Oh, They think they won...Heh. NOPE.




I guess my take on NCSoft's 1st response is that while I don't necessarily believe exactly what they wrote in their response, I don't really have to, because what I'm reading between the lines becomes more abundantly clear with each passing day. What they choose not to say has importance on a level with what they are choosing to say.

Whether or not they made a good faith effort as far as selling the IP is irrelevant in the sense that they are the ones that will decide on a change in the course of their action, and they really need not make any effort to do so if they so choose.

I don't think that means efforts to communicate or bargain with them are wasted, but I do believe the odds of their acquiescing to an outcome that the playerbase would favor are pretty slim.



Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
It's cold, hard, sentiment free facts like that which are what NCSoft have based their decision on and what why they continue to hold their position. All the demonstrations and rallies in the world aren't going to change that fact. If you believe they will, knock yourself out and enjoy the limelight.
I'm looking at NCSoft's press releases and I don't see any mention of these 'cold hard facts' you are talking about: "realignment of company focus and publishing support"

As far as sentiment goes, "City of Heroes has a special place in all of our hearts, and we want to ensure its reputation and the memories we share for the game end on a high note.

Once again, we will be holding events throughout the process of preparing for the game's end, and we encourage players and fans of the franchise to join forces and enjoy their time in a game that we've enjoyed supporting for more than eight years."

Sounds pretty sentimental to me. Again, no mention at all of any of the hard financial facts that you say drove their decision making. For all we know, someone in a boardroom tossed a coin or pulled a name out of a hat.

I'm not really suggesting that is what happened, but your stated belief that the ONLY rational response to CoH's situation (which none of us know in any detail outside of NCSoft & Paragon) is closure doesn't seem any more ironclad as my opinion that there are alternatives worth speaking up about and exploring.

Let NCSoft lay out these 'cold hard facts' and then we'll have a basis for discussion



Originally Posted by GreyScribe View Post
Let NCSoft lay out these 'cold hard facts' and then we'll have a basis for needless argument
Fixed that for you.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
However, if you look at the words of people stating that their position of deriding people who've taken the stance that they're willing to put more effort in, you'll see the blatant insults. "Delusional" is bandied around aplenty.
There's nothing delusional about it.
There does seem to be some instances of thrown insults from both camps but in fairness, there can be a fine line between hope and delusion depending on your perspective.


verb \ˈhōp\

Definition of HOPE

intransitive verb
: to cherish a desire with anticipation <hopes for a promotion>

archaic : trust

transitive verb
: to desire with expectation of obtainment

: to expect with confidence : trust
— hop·er noun
— hope against hope : to hope without any basis for expecting fulfillment


noun \di-ˈlü-zhən, dē-\

Definition of DELUSION

: the act of deluding : the state of being deluded

a : something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated
b : a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary; also : the abnormal state marked by such beliefs



Originally Posted by GreyScribe View Post
I'm looking at NCSoft's press releases and I don't see any mention of these 'cold hard facts' you are talking about: "realignment of company focus and publishing support"

As far as sentiment goes, "City of Heroes has a special place in all of our hearts, and we want to ensure its reputation and the memories we share for the game end on a high note.

Once again, we will be holding events throughout the process of preparing for the game's end, and we encourage players and fans of the franchise to join forces and enjoy their time in a game that we've enjoyed supporting for more than eight years."

Sounds pretty sentimental to me. Again, no mention at all of any of the hard financial facts that you say drove their decision making. For all we know, someone in a boardroom tossed a coin or pulled a name out of a hat.

I'm not really suggesting that is what happened, but your stated belief that the ONLY rational response to CoH's situation (which none of us know in any detail outside of NCSoft & Paragon) is closure doesn't seem any more ironclad as my opinion that there are alternatives worth speaking up about and exploring.

Let NCSoft lay out these 'cold hard facts' and then we'll have a basis for discussion
Well of course they're going to attempt to appease player feelings or try and show that they have an emotional investment in the game as much as we do. If they didn't, they would have been demonised as uncaring and out of touch with the feelings of the community. Additionally, phrases like "a realignment of company focus" is vague enough so that any counter wouldn't have anything tangible to hold on to.

Just because they're showing apparent sentiment in their communications with us, doesn't automatically mean they have an emotional investment in their product, but they want to give the impression to us that they do. THAT is PR.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
There does seem to be some instances of thrown insults from both camps but in fairness, there can be a fine line between hope and delusion depending on your perspective.
Key Points:

Hope: to desire with expectation of obtainment

Delusion: a persistent false belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary

(Emphasis mine)

Personally I don't think the difference is that fine at all.

I hope the game is saved or will return in some form.

I'm not delusional enough to think it will any time soon.

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



Originally Posted by GreyScribe View Post
"Once again, we will be holding events throughout the process of preparing for the game's end, and we encourage players and fans of the franchise to join forces and enjoy their time in a game that we've enjoyed supporting for more than eight years."

Sounds pretty sentimental to me. Again, no mention at all of any of the hard financial facts that you say drove their decision making. For all we know, someone in a boardroom tossed a coin or pulled a name out of a hat.
NCSoft feels "sentimental" as they rip away our stables of beloved alts....? Are you serious? The only "sentiment" they can lay claim to is "Yeah we're getting money, but NOT ENOUGH MONEY. Screw all those people."

I say we let OUR sentiments be known by leaving their "held events" empty of participants. I have no intention of letting bygones be bygones, of saying "Oh, YOU! So sentimental! I know this game is close to your hearts, here let me participate in your event as you refuse to negotiate to save our beloved game! Its all good."

OH HELL NO IT ISNT. Rip the game away from me - but STOP LYING about intentions. I'd respect "We're just taking it, get ready to roll over b!tches" more. Of course, I AM villain-centric. If you're going to be a villain be a good one, NCSoft.



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
The odds have been defied before. History teaches us this. We can defy the odds again!

Will it be easy? No.
Will NCSoft put as many obstacles in our way as they can? Likely.
Will we give it our best shot? The correct answer is YES!
Obstacles? They don't have to do a thing to defy your wishes.

But ride on you little broomstick cowboy! Ride on!



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
The things that they said don't really come off as fully believable (having a special place in their hearts for the company they sent packing with zero notice in the middle of all of this great work they'd done and had in store for us, shutting things down and preventing further account adjustments, preventing the developers from being able to do a proper sendout... and they say they want it to end on a "high note"?
That whole message read, to me, as "All the negative publicity we're getting from being such high-handed utter jerks is hurting us both in the MMO market and in the value of our stock; maybe we can feed them another batch of total ******** and they'll believe it and stop what they're doing so we can go back to raking in huge amounts of money from the games _we_ want to run instead of the games _you_ want to play."

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Whoever thinks that that NCsoft letter wasn't just a crock of ***** needs to get real.

Hope or not, What good it is if we do nothing?



The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Healix View Post
The quote in your sig is awesome.



Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
I've never posted this before, but your message deserves a hearty

People posting this image always makes me giggle, because their intent is that they are clapping for something they think is awesome, but the scene depicted from Citizen kane is Orson Welles clapping despite something being totally awful. The character starts out the only one clapping in that theatre, for a truly horrid performance, because the performer was his wife. A few moments later, some others in the audience start hesitant, awkward clapping just to be polite, like the fake laugh you might do trying to be polite after someone made an unfunny stupid joke.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered