Talk is cheap.....




Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
This is mere forum where there is no prize for right nor lack of for wrong.
This is a mere forum where the words presented are the ONLY medium to convey the message. That makes them more valuable, not less.

Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
The rules shouldn’t only apply to me. I'm the one that is not to respond but yet, they can respond all they like without anyone saying a word to them about it. People can make misspellings all they desire to make, but they can’t overlook one simple mistake in my post.
Oh, I'm not just picking on you. And I hold myself to high standards. I preview every post I make, no matter how brief. It doesn't keep me from making any errors ever, but I really try to communicate as effectively as possible.

Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Was it to correct something that's 'misspelled' (does using the wrong word(s) really qualify as misspelling?) nearly as often as it's spelled correctly?
Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
So what was his intention? I'm kind of curious about that now too. And if this intention is so well intended, why not spread it to other posts with misspellings or wrong word usage?
I do. I don't correct spelling errors, though. Spelling errors can be due to aggressive auto-correction, fingers slipping, etc. But word usage is different.

And clear example of what I'm talking about.
Thread Title: Re: in case you haven't seen...
Yesterday, 09:13 PM Post number three #3 MrLiberty

And I dont see him within an hour tripping over himself trying to correct her, actually he didnt bother to correct her at all. In fact no one did. Yet, it's a capital offense if I misuse it.
How is that an example of anything? I didn't read that line because I didn't get that far. I loathe PvP and, as soon as I saw that was the subject, I skipped the rest of the post and the thread.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
I get what you are saying. It do get tiring always expected to be the "better" person when someone brings some nonsense your way.
Oh, it's not about being the better person. If you really didn't want a derailment or an argument, you wouldn't have jumped in with both feet. The length and number of your posts about this really make it seem like you were itching for an argument.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post

This thread offers nothing productive
Yep. Starting with the first post. So there was really nothing useful or productive to get derailed. Unless someone was keen on the blackmail idea.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Oh, it's not about being the better person. If you really didn't want a derailment or an argument, you wouldn't have jumped in with both feet. The length and number of your posts about this really make it seem like you were itching for an argument.
Nope wasnt itching for an arguement but seemed you are itching for one. I dont go looking for trouble but realized in the past that even when I run from it, it wont cease until it is confronted.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post

How is that an example of anything? I didn't read that line because I didn't get that far. I loathe PvP and, as soon as I saw that was the subject, I skipped the rest of the post and the thread.
Glad you how yourself to a high standard but try not to press that on other people you feel may not have your standards. That post is prime example because they made exactly the same mistake and yet you did not correct them. It seemed the subject was irrelvant to you and you bee lined straight for the mistake as you didnt mention not a single thing about the substance of the post you corrected. And even when you now know of it you still did not go over there and correct them.

Why is this even getting turned into an arguement? Ok I used persay instead of per se. Geesh please got off my tits about it. What more do you want? You win? There you have it. Not even worth argueing over really.

*guess I'm have to put my *disclaimer* one evry single thread and post that I do.*

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Nope wasnt itching for an arguement but seemed you are itching for one. I dont go looking for trouble but realized in the past that even when I run from it, it wont cease until it is confronted.
If the worst trouble you have to deal with is someone pointing out 'per say' is written 'per se', then you probably should consider yourself lucky

And it's spelled 'argument' Also

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
If the worst trouble you have to deal with is someone pointing out 'per say' is written 'per se', then you probably should consider yourself lucky

And it's spelled 'argument' Also
I know that. But frack spelling frack mistakes frack it. No more of this. I come to realize, a little late, but better late than never, that regardless, mistakes or not, who or what not someone will ALWAYS try to start something and do their hardest to find something to start something even though they dont with ANYONE ELSE. Even with someone that made the EXACT same mistake that I did. Oh, but they willingly ignored it even after I pointed it out and willingly ignore the other thread posts. If this beef with me, them frack I beef with them. I tried to be nice. tried to be reasonable. but no more. I'm doubting this game is worth saving with a community like this. You say something that dont match their view, they on your ya case. If you feel diffrently then the way they do, they on your case. If you not in the clique and you make a mistake, they on your case. If you dont make a mistake they will find a problem to get on your case.

