need to rebuild it using even more Prestige.

So base raids boiled down to a way to burn through Prestige (as if construction and rent wasn't enough) to encourage the SG to be A) fully populated and B) play in SG mode to earn Prestige while at the same time needing to earn Influence/Infamy so players could keep their enhancements from going into the red (remember ED came out at this time as well).

Can you see why at initially it wasn't a popular option once players understood what it took to A) build and maintain a base and B) rebuild it after a raid.

Sure over the years they lowered the cost of items and rent. They doubled the size of SG and made it so Influence didn't get driven to 0 simply because you are high level and playing in SG mode. But what happen in time was base construction became an art form and to facilitate that the base editor was tweaked to allow more created freedom than providing a clear path for raiding teams.

IoP trial was dead. PvP had been modified to something that I understand is rather unpopular with the PvP community. Raids damage bases. Bases became architectural wonders. So yes, base raiding died. Yes it was an interesting concept to bring SG oriented PvP into the game but like the Arena, the PvP zones, the CtF style of RV it never gained significant traction among the larger player population. Bases became placed to craft IOs, Empowerment buffs and cut travel time down. I don't thing a lot of players were willing to lose access to those abilities just to have a raid.

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Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I guess since CoH could never figure out how to have full SG vs SG raids being able to fight 1v1 is better than nothing.
CoH had base raiding... but they killed it just as pointlessly as NCsoft killed the franchise.
I've been playing this game since CoH Beta - I know that base raiding was actually attempted in this game. It was one of the signature features that was to be introduced with CoV in 2005. But there was a very obvious and unfortunate reason why it was dropped: The Devs could never make it work the way they wanted.

Basically having up to 150 players together (two maxed out SGs back when the SG limit was 75 characters) on the same map put way too much strain on the servers and the Devs could never balance it out without horrible lag and bandwidth issues. So the Devs didn't just "pointlessly" remove it from the game - they never got it working in the first place. I won't even dwell on the fact that the Devs released the base raid feature a full year late (fall 2006) and that it only existed on the live servers for a few weeks before they pulled it back and gave up on it for good.

This is why I said what I said: CoH gave up on base raids because they couldn't figure out how to make it work. This also explains why DCUO will limit their game to "1v1 lair raids" because like CoH I'm sure it was much easier to manage things when they only had to deal with the PvP interactions of two characters on their lair maps

We may never know the full reason why NCsoft killed our game, but base raiding was a purely technical/implementation failure.

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Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
The whole IoP/Base raid concept was interesting but I can see why they gave up on it.
Much of your reasoning here about why SG base raiding failed is sound. But many of the negatives you mention for why players didn't like it were trumped by the simple fact that technically speaking base raids were unbalanced, lag-prone and ultimately unworkable.

Base raiding was an idea that sounded great "on paper" but in reality was a complete nightmare from a development point of view. This is why the Devs finally gave up on it and made the subsequent changes to Prestige costs and decoration collision removal. They realized that bases would never be usable for PvP and decided to do their best to make them useful/obtainable for PvE and roleplay purposes.

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Meh - Still not enough to get me to play DCUO. That was always my wish here - base love and/or personal lairs. About 3-4 years ago I decided to do my own base for just my toons. Sadly about 3 months ago I decided to redo my base and deleted everything...it still sits unfinished LOL! I always got too busy designing/editing other people's bases to finish my own.

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



I can't make characters that I really like over there, so it doesn't matter if they can get a place to hang their cape.

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Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I can't make characters that I really like over there, so it doesn't matter if they can get a place to hang their cape.
Good point. And maybe the ONLY point that REALLY matters to your average CoX player (man I hate that acronym ). I'll admit, reading the stuff in the OP's link made the super hero fan in me salivate a little bit over DCUO for the first time ever (well, since those first gameplay videos I saw, it's a nice-looking game). This, of course, has something to do with CoX going away in a few more weeks, I'm sure. But even so, DCUO couldn't make a keeper out of me if I didn't feel like their costume editor was up to par.

You know, if I could send a big message to the next generation of super hero MMOs, it would be this: being a next generation game ought to mean you're outdoing the previous generation. CO has a LOT of CoX players who went over there over the years and never came back. You don't hear that as much about DCUO. It sounds like DCUO could probably snag more of the old guard if they gave their costume editor a lot more love.

I'm a super hero fan and comic book reader and I'm sure I'll try it out sometime. Just not while City of Heroes is still playable.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
You know, if I could send a big message to the next generation of super hero MMOs, it would be this: being a next generation game ought to mean you're outdoing the previous generation. CO has a LOT of CoX players who went over there over the years and never came back. You don't hear that as much about DCUO. It sounds like DCUO could probably snag more of the old guard if they gave their costume editor a lot more love.
The "gotcha" here is these next-gen games, especially from competing properties, are under the dual expectation of "do all the fun stuff the same, only better" and "don't make it TOO similar because it'll get you sued".

This leads them off in all sorts of goofy directions. Like to doofy chat interface in CO. Instead of simply being able to double-click on someone's name to send them an in-game PM, you have to right-click, and select "Send PM" from a menu. Or the fact that they hide the exit button to exit from completed missions. Now, as someone who reflexively hits "Exit" on missions, even when I don't mean to, this can be both a good and a bad thing.

But, in general the interface in CO is designed like some VB coder's worst, tabbed monstrosity nightmare.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



I have played DCUO for some time and no matter what feature they could add or not add DCUO is a shooter-beat them up, that happens to be played massively online, nothing more nothing less. If you like to beat everything that moves, and something that don't, not caring around storyline and plausability don't walk, run to download it. If you want even a shadow of roleplaying in your game avoid it like the plague



Originally Posted by savagedeacon_NA View Post
I have played DCUO for some time and no matter what feature they could add or not add DCUO is a shooter-beat them up, that happens to be played massively online, nothing more nothing less. If you like to beat everything that moves, and something that don't, not caring around storyline and plausability don't walk, run to download it. If you want even a shadow of roleplaying in your game avoid it like the plague
A pity, since early on there were rather valiant attempts at creating a serious roleplaying community. Sadly, the social features, like chat, were so underdeveloped it proved too daunting a task for most.



I find it amazing both DCUO and Rift are suddenly bringing back personal player housing.

The slew of WoW-clone MMOs never had it because Blizzard's devs were too lazy to bother with homes, despite them becoming a fairly standard staple of pre-WoW MMOs; DAoC, SW:G and EQ2 all had them.

I for one am pleased to see them returning. BUT I don't expect much from DCUO's--it's still a cross-platform game so a lot of stuff has to be gimped because of the ps3's limitations.

DCUO's devs are also supposed to have like 3 other DLCs in the works right now, too. Since thats how they make their money it makes sense.

I've become convinced Brainiac is, in fact, Lord Nemesis. Brainiac is behind EVERYTHING in DCUO.

DCUO's chat still pretty much sucks and the community is super duper hit-and-miss. There's some cool people and then some absolute creeps. I mean downright "uuuuuuuh are you an online predator" kind of creep.