But either way, I'm going as buisness as usual like I always had. I rather this game go down and never come back instead of being a dictator ship of people telling you how to think what to say what to do how to feel and etc. Like some people try to make it into. And only picking certain people to point out their mistakes and ignore their "friend's" mistakes. I'm not going to let those people ruin my fun in this game and not goign to tell me how to feel, and mistakes and all I'm going to express myself until it goes under water. I hope who ever buys this game, if they buy this game, know exactly what kind of community they are getting. One that dont believe in free speech and rather point out minor mistake like persay instead of per se for only people they feel like starting trouble with and know that it will run out any new people that will try to come and get it at this rate. If this crap dont change then, even if the miracle happens, it would be nothing but a mere delay of the ineveitable as trying to get everyone to think the same usally always fail in the end. If people focus more on mere mistakes than substance then many people will stop contributing anythign useful. Why? what's the point? They are going to find something anyways as they always have.

I am determined to stay here until nov 30th and be on until the end regardless of the community and their judgemental, error correcting when they make mistakes too, intolerant of any ideas that is different from their view ways.

But luckily, I have found a more suitable community for me so no biggy. CO people on the forums are a little bit more friendly and seem to get the concept that people make grammar mistakes and dont need to always point it out.
Just as someone mentioned that we all are going to die but no need to point it out. We all make mistakes, no need to point them out. But here, enough of going by rules that suppose to apply to me but everyone flout them rules same rules they want me to abide by. Be respectful, be polite, yet they dont do that and everyone else remain silent about it. Go figure but when I address them oh all of a sudden people come out the woodworks.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
And people called me paranoid! So you don't think you're overreacting at all? You don't think wanting the game to die because someone corrected an error in your post is a bit extreme?
ok I over reacted, but it's been going for so long. I cant make a post without something or someone either correcting some mistake, when they make no attempt as correcting any other mistake on the thread, saying this is stupid, that is stupid. and etc. It's always something. Just wished they just let it be sometimes. I said lets not make a big deal about the error, I acknowledged the error, it was small error. NO! they couldnt even do that. But I stand by that if that type of behavior is what this community would be like if the new COX is brought back, where you cant express or even have decent convo about ideas without "Your idea is wrong, my idea is always right." type of talk or insulting people because they dont share the same feeling or view then hell, what would be the point of saving this game? Do I really want to help and even can wish the best for a game where too many community members just plain wave either ignore the entire point of the post to point out mistakes, as if they never make mistakes? COntantly say my vies and feelings are wrong because it dont line up with their views. With all of the names I've been called here, even paranoid before, should I want to wish well this game succeed. In a crazy way that is totally illogical. It's like someone kicking you in the face everytime they see you expecting them to thanks them and then kicking you again for not thanking them for the first kick and then feel dejected and dont understand why you wont bail them out of jail. Or refuse to save them when they are hanging by a finger off a cliff. Even if they are totally nice to everyone else, I cant go by other experiences. Only my own. And it's very highly annoying to have someone correct your mistake, only your mistake and ignore others. How am I expected to take that? It's like you and coworker come in the same time and hapen to be late both for the same time and the boss asks no questions and fire you and give the other person a raise for coming in late. Most people would think that, damn, it cant because I'm late because the other guy got a raise for it and I got canned. so it has to be something else. Which is what I'm thinking when someone corrects me on the posts and usually not the same person, yet, have no record of correctign anyone else. Especially one that made the exact same mistake. They was on this post correcting that one mistake less than and hour and that other post been there more than a day and it wasnt corrected. In fact no one said a single word about the mistake in over a day. But mine, less than an hour? How am I suppose to think about it? Even when I quoted it, the same mistake that someone else made that I did, he didnt go "oh look, they mispelled per se too." Nope. First thing they type is "How is that an example of anything?" First thing they type for me? "It's 'per se'. It's from Latin." Oh so it's ok for them to mispell it but not for me. That is what I'm getting from it. If not "just me" then why wasnt they corrected or why didnt the first thing you notice was they mispelled per se?

And this is not paranoia. This IS what as decribed has happening to me alot here on this server.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Way back in the dark ages of the Internet, I was on a service called the Imagination Network (INN for those in the know). One of the groups I was a part of on INN was called The Trivia Group (or TTG). We had a standing rule. Speeling don't kownt. Mainly that was because you had 20 seconds to come up with an answer to a question over a 14.4k modem. Which, roughly relates to about 5 second to answer the question before time ran out. I actually started out on a 1200 baud modem. So, I was at a disadvantage there.

This is why I rarely will ever correct someone's spelling online. No matter how much it really irks me when they use 1337 or what not.

Now, you can get back to you regularly scheduled raging over grammar.

... Also ...
That is funny.

Or, as they say where I came from.

I don't care whar youse frum, That thar is Hi-lair-ee-us.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Language is a tool. It needs to be used correctly to be most effective. Imagine someone writing a heartfelt appeal to the CEO of NCSoft with various errors and misuse of words. It loses impact.
Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
yea but this isnt one of those letters. This is mere forum where there is no prize for right nor lack of for wrong.
Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
I cant make a post without something or someone either correcting some mistake, when they make no attempt as correcting any other mistake on the thread, saying this is stupid, that is stupid. and etc.
Or maybe it's that each grammar/spelling mistake someone makes has a relatively small chance to elicit a correction... and since you don't care about making spelling/grammar mistakes, you end up making many, many more, which results in you being corrected more than other people (even though everyone is corrected at the same rate based on their errors).

I'd say put more effort into your grammar & spelling. It really isn't hard at all (get a web browser with spellcheck! It's not fool proof, but it certainly does help). It makes your posts far more readable and more persuasive. I'm not one that corrects people at all often (except as a joke, and even that's rare), but if I see a post with muddled grammar and confusing spelling, I'll end up skimming it... and if it's bad enough, I'll simply not read it. If the author doesn't think their words are worth the effort, why should I?

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
+1 internet



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Or maybe it's that each grammar/spelling mistake someone makes has a relatively small chance to elicit a correction... and since you don't care about making spelling/grammar mistakes, you end up making many, many more, which results in you being corrected more than other people (even though everyone is corrected at the same rate based on their errors).

I'd say put more effort into your grammar & spelling. It really isn't hard at all (get a web browser with spellcheck! It's not fool proof, but it certainly does help). It makes your posts far more readable and more persuasive. I'm not one that corrects people at all often (except as a joke, and even that's rare), but if I see a post with muddled grammar and confusing spelling, I'll end up skimming it... and if it's bad enough, I'll simply not read it. If the author doesn't think their words are worth the effort, why should I?
Uhm I put effort into it. Like I said. even with posts that dont have mistakes, they find something else. SO what is the point of trying to please these people that can never be pleased? NOW dont care about it. I'm doing worrying looking for mistakes. We all make them and if they want to act like they dont then they can act like that but we all know everyone makes mistakes. And many people make more mistakes than me. Way more. And yet, people can ignore them, but cant even mispell something as simple as per se without some grammar nazi coming along. I'm dont talking about it. I tried to bend backwards for that spelling stuff, I even used word to check mistakes but if it's one thing after another after another they continue to find, why should I put in this effort for anything if they can even show me a little common decency of fairness? Why should I show any decency at all if they cannot show me any? So now I'm at that point that I'm saying spelling mistakes and all, cant read it tough. My patience has worn out in that regards. I spell check and have to proof read official papers at work 40 hours a week, day in day out to make sure that the legal stuff and papers to higher up look as official as possible. I get paid for that. That is WORK. Here is not work, but some certain people seem be trying to make it seem as much like work as possible and guess what, they aint paying crap not even a little fairness. So you know what? I quit. I'm not letting anyone make this feel like work. I'm going write how I want make mistakes and leave them be, and format the way I see fit. If they make a deal out of it since they cant even over look "persay" and have to make a big deal out of nothing, then fine then, I'ma stoop to their low level and make a big deal about it. But I'ma not eyt goign to stoop so low that I'ma goign to go around looking only mistakes in their post like mine and ignore what they are writing. Cant yet bring myself to that low of a standard where I get my jollies, like some here, going around correcting only one person mistakes and dismisses everyone elses and to add salt to the situation. Expect me to sit there and take it. Hell no! And not all of my posts have mistakes in them, but always put more effort into it put more effort into put more effort into when people find one mistake. Why not go tell that to everyone else that make mistakes. Last I checked this was CITY OF HEROES. NOT FREAKING ENGLISH CLASS WHERE PEOPLE THAT ARE PURE HYPOCRITE LIKE THEY NEVER MADE AND GRAMMAR MISTAKES IN THIER MISABLE LIVES HAVE THE RIGHT TO JUDGE ME JUST BECASUE I MISPELL THINGS. ESPECIALLY SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AND LITTLE ASK PER FREAKING SE! GOD DAMN! I SWEAR all of this over per se. I SAID I FREAKING SAW THE MISTAKE! IF YOU CANT BOTHER TO CORRECT OTHER PEOPLE, DONT GO OUT OF YOUR GOD DAMNED WAY TO CORRECT ME AND THINK I'll be OK WITH IT.
not yelling at you, Lucky666. I think I just had it taking this **** all of the time day and day out trying to be nice, trying to let it go, but no they wont stop. But anyways only have to put up with it for not much of a long time. Then that's it. I still wont let them ruin my day. no. They try all the tactics they want I'm going to be here until the 30th to see the game off. At first, for the community and maybe say goodbye but now it's purely for me. as it's obvious they dont give a crap about me so why give a crap about them. I put in so much effort to save the game, even convinced husband, who despises games, to put a large sum of money away just in case that what it takes. But screw that, what the hell am I saving? So people can continue to focus only on my mistakes? What sane person would do that? Not me, that money is goign to better use now. I'll just sit back and watch the game burn and watch the fireworks come NOV 30th. Where ever people like that go after that, I hope they can somehow rebuild COX or some semblence at least that means they aint on other games ruining the community.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



actually now I feel better. What was we talking about?

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Uhm I put effort into it. Like I said. even with posts that dont have mistakes, they find something else. SO what is the point of trying to please these people that can never be pleased? NOW dont care about it. I'm doing worrying looking for mistakes. We all make them and if they want to act like they dont then they can act like that but we all know everyone makes mistakes. And many people make more mistakes than me. Way more. And yet, people can ignore them, but cant even mispell something as simple as per se without some grammar nazi coming along. I'm dont talking about it. I tried to bend backwards for that spelling stuff, I even used word to check mistakes but if it's one thing after another after another they continue to find, why should I put in this effort for anything if they can even show me a little common decency of fairness? Why should I show any decency at all if they cannot show me any? So now I'm at that point that I'm saying spelling mistakes and all, cant read it tough. My patience has worn out in that regards. I spell check and have to proof read official papers at work 40 hours a week, day in day out to make sure that the legal stuff and papers to higher up look as official as possible. I get paid for that. That is WORK. Here is not work, but some certain people seem be trying to make it seem as much like work as possible and guess what, they aint paying crap not even a little fairness. So you know what? I quit. I'm not letting anyone make this feel like work. I'm going write how I want make mistakes and leave them be, and format the way I see fit. If they make a deal out of it since they cant even over look "persay" and have to make a big deal out of nothing, then fine then, I'ma stoop to their low level and make a big deal about it. But I'ma not eyt goign to stoop so low that I'ma goign to go around looking only mistakes in their post like mine and ignore what they are writing. Cant yet bring myself to that low of a standard where I get my jollies, like some here, going around correcting only one person mistakes and dismisses everyone elses and to add salt to the situation. Expect me to sit there and take it. Hell no! And not all of my posts have mistakes in them, but always put more effort into it put more effort into put more effort into when people find one mistake. Why not go tell that to everyone else that make mistakes. Last I checked this was CITY OF HEROES. NOT FREAKING ENGLISH CLASS WHERE PEOPLE THAT ARE PURE HYPOCRITE LIKE THEY NEVER MADE AND GRAMMAR MISTAKES IN THIER MISABLE LIVES HAVE THE RIGHT TO JUDGE ME JUST BECASUE I MISPELL THINGS. ESPECIALLY SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AND LITTLE ASK PER FREAKING SE! GOD DAMN! I SWEAR all of this over per se. I SAID I FREAKING SAW THE MISTAKE! IF YOU CANT BOTHER TO CORRECT OTHER PEOPLE, DONT GO OUT OF YOUR GOD DAMNED WAY TO CORRECT ME AND THINK I'll be OK WITH IT.
not yelling at you, Lucky666. I think I just had it taking this **** all of the time day and day out trying to be nice, trying to let it go, but no they wont stop. But anyways only have to put up with it for not much of a long time. Then that's it. I still wont let them ruin my day. no. They try all the tactics they want I'm going to be here until the 30th to see the game off. At first, for the community and maybe say goodbye but now it's purely for me. as it's obvious they dont give a crap about me so why give a crap about them. I put in so much effort to save the game, even convinced husband, who despises games, to put a large sum of money away just in case that what it takes. But screw that, what the hell am I saving? So people can continue to focus only on my mistakes? What sane person would do that? Not me, that money is goign to better use now. I'll just sit back and watch the game burn and watch the fireworks come NOV 30th. Where ever people like that go after that, I hope they can somehow rebuild COX or some semblence at least that means they aint on other games ruining the community.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
So? When it wasnt a wall of text, someone had something to say that had nothing to do with the subject of what I wrote so it would seem that whether or not it's a wall of text or not doesnt make a lick of difference.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!







Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Glad you how yourself to a high standard but try not to press that on other people you feel may not have your standards. That post is prime example because they made exactly the same mistake and yet you did not correct them.
Reading comprehension fail? I SAID I didn't even see their mistake because the post was about PvP so I didn't read it.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
actually now I feel better. What was we talking about?




Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
Uhm I put effort into it. Like I said. even with posts that dont have mistakes, they find something else. SO what is the point of trying to please these people that can never be pleased? NOW dont care about it. I'm doing worrying looking for mistakes. We all make them and if they want to act like they dont then they can act like that but we all know everyone makes mistakes. And many people make more mistakes than me. Way more. And yet, people can ignore them, but cant even mispell something as simple as per se without some grammar nazi coming along. I'm dont talking about it. I tried to bend backwards for that spelling stuff, I even used word to check mistakes but if it's one thing after another after another they continue to find, why should I put in this effort for anything if they can even show me a little common decency of fairness? Why should I show any decency at all if they cannot show me any? So now I'm at that point that I'm saying spelling mistakes and all, cant read it tough. My patience has worn out in that regards. I spell check and have to proof read official papers at work 40 hours a week, day in day out to make sure that the legal stuff and papers to higher up look as official as possible. I get paid for that. That is WORK. Here is not work, but some certain people seem be trying to make it seem as much like work as possible and guess what, they aint paying crap not even a little fairness. So you know what? I quit. I'm not letting anyone make this feel like work. I'm going write how I want make mistakes and leave them be, and format the way I see fit. If they make a deal out of it since they cant even over look "persay" and have to make a big deal out of nothing, then fine then, I'ma stoop to their low level and make a big deal about it. But I'ma not eyt goign to stoop so low that I'ma goign to go around looking only mistakes in their post like mine and ignore what they are writing. Cant yet bring myself to that low of a standard where I get my jollies, like some here, going around correcting only one person mistakes and dismisses everyone elses and to add salt to the situation. Expect me to sit there and take it. Hell no! And not all of my posts have mistakes in them, but always put more effort into it put more effort into put more effort into when people find one mistake. Why not go tell that to everyone else that make mistakes. Last I checked this was CITY OF HEROES. NOT FREAKING ENGLISH CLASS WHERE PEOPLE THAT ARE PURE HYPOCRITE LIKE THEY NEVER MADE AND GRAMMAR MISTAKES IN THIER MISABLE LIVES HAVE THE RIGHT TO JUDGE ME JUST BECASUE I MISPELL THINGS. ESPECIALLY SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AND LITTLE ASK PER FREAKING SE! GOD DAMN! I SWEAR all of this over per se. I SAID I FREAKING SAW THE MISTAKE! IF YOU CANT BOTHER TO CORRECT OTHER PEOPLE, DONT GO OUT OF YOUR GOD DAMNED WAY TO CORRECT ME AND THINK I'll be OK WITH IT.
not yelling at you, Lucky666. I think I just had it taking this **** all of the time day and day out trying to be nice, trying to let it go, but no they wont stop. But anyways only have to put up with it for not much of a long time. Then that's it. I still wont let them ruin my day. no. They try all the tactics they want I'm going to be here until the 30th to see the game off. At first, for the community and maybe say goodbye but now it's purely for me. as it's obvious they dont give a crap about me so why give a crap about them. I put in so much effort to save the game, even convinced husband, who despises games, to put a large sum of money away just in case that what it takes. But screw that, what the hell am I saving? So people can continue to focus only on my mistakes? What sane person would do that? Not me, that money is goign to better use now. I'll just sit back and watch the game burn and watch the fireworks come NOV 30th. Where ever people like that go after that, I hope they can somehow rebuild COX or some semblence at least that means they aint on other games ruining the community.
It's not that hard to spell right and have good grammar. Also it's "semblance", and you misspelled "misspell".



This is really doom.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Entranced by this... DAMN YOU.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Reading comprehension fail? I SAID I didn't even see their mistake because the post was about PvP so I didn't read it.
And when I pointed it out, like I said, and you seemingly overlooked, still did not go, "oh, they mispelled per se." And I bet by now, you still didnt even bother to go out of your way, to the thread and correct them.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
It's not that hard to spell right and have good grammar. Also it's "semblance", and you misspelled "misspell".
Am I the only one that make mistakes, or the only one you choose to point that out to? Why am I required to or even bother with it, if it's not required by anyone else? So if it's not going to be enforced evenly, then I'm not following it. I'm going to write the way I feel like it and grammar mistakes and all as no point in having to follow a rule that only applies to me but everyone else get free passes.
You can take it or leave it. With the rule that is not being applied to most people, I choose to leave it as it's ********.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
Nope, I wanted it to be *was* and that is how it will stay. Unless you want to find a way to edit it, then have at it.

-Female Player-
Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Evil_Legacy became one of my favorite posters with two words.
"Kick Rocks."
I laffed so hard. Never change, E_L!